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Today both English language and Internet have brought the whole world right in your drawing room. Now you can do whatever you want to without leaving the comfort of your home. So English has become a must. Nothing is imaginable without it. How to solve the problem?
No speech can be imagined without listening. Develop a habit of listening to something in English daily. I mean to say, listen to English songs, short stories, interviews and short and simple conversations regularly. Repeat listening what you have just listened. Not once but many times. How does a child become able to speak? It is simple. He/She is compelled to listen whatever their parents and people around them speak. Gradually they begin to reproduce what they have heard. So enjoy listening. Listening practice will fix correct pronunciation of the words in your mind and you"ll be able to utter them as naturally and easily as a native speaker does.
Speak what you have listened, as the more you listen, the more you will be able to speak and the more learning of the language will occur. So go on practicing speaking whatever you have heard. Furthermore speaking practice will train your mouth and ears. The main ideas of what you have listened and spoken will get fixed into your memory. Once the structures of sentences, phrases get fixed in your subconscious you"ll never have to fumble for words, phrases or sentences when you converse with your friends or with someone else.
When you have taken these two steps, you will find amazing change. Now you can start to put in a little time in reading and writing skills as reading and writing skills have their own importance and place in a language learning and you can develop them on the strong foundation of listening and speaking skills later.
67. What’s the purpose of the first paragraph in the passage?
A. To tell us that the world is becoming smaller than before.
B. To show us the wide use of internet in today’s world.
C. To indicate the importance of learning English.
D. To suggest that it is convenient to live in today’s world.
68. What the author thinks is the most important step in learning English?
A. Forming the habit of listening                                 B. Practicing speaking
C. Keeping on reading daily                                           D. Improving writing skills
69. A child mentioned in the second paragraph is to_______.
A. explain how he becomes able to speak
B. show he could listen whatever others speak
C. introduce he can speak whatever he hears
D. indicate the importance of listening
70. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?
A. The Steps of Listening
B. Learn English in Two Easy Steps
C. Listening Comes Before Speaking
D. Four Skills for English Learning


试题【Today both English language and Internet have brought the whole world right in y】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Macao is only forty miles from Hong Kong and it is easy to reach. You can get there by sea. It is an interesting place and it had a long history. Macao is part of China and most people living there are Chinese.
The first Europeans to go to Macao came from Portugal. More than four hundred years ago the Portuguese went there to trade with China. Some settled and made their homes there. They built strong forts to guard the city and the harbor. They also built churches, schools, hospitals and other places. Slowly the city grew. People from many countries came to live and work in Macao.
Today many people visit Macao. Some only go there to watch dog-racing or motor-racing or to gamble with their money. But Macao is a quiet and peaceful place. It is pleasant just to walk around and look at old buildings and forts. You feel you are back in the old days. Of course, some of the buildings are now in ruins. The Church of St. Paul has only the front wall with many steps leading up to it. But it is still interesting to see.
When you are hot and tired, there are small cool gardens to rest in. when you are hungry, there are good restaurants with many kinds of food. Nearby there are some islands, which are also nice and are easy to get to. There is certainly a lot to do in Macao.
61. Macao is easy to get to because_______.
A. it is part of China and most people there are Chinese.
B. it is an interesting place.
C. it is very fast and cheap by sea
D. it is not far away from Hong Kong.
62. Which of the following is Not true?
  A. Portuguese were the first Europeans to go to Macao.
  B. some Portuguese settled in Macao and made their homes half a century ago.
  C. the city Macao grew slowly
  D. people there put up strong forts to defend the city.
63. You feel in Macao you are back in the old days because_____
  A. some of the buildings are now in ruins.
  B. you can watch dog-racing or motor-racing.
  C. you can go about and look at the old buildings and forts with pleasure.
  D. it is a peaceful place.
64. Where will you have a break when you feel worn out?
  A. In good restaurants.                                              B. In small cool gardens.
  C. On some islands.                                            D. In beautiful parks.
65. The writer’s idea seems to be that_____.
  A. people from many countries came to live and work in Macao.
  B. Portuguese were willing to do business in China.
  C. people in Macao serve good food.
  D. Macao is a quiet and peaceful place with a lot to see and to do.
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Economics has long been known as an unpleasant science. But is any economist so dull as to criticize Christmas? At first glance, the holiday season in western economies seems a treat for those who are concerned with such things as GDP growth. After all, everyone is spending; in America, sellers make 25 % of their yearly sales and 60 % of their profits between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Even so, economists find something to worry about in the nature of the purchases being made.
Much of the holiday spending is on gifts for others. At the simplest level, giving gifts involves the giver"s thinking of something that the receiver would like — he tries to guess her preferences, as economists say — and then buying the gift and delivering it. Yet this guessing of preferences is often done badly. Every year, ties go unworn and books unread. And even if a gift is enjoyed, it may not be what the receiver would have bought if they had spent the money themselves.
Interested in this mismatch between wants and gifts, in 1993 Joel Waldfogel, then an economist at Yale University, attempted to estimate the disparity(差距) in dollar terms. He asked students two questions at the end of a holiday season: first, estimate the total amount paid (by the givers) for all the holiday gifts you received; second, apart from the emotional value of the items, if you did not have them, how much would you be willing to pay to get them? His results were unpleasant: on average, a gift was valued by the receiver well below the price paid by the giver.
The most conservative(保守的) estimate put the average receiver’s valuation at 90% of the buying price. The missing 10% is what economists call a deadweight loss; a waste of resources that could be avoided without making anyone poorer. In other words, if the giver gave the cash value of the purchase instead of the gift itself, the receiver could then buy what she really wants and be better off for no extra cost. It suggests that in America, where givers spend $40 billion on Christmas gifts, $ 4 billion is being lost annually in the process of gift giving. Add in birthdays, weddings and non Christian occasions, and the figure would balloon. So should economists call for an end to gift giving, or at least press for money to become the gift of choice?
56. Why do some people regard the holiday season in western economies a treat?
A. Because the economic situation in US has been depressing.
B. Because American sellers make a quarter of their yearly sales through holiday season.
C. Because holiday spending can speed up GDP growth.
D. Because sellers can make as much profit as 60 % over holiday season.
57. What"s the main idea for the second paragraph?
A. In many cases the gifts cannot meet the receivers’ needs.
B. The purchases made over holiday season are actually a waste of money.
C. It"s really not easy to guess the others’ preferences.
D. Much of the holiday spending is on gifts for others.
58. The purpose of Joel Waldfogel"s study is to _____.
A. prove the mismatch between wants and gifts
B. estimate the disparity between wants and gifts in economic terms
C. spark new ideas of economic studies on holiday spending
D. discover the exact cost of holiday spending on gift giving 
59. Economists think of the misusing 10% of holiday spending as a deadweight loss because
A. the cash value of the purchase is lower than the buying price
B. it is actually a waste of resources in economic terms
C. with the money the receivers can be better off for no extra cost
D. it makes many people even poorer for spending more on unwanted gifts
60. According to the passage altogether how much money is wasted every year on gift giving?
A. About $4 billion.                                  B. About 10% of the total value.
C. About $40 billion.                              D. Much more than $4 billion.
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(共13小题; 每小题2分,满分26分)
February has long been a month of romance. With the sweet smell of roses in the air, romantic films hit cinemas and love stories fill newspapers and magazines.
On the 14th day, it is a custom for a boy to take his girlfriend out to dinner, buy her flowers and chocolates, write poems, sing to her or even spell out her name with rose petals(花瓣)! This is the scene that greets you on Valentine"s Day, named after Valentine who was a priest (牧师) in third century Rome. When the emperor(皇帝)decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives, he didn’t allow marriage.But Valentine continued to perform marriage ceremonies for young lovers in secret. When his actions were discovered, the emperor had him put to death. While in prison, it is said that Valentine fell in love with the daughter of his prison guard. Before his death on 14th Feb 270 DC, he wrote her a letter, which he signed ‘From your Valentine’, an expression_r that is still in use today. Valentine died for what he believed in and so was made a Saint(圣徒), as well as becoming one of history"s most romantic figures.
Nowadays, Valentine’s Day is also popular among Chinese young people. Some students are planning to make Valentine’s cards for parents, teachers and friends. Others want to hold parties at which they will exchange small gifts and eat heart-shaped cakes. The idea is to have fun and encourage people to share the spirit of St. Valentine.
36.   The Emperor in Rome did not allow marriage in his country because __________.
A. there were few women in his country at that time  
B. he thought men without wives could be better soldiers
C. There wasn’t enough food for so many people
D. he wanted to control the birth rate
37.   Valentine was put into prison because __________.
A. he killed one of the soldiers               B. he stole a lot of food
C. he didn’t obey the emperor’s order    D. he didn’t want to be a soldier
38.   The last paragraph mainly tells us _________.
A. students in China send cards to their teachers
B. it is a good idea to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China
C. it is interesting to celebrate Valentine’s Day in China
D. Valentine’s Day is also popular in China now
39.   The best titles for this passage should be ________.
A. Valentine’s Day                                B. A Brave Priest
C. Valentine’s Day in China                    D. A Romantic Man
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All young people dream of travelling the world. They are restless and very eager to see new sights. However, they have little idea how they would really do it if given the chance. Because their knowledge of geography is quite limited, they seldom know much about the places they wish to visit or how they would get there.
Already hundreds of thousands of Chinese student tourists are visiting these places-Wuyi, Lhasa, Lijiang, Dali, Vientiane and Phnom Penh. Indeed, these students will soon be the most travelled generation in China’s long history. The World Tourist Organization predicts that a quarter of a century from now the number of Chinese tourists going abroad will be twenty times what it is today. The largest percentage of these tourists will visit Southeast Asia. Not all Chinese who travel abroad will be tourists, however. More and more youths are deciding to volunteer their skills in this region; much like their peers in th-e Peace Corps and VSO.
Critical thinking skills required include planning for a trip and solving problems after the trip has begun. The focus is on how to read an atlas (地图集) to make travel plans and how to find ways of travelling. An atlas offers a wealth of information about geography and is one way to increase students’ awareness of their global environment. Use of an atlas especially addresses the needs of students with different visual and spatial (空间的) learning styles.
71.The main idea. of the first paragraph is ________.
A. all young people wish to travel around the world
B. all young people like to learn the knowledge of geography
C. all young people like travelling but their knowledge of geography is quite limited
D. all young people are aware of the places they are going
72. These places, Wuyi, Lhasa, Lijiang, Dali, Vientiane and Phnom Penh, lie in ________.
A. China         B. Europe         C. Vietnam         D. Asia
73.Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. The number of Chinese tourists going abroad will be twenty times what it is today in about 25 years.
B. The number of Chinese tourists going abroad will be twenty times what it is today in .about 10 years.
C. Southeast Asia will become the most popular visiting place in the world.
D. Young people will be addicted to Internet travelling.
74.One way to increase students’ awareness of their global environment is for them to ________.
A. watch TV         B. listen to radio news   C. read an atlas           D. plan a trip
75.The underlined phrase “a wealth of” can be replaced by “_________”.
A. a number of       B. a great many   C. a great many of      D. a great deal of
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

New rules and behavior standards(行为规范)for middle school students came out in March .Middle school is going to use a new way to decide who will be the top students. The best students won’t only have marks. They will also be kids who don’t dye(染)their hair, smoke or drink. The following are some of the new rules.
Tell the truth.Have you ever copied someone else’s work in an exam? Don’t do it again! That’s not something an honest student should do. If you have played computer games for two hours in your room, don’t tell your parents you have done your homework.
Do more at school. Good students love animals and care for other people. April is Bird-Loving Month in China. Is your school doing anything to celebrate? 
You should join! That way, you can learn more about animals and how to protect them. When more people work together, it makes it more fun for everyone.Have you ever quarreled with your teammates when your basketball team lost? Only working together can make your team stronger. Be friendly to the people you are with. Try to think of others, not only yourself.
Be open to new ideas. Have you ever thought that people could live on the moon? Maybe you’ll discover EarthII some day. Don’t look down on new ideas。 Everyone’s new ideas are important . You should welcome them, because new ideas make life better and easier for everyone.
Protect yourself. Have someone ever taken money from one of your classmates? Don’t let it happen to you . If  you have to go home late. You should take care of yourself and let your parents know.
Use the Internet carefully: The Internet can be very useful for your studies. But some thinks on the Internet aren’t for kids, so try to look at Web pages that are good for you. You can use the Web for fun or homework.
(  )57.When did the new rules come out ?
A. Last year.     B. Last week.    C. Last   month.
(  )58.  Do you have to tell your parents if you have played computer games instead of doing your homework according to the new rule?
A. Yes, I do.   B. There’s no need to do that.   C No, I don’t.   
(  )59. What should you do if you can’t get home on time according to the new rule?
A. I wouldn’t say anything.
B. I should let my parents know.
C. I think I can take care of myself.
(  )60. What is the use of the Internet for children?
A. It is used for children to play computer games all day.
B. It is used for children to study or sometimes for fun.
C. It is used for children to chat with friends.
(  )61. What does the passage mainly tell us to do?
A. How to protect (保护)animals. 
B. How to use the Internet.
C. How to be good students
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