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阅读理解。     Some 80 percent of graduate students in East China"s Zhejiang province said in a survey they will give
up trying to find jobs in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, first-tier cities in China that have been
considered dream places for many, because of the untouchable home prices and high living costs.
     The Yangtse Evening Post conducted the survey among 50 job seekers who were attending Sunday"s
job fair in Jiangsu for graduate students. The survey showed graduates are becoming more realistic in their job search despite the job market becoming better.
     The fair attracted more than 10,000 graduate students with 7,382 positions.
     "The pressure of buying a house in Beijing is unbelievable," said Wang Jian from Nanjing Normal
University, who acknowledged he had thought about finding a job in Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou, but
in the face of huge pressures, he has no choice but to be "realistic."
     People can have a very comfortable life in Nanjing with a monthly salary of between 3,000 yuan ($450) and 4,000 yuan, but in Shanghai, 5,000 yuan a month can only help you survive and buying a house will
remain a dream,
     A student from Nanjing University of Science and Technology said he just turned down an offer from a Shanghai company of 7,000 yuan a month because "living costs in Shanghai are too high."
     An unnamed male student from Nanjing University said he will try first-tier cities only if he can get a high salary. "I would go to Beijing only if I can earn 200,000 yuan a year," he said.
     "Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou once had the advantages that other cities don"t have, but the high
housing prices and living costs make young people barely able to breathe," said Ren Leiming from the job
service center of Jiangsu"s colleges and universities.
     "First-tier cities have plenty of talents that make it hard for people to be outstanding, and if you go work in smaller cities you can become a dominant player at your position much more easily," said Ren.1. The majority of graduate students will give up trying to find jobs in the first-tier cities because
_____.       A it is not easy to find jobs there .
B. home prices and living costs there are very high.
C .they can"t make full use of their knowledge and skills there .
D. monthly salaries there are low compared with those in other cities .2. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the job market now?A. There are more job opportunities offered now
B The job markets are becoming more and more competitive .
C. Many graduate students are n"t satisfied with the working conditions
D Companies and enterprises have stricter rules to take in graduate students .3. We can learn from the news report that _____.          A. In Shanghai, 5,000 yuan a month can only help you buy a luxury house.
B. The fair attracted more than 10,000 graduate students and laid-off workers  with 7,382 positions.
C. The Yangtse Evening Post conducted the survey among 50 personnel managers who were attending
Sunday"s job fair in Jiangsu for graduate students.
D. A student from Nanjing University of Science and Technology turned down an offer from a Shanghai
company of 7,000 yuan a month4. The words Ren said in the last paragraph mean _____.A. people can"t achieve more in first-tier cities.
B. people can easily be outstanding in smaller cities.
C. he would rather go to first-tier cities than smaller cities.
D. talents are more welcome in first-tier cities than smaller ones.
1-4 BADB
试题【阅读理解。     Some 80 percent of graduate students in East China"s Zhejiang province】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     A brand is a name, word, sign, symbol, design, or a combination of these, intended to identify the
goods or services of a company or a group of companies. Another purpose of a brand is to contrast
one company from another. The most important skill of professional marketers is the ability to create,
maintain, protect, and enhance the brands of their products and services. Branding has become so
important that today hardly any company or product is without one. Therefore, brand management is
an increasingly important element in marketing.
    Brand power refers to the relative strength of a company"s brand in the minds of consumers, and can
influence consumers" choice of products. Brands are powerful to the extent that they give high brand
loyalty and strong brand associations, name recognition, perceived quality and other assets to a company. A strong brand can be one of a company"s most important assets.
    High brand power provides a company with many competitive advantages. A powerful brand enjoys
a high level of consumer brand awareness and loyalty. Because consumers expect stores to carry the
brand, the company has more bargaining power when negotiating with retailers (零售商). And because
the brand name brings high credibility, a company with a strong brand can more easily launch new
products with the same brand name.
    Many companies use the advantage of a strong brand power strategically to expand their business.
When a company introduces an additional item with a new flavour, form, colour or package size in a
given product category and under the same brand name, it is called a line extension. Another strategy
is called brand extension. This involves the use of a successful brand name to launch new or modified
products in a new category, thereby employing brand recognition in order to increase sales of new
     Brand recognition is certainly important. Because consumers often hold long-standing perceptions
about brands, high brand power ensure a company continued sales of its products.1. What does the word "assets" in the 2nd paragraph mean?A. points    
B. advantages    
C. aspects    
D. elements2. All of the following statements are the advantages of a high brand power EXCEPT    that______.A. a high brand wins the loyalty of consumers
B. a high brand usually sets a much higher price
C. it"s easy for a high brand company to launch new products
D. a high brand company is more competitive when doing business with retailers3. A brand extension ______.A. happens when the company is developing a new product
B. means the expansion of a company"s business in its established field
C. takes place when the company introduces a similar item but with a new colour
D. refers to the use of an established brand name to promote a new product in a new category4. What might be the best title of this passage?A. Brand Power              
B. Famous Brands
C. Company Brands          
D. Brand Products
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     EENSGIVING in SPRING 2010
     Frequently Asked Questions
     What is TEENSGIVING?
     TEENSGIVING is an exciting event where hundreds of New York City teens gather together
annually for a remarkable day of community service. This year, TEENSGIVING in SRING 2010
participants will once again better New York City and impact thousands of lives!
     When is TEENSGIVING in SPRING2010?
     SUNDAY, APRIL 25, 2010
     Where is TEENSGIVING?                
     All over New York City. Everyone will meet at the 92nd Street Y (92nd and Lexington) at 9:00
AM for the event kick-off. Then, all TEENSGIVING volunteers will disperse across the city to work
with our partnering agencies where they will make a HUGE difference and have fun!
     Who participates in TEENSGIVING?
     Hundreds of teenagers from around the city. Teens come from the 92nd Street Y, various city
schools, youth groups, and organizations in the area. In addition, many adult volunteers (aged 21 and
older) will donate their time to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010.
     What projects do participants do at the agencies?
     Sample projects include painting park benches, planting gardens, visiting and playing with
underprivileged children, assembling craft kits for children in hospitals, assisting at animal shelters,
working at soup kitchens, delivering meals and celebrating with families at homeless shelters.  
     Do I get anything for participating in TEENSGIVING?
     Yes! Everybody benefits! Teen volunteers will receive *6 hours* of community service credit, good
towards honor society, high school graduation and college application requirements. Adult volunteers
will be "thanked" with a light breakfast, a gift certificate for their troubles, and the satisfaction of helping
our city"s youth contribute to their community. In addition, all teen and adult volunteers will receive a
cool TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 T-shirt.
     This sounds awesome! How do I register for TEENSGIVING in SPRING2010? Interested teens
and/or adults should e-mail the TEENSGIVING Coordinator Josh Hyman at jhyman@92Y.org
(subjet:TEENSGIVING) to receive more information and to register for this fantastic event!
     **Teens can also contact their school"s Community Service Advisor**
     TEENSGIVING is sponsored by the 92nd Street Y.1. TEENSGIVING is an event which is held ______.A. from time to time            
B. once every year
C. every two years              
D. twice a year2. Teenagers may do all the following in the event EXCEPT ______.A. watering flowers          
B. cooking
C. cleaning streets            
D. taking care of animals3. An adult volunteer may get _____ for his time devoted to TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010.A. community service credit and a T-shirt
B. a high school certificate and a light breakfast
C. a T-shirt and a gift certificate
D. a gift certificate and community service credit4. The writer"s purpose in writing this passage is to _______.A. inform readers of some frequently asked questions
B. introduce TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010 to readers
C. encourage readers to ask more questions about TEENSGIVING
D. call on readers to participate in TEENSGIVING in SPRING 2010
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
     In America, seldom do you go anywhere without hearing a principle called WIN-WIN. 1
However, as time goes by, I have gradually comprehended the meaning of WIN-WIN principle- it is
the attitude of seeking mutual benefit.
     When I was little, I used to play Chinese checkers(跳棋)which include two basic tactics(战术)
: 2 The other is to block the passages of your rival. Players may apply these two totally different
approaches in the game, but the key for the player to win is to continuously create paths for him even
if his opponent may take advantage of it. 3 Meanwhile, some player may take another approach to
prevent his opponent from moving forward at all costs. By this he may get a short-term benefit, but
couldn’t fix attention on the final goal, thus he would never truly develop further.
     4 Its core is to achieve your objective while giving other people some benefits, so there is no real
loser. One example of applying the WIN-WIN principle is the voluntary system in the US. 5
    It is quite usual that some people are too selfish and never take other people’s interests into
consideration, while someone who really has courage to do something for the public is often called
"foolish" or "stupid". Actually helping other people can be of great delight to the helper, for he can also
learn something crucial for his life such as sympathy, care, devotion, etc. So only if you take other
people’s interests into earnest consideration can you assure your own gain.
A. Playing Chinese checkers really needs skill.
B. In the 1990s, a strategy called WIN-WIN became widespread in the western world.
C. It was important for me after I knew its meaning.
D. One is to create paths for yourself.
E. Most Americans advocate the spirit of social service and voluntary contribution.
F. It sounded strange to me at first.
G. Finally he can always reach the destination a few steps ahead of the other player.
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     There is more and more worry about the growing threat of globalization, which is accompanied
by those warnings that the rich pattern of local life is being undermined(破坏), and many dialects
and traditions are becoming extinct. But stop and think for a moment about the many positive aspects
that globalization is bringing. Read on and you are sure to feel comforted, ready to face the global future.
     Consider the Internet, that good example of our shrinking world. Leaving aside the worries about
political extremism, even the most narrowminded must admit that the net offers a lot of benefits, not
just in terms of education, the sector(部分)for which it was originally designed, but more importantly
on a global level, the spread of news and comment. It will be increasingly difficult for politicians to
misinform the public, as the oppressed(被压迫的)will not only find support and comfort, but also be
able to organise themselves more effectively.
     MTV is another global provider that is often criticized for imposing(强加)popular culture on the
unsuspecting millions around the world. Yet the viewers" judgment on MTV is undoubtedly positive;
it is regarded as necessary by most of the global teenage generation who watch it, a vital part of
growing up. And in the final analysis, what harm can a few songs and videos cause?
     Is the world dominance(绝对优势)of brands like Nike and Cocacola so bad for us, when all is
said and done? Sportswear and soft drinks are harmless products when compared to the many other
things that have been globally available for a longer period of time-heroin and cocaine, for example. In
any case, just because Nike shoes and Coke cans are for sale, it doesn"t mean you have to buy them
even globalization cannot take away people"s free will.
     Critics of globalization can stop presenting their doom and gloom statements. Life goes on, and has
more to offer for many citizens of the world than it did for their parents" generation.1.Some people feel sad about globalization because they believe it will ________.A.affect the rich local life
B.bring threat to the world peace
C.change their present difficult lifestyle
D.increase the size of people speaking dialects2.Internet was originally designed ________.A.to spread news and comment
B.to get support and comfort
C.to organise the oppressed more effectively
D.to promote education3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?A.The Internet makes people worried about political extremism.
B.Nike and Cocacola shouldn"t have caused so much worry.
C. All of the global teenage generation think that MTV is a necessary and important part for their growing up.
D. Sportswear and soft drinks cannot be compared with drug.3.Which of the following could be the best title of the passage?A.Globalization is standardization(标准化)
B.Globalization: don"t worry, be happy
C.Globalization: like it or change it
D.Globalization brings equality
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     While small may be beautiful,  tall is just plain uncomfortable it seems,  particularly when it comes to
staying in hotels and eating in restaurants.
     The Tall Persons Club Great Britain(TPCGB),  which was formed six months ago to campaign
(发起运动)for the needs of the tall,  has turned its attention to hotels and restaurants.Beds that are too
small,  shower heads that are too low,  and restaurant tables with hardly any legroom all make life
difficult for those of above average height,  it says.
     But it is not just the extratall whose needs are not being met.The average height of the population has
been increasing yet the standard size of beds,  doorways,  and chairs has remained unchanged.
     "The bedding industry says a bed should be six inches larger than the person using it, so even a
kingsize bed at 6"66" (6 feet and 6 inches) is falling short for 25% of men,  while the standard 6"3" bed
caters for(满足需要)less than half of the male(男性)population, " said TPCGB president Phil
Heinricy,  "Sevenfoot beds would work fine."
     Similarly, restaurant tables can cause no end of problems. Small tables,  which mean the longlegged have to sit a foot or so away from them,  are enough to make tall customers go elsewhere.
     Some have already taken note,  however. At Queens Moat Houses" Caledonian Hotel in Edinburgh, 6"6" beds are now put in as standard after requests for longer beds from taller visitors,  particularly
Americans.1. What is the purpose of the TPCGB campaign?A. To provide better services.
B. To rebuild hotels and restaurants.
C. To draw public attention to the needs of the tall.
D. To attract more people to become its members.2. Which of the following might be a bed of proper length according to Phil Heinricy?A. 7"2".      
B. 7".      
C. 6"6".  
D. 6"3". 3. What may happen to restaurants with small tables?A. They may lose some customers.
B. They may start businesses elsewhere.
C. They have to find easy chairs to match the tables.
D. They have to provide enough space for the longlegged.4. What change has already been made in a hotel in Edinburgh?A. Tall people pay more for larger beds.
B. 6"6" beds have taken the place of 6"3" beds.
C. Special rooms are kept for Americans.
D. Guest rooms are standardized.
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