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  Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will lose most of its coral cover by 2050 and, at worst, the world’s largest coral system could collapse by 2100 because of global warming, a study recently said.
The study by Queensland University’s Center for Marine Studies, commissioned (委托) by the Worldwide Fund for Nature, said that the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef was unavoidable due to global warming, regardless of what actions were taken now. “Under the worst-case scenario, coral populations will collapse by 2100 and the reestablishment of coral reefs will be highly unlikely over the following 200-500 years,” said the report entitled “Implications (可能的影响) of Climate Change for Australia’s Great Barrier Reef.”
The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest living reef formation stretching 2,000 km north to south along Australia’s northeast coast. “Only if global average temperature change is kept to below two degrees Celsius can the Reef have any change of recovering from the predicted damage,” the report said. Coral has a narrow comfort zone and is highly stressed by a temperature rise of less than one degree Celsius. Water temperature rises of less than one degree coincided (同时发生) with the world’s worst recorded coral bleaching (颜色变淡) period in 1988. The warmer water forces out the algae (海藻) that give coral its color and, if all are lost, the coral dies and the reef will die out. In 1988, 16 percent of the world’s coral died, with 46 percent of the Indian Ocean coral destroyed.
Scientists express water temperatures to rise this century by between two and six degrees Celsius. “There is little to no evidence that corals can adapt fast enough to match even the lower  temperature rise,” said the report. Over-fishing and pollution from coastal farms were also contributing to the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef supports huge fishing and tourism industries. Even under favorable conditions tourists would only be able to experience real corals in reef “theme parks”.
小题1:The underlined word “scenario” in Paragraph 2 probably means         .
小题2:From the passage, we can infer that         .
A.corals have no difficulty in adapting the temperature change
B.if we take quick actions we can avoid the destruction of corals
C.we can find corals in many areas of the seas or oceans
D.the algae help corals to live
小题3:Which of the following is NOT the cause of the destruction of coral on the Great Barrier Reef?
A.Direct sunshine.B.Over-fishing.
C.Global warming.D.Pollution.
小题4:By saying “Coral has a narrow comfort zone” (Para. 3), the author means         .
A.coral can only live in a small area
B.coral prefers a crowded place
C.coral can hardly adapt to the temperature change
D.coral grows best in a small area



试题【  Australia’s Great Barrier Reef will lose most of its coral cover by 2050 and, 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A clique(小圈子,派系) is a group of friends who hang out together and act in similar ways. Cliques are common feature of the teen years. Members of a clique usually have certain things in common. For example, they might all be good students. Membership in a clique is limited. Not everyone who wants to belong can join.
Cliques can have a positive or negative influence. Because most teens have a strong need to belong, they want to feel that they fit into a group. Cliques can help them meet this need. Sometimes teens feel unsure of themselves, and they use a clique to gain approval of what they wear or how they act.
Cliques can become harmful, however, if they pressure members to behave the same way as the group that may damage their health. Cliques may discourage members from making their own decisions, giving their own opinions, or having other friends who aren’t accepted by the clique. Cliques may even pressure members to act in ways that go against their own values and beliefs, such as lying to parents or teachers. Cliques can also hurt people outside the group. For example, members might make fun of a teen who isn’t in the clique.
If you find yourself under this type of pressure from a clique, here are some actions you can take to improve your situation.
● Suggest other activities. Offer ideas that don’t involve hurting others or putting anyone at risk.
● Find new friends. If staying in the clique is becoming a negative experience, you will be better off with new friends.
小题1:Why do teens want to be a member of a clique?
A.Because it is popular with teens.
B.Because it meets teens’ need of belonging.
C.Because it is where teens can be themselves.
D.Because it provides an opportunity for them to be away from their parents.
小题2:Why can cliques be harmful?
A.Because kids in there don’t have independent thinking.
B.Because kids in there are not allowed to have their own opinions.
C.Because kids in there sometimes are pressured.
D.Because kids in there are forced to lie to their parents.
小题3:What is the writer’s attitude toward the clique?
A.He is very supportive to it.B.He is strongly against it.
C.He is not against it, though he doesn’t like it.
D.He is not against it. However, he has some worry about it.

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Facing the threat of the Internet, the traditional newspaper is thinking about what it can do to meet the challenge. To make teens get into the habit of reading, the French government is considering what kind of efforts it should pursue.  It seems that the two questions have nothing to do with each other, but a recent announcement made by French President Nicolas Sarkozy has connected these two issues together. The announcement gives an answer to both of them.
.  President Nicolas Sarkozy announced a rescue plan for France" s ailing print media, including measures to save printing and distribution costs. The plan also gives French teenagers a surprise as their 18-year-old birthday gift: France will offer all 18-year-olds a free daily copy of the newspaper of their choice.
"The habit of reading the press should start at a very young age," Sarkozy said, presenting the conclusion after talking to a group of journalists and officials in Paris. The President said the newspapers themselves would provide free copies for 18-year-olds, while the state would cover the cost of delivering them to many thousands of homes.       
The plan is an attempt to introduce teenagers, who frequently only get their news online, to the delights of the printed world.  A similar idea has been tested by L"Ouest-France (法兰西部报) over the past few years.  It offered some 18 to 24-year-olds a free paper once a week for a year.  L" Ouest-France reported that 15% of young people wanted to continue with a paid subscription after the year was over.
People in France welcomed the plan which should get more kids interested in current affairs and make reading be a pastime, as well as rescue the newspaper industry.
63. What does the underlined word " ailing" (in Paragraph 2) probably mean?
A. newly established       B. in difficult situations
C. most popular             D. warm-hearted
64. It can be inferred from the passage that           .
A. the government will pay for the delivery of newspapers to 18 -year-olds
B. the government will buy newspapers for 18-year-olds for one day
C.  some of the government officials are against the plan
D. President Nicolas Sarkozy would like to help the government
65. What is people" s reaction to the plan in France?
A,  They think it a waste of money.
B. They will buy newspapers themselves for 18-year-olds.
C.  They think highly of it and support it:.
D. They are worried the young will leave the Internet.
66. Which of the following can serve as the best for the passage?
A. A surprising plan from the President
B.  Help rescue the newspaper industry
C. Form the reading habit for the young
D. Free newspapers fly to teens
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Winter in the north is usually very cold and it is important to avoid colder-related injuries such as frostbite(冻伤) and hypothermia(体温降低).Frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long.It mainly happens on the hands,feet,nose,and ears and some will bring permanent damage.Hypothermia is a serious medical condition caused by serious cold.It happens when the body cannot produce as much heat as it loses.If not treated,it can be deadly.
The best way to avoid cold-related injuries is to be prepared for the outdoors.Here is a simple way to remember four basic steps to staying warm.Think of COLD.
The C stands for cover.Wear a hat and scarf to keep heat from escaping through the head,neck,and ears.And wear mittens instead of gloves.Mittens are a type of glove that does not have separate parts for each finger.Gloves may not keep hands as warm because they separate the fingers.
The O stands for overexertion(过分用力).Avoid activities that will make you sweaty.Wet clothes and cold weather are a bad mix.
L is for layers.Wearing loose,lightweight clothes,one layer on top of another, is better than single heavy layer clothing.Also,make sure outerwear is made of water resistant and tightly knit material.
The last letter D stands for dry.In other words,stay as dry as possible.Pay attention to the places where snow can enter, like the tops of boots.the necks of coats and the wrist areas of mittens.
And there are a couple of other things to keep in mind,one for children and the other for adults.Eating snow might be fun but it lowers the body"s temperature.And drinking alcohol might make a person feel warm,but what it really does is weaken the body"s ability to hold heat.
67.Both frostbite and hypothermia        
A.are injuries caused by extreme cold
B.may happen on the hands,feet,nose and ears
C.may cause uncontrollable shaking and slow breathing
D.may be deadly injuries
68.Mittens can keep your hands warmer than gloves because           .
A.they are thicker                     B.they are made of better materials
C.they don"t separate your fingers        D.they separate your fingers
69.      can help you avoid cold-related injuries.
A.Trying your best to exercise until you get sweat
B.Wearing layers of loose,lightweight clothes
C.Drinking alcohol to make you feel warm
D.Wearing a single heavy layer of clothing
70.Overexertion should be avoided because         
A.it may exhaust you       B.it may make you hungry
C.it may make you sweat     D.it may lower your body temperature
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More Australians are overweight or obese than ever before, and the number is steadily increasing. Around 64 percent of men and 47 percent of women are carrying too much body fat. This means that the chances of obesity-related disorders, such as coronary heart disease(冠心病) and diabetes(糖尿病), is also on the rise. The popularity of crash dieting has caused many misunderstandings about weight loss. Most of these misunderstandings cause unhealthy weight loss behaviors.
A recent research of deaths in the United States from their National Health Nutrition Examination Survey suggests that being overweight may not increase your risk of dying. This finding is contrary to the past research that they thought the numbers of premature death(早死) linked to weight in the year 2000. The findings were that underweight and seriously obese people have an increased chance of dying compared with normal weight people. Interestingly, however, being overweight is related to a slightly lower chance of dying for your age. The effect of obesity on death rate may have reduced over time, perhaps because of improvements in public health and medical care. The authors say that body weight may not be such an important risk factor for premature death and that fitness, while smoking and too much fat in your diet may be more important.
65. If a person carries much fat, he or she _______________ .
A.knows how to keep healthy better than those who don’t
B.should lose weight as soon as possible to keep healthy
C.will surely suffer from both coronary heart disease and diabetes
D.might suffer from some diseases related to obesity
66. The underlined phrase “is contrary to” in the second paragraph probably means ___________.
A. agrees with                                           B. disagrees with
C. proves                                                 D. combines
67. According to the recent research of deaths in America, ______________ .
A.underweight people will live longer than those overweight people
B.dying at an early age is connected with overweight
C.being overweight doesn’t necessary lead to premature deaths
D.being overweight is healthier than normal people
68. We can infer from the text that _____________ .
A.the writer wants to persuade people not to lose weight
B.misunderstandings about weight loss are more serious than ever
C.much progress has been made in public medical condition
D.the cause of premature deaths is heavy smoking
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The journey to the moon had been the first step toward future exploration(探险) in space. The distance between the Moon and Earth is very short indeed when compared with the distances between Earth and the other planets. Mars, the nearest planet to Earth is millions of miles away. Traveling to the planets will be man’s next aim. Such travels will be more challenging than the trip to the moon and certainly more adventurous.
Recently, two American spaceships, Vikings 1 and 2, landed on Mars trying to discover whether that planet has any life on it. So far the signs of life on Mars has neither confirmed(确认) nor ruled out. Russians have discovered that the surface of Venus(金星) is so hot that it is almost certain that there is no life there. Also the atmosphere of Venus is extremely dense(稠) and the pressure is nearly a hundred times greater than that of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Scientists believe man may find planets which have the same conditions as those we have on Earth , but man should realize Earth will be his only home for a long time and begin to love and care for it.
63. According to the passage, traveling to the planets will be ________.
A.  much easier and even more interesting  B.  far more exciting and dangerous
C.  man’s final aim                    D.  man’s first step
64. Which of the following is Not true?
A.  Mars is nearer to the earth than the moon.
B.  The moon is much nearer to the earth than Mars.
C.  Of all the planets, Mars is the nearest to the earth.
D.  All the planets are much farther to the earth.
65. From the passage, we can guess_____.
A.  there is life on Mars       
B.  there is no life on Mars
C.  the atmosphere of Mars is not so dense as that of Venus
D.  scientists will have little hope to find the answers
66. Man can live on under the conditions of _______.
A.  much too hot surface                   B.  the same pressure as we get on earth
C.  normal atmosphere as we have on earth     D.  both B and C
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