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There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers(梦游者). People have been said to climb on roofs, solve mathematical problems, write music, walk through windows, and do murder in their sleep.
In Revere, Masachusctts, a hundred policemen scarched for a lost boy who left his home in his sleep and woke up five hours later on a strange sofa in a strange living room, with no idea how he had got there.
At the University of Lowa, a student was reported to have the habit of getting up in the middle of the night and walking three—quarters of a mile to the lowa River. He would take a swim and then go back to his room to bed.
An American expert on sleep claims(声称) that he has never seen a sleepwalker. He is said to know more about sleep than any other living man, and during the last thirty—five years he has lost a lot of sleep watching people sleep. He says, “Of course, I know that there are sleepwalkers because I have read about them in the newspapers. But none of my sleepers ever walked, and if I were to advertise for sleepwalkers for an experiment, I doubt whether I would get many takers(应征者).”
Sleepwalking, however, is a scientific reality. It is one of those strange things that sometimes looks quite fantastic(奇特的). Doctors say that sleepwalking is much more common than is generally supposed. Many sleepwalkers do not try to find help and their sleepwalking is never recorded.
52. Generally speaking, sleepwalkers are people who __________.
A. climb on roofs                        B. walk through windows
C. do fantastic things during their sleep      D. walk in a half—awake state
53. It was reported that a boy ________.
A. was found on a strange sofa, telling how he had got there
B. slept in his own room but woke up in a strange room
C. lost his way five hours after he left home  
D. was searched for by policemen when he lost his way
54. There was a college student who got into the habit of ___________.
A. getting up in the middle of the night and walking down to the river
B. walking three—quarters of a mile every day
C. swimming in the lowa River before going to bed       
D. walking about before he went to bed
55. Why do people think sleepwalking is nothing but a fantastic thing which doesn’t have any explanation?
A. It is so common that it needn’t be recorded.     
B. Scientists take no interest in it.
C. Most sleepwalkers do not seek help for their problem. 
D. No records about it have been made.  

52—55   CBAC  

试题【There is an endless supply of stories about sleepwalkers(梦游者). People have been 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

第五部分: 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Celebrating sleep
World Sleep Day, observed on 21 March, was created to bring attention to the growing number of sleep problems worldwide. Sleep is a natural part of human life, but many people in the modern world ignore its importance. As a result, sleep problems are increasingly common.
In 2002, scientists at the University of Athens in Greece conducted a survey of over 35,000 people in 10 countries around the world, including China, Belgium and South Africa. Of the people that responded to the survey, 24 percent said that they did not sleep well, and based on their responses, 31.6 percent were diagnosed(诊断) with insomnia(失眠) and another 17.5 percent were diagnosed with borderline insomnia. In addition, 30.7 percent of survey respondents reported visiting a doctor for help with sleep problems and 11.6 per cent said that they felt very sleepy during the day.
Overall, the survey found that many people suffer the effects of poor quality sleep, some examples of which are being unable to fall asleep and waking up in the middle of the night. The main factors causing these problems are pressure from school or work and a fast pace of life, but noise pollution and light pollution also interfere with sleep and contribute to poor quality sleep. The survey’s findings are particularly troubling because large numbers of people were found to have difficulty sleeping at night. The short-term effects of this are tiredness and trouble concentrating. If this happens for a long time, the risk of gaining weight and having a heart attack may increase.
There are many things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. First, you should have regular sleep habits. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day. You also need to make your bedroom a cool, dark, quiet place to sleep so that heat, light and noise do not disturb you. At night, you should also avoid things that contain caffeine, such as chocolate, coffee, tea and many soft drinks, as caffeine may keep you from sleeping.
Getting a good night’s sleep is important for everyone. By following the advice above, you can rest better at night and work better during the day.
Title: Celebrating Sleep
World Sleep Day
● Due to ignorance of sleep problems, people observed Mar. 21, World Sleep Day, bringing attention to the  83  of sleep.
Responses of the  81
● Of 3, 5000 people in 10 countries in the world, there were 24 percent of the people saying they didn’t sleep well.
● 31.6 percent were diagnosed with insomnia and another 17.5 percent were diagnosed with  84  sleeplessness.
● The percentage of the people feeling   85  during the day is 11.6.
● 30.7 percent reported  86  to a doctor for sleep problems.
Factors causing sleep problems and their consequences(结果)
● Under  87  from school or work, people may have sleep problems.
● A fast pace of life causes sleep problem as well.
● Poor quality sleeps also  88  from noise or light pollution.
● There is much   89  that sleepless people easily gain weight and have a heart attack.
● Feeling tired and sleepy, people find it hard to concentrate.
82  to improve sleep quality
● Have regular sleep habits
● Make your bedroom cool, dark and quiet
● Avoid things  90  caffeine.

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Traffic jam and cities, it seems, go hand in hand. Everyone complains about being stuck in traffic; but, like the weather, no one seems to do anything about it. In particular, traffic engineers, transportation planners, and public officials responsible for transportation systems in large cities are frequently criticized for failing to solve traffic jam.
But is traffic jam a sign of failure? Long queues at restaurants or theater box offices are seen as signs of success. Should transportation systems be viewed any differently? I think we should recognize that traffic jam is an unpreventable by-product of successful cities, and view the “traffic problem” in a different light.
Cities exist because they promote social interactions and economic transactions.
Traffic jam occurs where there are lots of people but limited spaces. Culturally and economically successful cities have the worst traffic problems, while decaying cities don’t have much traffic. New York and Los Angeles are America’s most crowded cities. But if you want access to major brokerage houses (经纪行), you will find them easier to reach in crowded New York than in any other large cities. And if your firm needs access to post-production film editors or satellite-guidance engineers, you will reach them more quickly through the crowded freeways of LA than through less crowded roads elsewhere.
Despite traffic jam, a larger number and wider variety of social interactions and economic transactions can be made perfect in large, crowded cities than elsewhere. Seen in this light, traffic jam is an unfortunate consequence of prosperity, not a cause of economic decline and urban decay.
So while we can consider traffic jam as increasing costs on the areas of big cities, the costs of inaccessibility (交通不便) in uncrowded places are almost certainly greater.
There is no doubt that traffic jam brings the terrible economic and environmental damage in places like Bangkok, Jakarta, and Lagos. But mobility is far higher and traffic jam levels are far lower here in the US, even in our most crowded cities. That’s why, for now, we don’t see people and capital streaming out of San Francisco and Chicago, heading for cities like California, and Illinois.
53. We can conclude from the first paragraph that____.
A. traffic jam and weather are the two factors preventing the development of the big city
B. traffic jam seems to be very difficult to deal with
C. if traffic engineers try their best, traffic jam can be solved
D. public officials are always criticized for misusing their power
54. According to the passage, what’s the author’s opinion towards traffic jam?
A. In cities, traffic jam is unavoidable.
B. Traffic jam is both a sign of failure and a sign of success.
C. Traffic jam is the consequence of successful cities.
D. For a successful city, traffic jam is not unpreventable.
55. By saying “decaying” (in Para. 4), the writer probably means____.
A. declining                               B. developing
C. rich and successful                    D. strong and healthy
56. According to this article, which statement about “New York” and “Los Angeles” is true?
A. The traffic jam in the two cities has been worsened.
B. New York and Los Angeles are the least successful cities in the USA.
C. It is easier to reach major brokerage houses in the two cities than in other cities.
D. Despite the traffic jam in LA, you’ll find a satellite-guidance engineer more quickly there.
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三、阅读理解 (共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
Let us begin by saying what causes our dreams. Our dreams do not come from another world. They are not messages from some outside source .They are not a look into the future, either.
All our dreams have something to do with our feelings, fears, longings, wishes, needs and memories. If a person is hungry, or tired, or cold , his dreams may include a feeling of this kind. If the covers on your body, such as a quilt or a blanket, have slipped off your bed, you may dream that you are sleeping on ice or in snow. The material for the dream you will have tonight is likely to come from the experience you have today.
So the subject of your dream usually comes from something that has effect on you while you are sleeping(feeling of cold, a noise, a discomfort, etc.)and it may also use your past experiences and the wishes and the interests you have now. This is why children are likely to dream of fairies, older children of school examinations, hungry people of food, home-sick soldiers of their families and prisoners of freedom.
To show you how this is happening while you are asleep and how your needs and wishes can all be joined together in a dream, here is the story of the experiment. A man was asleep and the back of his hand was rubbed with a piece of absorbed cotton. He would dream he was in hospital and his charming girlfriend was visiting him, sitting on the bed and feeling gently his hands!
There are some scientists who have made a special study of why we dream, what we dream and what those dreams mean. Their explanation of dreams, though a bit reasonable, is not accepted by everyone but it offers an interesting approach to the problem. They believe that dreams are mostly expressions of wishes that did not come true. In other words dreaming is a way of having your wishes carried out.
36. From the passage we know that our dreams       .
A. are imagination of our daily life              B. are man’s curious look into the future
C. have nothing to do with our feelings              D. are to some degree connected with our feelings
37. In your dream when you feel like eating something it indicates(暗示)that       .
A. you are in a state of being cold   B. you are in a state of being tired
C. you are in a state of hunger      D. you should have had your dinner that day
38. Older children often dream of examinations probably because        .
A. they are interested in exams       B. they are often worried about their studies
C. they hope for better life         D. they show much interest in their studies
39. Some scientists’ explanation of dreams         .
A. is not widely accepted though a bit reasonable        B. gives an exact description of our life
C. provides us with information of dreams                 D. is of no use for us
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

III, Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D.  Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
The world was sharply separated into men and women, because that was the way we believed it should be.  We hold this firm belief and made efforts to keep this ___50___.  When a baby came to the world, he or she was expected to play different roles—boys were portrayed as noisy and naughty ones who people were more likely to ___51___ while girls were bound by strict social requirements to be lovely and ___52___.  People became the product of their sex.  Their social roles were determined when they were ___53___.  Males were the producers of cool reasoning and were capable of ___54___.  And being emotional was considered as the feature of females and their main activity location was ___55___.
___56___, with the development of civilization and women’s self-consciousness, more and more women have realized that such natural and physical differences between man and woman have no ___57___ with the differences between male and female excellence.  Women are now confident to ___58___ the concepts as “male leadership” and “male power”, which are only terms invented by men and serve in men’s ___59___.
Such remarkable change in people’s viewpoint may well explain the gradual ___60___ of single-sex schools.  The aim of education is to stimulate imagination, encourage free thinking and keep alive various interests.  But the single-sex school follows the same regulations and ___61___ a set of separate subjects for males or females.  In single-sex schools, instead of being offered a rich expansion of experience, students have access to ___62___ knowledge.  Such education harms individual freedom and kills the possibility for a young person to develop into a(n) ___63___ human.  Furthermore, such sexual distinction is also dangerous as it breaks up the sense of community by ___64___ people into two sex groups, which eventually damages the development of human civilization.
50.   A. regret     B. division            C. union          D. step
51.   A. spoil            B. control             C. teach          D. face
52.   A. active          B. humorous       C. famous            D. gentle
53. A. born              B. grown         C. praised            D. retired
54.   A. friendship       B. failure     C. leadership        D. relationship
55.   A. at home          B. at work place       C. in politics        D. in education
56.   A. In particular         B. Furthermore        C. In addition   D. However
57.   A. contact            B. attempt          C. connection  D. excuse
58.   A. reject          B. reflect     C. pardon             D. measure
59.   A. truth           B. sex              C. interest           D. belief
60.   A. extinction       B. prospect         C. foundation   D. definition
61.   A. sets up            B. brings down         C. sticks to          D. gives up
62.   A. objective         B. wrong         C. vivid            D. limited
63.   A. complete        B. simple     C. domestic         D. ordinary
64.   A. guiding            B. uniting     C. isolating          D. transporting
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Computers and television have pushed a generation of children towards violent behaviour, and mental illness, a large-scale study said yesterday. Though the main reason for children’s violent behaviour comes from family, the study report also blamed computer games, the internet and television for breeding violence and increase mental illness.
The study report warned of the effects of long hours spent watching television, on the internet and playing computer games. "There is much evidence that exposure to violent images encourages aggressive behaviour,” it said.
On television, violence is frequently shown as part of a normal human life. The violence is both physical and psychological, and violent argument appears as a standard response to disagreement. To be sure, there is plenty of violence in Shakespeare plays and in the cinema. But people used to go to the cinema once a week, whereas our children now watch television for an average of 17 hours a week.
According to the report, the harm caused by computer and television has been widely recognized, which is only second to family factors including family break-up and the lack of a father living at home.  No doubt, selfish behaviour by adults is mainly responsible for the misery of millions of children.
Many parents’ aggressive pursuit of personal success has pushed the needs of children aside and amounts children’s violent behavior. The belief among adults that the main duty of the individual is to make the most of their own life, rather than contribute to the good of others, is causing our young people a range of problems.
At the end, the report calls for measures to cut the impact of television on young people, including a ban on all advertising aimed at children under 12, set up watchdog equipment on every TV set to control what children watch and put an end to advertising of alcohol and unhealthy food before the 9pm watershed. And more importantly, it calls on all British parents to value the once-in-a-lifetime period of their children’s growth.  Or, according to the report, they will soon regret their absence in that special period when their kids have grown into the “bad guys.”
72. The study is mainly about ______.
A. the family and social reasons for the children’s negative behaviour
B. the importance of a complete family on the behaviour of children
C. the ways to reduce the influence of television on children
D. the relationship between parents and children
73. According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A. The major reason for children’s bad behaviour comes from family.
B. Watching too many violent images will cause violent behaviour.
C. Classical works are violence-free so people in the past were not that violent.
D. Many parents put personal success ahead of their children’s benefits.
74. According to the passage, what kind of TV program is more likely to be shown after 9 p.m.?
A. Cartoons for kindergarten children.
B. Gardening programs for housewives.
C. Action movies with violent scenes.
D. Political talk shows for adults.
75.   The passage mentions all the measures to reduce the TV influence EXCEPT ______.
A. advising parents to watch TV programs with children together
B. stopping commercials for little children
C. using a practical method to monitor what children watch on TV
D. forbiding ads for harmful products shown before 9 p.m.
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