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Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a long time ago, it wasn"t easy at all. Before 1750, the idea of skating didn"t exist. That changed because of a man named Joseph Merlin. Merlin"s work was making musical instruments. In his spare time he liked to play the violin. Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams. People called him a dreamer.
 One day Merlin received an invitation to attend a fancy dress ball. He was very pleased and a little excited. As the day of the party came near, Merlin began to think how to make a grand entrance at the party. He had an idea. He thought he would get a lot of attention if he could skate into the room.
  Merlin tried different ways to make himself roll. Finally, he decided to put two wheels under each shoe. These were the first roller skates. Merlin was very proud of his invention and dreamed of arriving at the party on wheels while playing the violin.
 On the night of the party Merlin rolled into the room playing his violin. Everyone was astonished to see him. There was just one problem. Merlin had no way to stop his roller skates. He rolled on and on. Suddenly, he ran into a huge mirror that was hanging on the wall. Down fell the mirror, breaking to pieces. Nobody forgot Merlin"s grand entrance for a long time!
小题1:The text is mainly about_________.
A.a strange man
B.an unusual party
C.how roller skating began
D.how people enjoyed themselves in the 18th century
 小题2:People thought Merlin was a dreamer because he________.
A.often gave others surprises    B.was a gifted musician
C.invented the roller skates    D.was full of imagination
 小题3: Merlin put wheels under his shoes in order to_______.
A.impress the party guests     B.arrive at the party sooner
C.test his invention        D.show his skill in walking on wheels
 小题4: What is the main point the writer is trying to make in the last paragraph?
A.The roller skates needed further improvement.
B.The party guests took Merlin for a fool.
C.Merlin succeeded beyond expectation.
D.Merlin got himself into trouble.



小题1:这是一道主旨题。从文章中可以看出该文章属于说明文体裁。就题材看属于文化类方面的文章。主要介绍的是Roller skating是如何形成的。故C为本题的最佳答案。
小题2:本题属于一道细节题。从文中的Joseph Merlin was a man of ideas and dreams一句,可以看出D为本题的正确答案。
小题3:这是一道细节题。从文章的第二自然段的最后一句可以看出Merlin想到“滑进”房间的真正目的是get a lot of attention (from the guests),故A为本题的正确答案。
试题【Today, roller skating is easy and fun. But a long time ago, it wasn"t easy at al】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

A Fan of Dae Jang Geum《大长今》影迷
Dae Jang Geum (《大长今》) is a hot new Korean TV series. Because of this series, my personal status and living standard have been greatly ___1__. My girlfriend used to cook every evening. Well, now she does nothing but ___2__ in front of the TV when she’s not __3__, and commands me, “You — go to make some instant noodles. Come and watch the play and just imagine we are enjoying Korean __4___.”
She also swears to __5__ all Korean dishes in Dae Jang Geum. So she orders me to __6__ the TV and record any details of Jang Geum’s cooking. But when she presented her version of Korean food, it is like the dog-meal. “You can __7__ get things done if you find the right tools”, my girlfriend blamed her clumsy (笨拙的) kitchen performances on __8__. So I decided to __9__ her a new kitchen knife. In a store, she became unusually __10__ when making her selection. She finally picked one that was __11__ Jang Geum’s. To prove that her slow knife skill was due to the blunt (钝的) knives, she __12__ her cutting. As a result, she hurt her fingers three times. Fortunately the knife is not __13__ the salesman boasts.
My girlfriend is a fan of Jang Geum’s Korean __14__. Not only did she talk about the dress every day, she also threatened to change my tie into a __15__ like the one on Jang Geum’s dress. Finally, I lost my patience and took her to a maternity shop (孕妇专卖店) where I recommend (推荐) one suit to her, “Do you think it looks like a Korean dress?” __16__, my future parents-in-law just happened to be shopping at the time. They were __17__ when they saw what we were doing.
The Dae Jang Geum series __18__ realizing the ambition of the youth. However, it fails to realize my girlfriend’s. __19__ being engaged in her work or study, she simply sits on the sofa every night, staring at the TV, a bag of chips in her hand. This situation has __20_ even though the series is now over.
A.increased B.degradedC.depressedD.raised
A.stand B.lieC.seatD.sit
A.at work B.at tableC.on leaveD.on business
A.fruitB.vegetablesC.dishes D.cakes
A.eatB.learn C.cookD.perform
A.stand for B.go byC.pass byD.stand by
A.easily B.hardlyC.difficultlyD.carefully
A.her forksB.her spoonsC.her knives D.her pans
A.carelessB.alert C.patient D.modest
A.better thanB.the closest shape of C.sharper thanD.taken from
A.speeded up B.slowed down C.brought downD.improved
A.as fast asB.as dull asC.as slow asD.as sharp as
A.diet styleB.dish flavor C.dressing style D.cooking style
A.inside pocketB.butterfly knot C.pretty collarD.long belt
A.Coincidently B.DisappointedlyC.FortunatelyD.Excitedly
A.very puzzledB.pretty satisfiedC.very pleasedD.pretty shocked
A.shoots at B.aims at C.directs at D.works at
A.In spite of B.Because of C.Instead ofD.In case of
A.changed little B.turned a lot C.developed a little D.improved a lot

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As Christmas is coming, there are presents to be bought, cards to be sent, and rooms to be cleaned. Parents are ___1___ with difficult jobs of hiding presents from curious young children. If the gifts are large, this is sometimes a real ___2___. On Christmas Eve, young children find the excitement almost unbearable. They are torn between the wish to go to bed early so that Father Christmas will bring their presents quickly and the wish to ___3___ up late so that they will not ___4___ the fun. The wish for gifts usually proves stronger. But though children go to bed early, they often lie ___5___ for a long time, hoping to get a short ___6___ at Father Christmas.
Last Christmas, my wife and I ___7___ hid a few large presents in the storeroom. I ___8___ the moment when my son, Jimmy, would ___9___ me where that new bike had come from, but ___10___ he did not see it.
On Christmas Eve, ___11___ took the children hours to go to sleep. It must have been nearly ___12___ when my wife and I went quietly into their room and began ___13___ stockings. Then I pushed in the ___14___ I bought for Jimmy and left it beside the Christmas tree. We knew we would not get much sleep that night, for the children were ___15___ to get up early. At about five o’clock the next morning, we were ___16___ by loud sounds coming from the children’s room — they were shouting excitedly! ___17___ I had time to get out of bed, young Jimmy came riding into the room on his new bike, and his sister, Mary, followed close behind pushing her new baby carriage. ___18___ the baby arrived. He moved ___19___ the hands and knees into the room dragging a large balloon behind him. Suddenly it burst. That woke us up ___20___. The day had really begun with a band(巨响) !  
1. A. faced               B. met            C. filled         D. pleased
2. A. question          B. matter          C. problem            D. business
3. A. get               B. stay           C. stand          D. wake
4. A. lose             B. break            C. miss          D. leave
5. A. awake             B. wake            C. asleep        D. sleep
6. A. look                   B. stare             C. glare          D. watch
7. A. hopefully               B. busily           C. gladly       D. successfully
8. A. liked              B. feared            C. surprised     D. hated
9. A. answer           B. tell              C. ask           D. search
10. A. sadly            B. unluckily        C. possibly      D. fortunately
11. A. it               B. they            C. I           D. we
12. A. morning          B. midnight        C. evening      D. daybreak
13. A. filling           B. sewing           C. mending     D. preparing
14. A. present         B. stocking         C. bike          D. tree
15. A. going           B. sure            C. glad          D. excited
16. A. troubled              B. frightened       C. woken       D. shocked
17. A. Before          B. After           C. Until        D. Since
18. A. Even            B. And            C. Soon        D. Then
19. A. with             B. on               C. over         D. by
20. A. all             B. nearly           C. happily       D. completely
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you know what it means when somebody tells you that he had “a catch-22 experience”?
The phrase “catch-22” comes from a book of the same title by the American writer Joseph Heller published in 1961. Catch-22 is a book of black humor. The author uses silly and even surreal(超现实的)events. It has a non-linear narrative structure(非线性的叙述结构)in which events follow the theme rather than the timing, to give us a very strange picture full of contradictions(矛盾).
The story takes places in a bomber base in Italy during World War II. The main character, Captain Yossarian wants to leave the war. Unfortunately, every time he completes the number of tasks to be sent home, the number is raised and he is forced to continue fighting. It seems hopeless for him to go home under the very strange rule in this Air Force-catch-22: only when a soldier goes crazy can he be allowed to go home. But he has to go to the hospital to show the doctors that he is crazy. However, if he tells them he is crazy but is obvious healthy, he cannot go home. In short, catch-22 is“heads I win, tails I lose. If you can you can’t; and if you can’t, you can.”Whenever you try to behave correctly in a crazy world. There’s a catch(潜在的困难).
During the Vietnam War, the phrase“catch-22”became a popular term for being caught in a lose-win circular dilemma and is now commonly used. The Oxford English Dictionary explains catch-22 as“a set of circumstances in which one requirement, etc, is dependent upon another, which is in turn dependent upon the first.”
60. Which of the following statements is right?
A. Catch-22 is one of Heller’s experiences during World War II.
B. Catch-22 is one of Yossarian’s experiences during the Vietnam War.
C. The events in catch-22 follow the theme.
D. The events in catch-22 follow the timing.
61. Why did Captain Yossarian fail to leave the war?
A. He wasn’t so anxious to leave the war.
B. He didn’t finish his tasks.
C. He was put into a catch-22 situation.
D. He wasn’t mad enough to be sent home.
62. The phrase“catch-22”came into being_____________.
A. in World War II        B. in the Vietnam War   C. in the 1950s              D. in the 1960s
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The peoples of the Scandinavian countries share a lot in common for geographical reasons. But there are more of differences than similarities between them in all ways,including their drinking customs.
A superficial① observer might think that no one in Norway drinks wine. Meals eaten in restaurants or at home are usually washed down with tea, coffee or milk. Occasionally however,pale or dark ale② is drunk. It can be ordered only in restaurants, where it is served only with food.
Excellent quality beers are made in Jutland and consumption is high. After beer, brandy is the favorite drink. Aalborg schnapps made from corn and potatoes, is famous for its high alcoholic content. For the Danes, brandy is also an aperitif③ and is often drunk before meals. For a foreigner, the practice of surrounding toasts here can be uncomfortable. If he accepts one toast then he will have to accept all others, and it is difficult to drink six or seven glasses of brandy unless one is used to it. Ladies are fortunately excluded from these rounds and they drink only a grape juice with almost no alcoholic content.
It is milk instead of liquor that is the principal④ Finnish table drink. More milk is drunk by the Finnish people than in any other nation. In Finland the sale of alcohol is a state behavior and a check is kept on consumption by recording purchases on special card issued to all customers.
As there is a difference between Swedish cooking in the south and that in the north because of the difference in soil and climate, their drinking habits are also different. In the north alcoholic beverages⑤ are considered a necessity because they keep out the cold. While in the south people have milder drinks. But generally speaking, too much drinking is rare in Sweden, partly because it is against the law.
Sale of spirits is controlled, the Swedes drink much coffee and tea. Many people still prefer the old-fashioned coffee served in large cups with cakes. Tea is so popular in Sweden that it has been called the Swedish national drink.
① superficial  adj. 表面上的
② ale  n. 麦牙酒
③ aperitif  n. 开胃酒
④ principal  adj. 最重要的;主要的
⑤ alcoholic beverage   n. 烈酒
1. The passage mentions the following subjects EXCEPT ______.
A. drinking habits      B. table manners     C. sales of spirits     D. drinking time
2. According to the passage, which of the following is the Swedish national drink?
A. Tea.       B. Brandy.       C. Aperitif.      D. Grape juice.
3. Which of the following people like milk more than other drinks?
A. The German people.              B. The American people.
C. The Finish people.                D. The French people.
4. It can be inferred that if a foreigner isn’t good at drinking brandy, he ______.
A. would like to invite ladies to have a party
B. is unwilling to have a surrounding toast
C. would like to accept others’ toasts
D. will often drink milk instead of brandy
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Sustainable management is seen as a practical and economical way of protecting species from dying out. Instead of depending on largely ineffective laws against poaching (偷猎), it gives local people a good economic reason to preserve plants and animals. In Zimbabwe, for instance, there is a sustainable management project to protect elephants. Foreign tourists pay large sums of money to kill these animals for sports. This money is then given to the inhabitants of the area where the hunting takes place. In theory, locals will be encouraged to protect elephants, instead of poaching them because of the economic benefit involved.
This sounds like a sensible strategy, but it remains to be seen whether it will work. With corruption in these developing countries, some observers are skeptical that the money will actually reach the people it is intended for. Others wonder how effective the locals will be at stopping poachers.
There are also questions about whether sustainable management is practical when it comes to protecting forests. In theory, the principle should be the same as with elephants --- allow logging companies to cut down certain number of trees, but not so many as to completely destroy the forest.
Sustainable management of forests requires controls on the number of trees which are cut down, as well as investment in replacing them. Because almost all tropical forests are located in countries which desperately need funds from logging, there are few regulations and motive to do this.
One solution might be to confirm wood comes from sustainably managed forests. In theory, consumers would buy only this wood and so force logging companies to go "green" or go out of business. Unfortunately, unrestricted logging is so much more profitable that wood prices from managed forests would cost up to five times more --- an increase that consumers, no matter how "green", are unlikely to pay.
小题1:Which of the following statements is true in understanding the "sustainable management"?
A.Sustainable management is usually used in commercial units.
B.Sustainable management is more powerful than laws.
C.We will probably meet many problems in the course of applying sustainable management.
D.It is likely that sustainable management will replace the laws in protecting living things.
小题2:The example of Zimbabwe is mentioned in the first paragraph is to ________.
A.prove that sustainable management is ineffective
B.explain what sustainable management is
C.show that tourism there is booming
D.illustrate that people there are good at making money with elephants
小题3:The phrase "go green" in Paragraph 5 probably means _______.
A.a company begins to make money instead of being in red
B.making the forests always green in color
C.operating in ways which do not damage the environment
D.starting from the very beginning
小题4:What is the passage mainly about?
A.What environmental protection mainly include.
B.The feasibility (可行性) of sustainable management in environmental protection.
C.Different people’s attitudes towards sustainable management.
D.How people can protect animals and plants.
小题5:What attitude does the author take towards the sustainable management?

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