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III. 阅读理解
That“Monday morning feeling”could be a crushing pain in the chest which leaves you sweating and gasping for breath. Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings and doctors blame the stress of returning to work after the weekend break.
  The risk of having a heart attack on any given day should be one in seven, but a six-year study helped by researchers at the Free University of Berlin of more than 2, 600 Germans showed that the average person had a 20 percent higher chance of having a heart attack on a Monday than on any other day.
  Working Germans are particularly not protected against attack, with a 33 percent higher risk at the beginning of the working week. Non-workers, by comparison, appear to be no more at risk on a Monday than any other day.
  A study of 11, 000 Italians proved 8 a. m. on a Monday morning as the most stressful time for the heart, and both studies showed that Sunday is the least stressful day, with fewest heart attacks in both countries.
  The finding could lead to a better understanding of what is the immediate cause of heart attacks, according to Dr Stefan Willich of the Free University. “We know a lot about long-term risk factors such as smoking and cholesterol(胆固醇)but we don’t know what actually causes heart attacks, so we can’t give clear advice on how to prevent them, ”he said.
  Monday mornings have a double helping of stress for the working body as it makes a rapid change from sleep to activity, and from the relaxing weekend to the pressures of work.
  “When people get up, their blood pressure and heart rate go up and there are hormonal(内分泌)changes in their bodies, ”Willich explained. “All these things can have an unfavorable effect in the blood system and increase the risk of a clot(血凝块)which will cause a heart attack.”
  “When people return to work after a weekend off, the pace of their life changes. They have a higher workload, more stress, more anger and more physical activities,”said Willich.
51. Monday morning feeling, as this passage shows, ________.
 A. is not as serious as people thought
 B. is the first killer in Germany and Italy
 C. is created by researchers in Germany and Italy
 D. is harmful to working people in developed countries
52. To protect people from a heart attack, doctors have paid much attention to ________.
 A. people’s working time      B. people’s living place
 C. people’s diet and lifestyle     D. people’s nationalities
53. It can be learned from this passage that the heart attack has something to do with all the following EXCEPT ________.
A. blood pressure         B. heart rate
 C. hormonal changes       D. blood type
54. If the researchers give us some advice to avoid Monday morning feeling, what might it be?
 A. Improve working conditions.   B. Never go to work on Mondays.
 C. Stay with a doctor on Mondays.  D. Get up late on Monday mornings.

试题【III. 阅读理解 That“Monday morning feeling”could be a crushing pain in the chest whic】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

WASHINGTON/NEW YORK - US President Bush said on Monday that he wanted Osama bin Laden “dead or alive” for last week’s attacks on the World Trade Center and the pentagon, but many of Washington’s allies are cool on strikes against Afghanistan.
  Bush has named Saudi - born militant Osama bin Laden as a prime suspect, though he has provided no evidence for his claim. Still, he had been building public support for military action and has warned Afghanistan’s Taliban to give up Bin Laden.
  But the Taliban, which has warned of “holy war” in response to any US attack, by Tuesday afternoon had given no indication of whether the man they call their“ guest” would be handed over.
  On an unprecedented“ Day of terror”, two planes smashed into New York’s World Trade Center twin towers on September 11, putting them into ruins while explosions rocked the Pentagon in Washington, and the White House and State Department were evacuated. The attacks have left more than 5, 000 people dead or missing.
  China has said it is ready to join international efforts in fighting “terrorism ”but insisted that peace, not war, is the best option.
  In London, Blair declared it a“ war between the civilized world and fanaticism ”and determined to stand by an ally which aided Britain in two world wars. France, Germany and other, including Russia, are also supportive. “The evil must be punished, ” Russian President Vladimir Putin said. “But we should not liken ourselves to bandit.” His defense chiefs have ruled out hosting NATO forces in former Soviet Central Asia or joining US military action, although Moscow says it will help with intelligence.
55. What building(s)was/were totally damaged?
  A. The World Trade Center and the Pentagon
  B. The World Trade Center.
  C. The Pentagon.
  D. The White House
56. In this passage, what country does the underlined part refer to?
  A. Russia    B. France    C. Germany    D. America
57. According to the passage, which of the following is right?
  A. It was bin Laden that made the terrorist attacks, which have left more than 5, 000 people dead or missing.
  B. Russian forces will join US military action.
  C. There is no sign to show that the Tailbone will hand over bin Laden.
  D. Few countries support America after the attacks.
58. From the passage, what problem is the world facing?
  A. Wars    B. Terrorism   C. Population   D. Explosions
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Great British is an island that lies off the northwest coast of Europe. The nearest country is France which is 20 miles away. Great British is separated from France by the English Channel. The island is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, to the west, and the North Sea, to the east. It includes the main lands of England, Wales and Scotland. Scotland is in the north while Wales is in the west. Ireland, which is also an island, lies off the west coast of Great Britain. It is made up of Northern Ireland and the Irish Republic. Great Britain together with Northern Ireland forms the United Kingdom (U.K.). So the U.K. is made up of four countries. The largest of these is England which is divided into 43 countries. The capital city is London which is on the river Thames.
小题1:Great Britain is separated from France by_______.
A.the North SeaB.Suez CanalC.English ChannelD.Thames
小题2:Great Britain lies on the ______of the Atlantic ocean.
小题3:The United Kingdom is made up of _______.
A.England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland
B.England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
C.Great Britain and Ireland
D.Great Britain and the Irish Republic
小题4:It is true that England is________.
A.the smallest of the four countries in U.K.
B.only larger than Wales
C.as large as Ireland
D.the largest country in U.K.

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People were asked to comment __28__ scenes from films like Pulp Fiction, TV series like Channel 4’s Brookside and cartoons like South Park. Leeds University concluded that people made a __29__between bad language used in programmes for adults, and those _30__ for children.
Advertisements need to attract and ___31__ the attention of the public. Some advertisements consist of pictures or the words of experts to show people how good the products are. Others try to create advertisements that people simply enjoy ___32___. As present-day advertisers often have large ____33___, a lot of money is spent on applying modern techniques of design to make these advertisements as _____34_____ attractive as possible.
Not all advertising is about selling products and services for a profit. Some contemporary advertisements mainly aim to make contributions to society. There are public advertisements ____35_____citizens to participate in improving their neighbourhood, protecting the environment, and helping other people. ___36___ the last decade, the government has worked hard at using advertisements to educate the public on fighting AIDS, saving water, helping the poor, giving up smoking, etc. These advertisements have helped to increase public knowledge, which has made our society a better place for everyone.
C.looking at
D.staring at
A.more visually
B.less visually
C.to encourage
A. From
C. By
D. Since
D. Over
Dear Editor,
I am writing to ­­­­___37___about the plan for a new airport. Many people have been  38 the idea from the start. However, the government is planning to go ahead with the building next year.
First, the government says that the airport will bring us industry and jobs.  39 , in my opinion, it will ruin the character of Tamford, a historic country town. Although the airport would bring tourists, I am not sure they would want to stay in a dirty, industrial town.
___40____ the government says, it is clear that the airport will also affect our health. Problems will increase even though the government has promised us a new hospital. Air pollution will get worse and this will be harmful to people, for example, it can cause cancer. Noise pollution will also have an ___41___ on the houses and schools near the airport.
I think other people should write to the government about this problem. We should do everything we can  42  this airport.
C.in favour of
B.No matter which
D.No matter
B.to stop
And a word of advice. To avoid getting confused about the British tipping system, you need to ____43____ your bill to see if a tip is included or not. If it isn’t, I suggest leaving 10% of the bill for the waiter or waitress --- ___44____ a bit more if the service is good. Talking of money --- it’s really easy to exchange traveller’s cheques at banks or hotels so I ___45___ you to get some of those before you come.

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One is not born able to speak a language.One is born able to make a noise.I have heard babies cry in America and in China.I can"t tell any difference.But when I hear someone from America speak English and hear someone speak Chinese, I can tell you there are a lot of differences.
 I believe a common problem with Chinese students’ learning English is that they were not taught to think in English.They have an idea spoken in English and want to translate the idea into Chinese, Then they think in Chinese of the proper reply and translate it into English.After a long period of speaking the language, one begins to think in the foreign language naturally.You will learn faster if you begin to think in English at the very beginning of your study.Many students ask me: What can I do to improve my spoken English?
My reply is: The more English you speak, the better English you will speak.There are many things you can do to improve your spoken English.Of course, the best way is to live where English is spoken as a language of the country.
小题1:The cries of American and Chinese babies are ________.
A.different B.the sameC.not like each otherD.like each other
小题2:The underlined sentence ( in Paragraph 2 ) means that ________.
A.some teachers didn"t teach students to think in English
B.teachers never gave the students the way of learning English
C.students didn"t remember the way teachers taught them
D.teachers didn"t want their students to think in English
小题3:The underlined word “they” ( in Paragraph 2 ) refers to “________”.
A.Chinese studentsB.English students
C.Chinese teachersD.English teachers
小题4:According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
A.You must think in English all the time.
B.If you translate a sentence into Chinese, you should think about the meaning of the sentence in Chinese carefully first.
C.After speaking English for a long time, you may probably think in English naturally.
D.The best way of learning English is to live in America.

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Although the US is so big and its people have so many different racial backgrounds, it is in some ways less varied than Europe.The English language is used almost everywhere in its American form.The American way of speaking has developed independently of English and is on the whole closer to what can be heard in Ireland.
Another example of uniformity(一致)is in habits and ways of living.From Boston to Los Angeles it is as far as from France to Central Asia, and from east to west there are five time zones; but everywhere people get up and go to bed at about the same time, eat the same kind of food, buy in the same kind of shops, work and rest at the same time of the day and have the same pattern of holidays.In most of the things that matter there is less difference between rich people and ordinary people or between town and country, than in any single European nation.
Although far more food is produced than the present population needs, America is actually an urban society.Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in (从事) agriculture and most of the rest live in or around towns large and small.Here the traditional picture is changing; most Americans do not live in small towns any more.Half the population now live in some thirty metropolitan (大城市的) areas.
The fact that the United States has always been a single economic unit has contributed to uniformity.Modern industry favors large organization, and it is no accident that the world’s biggest commercial firms are American.The people can choose between the products of competing manufacturers (制造商) but the products are all much alike.
小题1:In describing the uniformity in the U.S.the author does not mention that the American people       .
A.get up and go to work at the same time
B.spend their holidays in the same pattern
C.buy and eat the same kind of food
D.have more or less the same income
小题2:What can we learn from the passage about the U.S.agriculture?
A.The American farmers need more land.
B.Americans are interested in farming.
C.It is now going backward.
D.It is quite developed.
小题3:The last paragraph suggests that ___      .
A.the production size in the United States is very big
B.a single economic unit produces the same kind of products
C.there are more and more competing manufactures
D.people can choose from all kinds of products that are similar.
小题4:The underlined part “In most of the things that matter” probably refers to      .
A.in most basic things such as food, clothing and houses
B.in the more expensive things such as cars, TV sets, etc
C.in their land, housing and bank savings
D.in their wealth and income

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