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One event that helps educate young people about things they can do for others is National Youth Service Day (NYSD). Every year on this day, organizations all over the country celebrate young volunteers, educate young people about how they can help their country, and invite them to participate in service projects. Former Secretary of State Colin Powell said, “National Youth Service Day honors young volunteers and is an invitation to others to join hands and do our part as Americans.”
Founded in 1988, NYSD originally took place on a Tuesday. Now the event lasts from Friday until Sunday so that more people can participate in it. More than 200 organizations work together to create thousands of projects each year. Millions of young people across the United States take part in these service projects.
Long before the event, people, community groups, schools, and nonprofit organizations think of ways to meet their communities’ needs. Then, they plan projects for young volunteers. Projects include bringing food to hungry people, tutoring younger children and helping senior citizens. During the event, young people from the community do things like planting neighborhood gardens and cleaning up local parks.
The organizations that contribute to NYSD believe that volunteering and community service are important activities for people of all ages, but especially for young people. Young people who volunteer are more likely to do well in school, vote, and contribute to charities. More important, they help other people and make the world a better place for everyone.
小题1:The aim of National Youth Service Day is to _______.
A.educate young people on responsibility
B.invite young people to meet each other
C.encourage young people to serve others
D.celebrate the growth of young people
小题2:On National Youth Service Day, young volunteers will _______.
A.do some cleaning in public places
B.prepare food for hungry people
C.plant vegetables and fruit
D.help old people to learn
小题3:The purpose of writing this passage is to _______.
A.warn young people not to affect their schooling during volunteering
B.keep a record of how young people celebrate their festival
C.introduce an event — National Youth Service Day
D.advise young people to be cooperative when volunteering



试题【One event that helps educate young people about things they can do for others is】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
While still in its early stages, welfare reform has already been judged a great success in many states-at least in getting people off welfare. It’s estimated that more than 2 million people have left the rolls since 1994.
In the past four years, welfare rolls in Athens County have been cut in half. But 15 percents of the people who left in the past two years took jobs that paid less than $6 an hour. The resuit: The Athens County poverty rate still remains at more than 30 percent-twice the national average.
For advocates (代言人) for the poor, that’s an indication that much more needs to be done.
“More people are getting jobs, but it’s not making their lives any better,” says Kathy Lairn,a policy analyst at the Center on Budget and policy Priorities in Washington.
A center analysis of US Census data nationwide found that between 1995 and 1996, a greater percentage of single, female-headed households were earning money on their own, but that average income for these households actually went down.
But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.  
“Welfare was a poison. It was a toxin(毒素) that was poisoning the family,” says Robert Rector, a welfarereform policy analyst. “The reform is changing the moral climate in lowincome communities. It’s beginning to rebuild the work ethic(道德观), which is much more important.”
Mr. Rector and others argued that once “the habit of dependency is cracked, ”then the country can make other policy changes aimed at improving living standards.
13.From the passage, it can be seen that the auther .      
A.believes the reform has reduced the government’s burden
B.insists that welfare reform is doing little good for the poor
C.is overenthusiastic about the success of welfare reform
D.considers welfare reform to be fundamentally successful
14.Why aren’t people enjoying better lives when they have jobs?
A.Because many families are divorced.        B.Because government aid is now rare.
C.Because their wages are low.               D.Because the cost of living is rising.
15.What is worth noting from the example of Athens County is that .      
A.greater efforts should be made to improve people’s living standards
B.15 percent of the people there have been employed for two years
C.50 percent of the population no longer relies on welfare
D.the living standards of most people are going down
16.From the passage we know that welfare reform aims at_______ .
A.saving welfare funds                       B.rebuilding the work ethics(观念)
C.providing more jobs                        D.cutting government expenses
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The United States became a rich industrial nation toward the end of 1800s. There were more goods, more services, more jobs, and a higher standard of living. There was more of everything, including problems. One problem was monopoly, that is, to be the only seller of a certain line of products or a service. In some cases, several companies that manufactured the same product would agree not to compete with one another. They would all agree to charge the same price. These arrangements made it impossible for customers to shop around for lower prices for certain products.
Some people decided that huge corporations had too much power and controlled too many markets. Because of their wealth and power, they could see to it that governments passed laws favorable to them. Many people believed that monopoly and price fixing were bad for customers and bad for the country so that they should be broken up.
Finally the national government and some states passed laws that placed limits on corporations and big companies. These laws made it illegal for companies to make agreements to charge only a certain price. Later on the national government forced monopoly to be broken up.
Such laws and government action didn’t entirely do away with monopolies. Nor did they stop the growth of huge corporations. But they did show that American people had decided that some of the changes that had occurred were harmful. (from www.nmet168.com)
1. The underlined word “monopoly” in the first paragraph most probably means ________.
A. the production of certain kinds of goods  B. complete control and possession of trade
C. a big corporation of company            D. an agreement on prices
2. Because of the agreements between big companies ________.
A. people had to buy things at certain shops  B. the prices of their goods were much lower
C. customers had no choice but to buy      D. there were fewer markets in some states
3. According to the laws, companies ________.
A. were not allowed to control the markets
B. could not force the customers to buy their products
C. should have fixed prices for their products
D. must produce the same kind of goods for the same markets
4. Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A. Big companies could not influence the government.
B. A large number of markets were controlled by big companies.
C. Many Americans were worried about the changes in their country.
D. Some of the laws were in favor of customers.
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The days of elderly women doing nothing but cooking huge meals on holidays are gone. Enter the Red Hat Society -a group holding the belief that old ladies should have fun.
“My grandmothers didn’t do anything but keep house and serve everybody. They were programmed to do that,” said Emily Cornette, head of a chapter of the 7-year-old Red Hat Society.
While men have long spent their time fishing and playing golf, women have sometimes seemed to become unnoticed as they age. But the generation now turning 50 is the baby boomers(生育高峰期出生的人), and the same people who refused their parents’ way of being young are now trying a new way of growing old.
If you take into consideration feminism(女权主义), a bit of spare money, and better health for most elderly, the Red Hat Society looks almost inevitable(必然的). In this society, women over 50 wear red hats and purple(紫色的) clothes, while the women under 50 wear pink hats and light purple clothing.
“The organization took the idea from a poem by Jenny Joseph that begins: “When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple. With a red hat which doesn’t go,” said Ellen Cooper, who founded the Red Hat Society in 1998. When the ladies started to wear the red hats, they attracted lots of attention.
“The point of this is that we need a rest from always doing something for someone else,” Cooper said. “Women feel so ashamed and sorry when they do something for themselves.” This is why chapters are discouraged from raising money or doing anything useful. “We’re a ladies’ play group. It couldn’t be more simple,” added Cooper’s assistant Joe Heywood.
1.The underlined word “chapter” in paragraph 2 means __________.
A.one branch of an organization              
B.a written agreement of a club
C.one part of a collection of poems         
D.a period in a society’s history
2.From the text , we know that the “baby boomers” are a group of people who         
A.have gradually become more noticeable                                
B.are worried about getting old too quickly 
C.are enjoying a good life with plenty of money to spend
D.tried living a different life from their parents when they were young
3.It could be inferred from the text that members of the Red Hat Society are          .
A.interested in raising money for social work
B.programmers who can plan well for their future
C.believers in equality between men and women
D.good at cooking big meals and taking care of others
4.Who set up the Red Hat Society ?
A.Emily Cornette .   B.Ellen Cooper .  
C.Jenny Joseph .    D.Joe Heywood .
5.Women join the Red Hat Society because          .
A.they want to stay young  
B.they would like to appear more attractive
C.they would like to have fun and live for themselves
D.they want to be more like their parents
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A Chilean(智利) soap-opera star, a beauty from Ancient Pompeii and a freckled (雀斑的)boyish girl hardly make an average beauty show line-up.
The first world-wide digital beauty contest to the surprise of many online fans was won by a woman who is virtually(虚拟) real flesh and bones. “Virtual models are not the anti-real, they are a different representation of reality,” said Franz Cerami, the organiser of Miss Digital World (数字世界小姐).
Each of the contestants had to provide the charming photo of high degrees, with date of birth and body measurements.
Chilean Rodolfo Perez Ayala decided that no figure of his imagination could beat the beauty of his wife, Katty Kowaleczko, so he hired artist Flavio Parra to recreate her. Kowaleczko, who plays Paula Sandoval in the popular Latin American soap opera Tentacion, was transformed into Katty-ko and won the digital contest with more than 17,000 online votes.
“I’m so happy Katty-ko won. I think her strength is her similarity to a real woman-not too luxurious or exposed”, Kowaleczko, 40, told reporters. “Her beauty is in her simplicity.” Kowaleczko was not afraid of being replaced by her 3D clone in movies or theatres, but hoped she would become “a sort of ambassador(使者) of Chilean beauty”.
Cerami said Latin American interest in Miss Digital World had greatly increased since Katty-ko joined the contest, which attracted about 3600 entries from countries from Iran to Australia and even from the ancient Roman empire.
“Pompea” was the digital reconstruction of a young woman killed by the outbreak of Vesuvius in 79 AD. “She was a slave, but also a rich man’s lover. When her body was discovered, many jewels and a bangle(手镯) with the writing ‘from the master to his servant girl’ were found” said Genny Tortora, a professor at the University of Salerno who led Pompea’s creative team.
Other contestants included Kaya, the most realistic model with digital freckles, pouty (噘起的) lips and upturned nose.
Now, Cerami’s dream is to manage a form of virtual beauties, introducing them for calendars, games, ads, and movies. One is even reported to be heading for Playboy’s front page.
8.The winner in the first Miss Digital World contest was ________.
A. a star who performed in some soap operas
B. a beauty who came from Chilean
C. a beauty who was from the ancient Roman empire
D. a made-up beauty based on a real woman.
9. Which group of the following are the names for the digital beauties mentioned in the passage?
A. Katty-ko, Pompea, Kaya.   B. Katty Kowaleczko, Pompea, Playboy.
C. Flavio Parra, Genny Tortora, Franz Cerami.
D. Rodolfo Perez Ayala, Pompea, Franz Cerami
10. The digital beauty “Pompea” was created by ________.
A. Genny Tortora   B. a group of people  C. by a young woman    D. a rich man
11. What the organiser of Miss Digital World wants to do next is ________.
A. sell pictures of beauties for calendars     B. hold another contest
C. put the digital beauties into practical use.  D. start an ads company
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Russian tradition orders that men should kiss each other three times on the cheeks at official functions. Now, a new ruling in Moscow is calling for politicians in the capital to stick to the old handshake. According to Britain"s The Telegraph newspaper, politicians in Moscow have been told to stop kissing each other when they meet because the “kissing ceremony” takes so long.
Leonid Brezhnev, the general secretary of the Communist Party from 1964 to 1982, was famous for treating male colleagues to a full lip-lock. One photograph of him kissing Erich Honecker, the leader of the Democratic Republic of Germany, was used for a protest painting on the Berlin Wall with the caption: "Oh, God, help me survive this deadly love".
Kissing three times on the cheeks at official occasions is a Russian tradition. The practice has been revived among high-ranking officials in past years. In the distant past, a kiss from the tsar (emperor) was the highest sign of recognition. The Moscow ruling, however, has prompted authorities in other cities to consider banning the practice.
Alexei Kleshko, a parliament member in Siberia, said: “Single-sex kisses should be avoided, including at official meetings. It"s enough to shake hands. Of course, if one is talking about a long friendship or fatherly relations, it might be OK to embrace. But that"s the maximum that should be allowed.”
Another MP Vladimir Gorlov, said he only allowed himself to kiss the hand of a woman at work: "There are informal relations and there are meetings governed by protocol," he said. “When a man is kissing another man at an official event, I have a negative attitude towards it. There are rules of decency. "
5. Moscow is calling for politicians to stick to handshake because ________.
A. it is popular at home and abroad   B. it is their tradition
C. it saves time                   D. Russian women have a strong love of it
6. By mentioning Brezhnev, the author ________.
A. wants to show his respect to Brezhner
B. admires Brezhnev for his skills at kissing
C. just shows the media made fun of pictures of politicians kissing
D. praises Brezhnev’s good relation with Honecker
7. If the tsar kissed a Russian woman, she would feel ________.
A. nervous       B. proud            C. shameful       D. curious
8. We can infer from the last two paragraphs that ________.
A. Kleshko is strongly against any kind of kiss
B. Kleshko is a man out of date
C. Gorlove shares the same view with Kleshko is single-sex kisses
D. Gorlove won’t kiss any man in any form
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