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Recently, a couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4Real. Even 小题1: New Zealand has quite free rules about 小题2: children, names beginning with a 小题3:  are not allowed. They decided to call him Superman 小题4: .
In many countries around the world, 小题5: names for children are becoming more popular. In Britain, you can call a child almost   小题6:  you like. The only restrictions on parents   小题7: to offensive(冒犯的) words such as swear words.
 小题8: parents choose names which come from 小题9: culture. For example, there have been six boys named Gandalf   小题10: the character in the Lord of the Rings(指环王) novels and films. 小题11: , names related to sport are fairly common – 小题12: 1984, 36 children have been called Arsenal(阿森纳) after the football team. Other parents like to 小题13: names, or combine names to make their own 小题14: names, a method demonstrated (证实的) by Jordan, the British model, 小题15: recently invented the name Tiaamii for her daughter by 小题16: names     Thea and Amy (the two grandmothers).
Some names which were previously 小题17: as old-fashioned have 小题18: popular again, but the most popular names are not the strange 小题19: . The top names are fairly   小题20: , for example, Jack, Charlie and Thomas for boys and Grace, Ruby and Jessica for girls.
A.calling B.raisingC.namingD.educating
A.numberB.mark C.letterD.sign
A.however B.insteadC.thus D.too
A.unusual B.outstandingC.commonD.famous
A.relateB.to relateC.relating D.related
A.Many of B.Some C.A great many ofD.Much
A.current B.mysteriousC.popularD.present
A.in B.sinceC.afterD.till
A.make upB.make for C.make use ofD.make out
A.well–known B.doubleC.fantasticD.unique
A.whoB.whichC.that D.who that
A.thought ofB.thought aboutC.thoughtD.thought over
A.formed B.soundedC.becomeD.developed
A.convenient B.traditionalC.classicD.contemporary



小题1:考查连词及上下文的呼应。when当……时候;even though即使; in在;for为。即使新西兰有相当地自由给孩子取名,故选B。
小题2:考查动名词及上下文的呼应。calling叫; raising抚养;   naming命名;educating教育。name +某人“给某人取名”即使新西兰有相当地自由给孩子取名,故选C。
小题3:考查名词及上下文的呼应。number数字; mark 做标记; letter 信,字母;        sign符号。根据上文要给孩子取名为4Real是以数字开头,是不允许的,故选A。
小题4:考查副词及上下文的呼应。however可是; instead 代替; thus 这样;too也。他们决定给孩子取名为超人代替4Real,故选B。
小题5:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。unusual通常; outstanding杰出的; common   共同的; famous著名的。在许多国家最常见的名字是受欢迎的,故选A。
小题6:考查代词及上下文的呼应。everything一切事情; something某些事情;    nothing没事; anything任何事情。在英国你可以叫孩子任何的名字,故选D。
小题7:考查动词及上下文的呼应。relate 有关;这里缺少谓语动词,故选A。
小题8:考查短语及上下文的呼应。many of+冠词或指示代词或形容词性物主代词+可数名词的复数; some可数名词或不可数名词; a great many of+指示代词或冠词或形容词性物主代词+可数名词复数;much不可数名词;这里修饰parents故用B。
小题9:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。current流通的,通用的; mysterious神秘的;popular受欢迎的,流行的; present现在的。一些父母给孩子取名选择来自流行的文化,故选C。
小题10:考查介词及上下文的呼应。name after 以……命名。例如有六个小男孩都命名为Gandalf是以《指环王》的小说或电影而取得名字,故选B。
小题11:考查副词及上下文的呼应。equally同样地; whereas然而; indeed 的确;       however然而。同样地,自从1984年以来与体育有关的名字也是相当普遍的,故选A。
小题12:考查介词及上下文的呼应。根据谓语动词have been called 用的是现在完成时,这些介词中只有since  与这个时态连用。故选B。
小题13:考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。make up编造,组成,弥补; make for导致,有利于; make use of利用; make out理解,辨认出。其他的父母喜欢编造一些名字,故选A。
小题14:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。well–known出名的; double 两倍的;       fantastic奇异的; unique独特的。一些父母把几个名字连起来编造出自己独特的名字,故选D。
小题15:考查连词及上下文的呼应。这是定语从句,先行词是Jordan ,所以用who 来引导, 它在从句中作主语,故选A。
小题16:考查动名词及上下文的呼应。changing改变; separating分离;combining组合;  dividing分开。Jordan为自己的女儿取名为Tiaamii就是把Thea and Amy两个名字组合的,故选C。
小题17:考查动词短语及上下文的呼应。think of…as认为是; think about   考虑;think想,认为; think over仔细考虑。一些名字被认为是过时的了,故选A。
小题18:考查动词及上下文的呼应。form形成; sound听起来; become成为;develop发展。一些被认为过时的了的名字又重新受欢迎了,故选C。
小题19:考查代词及上下文的呼应。ones代替同类的可数名词复数;personalities性格; characters性格; varieties种类。这里用ones代替同类的可数名词names,故选A。
小题20:考查形容词及上下文的呼应。convenient方便的; traditional传统的;classic古典的; contemporary当代的。一些名字是相当如潮的,故选D。
试题【Recently, a couple in New Zealand were forbidden from naming their baby son 4Rea】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A holiday is any day when people lay aside their ordinary duties and cares. The word came from Old English. At first, holidays honored some holy events or persons. People in Great Britain and other countries speak of holidays as Americans speak of vacations.
Every nation has its special holidays. China observes New Year’s Day (January 1), May Day and National Day as legal (法定的)holidays , as it was on Oct.1,1949 that the People’s Republic of China was founded. The Chinese have long celebrated the Chinese lunar year. In the United States, congress has declared several days as legal holidays such as New Year’s Day (January 1), Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday, Washington’s birthday, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and so on. Some holidays celebrated special events in the development of a country, such as Greece’s Independence Day, Italy’s Liberation Day and India’s Independence Day.
In the United States, banks and schools usually close on a legal holiday. When such a holiday falls on Sunday, the following Monday is usually observed. Schools and organizations often observe days known as traditional holidays, although schools and business do not close then. Those holidays include Valentine’s Day and Halloween.
小题1:From the passage we know that China’s National Day is _______
A.January1B.May 1
小题2:In the sentence “China observes New Year’s Day (January 1)’’, observe means ______
A.praisesB.spendsC.celebrates D.cares
小题3:From the passage we can infer that _______
A.Chinese will no longer observe the Spring Festival
B.students don’t have to go to school on any holiday
C.Chinese and Americans share at least one holiday
D.Americans can easily draw money from banks on legal days.
小题4:Which of the following holidays has nothing to do with a country’s development?
A.China’s National Day B.Valentine’s Day
C.Italy’s liberation Day D.Independence Day
小题5:If a legal holiday falls on Sunday in the USA, people usually celebrate on ______.
A.SundayB.the following
C.the following MondayD.the following Tuesday.

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I came across quite a few language problems while on holiday with my family last summer. The most embarrassing was when my Mom apologized to the people we were staying with because her “pants were dirty”. They looked at her in amazement, not knowing how to react. You see, Mom had fallen over and gotten mud on her jeans. But in Britain, “pants” means underpants, not trousers as it does back home.
Katie — From America
When I asked for the “restroom” in a big department store, people kept directing me to a room with seats where I could sit and “rest”. It took me years to get through to someone that I only wanted the toilet!
Tom — From America
Last summer we went on a two-week family touring holiday, so Dad hired a car over the Internet. This was an old vehicle and there turned out to be lots of things wrong with it. When he phoned the hire company and tried to explain that the lock on the boot(汽车行李箱) was broken, they thought he was talking about footwear! He had no idea their word for “boot” was “trunk”. In the end we went to a garage and just solved the problem.
Mary — From Britain
Last summer, I went to stay with a friend on the west coast. Her flat was on the first floor of a high-rise building so I got the lift up. Then I wandered round for ages looking for her flat but couldn’t find it. Fed up and tired, I finally had to go out to find a phone box. She explained that her flat was on the first floor, which for me meant the ground floor.
David — From Britain
小题1:Hearing Katie’s mother’s words, Katie’s friends were in amazement because ____________.
A.they mistook “pants” in American for underpants
B.Katie’s mother’s underpants were dirty
C.Katie’s mother got mud on her jeans
D.they didn’t know any English
小题2:David went out to find a phone box to ____________.
A.phone the police for helpB.apologize for his being late
C.tell his friends he couldn’t go to visit herD.phone his friend for help
小题3: When Tom asked for the “restroom”, the people around him thought _____________.
A.he wanted a chairB.he wanted to have a rest
C.he wanted the toiletD.He wanted to go to a department store
小题4:The underlined word “garage” is probably _____________.
A.a parking placeB.a carC.a place to repair cars D.a gas station
小题5:Which of the following words is from British English?
A.PantsB.RestroomC.Ground floorD.Trunk

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Humankind has tried to improve its standard of living since the very beginning of civili­zation. Back then, as well as today, providing food and security was the basic task for a per­son. However, nowadays the range of required goods has expanded significantly. People feel the need for not only some primary things, such as a piece of bread and a roof over their heads, but also for various facilities and luxuries. Providing humanity with these things is connected to the use of natural resources, which requires energy. In turn, the common sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost unavoidably as­sociated with environmental damage.
Economic growth is the increase in numbers of goods and services produced over time by an economy, and it is calculated in terms of real Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Before growth is calculated, inflation (通货膨胀)is adjusted in order to take into account its mis­leading effect on the price of goods and services. Economic growth can also be explained as the increase in expected output, which results from an increase in actual output, or total de­mand.
There are certain aspects of economic growth which affect the environment. The first of these is the fact that in order to produce more goods and products, at a faster rate, the con­struction of large industrial plants is required. These plants produce a lot of waste, leading to the pollution of water and the atmosphere, which may cause negative long term health effects to nearby populations of animals, or people. They also lead to global warming.
Industrial manufacturing leads to the constantly increasing energy consumption. The traditional energy sources, which are commonly used nowadays, are considered to be the greatest polluters to the environment. There also exist so-called eco-friendly sources of energy. They are sometimes preferred but replacing the traditional sources with them also requires time, during which people have to make some sacrifices to support these undertak­ings.
In order to produce economically practical energy, a sometimes significant transforma­tion of the natural site is often inevitable. This is expensive and, has harmful effects on the environment. Application of wind energy would block airflows’ natural speed which is the reason for their decrease in strength, after crossing the windmill. Consequently, the pres­sure balance that is brought about by this current will be affected, and it is important to re­member that the environment and weather conditions are directly affected by atmospheric pressure.
For these reasons, bringing about economic growth without any resulting environmental damage, whatsoever, is impossible.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A. Pollution caused by plant construction.
B. Effects of windmills on the environment.
C. Economic growth and human civilization.
D. Economic growth and environmental damage.
小题2:What does the underlined word “They” in the third paragraph refer to?
A.Goods and productsB.The industrial plants
C. Water and atmosphere D.Negative health effects
小题3:According to the passage, the author holds the opinion that ______.
A. economic growth should be calculated in terms of GDP
B. use of natural resources causes no damage to the environment
C. industrial manufacturing may cause damage to the environment
D. a windmill is a perfect way to produce economically practical energy
小题4:Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?

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One of the speaking rules you need to know might sound strange to most ESL (English as a second language) students, but it is one of the most important rules. If you want to pass examinations, then study grammar. However, if you want to become fluent in English, then you should try to learn English without studying the grammar.
Studying grammar will only slow you down and confuse you. You will think about the rules when creating sentences instead of naturally saying a sentence like a native. Remember that only a small part of English speakers know more than 20% of all the grammar rules. Many ESL students know more grammar than native speakers. I can confidently say this with experience. I am a native English speaker, majored in English Literature, and have been teaching English for more than 10 years. However, many of my students know more details about English grammar than I do. When they sometimes ask me about grammar, I can easily look up the definition(定义) and apply it, but I can’t tell them the answer off the top of my head.
I often ask my native English friends some grammar questions, and only a few of them know the correct answer. However, they are fluent in English and can read, speak, listen, and communicate effectively.
Do you want to be able to recite the definition of a causative verb, or do you want to be able to speak English fluently?
小题1:According to the author, what opinion do most ESL students hold?
A.Grammar matters a lot only in speaking.
B.Grammar doesn’t matter much in speaking.
C.Grammar is very important in English learning.
D.Grammar is not important in English learning.
小题2:What is the author?
A.An ESL student.B.A teacher teaching English natives.
C.A native English student.D.A native English teacher.
小题3:The underlined part “off the top of my head” means         .
A.on purposeB.without consideration
C.after thinkingD.with difficulty
小题4:Which of the following titles best suits the text?
A.Fluency or Grammar? B.Grammar Counts!
C.Exams or No Exams? D.No More Grammar!

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The insanely popular song from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever, gaining more than 808 million views on the popular media site.

The record was previously held by another pop heavyweight, Justin Bieber, whose song“Baby”had a little more than 804 million views at press time. PSY made the announcement early today.
Since its release,the song has outshone such other popular videos as Jennifer Lopez’s“On the Floor.”and Eminem’s“Love the Way You Lie”.
And in September,“Gangnam Style”also became the most liked video on YouTube,now with nearly 5.4 million thumbs up.
At the time of the announcement, the Guinness Book of World Records released a statement saying: “In years past it was unthinkable that something would be viewed a hundred million times, and now Gangnam Style has achieved more than twice this figure in just three months on YouTube. PSY,your certificate is waiting here at our office,come and pick it up any time!”
Despite its massive popularity, the video shows no signs of slowing down, and it even has a shot at becoming the first video to get more than one billion views.
If it maintains its current rate of around six million new views per day, “Gangnam Style”would be in line to break that record by the end of the year.
It has found its way to the tops of music charts in more than 30 countries, including the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain and Canada, while providing material for thousands of parody videos.
It became a staple in the 2012 presidential elections with the now ramous “Mitt Romney Style” video and was even used by the North Korean government in propaganda(宣传)films promoting their supreme leader. Meanwhile, such influential figures as President Obama, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt have all made mention of the hit song.
小题1:Which of the following ranks second in views on YouTube?
A.Gangnam Style.B.Baby.
C.On the Floor.D.Love the Way You Lie.
小题2:Which statement about Gangnam Style on YouTube is wrong?
A.It has become the most watched video.
B.It has become the most liked video.
C.It has won more than 5.4 million thumbs down.
D.It has more than two hundred million views in three months.
小题3:What does the statement made by the Guinness Book of World Records suggest?
A.Some video gained more views than Gangnam Style.
B.It is impossible that Gangnam Style should have 100 million views.
C.Guinness Book of World Records has recognized Gangnam Style’s achievements.
D.Guinness Book of World Records won’t believe Gangnam Style’s achievements.
小题4: Gangnam Style is to _______ if it keeps its current rate.
A.get more than one billion views
B.get more than two billion views
C.get more than 808 million Views
D.get one hundred million views
小题5:What can we learn about Gangnam Style from the last paragraph?
A.It is especially popular in developing countries.
B.It has played a part in the US presidential elections.
C.Few influential figures know it.
D.The supreme leader of North Korea has ever performed it.

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