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Last year, I was speaking at a gathering of wealthy male investors. The organizers posted the   1  of a survey showing that only a small percentage of wealthy men believed their wives spent too much.
"What?"   2  one participant. "Those guys have to be lying."
There is no reliable   3  of who spends more among the rich: men or women. Both will say the other is the   4  spender.
A recent survey by Wilmington Trust, Campden Research and Relative Solutions proves the   5  . The companies polled 40 women (I know, that is more like a show of hands than "survey"), each with a net worth of $25 million or more.
About half the respondents(受调查者) inherited(.继承) their   6  , a quarter   7  it from their husbands and the other quarter earned it   8   . That is roughly in line with other surveys of   9  women and the source of their money. One interesting note: among the self-made women, 90% got their money from owning a business, rather than   10  a salary.
As for   11   , almost all the women (90%) described their spending habits as "below their means." The report on the survey said that is "possibly   12  they do not view their extreme wealth as defining their success.
"Women tend not to spend as much as   13  and splash(泼洒得使到处是) their names all over the place," said one woman in the survey, describing her spending as conservative and he lifestyle as "below the radar."
Many women also worried about wealth having   14   effects on their children and didn"t want to spend lavishly(挥霍) to   15  a bad example.
At the same time, 70% of the women said they "buy nice things when   16   ." And 93.5% of the women said they were responsible for making   17  on major purchases, which   18  that they do a lot of the big spending.
Of course, for truly major purchases a house in Aspen, Colo., a Gulfstream, a Feadship the couple probably makes the decision   19  .
But what about other   20  ? Do you think men or women do most of the high-end spending?
(   ) 1. A. results                B. reasons             C. times                D. directions
(   ) 2. A. cried                  B. sighed              C. shouted            D. laughed
(   ) 3. A. data                   B. measure            C. division            D. news
(   ) 4. A. biggest               B. bigger              C. smaller             D. worse
(   ) 5. A. matter                B. message            C. point                D. report
(   ) 6. A. spirit                 B. money              C. habit                D. cost
(   ) 7. A. bought                      B. robbed             C. got                   D. earned
(   ) 8. A. itself                  B. herself              C. ourselves          D. themselves
(   ) 9. A. wealthy              B. poor                 C. ordinary            D. honest
(   ) 10. A. making            B. earning             C. taking              D. spending
(   ) 11. A. buying             B. wasting            C. spending           D. saving
(   ) 12. A. when                      B. if                     C. whether            D. because
(   ) 13. A. women             B. youth                      C. adults               D. men
(   ) 14. A. serious             B. good                C. bad                  D. various
(   ) 15. A. send                 B. set                   C. do                    D. give
(   ) 16. A. necessary          B. possible            C. pleased             D. anxious
(   ) 17. A. plans                B. decisions          C. appointments    D. suggestions
(   ) 18. A. notices             B. stresses             C. implies             D. intends
(   ) 19. A. away                B. together            C. as well             D. out
(   ) 20. A. purchases         B. effects              C. differences        D. examples
1. A组织者公布了一项调查的结果(results),而不是原因(reasons),次数(times),方向(directions)。
2. C有钱,但不显摆没人相信,故一位与会人士大叫道(shout):什么?那些家伙肯定在说谎。哭叫(cried),叹息(sighed),大笑(laughed),都不足以说明他的惊讶。
3. B目前还没有可靠的方法(measure)来评断富人堆里谁花钱更多:是男性还是女性。数据(data),分离(division),新闻(news)就更不行了。
4. B双方都会说对方是个较大的(bigger)花钱者。就两类人没法最大的(biggest),较少的(smaller)不符合常识,较坏的(worse)就更没道理了。
5. C由Wilmington Trust、Campden Research和Relative Solution最近联手进行的一项调查证明了上述观点(point)。物质(matter),信息(message),(报道report)显得不伦不类。
6. B约有一半的被调查者的财产(money)是继承而来,全文都说的是钱,而不是精神(spirit),习惯(habit),成本(cost)。
7. C四分之一得(got)自丈夫,剩下的四分之一是自己赚的。根本不是买来的(bought),更不是抢来的(robbed),后面才说的是自己挣来的(earned)。
8. D剩下的四分之一是自己(是多个受调查者当然用themselves)赚的,而不能用它自己(itself),她自己(herself),我们自己(themselves)。
9. A这与我们对富有(wealthy)女性及其财富来源的调查基本相符。全是对有钱人的调查,而不是穷人(poor),普通人(ordinary),和诚实的人(honest)。
10. B 90%是自己当老板开公司赚的,而不是靠挣(earning)工资得来的。不可能是开(making)工资,带走(taking)工资,花(spending)工资就更不对了。
11. C至于支出(spending),几乎所有女性(90%)都说自己的支出习惯是量入为出。前文说的是挣钱,这儿是说花钱,而不是买(buying),浪费(wasting),节约(saving)。
12. D调查报告中说,这可能是因为(because)她们并不认为自己的极大财富就是成功的全部意义所在。当……时候(when),如果(if),是否(whether),明显不适合这儿的语意。
13. D女性往往没有男性(men)花钱多,也不会四处宣扬自己。全文都是那男女相比,并不是女的和女的(women),年轻人(youth),还有成年人(adults)比。
14. C很多女性也担心财富会对孩子造成不良(bad)影响,而不是严肃的(serious),好的(good),各种各样的(various)影响。
15. B所以不希望乱花钱,以免给孩子树立(set an example是固定短语)坏榜样。送(send),做(do),给(give)都不和an example搭配构成这个意思的短语。
16. A与此同时,70%的女性说,她们会在必要的(necessary)时候买好东西,而不是比较不合理的可能的(possible)时候,高兴的(pleased)时候,焦急的(anxious)时候。
17. B有93.5%的女性说,买大件的主意(即是决定decisions)都是由她们定,计划(plans),指定(appointments),建议(suggestions)都没用这个更合理,因为是花钱购置东西,是一个行动的结果。
18. C这暗示(implies)她们经常花钱买大件。并没有直接这样说,故不是注意到(notices),强调说(stresses),打算(intends)之意。
19. B当然,对于真正的大件──比如在科罗拉多州买座房子,一架湾流(Gulfstream)私人飞机,一艘Feadship游艇,夫妇两人可能会一起(together)作决定,根本不是远处(away),也一样(as well),出去(out)之意。
20. A不过买其他东西(要买的东西就是purchases)的时候呢?你认为男性还是女性的高端花销更多?影响(effects),不同(differences),例子(examples)统统不符合逻辑。
试题【Last year, I was speaking at a gathering of wealthy male investors. The organize】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Fifteen percent of US teenagers aged 12 to 17 who own mobile phones have received nude(裸体)or nearly nude images of someone they know, according to a survey released on Tuesday.
Only four percent of mobile phone-owning   1 in that age group have sent sexually suggestive pictures of themselves, a practice known as "sexting,"   2 the Pew ResearchCenter’s Internet & American Life Project.
The Pew survey found that girls and boys were equally as likely to have sent a suggestive picture to   3 person and 4  teenagers were more likely to have engaged in "sexting."
Eight percent of 17-year-olds with mobile phones have sent a sexually provocative(刺激的) image  5  texting and 30 percent have 6   a nude or nearly nude image on their phone.
Only four percent of 12-year-olds have sent suggestive images of   7 .
Amanda Lenhart, a senior research specialist at Pew and the author of the report, said sexually suggestive images have become a   8  of "relationship currency" for teens.
"These images are    9  as a part of or instead of sexual activity, or as a way of starting or  10  a relationship with a significant other," she said. "And they are also passed 11  to friends for their entertainment value, as a joke or for   12 ."
"The desire for risk-taking and sexual exploration during the teenage years  13  with a constant connection via mobile devices creates a "perfect storm" for sexting," said Lenhart.
"Teenagers have always grappled with issues around sex and   14  , but their coming-of-age mistakes transgressions have never been so easily   15  and stored for others to see," she added.
The survey found that teens with unlimited text messaging plans were more likely to receive "sexts"   16  images of people they know. About 75 percent of mobile phone owning teens have unlimited plans.
Among this group, Pew said 18 percent reporting receiving "sexts"    17   with eight percent of teens on    18  data plans and three percent of teens who pay per message.
According to Pew, 58 percent of 12-year-olds own a mobile phone and 83 percent teens aged 17   19   .
Pew noted that a number of US states are grappling with how to 20  "sexting" among minors and some legislatures(立法机关) have stepped in to consider laws that would downgrade charges from felonies(重罪) to misdemeanors(轻罪).
Pew conducted telephone interviews with 800 teens aged 12 to 17 and their parents between June 26 and September 24.
(   ) 1. A. teens                  B. adults               C. students            D. parents
(   ) 2. A. referring to               B. reporting          C. saying              D. according to
(   ) 3. A. other                 B. another             C. others               D. the other
(   ) 4. A. younger             B. fewer                      C. older                D. more
(   ) 5. A. by                     B. in                    C. on                    D. through
(   ) 6. A. accepted             B. received           C. sent                  D. mailed
(   ) 7. A. others                B. themselves        C. himself             D. herself
(   ) 8. A. habit                  B. system              C. method             D. form
(   ) 9. A. shared                B. limited             C. tasted                      D. controlled
(   ) 10. A. remaining         B. gaining             C. maintaining      D. obtain
(   ) 11. A. along                      B. by                    C. as                    D. for
(   ) 12. A. joy                  B. fun                  C. excitement        D. delight
(   ) 13. A. compared         B. followed           C. combined         D. went
(   ) 14. A. friendships       B. scholarships      C. relatives           D. relationships
(   ) 15. A. transmitted       B. transformed      C. formed             D. switched
(   ) 16. A. containing               B. concluding        C. including          D. concerning
(   ) 17. A. comparing               B. compared         C. connected         D. joined
(   ) 18. A. limited             B. unlimited          C. few                  D. little
(   ) 19. A. have                B. same                C. do                    D. too
(   ) 20. A. do with            B. deal with          C. remove             D. ban
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阅读下面短文, 从短文后面各题的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。
One afternoon, my son Adam asked me, “Are all people the same even if they are different in color?”
I thought for a minute, and then I said, “I’ll explain, 21 you can just wait until we make a quick 22 at the grocery store. I have something 23 to show you. ”
At grocery store, we 24 some apples --- red, green and yellow ones. Back home, I told Adam, “It’s time to 25 your question.” I put one apple of each 26 on the table. Then I looked at Adam, who had a 27 look on his face. 
“People are like apples. They come in all 28 colors, shapes and sizes. On the 29,  some of the apples may not 30 look as the others. ” As I was talking, Adam was 31 each one carefully. 
Then, I took each of the apples and peeled(削皮)them, 32 them back on the table, but 33 a different place. 
“Okay, Adam, tell me which is which.”
He said, “I 34 tell. They all look same now. ” “Take a bite of 35. See if that helps you 36 which one is which. ”
He took 37,  and then a huge smile came cross his face. . ”People are 38 like apples! They are all different, but once you 39 the outside, they’re pretty much the same on the inside. ”
He totally 40 it. I didn’t need to say or do anything else. 
21. A. although        B. so              C. because        D. if        
22. A. stop            B. start           C. turn           D. stay        
23. A. expressive      B. encouraging     C. informative    D. interesting     
24. A. bought          B. counted         C. saw            D. collected      
25. A. check           B. mention         C. answer         D. improve       
26. A. size            B. type            C. shape          D. class        
27. A. worried         B. satisfied       C. proud          D. curious       
28. A. ordinary        B. normal          C. different      D. regular       
29. A. outside         B. whole           C. table          D. inside        
30. A. still           B. even            C. only           D. ever        
31. A. examining       B. measuring       C. drawing        D. packing       
32. A. keeping         B. placing         C. pulling        D. giving        
33. A. on              B. toward          C. for            D. in         
34. A. mustn’t        B. can’t          C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t       
35. A. each one        B. each other      C. the other      D. one another    
36. A. admit           B. consider        C. decide         D. believe
37. A. big bites       B. deep breaths    C. a firm hold    D. close look 
38. A. just            B. always          C. merely         D. seldom
39. A. put away        B. get down        C. hand out       D. take off 
40. A. made            B. took           C. got           D. did
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When people hear a president speak, they seldom think about others helping to shape the presentation(报告). Today, however, presidents depend on writers such as J. Terry Edmonds to help them communicate (交流) effectively. Edmonds is the first African American ever to work as a full-time speechwriter for a U. S. president; he is so the first African American to serve as director of speechwriting for White House. His is an all-American story of success. 
Edmonds grew up in Baltimore, Maryland; his father drove a truck, and his mother worked as a waitress. A. great reader, Edmonds showed a gift for writing at his high
School, Baltimore City College After graduating in 1967 Edmonds went on to Morgan State University
Edmonds began his career in business, with jobs in public relations and communications. He joined the world of politics as news secretary for his congressman (国会议员) from Baltimore During Bill Clinton’s presidency,  he wrote speeches for Health and Human Services  Secretary Donna Shalala and worked in a number of job in the White House and in governmental departments President Clinton then appointed (任命)him to the office of directory of speechwriting Following the 2000 elections Edmonds returned to Morgan State University as the school’s special assistant to the president for 2001-2002
小题1:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A.Edmonds proved himself to be good at writing at high school
B.Edmonds graduated from Morgan State University in 1967.
C.Edmonds was the first full-time speechwriter.
D.Edmonds served the White House after 2000.
小题2:Edmonds entered the world of politics first as____。         
A.news secretary for a Congressman
B.a speechwriter for President Clinton
C.news secretary in the White House
D.a speechwriter for Secretary Donna Shalala
小题3:The text is most likely to be found in a book about____。       
A.popular scienceB.historical events
C.successful peopleD.Political systems

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Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours before the flight to Paris. He was wearing three shirts, a jacket, two pairs of socks, a pair of shorts, and two pairs of jeans. He was carrying one small backpack, which was very full, but he didn’t have any other luggage. Brian needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight. He found Tony near the Air France counter. Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package. 
“Give this package to Jean-Paul at the airport in Paris. He will have a sign with your name on it. I think you can find him easily, “Tony said.” You don’t have any luggage, right?”
“Only this backpack,” Brian answered. “You said I could bring one carry-on bag.”
“That’s right, one carry-on bag is fine. Have a good trip.”
Is Brian a criminal(犯罪)? Not at all. He is an air courier. And he paid only $110 for the round-trip ticket to Paris. Air couriers get cheap airline tickets because they take important packages and papers to foreign countries. Businesses sometimes need to get packages and papers to people in foreign countries by the next day. Often, the only way they can do this is to use an air-courier company. It is not cheap for a business to send a package with an air courier, but it is quick. 
Every year about 80, 000 people worldwide travel as air couriers. The number of tickets for courier travel is growing by about 10 percent a year. However, air-courier travel isn’t for everyone, But if you have very little money, can be flexible(灵活的)about your travel plans, and don’t mind wearing the same clothes for a week, it can be a great way to take a vacation!
小题1:Why was Brian wearing so many clothes for his travel?
A.Because they were the uniform for air couriers,
B.Because that made him easier to be recognized.
C.Because his backpack had no room for his clothes.
D.because he did not have any luggage with him.
小题2:An air courier is a person who        
A.manages a business company in foreign countries
B.organizes international flights for tourists
C.travels around the world with cheap tickets
D.delivers papers and packages to foreign countries
小题3:Businesses choose the air-courier service because      
A.it costs lessB.it is flexibleC.it saves timeD.it grows fast
小题4:One of the disadvantages of traveling as an air courier is that he
A.cannot decide when and where to travel
B.cannot take any luggage with him
C.has to wear two pairs of jeans
D.saves little money from the travel
小题5:The author of the text mainly
A.describes the activities of a law-breaker
B.suggests an ideal way to travel
C.argues against the air-courier travel
D.tells us about a developing business

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The position of children in American family and society is no longer what is used to be. The ___36___ family in colonial(殖民时期的) North America was mainly concerned with survival and     37   that, its own economic prosperity. Thus, children were ____38___in terms of their productivity(生产能力), and they played the role of producer quite early.   39  they fulfilled this role, their position in the family was one of subordination(附属).
With the ____40____ of the society, the position of children in the family and in the society became more important. In the complex and technological society ____41____the United States has become, each ___42____ must fulfill a number of personal and occupational___43____ and be in contact with many other member. _____44_____, viewing children as necessary members of society means that they are ____45_____ more as people in their own right than as those of subordination. This acceptance of children as____46____ participants in the family is reflected in various laws _____47_____ the rights of children and in the social and public welfare programs.
This new ____48____of children and the frequent contact between the members of society has also ____49_____an increasing interest in child-raising techniques. People today spend much time___50_____ the proper way to ____51____ children.
Nowadays, the socialization of the child in the United States is a ___52____transaction(事务) between parent and child____53_____a one-way, parent-to-child training___54_____ . As a consequence, socializing children and____55____with them over a long period of time is for parents a mixture of pleasure, satisfaction, and problems.
36. A. poor           B. ordinary          C. happy             D. wealthy
37. A. except         B. for               C. beyond             D. through
38. A. supported       B. received          C. encouraged          D. valued
39. A. Until           B. After            C. Although            D. When
40. A. movement      B. achievement       C. development         D. requirement
41. A. that            B. where            C. when               D. what
42. A. parent          B. member           C. family              D. relative
43. A. purposes        B. promises         C. roles                D. tasks
44. A. Besides         B. However          C. Instead              D. Therefore
45. A. admired         B. regarded          C. made               D. respected
46. A. willing          B. equal             C. similar              D. common
47. A. enjoying         B. preventing        C. considering           D. protecting
48. A. view            B. faith             C. world               D. study
49. A. led in          B. brought in         C. resulted in            D. taken in
50. A. seeking          B. making           C. fighting              D. working
51. A. nurse            B. praise            C. understand            D. raise
52. A. one-sided        B. many-sided        C. round-way            D. two-way
53. A. more than        B. rather than         C. better than            D. less than
54. A. manner          B. method            C. program              D. guide
55. A. talking           B. living            C. playing               D. discussing
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