当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Diana Jacobs thought her family had a workable plan to pay for college...
阅读理解。     Diana Jacobs thought her family had a workable plan to pay for college for her 21-year-old twin sons:
a combination of savings, income, scholarships, and a modest amount of borrowing. Then her husband
lost his job, and the plan fell apart.
     "I have two kids in college, and I want to say "come home," but at the same time I want to provide
them with a good education," says Jacobs.
     The Jacobs family did work out a solution: They asked and received more aid from the schools, and
each son increased his borrowing to the maximum amount through the federal loan (贷款) program. They
will each graduate with $20,000 of debt, but at least they will be able to finish school.
     With unemployment rising, financial aid administrators expect to hear more families like the Jacobs.
More students are applying for aid, and more families expect to need student loans. College administrators
are concerned that they will not have enough aid money to go around.
     At the same time, tuition (学费) continues to rise. A report from the National Center for Public Policy
and Higher Education found that college tuition and fees increased 439% from 1982 to 2007, while average
family income rose just 147%. Student borrowing has more than doubled in the last decade.
      "If we go on this way for another 25years, we won"t have an affordable system of higher education,"
says Patrick M. Callan, president of the center. "The middle class families have been financing it through
debt. They will send kids to college whatever it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt."
     Financial aid administrators have been having a hard time as many companies decide that student loans
are not profitable enough and have stopped making them. The good news, however, is that federal loans
account for about three quarters of student borrowing, and the government says that money will flow
uninterrupted. 1. According to Paragraph 1, why did the plan of Jocobs fail?A. The twins wasted too much money.
B. The father was out of work.
C. Their saving ran out.
D. The family fell apart.2. How did the Jacobs manage to solve their problem? A. They asked their kids to come home.
B. They borrowed $20,000 from the school.
C. They encouraged their twin sons to do part-time jobs.
D. They got help from the school and the federal government. 3. Financial aid administrators believe that _____.A. more families will face the same problem as the Jacobses
B. the government will receive more letters of complaint
C. college tuition fees will double soon
D. America"s unemployment will fall 4. What can we learn about the middle class families from the text?A. They blamed the government for the tuition increase.
B. Their income remained steady in the last decade.
C. They will try their best to send kids to college.
D. Their debts will be paid off within 25 years. 5. According to the last paragraph, the government will _____. A. provide most students will scholarships
B. dismiss some financial aid administrators
C. stop the companies from making student loans
D. go on providing financial support for college students
1-5: BDACD
试题【阅读理解。     Diana Jacobs thought her family had a workable plan to pay for college】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Having a husband means an extra seven hours of housework each week for women, according to a new
study. For men, getting married saves an hour of housework a week. "It"s a well-known pattern," said lead
researcher Frank Stafford at University of Michigan"s Institute for Social Research. "Men usually work more
outside the home, while women take on more of the housework."
     He points out that differences among households (家庭) exist. But in general, marriage means more
housework for women and less for men. "And the situation gets worse for women when they have children."
Stafford said.
     Overall, times are changing in the American home. In 1976, women busied themselves with 26 weekly
hours of sweeping-and-dusting work, compared with 17 hours in 2005. Men are taking on more housework,
more than doubling their housework hours from six in 1976 to 13 in 2005.
     Single women in their 20s and 30s did the least housework, about 12 weekly hours, while married women
in their 60s and 70s did the most-about 21 hours a week.
     Men showed a somewhat different pattern, with older men picking up the broom more often than younger
men. Single men worked the hardest around the house, more than that of all other age groups of married men.
     Having children increases housework even further. With more than three, for example, wives took on more
of the extra work, clocking about 28 hours a week compared with husbands" 10 hours. 1. According to the"well-known pattern" in Paragraph 1, a married man _____.A. takes on heavier work
B. does more housework
C. is the main breadwinner
D. is the master of the house 2. How many hours of housework did men do every week in the 1970s? A. About 28
B. About 26
C. About 13
D. About 6 3. What kind of man is doing most housework according to the text? A. An unmarried man.
B. An older married man.
C. A younger married man.
D. A married man with children. 4. What can we conclude from Stafford"s research? A. Marriage gives men more freedom.
B. Marriage has effects on job choices.
C. Housework sharing changes over time.
D. Having children means doubled housework.
题型:高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The internet will open up new vistas (前景), create the global village-you can make new friends all around
the world. That, at least, is what it promised us. The difficulty is that it did not take the human mind into
account. The reality is that we cannot keep relationships with more than a limited number of people. No matter
how hard the internet tries to put you in communication, its best efforts will be defeated by your mind.
     The problem is twofold (双重的). First, there is a limit on the number of people we can hold in mind and
have a meaningful relationship with. That number is about 150 and is set by the size of our brain. Second, the
quality of your relationships depends on the amount of time you invest (投入) in them. We invest a lot in a
small number of people and then distribute what"s left among as many others as we can. The problem is that
if we invest little time in a person, our engagement with that person will decline (减弱) until eventually it dies
into "someone I once knew".
     This is not, of course, to say that the internet doesn"t serve a socially valuable function. Of course it does.
But the question is not that it allows you to increase the size of your social circle to include the rest of the
world, but that you can keep your relationships with your existing friends going even though you have to move
to the other side of the world.
     In one sense, that"s a good thing. But it also has a disadvantage. If you continue to invest in your old friends
even though you can no longer see then, then certainly you aren"t using your time to make new friends where
you now live. And I suspect that probably isn"t the best use of your time. Meaningful relationships are about
being able to communicate with each other, face to face. The internet will slow down the rate with which
relationships end, but it won"t stop that happening eventually. 1. What is stressed in the first paragraph? A. The present situation of the internet.
B. The difficulty in communication on the internet.
C. The socially valuable function of the internet.
D. The role of the human mind in the internet communication. 2. The underlined word "engagement" in the second paragraph probably means "_____". A. appointment
B. connection
C. interview
D. agreement 3. According to the passage, the author holds the view that _____. A. the internet fails to play so valuable a role in communication as it promised
B. the internet determines the quality of social relationships
C. the internet greatly increases the size of social circles
D. the internet communication is no less effective than the face-to-face talk 4. What is the author"s attitude towards the use of the internet to strengthen relationships? A. He is uncertain about it.
B. He is hopeful of it.
C. He approves of it.
D. He doubts it.
题型:福建省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Some people think that as more and more people have televisions in their homes, fewer and fewer people
will buy books and newspapers. Why read an article in the newspaper, when the TV news can bring you the
information in a few minutes and with pictures? Why read the life story of a famous man, when a short
television program can tell you all that you want to know?
     Television has not killed reading, however. Today, newspapers sell in very large numbers. And books of
every kind are sold more than ever before. Books are still a cheap way to get information and enjoyment.
Although some books with hard covers are expensive, many books are printed today as paperbooks (平装本),
which are quite cheap. A paperback collection of short stories, for example, is always cheaper than an evening
at the cinema or the theater, and you can keep a book for ever and read it many times.
     Books are a wonderful provider of knowledge and pleasure and some types of books should be in every
home. Every home should have a good dictionary. A good encyclopedia (百科全书), though expensive, is
useful, too, because you can find information on any subject. Besides, you can have such books as history
books, science textbook, cookbooks, and collections of stories and poems. Then from time to time you can
take a book of poems off your shelves and read the thoughts and feelings of your favorite poets. 1. It can be inferred from the passage that _____. A. TV programs are a chief provider of knowledge
B. cinemas are the best choice in getting information
C. reading is a cheap way of learning and having fun
D. newspapers are an expensive way to enjoy oneself 2. What does the sentences "Television has not killed reading, however" underlined in the second paragraph
    suggest? A. People only need reading, though.
B. Reading is still necessary today.
C. Reading is more fun than television.
D. Watching television doesn"t help reading. 3. Which of the following is mainly discussed in the last paragraph?A. Types of books.
B. Kinds of dictionaries.
C. Lists of history books.
D. Collections of stories and poems.4. What can we learn from the passage? A. Fewer and fewer people will buy books.
B. A good dictionary should be kept in every home.
C. Books with hard covers sell better than paperbooks.
D. More people like TV programs about famous men.
题型:安徽省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     The small number of newborn babies, which has been caused by high prices and the changing social
situation of women, is one of the most serious problems in Asia. When people talk about it, you can hear
a word invented in Japan. which means Double Income Kids (小孩).
     In many major Asian cities like Seoul, Singapore, and Tokyo, the cost of a house is extremely high.
A young couple who want to buy their own house may have to pay about $3000,000 (though prices have
fallen). For a flat with one bedrooms, one dining-room, a kitchen, and a bathroom, the couple will pay
about $900 a month. What"s more, if they want to have a child, the child"s education is very expensive.
For example, most kindergarten charges are at least $5.000 a year. In such a situation, it"s difficult to
afford children.
     The number of married women who want to continue working because they enjoy their jobs. However,
if they want to have children, they immediately have serious problems. Though most companies allow
women to leave their jobs for a short time to have a baby, they expect women with babies to give up their
jobs. In short, if they want to bring up children properly, both parents have to work, but it is hard for
mothers to work. Indeed, women who want to continue working have to choose between having children
or keeping their jobs.
     In a word, Asian governments must take steps to improve the present situation as soon as possible. 1. What is the main problem being discussed in the passage? A. The small number of newborn babies.
B. The changing social situation of women.
C. The high prices of houses and education.
D. The necessary steps of Asian government. 2. According to the passage, which of the following is true? A. It is easy for a couple to afford a child in Asia.
B. The prices of in Asia are quite low now.
C. Fewer and fewer married women want to have a job.
D. The word "DINKS" appeared in an Asian country. 3. To buy a flat and send a child to kindergarten, how much will a couple pay each year? A. 85,000
B. 85,900
C. $10.800
D. $15.800 4. The seems to believe that Asian governments should _____. A. let women stay at home and have a baby
B. allow one of the parents to go out to work
C. care for the growing needs of women for job
D. the companies that permit women to leave
题型:安徽省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Federal regulators Wednesday approved a plan to create a nationwide emergency alert (警报) system
using text messages delivered to cell phones.
     Text messages have exploded in popularity in recent years, particularly among young people. The
wireless industry"s trade association, CTIA, estimates (估计) more than 48 billions text messages are sent
each month.
     The plan comes from the Warning Alter and Response Network Act, a 2006 federal law that requires
improvement to the nation"s emergency alter system. The act tasked the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) with coming up with new ways to alter the public about emergencies.
     "The ability to deliver accurate and timely warning and alters through cell phone and other mobile services
is an important next step in our efforts to help ensure that the American public has the information they need
to take action to protect themselves and their families before, and during, disasters and other emergencies,"
FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said following approval of the plan.
     Participation in the alter system by carriers-telecommunication companies-is voluntary, but it has received
solid support from the wireless industry.
     The program would be optional for cell phone users. They also may not be charged for receiving alters.
     There would be three types of messages, according to the rules.
     The first would be a national alter from the president, likely involving a terrorists attack or natural disaster.
The second would involve "approaching threats," which could include natural disasters like hurricanes or
storms or even university shootings. The third would be reserved for child abduction (绑架) emergencies,
or so-called Amber Alerts.
     The service could be in place by 2010. 1. What is the purpose of the approval plan? A. To warn people of emergencies via message.
B. To popularize the use of cell phone.
C. To estimate the monthly number of messages.
D. To promote the wireless industry. 2. The improvement to the present system is in the charge of _____.A. CTLA
B. the Warning Alert and Response Network
D. federal regulators 3. The carriers" participation in the system is determined by _____. A. the US federal government
B. mobile phone users
C. the carriers themselves
D. the law of the United States 4. Which of the following is true of cell phone users? A. They must accept the alert service.
B. They may enjoy the alert service for free.
C. They must send the alerts to others.
D. They may choose the types of messages. 5. An alert message will not be sent if _____. A. a child loses his way
B. a university shooting happens
C. a natural disaster happens
D. a terrorist attack occurs 6. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?A. Cell Phone Alerts Protecting Students
B. Cell Phone Alerts by Wireless Industry
C. Cell Phone Alerts of National Disasters
D. Cell Phone Alerts Coming Soon
题型:山东省高考真题难度:| 查看答案
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