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The air bag is a piece of safety equipment in cars. It was first designed by John W. Hetrick in 1952. Like many inventions, he came up with the idea as a result of an event that had occurred in his life. He says:
“In the spring of 1952, my wife, my seven-year-old daughter, Joan, and I were out for a Sunday drive in our 1948 Chrysler Windsor. About three miles outside Newport we were watching for deer jumping across the road. Suddenly, there was a large rock in our path. I hit the brakes and we went into a ditch(壕沟).
“As I applied the brakes, both my wife and I threw our hands up to keep our daughter from hitting the car. There was soft mud in the ditch, so the car wasn’t damaged, and no one was hurt.”
“During the ride home I couldn’t stop thinking about the accident. I asked myself,‘Why couldn’t some object come out to stop you from striking the inside of the car?’As soon as I got home that night I drew some sketches(草图). Each evening for the following two weeks, I’d add or reduce something from the sketches.”
Hetrick applied an event he had observed while in the Navy to the design of the air bag. He was repairing a torpedo(鱼雷) which had a cloth covering. When the compressed(压缩的) air that was in the torpedo was let out, the covering was suddenly filled with air and was shot to the ceiling.
With this knowledge, he developed his design until he was able to obtain a patent on the invention on August 5, 1952. The idea was similar to the air bag designs of today. Compressed air is stored in a container and when a traffic accident occurs and the car slows down at a rapid enough rate, the air will be released into the air bag. The idea was ingenious, but Hetrick’s air bag never would have functioned properly. It was really a breakthrough, but it would require years and years of designing and testing by some top car designers before it could be used.
小题1:The car accident Hetrick was involved in ________.
A.damaged his carB.happened in 1948
C.was caused by a deerD.caused no harm to his family
小题2:Hetrick’s experience in the Navy________.
A.turned out to be dangerousB.was helpful to his invention
C.involved designing torpedoesD.inspired him to design an air bag
小题3:The underlined word “ingenious” in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to _______.
小题4:What do we know about the air bag Hetrick designed?
A.It came into use in the 1950s.B.It performed perfectly in car accidents.
C.It prepared the way for air bags nowadays.D.It took Hetrick about two months to develop it.
小题5:The text is mainly about ____.
A.the great inventor HetrickB.The invention of air bags
C.a terrible car accidentD.road safety in the 1950s



试题分析:这篇文章讲的是气囊是如何发明的。一方面是John W. Hetrick自己的一次车祸,还有在海军的经历都促使他发明了气囊。
小题1:细节题:从第三段的句子:There was soft mud in the ditch, so the car wasn’t damaged, and no one was hurt.”可知那次车祸中没有人受伤。选D
小题2:细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:Hetrick applied an event he had observed while in the Navy to the design of the air bag. 可知他在海军的经历对这个发明是有帮助的。选B
小题3:猜词题:从前面的句子:Compressed air is stored in a container and when a traffic accident occurs and the car slows down at a rapid enough rate, the air will be released into the air bag. 可知这个想法很有创造力。选A
小题4:细节题:从最后一段的句子:The idea was similar to the air bag designs of today. but it would require years and years of designing and testing by some top car designers before it could be used.
小题5:主旨题:从第一段的句子:The air bag is a piece of safety equipment in cars. It was first designed by John W. Hetrick in 1952. Like many inventions,可知这篇文章讲的是气囊的发明。选B
试题【The air bag is a piece of safety equipment in cars. It was first designed by Joh】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Terra-cotta Warriors
As the greatest archaeological findings of the 20th century, Terra-cotta Warriors has a really long history.In 246 BC, Qin Shi Huang, later the first Emperor of all China, had begun to prepare for his mausoleum which took 11 years to finish to defend him in the afterlife.There are over 7,000 pottery soldiers, horses, bronze chariots, and even weapons found in it now.Terra-cotta Warriors was listed by UNESCO in 1987 as one of the world cultural heritages and it has made Xi’an a famous city for tourists.
Big Wild Goose Pagoda
The Big Wild Goose Pagoda has a history of over 1,300 years and is a typical ancient Chinese building.It is located in the south of Xi’an City.Because Master Xuanzang stored his classics brought from India in the pagoda, it is also a holy place for Buddhists.As a National Key Cultural Relic Preserve, it won the title of an AAAA Tourist Attraction as well.
Xi’an Ancient City Wall
As one of the landmarks of Xi’an, Ancient City Wall still stretches round the old city today, dividing the city into the inner part and the outer part.Ancient City Wall was originally built during the old Tang Dynasty (618 — 907) and then enlarged by Zhu Yuanzhang, Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, thus forming the modern Xi’an City Wall.After the extension, the wall now stands 12 meters tall, 12-14 meters wide at the top and 15-18 meters thick at the bottom.
小题1:What is The Big Wild Goose Pagoda most famous for?
A.It has a history of over 1,300 years.
B.It is a typical ancient Chinese building.
C.It is a holy place for Buddhists.
D.It won the title of an AAAA Tourist Attraction.
小题2:When was the modern Xi’an City Wall formed?
A.In the Tang Dynasty.B.In AD907.
C.In modern times.D.In the Ming Dynasty.
小题3:Who are the text written for?

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Johann Gutenberg, who worked as a goldsmith (金匠), took what had already been discovered, and created a small invention that changed history. He created a machine that allowed him to move small blocks of letters in such a way that written material could be printed and mass-produced. Few people could read before Guttenberg made the invention, but once books became less expensive, more Europeans could read and write.
Block printing existed long before Gutenberg. The Chinese had been using wood blocks to print books as early as 868, but a new set of woodcuts (木刻印版) had to be made for each book. Producing one book was not easy; producing all kinds of books was more difficult.
Writing ink dates from about 2500 BC in Egypt and China. Gutenberg used an oil-based printing ink that would last longer than other inks used in his time. We don’t know much about Gutenberg because he was not famous during his lifetime. He was born in Germany about 1400. In 1448, Gutenberg developed signatures for each number, letter, and punctuation mark (标点符号). He then built the molds (模型) to hold the signatures in place. Gutenberg published the first mass-produced book: a 1,282 page Bible. To this day, more copies of the Bible have been printed than any other book.
Copies of Gutenberg’s invention spread throughout Europe, but the German goldsmith did not get rich from his invention. Some officials denounced the invention of printing because they feared that it would spread bad ideas. By 1500 there were 1,700 printing presses in Europe. The presses had already produced about 20 million volumes (册) of 40,000 different books.
小题1:What happened after Johann Gutenberg’s invention?
A.People could afford to read books.
B.People became interested in inventing.
C.It was still difficult to print all kinds of books.
D.Punctuation mark began to be used in printing.
小题2: Compared with block printing in China, Johann Gutenberg’s method _____.
A.was difficult to run
B.needed harder paper
C.used a new kind of ink
D.was put into use earlier
小题3:The underlined word “denounced” in the last paragraph means _____.
A.fought against B.accepted
C.laughed at D.supported
小题4:What is the best title for the text?
A.A famous 1,282 page Bible
B.The life of a famous inventor
C.An invention that changed history
D.The development of printing

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England has been the birthplace of most of the great English-language theater written throughout history. Most of the plays in England that are truly famous have something in common. They usually come from a playwright(剧作家) with several famous plays.
William Shakespeare is considered the most famous British playwright. Shakespeare has a large catalog(目录) of tragedies, comedies and history plays, and each category is home to some of the most famous plays ever written. Hamlet, Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Othello and Julius Caesar are all tragedies and performed in theaters around the world every year. Famous comedies include A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Much Ado About Nothing. In the history category, Richard Ⅲ and Henry Ⅴ are very famous.
Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw
Several hundred years after Shakespeare, English people began to enjoy the works of Oscar Wilde and George Bernard Shaw. Wilde’s plays are still popular now, and The Importance of Being Earnest is both performed and studied extremely frequently. A Woman of No Importance and An Ideal Husband are among his other famous works. Shaw and Wilde were born within a few years of each other, but Shaw was a much more productive writer. His most famous plays include Pygmalion and Candida. Shaw’s plays are loved so much that an entire theater company is devoted to performing his work in Niagara-on-the-Lake in southern Ontario.
Harold Pinter
The plays of Harold Pinter certainly have an international presence. His writing was so widely recognized for its importance that he was awarded the Nobel Prize in literature in 2005. Pinter is especially known for his style of writing. Many of his plays such as Betrayal, The Dumb Waiter and his first play, The Room, are extremely well known.
小题1:The writer wrote this passage to       .
A.advise us to spend more time enjoying plays
B.explain why England has so many wonderful plays
C.tell us about some famous British playwrights and their works
D.tell us the differences among some British playwrights
小题2:What do the works in the underlined part in Paragraph 2 have in common?
A.They are all Shakespeare’s early works.
B.They are all tragedies written by Shakespeare.
C.They are all Shakespeare’s famous comedies.
D.They all belong to the history category of Shakespeare’s plays.
小题3:Which of the following plays were most probably written in the same period of time?
A.The Dumb Waiter and A Woman of No Importance.
B.Richard Ⅲ and A Woman of No Importance.
C.An Ideal Husband and Candida.
D.Candida and Betrayal.
小题4:Who was mentioned in this passage that he had received the Nobel Prize because of his writing?
A.William Shakespeare.B.Oscar Wilde.
C.George Bernard Shaw.D.Harold Pinter.

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Bungee jumping is not a new activity. Men on Pentecost Island in the South Pacific have been doing land jumping for hundreds of years. The men tie long vines(藤) from plants around their ankles(踝关节). They spend days building tall towers out of vines and logs(圆木). Then they jump off them.
According to their beliefs, the first land diver was a woman. She decided to run away from her rude husband. So she climbed up a tall tree and tied some vines around her feet. Her husband also climbed up the tree and tried to catch her, but the woman jumped and the man followed. The vines saved her life, but her husband died.
This ancient custom caught the interest of some students at Oxford University in England. In the late 1970s, they formed a group called the Dangerous Sports Club. They were some of the first people to test several of what are now called extreme sports. They are said to have invented modern bungee jumping.
In the spring of 1979, members of the group jumped off the Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England. They were attached to the bridge by a bungee cord, a long elastic rope that stretches. The group soon received even more attention when they organized a bungee jump off the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, California.
A man named A. J. Hackett of New Zealand decided to make the sport into a business. He started developing bungee ropes and material with a friend. They held a major jump in 1987 off the famous Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. They later got permission to open the first bungee jumping operation on the Kawarau Bridge in Queenstown, New Zealand. Many people paid 75 dollars to jump off the bridge with a bungee cord attached to their ankles.
小题1:The second paragraph tries to tell us________________.
A.a story about a woman land diver
B.the beginning of modern bungee jumping
C.the beginning of land jumping on Pentecost Island
D.a story about a brave woman and her rude husband
小题2:The underlined word them in the first paragraph refers to__________.
A.plantsB.tall towersC.vinesD.logs
小题3: The Dangerous Sports Club first caught people’s attention when they jumped off_________.
A.the Eiffel TowerB.the Kawarau Bridge
C.the Golden Gate BridgeD.the Clifton Suspension Bridge

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__小题1:__ This was not because the woods and fields were always far away, but because they were too far from the city to permit people to make a day trip between morning and nightfall.
___小题2:___ He decided to turn his little school house into a dormitory for the summer holidays. Anyone who brought his sleeping bag and cooking equipment along could stay there for a very small quantity of money. The idea was a success. A few years later, the school house was much too small to hold the many young people who wanted to stay there. ___小题3:___ This was the first hostel (青年招待所).
Today, young students and workers of every country can meet in the hostel and get to know each other. When young people arrive at the hostel, they have only to show their cards of membership in a hostel organization in their own country. ___小题4:___
Often, at the evening meal, a group of boys and girls from various parts of the country or world will happen to meet at the same hostel. They may put their food together and prepare a dinner with many kinds of dishes. Sometimes a program will be organized after the meal with dances, songs, or short talks followed by a question period.___小题5:___  For this reason, a few weeks spent ‘hostelling’ can be just as useful a part of one’s education as classes in school.
A.In 1970, a young German school master had an idea which changed this situation.
B.People can stay in the hostel if they brought enough equipment with them.
C.One can learn a lot about other places, just by meeting people from those places.
D.As a result, a dormitory was set up in an old castle nearby.
E. For years, children in the industrial areas of Europe seldom left their cities to see the beauties of the countryside.
F. More and more young people went to the hostel for summer holidays.
G. This card will permit them to stay in a hostel all over the world for very low prices.
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