当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Who are these people rushing by you on the street? More than 250 million people ...
Who are these people rushing by you on the street? More than 250 million people now call Amer­ica" home" , but most of them can trace their families back to other parts of the world. If you, look at the names on shop windows, you will see that Americans come from many different lands. The idea that these people, who once were strangers to the United States,have lost the customs and cultures of their original countries and have become "Americans"is really not true. In fact, what exists in Ameri­ca is - more often a kind of “ side - by - side" living in which groups of people from other countries often have kept many of their own customs and habits. They join the general American society only in certain areas of their lives such as in schools,business,and sports一but they keep many of their own native customs and manners socially and at home. This “ side - by - side" living has both advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes it may cause disagreements to develop between groups whose ways of life are very different from one another. However, there are also great advantages that come from the variety of cultures brought by settlers from other lands. There is great freedom of choice among ideas ’ dress, food, and social customs in America. Everyone can find some part of his or her own familiar world in the United States, in churches, music, food, national groups, or newspaper.
小题1:More than 250 million people call America ”home" because    .
A.they have their houses there
B.they settle there now
C.they want to make their home there
D.they like that land very much
小题2:Side - by - side living style means
A.to make friends with native people
B.to keep their own customs while sharing American ones in certain areas
C.that the groups of people live nearby
D.that they get closer to American society
小题3:According to the passage, people in the USA
A.share American customs and cultures
B.live in a kind of side - by - side society
C.keep their own customs and habits firmly
D.make no choice to accept American customs
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.They always stick to their own customs and habits.
B.Side - by - side living style is not suitable.
C.They face the society they are not familiar with.
D.The advantages coming from the variety of cultures make life in America colorful.
小题5:Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.Advantages and Disadvantages
B.Different Customs and Habits
C.Home for the People
D.Side - by - Side Living Style in America



试题【Who are these people rushing by you on the street? More than 250 million people 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Americans think that travel is good for you. Some even think it can help to solve one of the coun­try ’ s worst problems ~: crime (犯罪).
Crime worries a lot of people. Every year, the number of crimes is up and up. And many criminals (罪犯)are young. They often come from sad homes, with only one parent or no parents at all.
There are many young criminals in prison,but prison doesn ’ t change them. Six or seven in ten will go back to crime when they come out of prison.
One man ,Bob Burton, thought of a new idea. In the old days, young men had to live a difficult life on the road. They learned to be strong and brave, and to help their friends to be strong and brave, and to help their friends in time of danger. This helped them grow into men. So Bob Burton started “Vision Quest. “ He takes young criminals on a long ,long journey with horses and wagons (马车), 3,000 miles through seven states. They are on the road for more than a year.
The young people in Vision Quest all have bad problems. Most of them have already spent time in prison. This is their last chance.
It"s hard work on the road. The day starts before the sun comes up. The boys and girls have to feed the horses. Some of them have never loved anyone before  but they love their horses. That love can help them to live a new life.
Not all the young people on Vision Quest will leave crime behind them. Three or four in ten will one day be in prison again. Bob Burton is right. Travel can be good for you. Even today, Americans still say, “ Go west, young men. ”
小题1:In the last paragraph “leave crime behind them" means    .
A.no longer do a crimeB.leave people who do a crime
C.don"t do all the crimesD.leave criminals behind
小题2:Why is Bob Burton right?
A.Because he can help to solve crime.
B.Because three or four is better than six or seven.
C.Because the young criminals have a hard life on the road.
D.Because he can stop crime in the country.
小题3:Form the passage we may infer that   .
A.getting up before the sun rises can help out of crime
B.we can hardly find a person who has no love for anybody or anything
C.travelling can help all criminals out of prison
D.young people can do anything freely
小题4:    On “ Vision Quest"   .
A.young people have bad problems
B.young people grow tall very fast
C.young people often help their friends in time of danger
D.all of the above
小题5:Americans still say, "Go west, young men. ”because .
A.if they go west they can have a travel
B.in the west there is a prison
C.there they have to live a hard life to grow into men
D.prison doesn"t change them

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Do you know what really troubles me? For some reason, words with silent letters have always bothered me. For example, consider these words: know, design, island, school, wrist, naughty, and salmon. All of these words have at least one letter that is not typically pronounced, and these words are just a very small part of words with silent letters in them.
Some words are even worse, consider this word: colonel. Not only are some letters not pronounced, but letters that are not even there are pronounced.
Even foreign languages, especially French, are guilty of this needless complexity and confusion. I know there must be some main historical reasons why the words are spelled and pronounced the way they are, but that does not mean bad traditions must continue to survive. Especially if they are no longer logical.
Unfortunately, there is very little that anyone can do for it, because there’s no group of people who can change or have the right to change the English language for everyone. However, the only thing we can do is make changes in the way we talk and write in hopes that it catches on. For example, I pronounce the letter “l” in salmon on purpose to make people annoyed and to sound more different or complicated. I even pronounce colonel the correct or French way.
I can only hope these two minor changes to the English language make sense to you, and you will help to keep up these minor changes forever in your everyday life.
小题1:We can learn from the passage ________.
A.colonel is pronounced
B.salmon is pronounced
C.all the words with silent letters come from French
D.linguists will solve the problem of dumb letters
小题2:Which of the following is the main reason for silent letters?
A.French language.B.Historical reasons.
C.Some linguistsD.Bad traditions.
小题3:The underlined phrase “catches on” probably means “________”.
A.becomes popularB.gets across
C.follows the fashionD.doesn’t fall behind
小题4:Which of the following is the best title for this passage?
A.Troubles in everyday lifeB.Traps in English words
C.Words with silent lettersD.Necessary changes of languages

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Some places in the world have strange laws. It’s important for you to know about them before going there.
Whoever likes to chew gum(口香糖) may have to leave Singapore. The government really wants to keep the city clean and will fine you for chewing gum.
Before you leave for the United Arab Emirates you’d better make sure you aren’t visiting during Ramadan(斋月). During that time you aren’t allowed to eat or drink in public. Tourists have been fined up to $275 for drinking in public.
Lovers spend so much time kissing each other goodbye at train stations that trains often start late. This law — no kissing your lover goodbye at train stations – is rather old, and isn’t in use today in France.
In Thailand it’s against the law to drive a car or motorcycle without a shirt on, no matter how hot it is. Punishments are different in different areas and can include warnings and tickets costing about $10. No joke -- the local police will stop you.
Studies in Denmark have shown that cars with their headlights on are more noticeable by other drivers than those with their headlights off. Drivers there are required to leave their headlights on even during the day, or they may face a fine up to $100.
Do you often buy things using coins? Don’t do it in Canada. The Currency Law of 1985 doesn’t allow using only coins to buy things. Even the use of the dollar-coin is limited (受限制的). The shop owner has the right to choose whether to take your coins or not.
Make sure you know about these laws before your next trip. Better safe than sorry.
小题1:What is mainly talked about in the text?
A.How to make your trip around the world safe.
B.Why there are strange laws in the world.
C.Interesting places you can go to around the world.
D.Some strange laws you should know about for your trip.
小题2:If you are driving a car in Thailand, _____.
A.the police will play a joke on you
B.you should wear your shirt even though it’s hot
C.the police will give you tickets costing about $10
D.you should always keep your headlights on
小题3:What can we learn from the text?
A.Kissing goodbye at train stations isn’t allowed in France today.
B.The Singaporean government cares a lot about its environment.
C.Tourists in the United Arab Emirates shouldn’t eat in public.
D.You can turn your headlights off in daytime in Denmark.
小题4:What do we know about the strange law in Canada?
A.It is a newly invented law
B.You aren’t allowed to use dollar-coins.
C.You will be fined if you use coins
D.Shop owners can decide if you can use coins.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D .Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Would you send a monkey to do your shopping for you? Sounds very strange, doesn’t it ? But monkeys can be trained to do some wonderful things. Most people know that monkeys are one of  36   cleverest beasts(兽). Scientists have been studying the connection(联系) __37__ monkeys and people for a long time. They have done experiments that test __38__monkeys are able to do simple things.
In one test, a scientist put two monkeys in two cages beside each other. Each cage had a machine. One cage had a machine which gave out water. __39__ had one which gave out food. Each monkey was given _40__ black and white coins. The black coins worked _41_ in the food machine. The white coins worked in the machine with the __42__. After some time, both animals _43__ know which coin worked in which machine.
Then the test was made _44__. The coin s were taken away. The monkey with the water machine was __45_ to have any water for twenty-four hours. The food monkey was prevented from __46_ any food. The next day, the coins were returned to the monkeys. This time, __47__, the monkey with the food machine was given coins for water machine, and the monkey with the water machine was given the coins that worked in the food machine. What did the two __48__ monkeys do? The two clever monkeys __49__ through the bars (栅栏) of their cages and __50_coins with each other.
A.The oneB.The restC.AnotherD.The other
A.a piece ofB.a bag ofC.a littleD.scores
A.were used toB.used toC.could hardlyD.were able to
A.allowedB.not allowedC.askedD.drank

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April. People _36_forget the significance (意义) of the day.
In March 1980. I was   37   at Durham University with seven other Chinese students. I had   38   to go to another university after graduation and had   39          application (申请)  forms to several  40  . Every morning I arrived at the porter’s office (传达室) and waited my fate. But no 41   came.
On April 1st, as I was eating my   42  , Huang came in , with a toothbrush  43  in his hand. 44   fearing that he might forget the important news , he passed me the  45 . “Morning  , Wu,” he said , “I saw Mr. G this morning. He told me that a letter had arrived in his office for you from Manchester University, and asked you to go and get it  46  possible.” I jumped with   47 .
I  even didn’t   48  my breakfast and rushed to Mr. G’s  office but  he wasn’t   49   .  I then went to the secretary’s room and    50    everything to her. She opened Mr. G’s room. I looked at everything. There didn’t seem to be a letter for me. “If he had asked you to pick it up from here,” said the secretary , “ he would have put it in  51 or simply left it to me.”
Greatly  52  , I walked out of the room and   53  the  secretary lock it. 54    the secretary’s eyes   55  . “Sorry,” she said. “It’s April Fool’s Day!”
小题1:A sometimes         B. never                   C. always            D. seldom
A.Because ofB.As ifC.AfterD.While
A.ifB.as soon asC.whenD.as fast as
A.the newsB.the letterC.joyD.luck
A.the officeB.his deskC.the roomD.an obvious(明显的) place

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
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