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Husband and wife by Arrangement
Some Japanese still get married by parents’ arrangement. Yoshio and Hiromi Tanaka, a young Japanese couple living in the United States, told the story of their arranged marriage. “We didn’t marry for love in the western sense. We got married in the traditional Japanese way. Our parents arranged our marriage through a matchmaker(媒人). In Japan we believe that marriage is something affecting the whole family rather than a matter concerning only the young couple. So we think it is very important to match people according to their social background, education and so on. When our parents thought it was time for us to get married, they went to a local matchmaker and asked her for some suggestions. We discuss the details and looked at the photos she sent, and then our parents asked her to arrange a marriage interview for the two of us.
A Japanese marriage interview is held in a public place, such as a hotel or a restaurant, and is attended by the boy and the girl, their parents and the matchmaker. Information about the couple and their families is exchanged over a cup of tea or a meal. Then the boy and the girl are left alone for a short time to get to know each other. When they returned home they have to tell the matchmaker whether they want to meet again or not.
Yoshio continued, “When our parents realized we were serious about each other, they started to make arrangements for our wedding. My family paid the marriage money to Hiromi’s. This is money to help pay for the wedding ceremony and for setting up the house afterwards. We also gave her family a beautiful ornament to put in the best room of their house, so everyone knew that Hiromi was going to marry.”
13.The Japanese think of the marriage of a young couple as          .
A.a sign showing the love between them
B.an opportunity for their parents to show their love for their children
C.a private affair for the boy and the girl
D.an important matter having influence on the whole family
14.In arranging a marriage in Japan, the matchmaker plays all of the following roles except     .
A.making arrangements for the wedding
B.providing the information the family need
C.arranging the marriage interview
D.attending the marriage interview
15.According to the passage, the best time to make arrangement for the wedding is         .
A.when the young couple agree to meet again
B.when the young couple are sincere about their relation
C.when the parents think it is time for their children to get married.
D.when the parents are well-informed about each other’s family
16.According to the passage, what plays the most important role in the matching of young people in Japan?       .
A.Their parents’ attitude            B.Their family background
C.Their occupation               D.Their love for each other

13---16    DABB  
文通过一对日本年轻夫妇的包办婚姻的故事,介绍了日本包办婚姻的程序:找媒人—见面——确立关系——送彩礼 --- 举行婚礼。
13.D 细节理解题。从第一段第六句得知。
14.A 多项细节查找题。媒人的作用可在第一段倒数第一句和第二句,以及第二段第一句中查找。而安排婚礼则是双方父母亲的事,正确答案在第三段第一句中。
15.B 细节理解题。从第三段第一句中得知。
16.B 细节理解题。从第一段倒数第三句得知。
试题【Husband and wife by Arrangement Some Japanese still get married by parents’ arra】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

The house was quiet at 5 a.m.and Tim" s mother was asleep. Only the sound of the big freezer broke the quiet. He" d dreamt of the cave last night. The purring (轻微颤动声) of the freezer had been the sea.
Tim pulled on a sweater and put some apples into his schoolbag. It was too early for breakfast. He" d eat after he" d been through the cave, sitting on the rocks and staring at the sea.
He wished he had a proper pack. His schoolbag would have to do. What else? Sandwiches-but his mother might wake up if he started pulling out bread for sandwiches, she" d want to know why he had to leave so early. He settled for some biscuits, and left a note stuck to the table:
Gone to Michael" s. Back tonight, Tim.
The sky was high and soft and light outside, though the sun still wasn"t up. Even the highway up the hill was quiet as he made his way down the street. The wind from the sea was fresh and sweet.
The sandhills still breathed heat from yesterday" s sun, though the top of the sand was cool. He ran down to the beach impatiently, but there was no one, just dry sand dancing in the early wind and seabirds marching up and down watching the waves.
The light changed suddenly. The first rays of sunlight stretched (延伸) across the sea. The sun was pushing its way over the edge of the world.
Over the first rocks, along to the point. Tim glanced back. The beach was still empty. The sun sailed higher in the sky.
He could see the cave now, even darker in the morning light. The sand turned silver then dark gold as the water flowed away from it. He had to force himself to go closer. Why was it so much more mysterious (神秘的) now? But it would be silly to go back now after so much trouble. He needn"t go in all the way...
43. What did Tim do at the beginning of the story?
A. He left the house quietly.                              B. He had breakfast at home.
C. He left a note on the freezer.                         D. He put a sweater in his schoolbag.
44. "He settled for some biscuits” ( in Paragraph 3 ) means that Tim_______.
A. had to leave the biscuits on the table              B. liked biscuits better than sandwiches
C. had to take biscuits instead of sandwiches       D. could only find some biscuits in the kitchen
45. What made it possible for Tim to see the entry to the cave?
A. The height of the first rocks.                         B. The ups and downs of the waves.
C. The change in the position of the sun.             D. The vast stretch of the sunlit beach.
46. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the story?
A. The sea looked like a piece of gold.               B. Seabirds flew away when Tim arrived.
C. Tim was the only person on the beach.           D. The sky got dark as Tim reached the cave.
47.In the story, Tim" s mood (心情) changed from_________.
A. loneliness to craziness                                   B. anxiousness to excitement
C. helplessness to happiness                               D. eagerness to nervousness
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

New fast food debuts in U.S. fairs—fired Coke
A new fast food is making its debut(首次演出) at U.S. fairs this fall----fried Coke. Abel Gonzales, 36, a computer analyst from Dallas, tried about 15 different varieties before coming up with his perfect recipe----a batter mix made with Coca-Cola syrup, a drizzle of strawberry syrup, and some strawberries.
Balls of the batter are then deep-fried, ending up like ping-pang ball sized doughnuts(面团)which are then served in a cup, topped with Coca-Cola syrup, whipped cream, cinnamon(桂皮)sugar and a cherry on the top.
“It tastes great,” said Sue Gooding, a spokeswoman for the State Fair of Texas where Gonzales’ fried Coke made its debut this fall. “It was a huge success.”
Gonzales ran two stands at the State Fair of Texas and sold up to 35,000 fried Cokes over 24 days for 4.50 dollars each –and won a prize for coming up with “most creative” new fair food.
Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co., said: “we’re constantly amazed at the creative ways folks find to enjoy their Coke and make it part of celebrations like fairs and festivals. This is one is definitely different!”
16. The passage is likely to           .
A. be an advertisement                  B. appear in a newspaper
C. make a comment on a new food        D. give us some advice
17. The new fast food probably is the computer analyst’s ____________.
A. 15th  attempt                  B. disliked food
C. most creative food               D. excellent recipe
18. We are sure that ____________.
A. this new kind fast food will be popular in the future
B. this new food has been sold 157500 dollars
C. the food was bought by Coca-Cola Co.
D. this is a new kind of Coke
19. According to Ray Crockett, ___________.
A. fried Coke is a completely different form of Coca-Cola.
B. fried Coke is a very creative use of Coca-Cola.
C. folks enjoy this new kind of food very much.
D. he is amazed at the U.S. fairs this fall.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Have you ever received a gift that was so clearly not your taste that you wondered if perhaps it had been handed to you by mistake? Worse, have you ever given a present and watched your friend look as though she had opened the wrong box? Maybe she responded with a polite "Why, thank you," but you knew you had missed the mark. Why do presents sometimes go wrong? And what do your choices (good and bad) reflect about your personal qualities?
Choosing the right gift is an art, I believe. It calls for empathy — the ability to put yourself into someone else"s head and heart .We"re all able to do this; in fact, we"re born with a kind of natural empathy. After the earliest period of childhood, however, it needs to be reinforced (加强)—by our parents, teachers, friends. When it isn"t, we"re not able to understand other people"s feelings as sharply. This can show in the gifts we select, and so can many other emotional (情感的) qualities.
Think back to the presents you’ve given over the past year, the time and effort you put into your selection, how much you spent, your thoughts while you were shopping, and your feelings when the receiver opened the package. Keep in mind that what you choose displays your inner world. Of course, you may express yourself differently with different friends, relatives, and other people you know.
We live in a society where exchanging presents is an important part of communication. Ignoring the tradition won"t make it go away. If you really dislike such a tradition, tell your friends ahead of time.
60.  The underlined expression "you had missed the mark" means "you had failed to _____".
A. make her feel better                        B. keep your friendship
C. receive a present in return                       D. get the expected effect
61. Which of the following is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Natural empathy needs to be reinforced.
B. Emotional changes influence one"s choice of gifts.
C. Selecting the right gift is an ability people are born with.
D. Choosing gifts requires one to understand the receivers.
62. In the third paragraph, the author tells us that________..
A. attention should be paid to the receivers" responses
B. one learns from what he did in the past
C. the choice of gifts reflects one"s emotional qualities
D. one should spend more time choosing gifts
63. The best possible title for this passage is “_______”.
A. Ways of Choosing Gifts                        B. An Important Tradition
C. Exchanging Presents                            D. Message in a Gift
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Language as a System of Symbols
Of all systems of symbols(符号), language is the most highly developed. It has been pointed out that human beings, by agreement, can make anything stand for anything. Human beings have agreed, in the course of centuries of mutual(相互的)dependency, to let the various noises that they can produce with their lungs, throats, tongues, teeth, and lips systematically stand for certain happenings in their nervous systems. We call that system of agreements language.
There is no necessary connection between the symbol and that which it stands for. Just as social positions can be symbolized by feathers worn on the head, by gold on the watch chain, or by a thousand other things according to the culture we live in, so the fact of being hungry can be symbolized by a thousand different noises according to the culture we live in.
However obvious these facts may appear at first glance, they are actually not so obvious as they seem except when we take special pains to think about the subject. Symbols and the things they stand for are independent of each other, yet we all have a way of feeling as if, and sometimes acting as if, there were necessary connections. For example, there are people who feel that foreign languages are unreasonable by nature; foreigners have such funny names for things, and why can’t they call things by their right names? This feeling exhibits itself most strongly in those English and American tourists who seem to believe that they can make the natives of any country understand English if they shout loud enough. Like the little boy who is reported to have said: “Pigs are called pigs because they are such dirty animals,” they feel that the symbol is inherently(内在地) connected in some way with the things symbolized.
69. Language is a highly developed system of symbols because human beings ______.
A. have made use of language for centuries         B. use our nervous systems to support language
C. have made various noises stand for any events
D. can make anything stand for anything by agreement
70. What can we conclude from Paragraph 2?
A. Different noises may mean different things.   
B. Our culture determines what a symbol stands for.
C. The language we use symbolizes our social positions.
D. Our social positions determine the way we are dressed.
71. In Paragraph 3, “take special pains” probably means “_____”.
A. try very hard     B. take our time     C. are very unhappy      D. feel especially painful
72. The example of the little boy is used to show that _____.
A. adults often learn from their young               
B. “pig” is a dirty word because pigs are dirty
C. words are not connected with the things they stand for
D. people sometimes have wrong ideas about how language works
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Here’s How to Get Your 6 Movies for 1¢Each
Just Write in the Numbers of the 6 movies you want for 1¢each, plus shipping. In exchange(交换),you agree to buy just six more movies in the next three years, at our regular Club prices (which currently start as low as $19.95 plus shipping) — and you may cancel(取消)membership at any time after doing so. What’s more, you can get two more movies for the low price of $6.95 each and you will, after that, spend much less on the movies you want.
Free Video Magazine sent every four weeks (up to 13 times a year), with our Director’s Selection —plus many lower-priced cassettes, down to $14.95. And you may receive Special Selection mailings up to four times a year (a total of up to 17 buying opportunities per year).
Buy Only What You Want! If you want the Director’s Selection, do nothing — it will be sent automatically(自动的). If you prefer some other selection, or none at all, just mail the answer card always provided by the date specified. And you’ll always have 14 days to decide.
Instant Bonus Plan. As soon as you become a member, you’ll immediately have the right to our money-saving plan! It enables you to enjoy more great savings on the movies you want — right from the start of your membership!
10-Day Risk-Free Trial. If not satisfied, return everything within 10 days, and then you’ll get your money back and there will be no further obligation.
64.How can you get 6 movies for 1 ¢ each?
A.Buy six more movies at the Club prices in the next 3 years.
B.Buy two more movies at the low price of $6.95 later.
C.Buy six more movies at the price of $19.95 all the time.
D.Buy many more movies at lower prices anytime.
65.You may receive a free Video Magazine _________ a year.
A.13 times        B.12 times                   C.4 times          D.17 times
66.You can have _______ besides a free Video Magazine every four weeks.
A.Special Selection and Director’s Selection
B.lower-priced cassettes and movies
C.lower-priced cassettes and Special Selection
D.Director’s Selection and a number of lower-priced cassettes
67.We can learn from the passage that the members of the Club ________.
A.cannot cancel their membership anytime
B.can return everything 10 days later, if not satisfied
C.can always buy what they want at the lowest price.
D.can enjoy more savings from the very beginning
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