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Throughout the world, boys and girls prefer to play with different types of toys. Boys typically like to play with cars and trucks, while girls typically choose to play with dolls. Why is this? A traditional sociological explanation is that boys and girls are socialized and encouraged to play with different types of toys by their parents, peers, and the “society”. Growing scientific evidence suggests, however, that boys’ and girls’ toy preferences may have a biological origin.
In 2002, Gerianne M. Alexander of Texas A&M University and Melissa Hines of City University in London surprised the scientific world by showing that monkeys showed the same sex typical toy preferences as humans. In the study, Alexander and Hines gave two masculine toys (a ball and a police car), two feminine toys (a soft doll and a cooking pot), and two neutral toys (a picture book and a stuffed dog) to 44 male and 44 female monkeys. They then assessed the monkeys’ preference for each toy by measuring how much time they spent with each. Their data showed that male monkeys showed significantly greater interest in the masculine toys, and the female monkeys showed significantly greater interest in the feminine toys. The two sexes did not differ in their preference for the neutral toys.
If children’ s toy preferences were largely formed by gender socialization, as traditional sociologists’ claim, in which their parents give “gender appropriate” toys to boys and girls, how can these male and female monkeys have the same preferences as boys and girls?They were never socialized by humans, and they had never seen these toys before in their lives.
小题1:Traditional sociologists believe boys’ and girls’ toy preferences ________
A.are passed down from their parents
B.are largely formed in later life
C.have nothing to do with gender socialization
D.have a biological origin
小题2:The study by Alexander and Hines shows that monkeys________
A.also have a sex typical toy preference
B.also play toys as humans do
C.have no toy preferences
D.like to play different toys at different time
小题3:Alexander and Hines carried out the study to ________
A.find more evidence for traditional sociology
B.test the intelligence of monkeys
C.test whether monkeys like to play toys
D.find out why boys and girls prefer different toys
小题4:According to the study, if given a stuffed dog, _______
A.only the male monkeys showed interest
B.the female monkeys showed more interest
C.the male and female monkeys showed the same interest
D.neither the male nor the female monkeys showed any interest



小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:however, that boys’ and girls’ toy preferences may have a biological origin.可知孩子喜欢不同的玩具是因为生理因素。选B
小题2:细节题:从第二段的句子:University in London surprised the scientific world by showing that monkeys showed the same sex typical toy preferences as humans.可知猴子也有这样的偏爱。选A
小题4:推理题:从文章第二段的句子:The two sexes did not differ in their preference for the neutral toys.可知对玩具狗公猴子和母猴子没有什么差别。选C
试题【Throughout the world, boys and girls prefer to play with different types of toys】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
"Beating is a sign of affection, cursing (骂)is a sign of love."
Many may not expect to hear the words of the old Chinese saying in these modern times—with parents wealthier and better educated than they have ever been-but experts say they still ring true.
Today, it seems, Chinese parents are more likely to send their children to pre-college military academies in the United States in the hope that some tough love will pave the way tosuccess.
"Good education doesn"t mean letting your child enjoy privileges, especially our boys," said Song Wenming, an entrepreneur(企业家)in Jinhua, East China"s Zhejiang province." They should be raised in tough conditions to know what to fight for in the future."
In August, Song sent his 17-year-old son to Valley Forge Military Academy (VFMA) in Pennsylvania. And he is far from alone, even though it takes a lot of money - around $48,000 per year —to send a child to a strict military school.
Statistics shows that an increasing number of Chinese students have been registering with such academies.
A few years ago, there were no Chinese students at Valley Forge. Today, there are 28."All of the Chinese students at Valley Forge came from wealthy families, some of them were spoiled," said Jennifer Myers, director of marketing and communications at the school.
Song"s only son, Song Siyu, had a rocky start during his first six weeks at the school. The teenager said he went to the school voluntarily but did not expect it to be as difficult.
Now, three months later, he has perfected the art of taking a bath in 35 seconds, finishing a meal without looking at his food, and making his bed with precision. He can even take criticism, no matter how unreasonable.
"The training is hard but I know it is good for self-development of individuals," said Song Siyu."The endless training and scolding are just ways to build up our character, they are not personal."
But his enthusiasm is not universal. Ten of the 13 Chinese students who joined the academy this year have transferred to other schools.
But for those who stick with it, there is a reward for all the hard work.
小题1:From the second paragraph, we can know the old Chinese saying _____.
A.is out of date in modern times.
B.is disagreed by rich parents.
C.is still worth trusting
D.is deeply believed by better educated parent.
小题2:The underlined sentence means that _____
A.Song sent his only son to military school, so he feels lonely.
B.Song is the only one who sends his child t to military school.
C.There are other people sending their children to military school besides Song.
D.The fee of the military school is so high that only Song can afford it.
小题3:Song Siyu got some achievements in the military school except _____.
A.taking a bath in a short time
B.having his meal with his eyes closed
C.taking unreasonable criticism
D.improving his character
小题4:How many Chinese students are there at Valley Forge before this year?
小题5:Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?
A.   It"s likely that more and more Chinese students will attend VFMA.
B.    Most Chinese parents approve of educating their children by beating and cursing nowadays.
C.   Song Siyu had no difficulty in adjusting to the life at VFMA.
D.   Most Chinese students support the way of education at VFMA.
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Sneaker is a kind of shoe worn by many people all over the world. Some say that the word “sneaker” is another word for tennis shoe,   36   no one really knows where the word came from.   37  say it came from the old English verb “sneak”, which  38   moving silently and quickly. The only thing we are   39  is that when you put on a pair of sneakers, you   40   light-hearted, light-footed and ready to play.
Sneakers of some kind are used by   41   who play tennis, basketball, and other sports. New design has been made   42   for people who run slowly. But perhaps sneakers are   43   used by children in the United States. In fact American children of  44   ages would much rather play in sneakers than anything else, except perhaps  45   at all.
  New York City once held a poetry contest (诗歌比赛) for children. The subject was only “sneaker”. Thousands of children sent in their  46   and praised the sneakers they love. One prize winner called  47   poem “The Sneaker and the World Peace”. “When everyone is wearing sneakers,” she said, “it will be impossible to   48 .”
American school children can be seen every day   49  sneakers of all colours. They put them on in the morning and take them off  50 . Sneakers are  51  washed. In fact the older and dirtier they are, the  52  loveable they are. When their sneakers wear out (穿破), children hate to throw them off. How do you explain the closeness between  53  ? Perhaps another young   54  in the New York Poetry Contest said it best. “A shoe is just a shoe,” he said. “But a sneaker is a   55 .”
A.AllB.SomeC.PeopleD.The others
A.appearsB.remains C.meansD.wants
A.excited aboutB.sure ofC.surprised atD.pleased with
A.thinkB.feel C.considerD.suggest
A.lovelyB.specially C.livelyD.cheaply
A.some shoesB.no shoesC.no childrenD.some sneakers
A.dressingB.wearingC.putting onD.having
A.the next dayB.at noonC.at bedtimeD.in the evening
A.sneakers and other shoesB.boys and girls
C.children and sneakersD.winners and sneakers

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My grandmother seems to be wrong when she says that good manners will never go out of style.
Several days ago, I tried entering a lift with one of my arms fixed in a bandage(绷带) while carrying a computer bag in the other. Not being fast enough, I was passed by two young people who managed to get into the lift before me. The lift door closed only after I entered. Having already pressed their wanted floor button, the young people waited impatiently for me to press the button for where I was going. If they had decided to help, we could have moved much faster. But they had not. So I did my best and pressed the button with my arm. The two young people looked very angry with me. I was losing heart.
The memory of this incident has stayed with me because it followed shortly after my building’s watchman refused to help me carry a heavy box full of books. His answer was that he could not carry the books a few meters because it was not his job. However, I remembered myself helping people for so many years carrying boxes, shopping bags, or pushing wheelchairs upon the request of a stranger in need or when my conscience(良心) called on me. "Oh, this young generation, they have no manners, ”my grandmother would say. The idea of good manners refers to the considering of other people’s feelings. We need more and more people to have good manners. Good manners should be-come part of our lives.
小题1:The author believes that ________.
A.good manners will never go out of style
B.her grandmother is right
C.good manners are disappearing little by little
D.it never rains, but it pours
小题2:How did the two young people feel when the author pressed the button?
A.Excited. B.Angry.C.Sad.D.Confident.
小题3:The watchman didn’t help the author because ______.
A.the box was full of books
B.the box was too heavy
C.the author was a stranger
D.he thought it was not his job
小题4:We can infer from the passage that the author ______.
A.always offers help to people in need
B.always has difficulty carrying things
C.has a better memory than anyone else
D.agreed with her grandmother at first

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We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck, or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.
That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.
One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time—during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.
Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of yourself-control after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…God, one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is “a pain in the neck”.
Another, well—known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn ; he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go—for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.
Then, there is the man sitting next to you at lunch, smoking. He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.
We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he gets closer so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.
We also call such a person a “rubber neck”, always getting close to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy learning about your personal business. People have a strong dislike for “rubber necks”. They hate being watched secretly.
小题1:Where can you find this passage?
A.In a medicine dictionary.B. in a kids’ story book.
C.In a social science book.D.In a science textbook.
小题2:According to the passage, how do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?
A.disturbed.B.bored.C.ignored. D.relaxed.
小题3:A “rubber neck” often __________________ .
A.says bad words behind people.
B.quarrels face to face with neighbors.
C.bargains with salespeople over the price
D.asks about other people’s business
小题4:Which of the following persons CANNOT be described as a “pain in the neck”?
A.Someone who often claps at the wrong time during a performance.
B.Someone who feels ache in his neck due to a cold in the muscles.
C.Someone who sits next to you smoking, which you never enjoy.
D.Someone who keeps eating or talking all through the movies.
小题5:What is the main purpose of the author?
A.To tell people what might be bad manners in public.
B.To criticize (批评) the people who might be a “pain in the neck”
C.To show anger to those who are described as a “pain in the neck”.
D.To tell people how to stop the pain in the neck.

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Deception (骗术)is something that people do all the time ,and it plays an important role in military (军事的)strategy. Now some researchers are trying to figure out how to get robots to do it, by looking at the behavior of squirrels and birds.
At Georgia Tech, a team led by Ronald Arkin , a professor at the School of interactive Computing, studied the literature on squirrels hiding their acorns (橡果).Squirrels will hide their food m a certain place, but when they see other squirrels trying to steal from them, they attempt to fool the thieves by running to a fake location.
Ronald Arkin and his Ph. D. student Jaeeun Shim used that as a model for robot behavior. They programmed the robot into tricking a “predator (捕食者)” machine by doing what εi squirrel does: showing the enemy a false location for an important resource.
The team also looked at how other animals in this case,a species of bird called Arabian babbler~ drive off predators. A babbler will make an alarm call when they see a predator and other babblers will join the bird and make more calls. They then surround the predator, all the while flapping (拍打)wings and making noises. The babblers don’t ever actually fight the animal they want to drive off; they just make enough noises and flaps around enough so that it seems that attacking a babbler isn’t worth it
They found that the deception works when the group reaches a certain size—essentially, when enough birds arrive to convince the enemy that it’s best to back off . Davis modeled that behavior in software using a military scene and found that it worked even if the group didn’t have the firepower to confront the enemy directly.
The military is interested in this because a robot that can fool an opponent is a valuable tool. It could lead an enemy down a fake trail or make itself look more dangerous than it actually is.
小题1:Why does the military want to take advantage of squirrels’trick?
A.It can reduce the use of firepower to confront the enemy.
B.It can fool the enemy into believing it is more dangerous.
C.It can lead the enemy in a wrong direction to avoid losing resources.
D.It can scare the enemy away who wants to destroy the acorns.
小题2:Which of the following is NOT the way Arabian babblers drive off predators?
A.One bird makes an alarm call and other birds will join it
B.They fight the enemy bravely face to face.
C.They make noises and flaps around the predator.
D.They force the predator aware that it isn"t worthwhile to attack.
小题3:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Animals" behaviors are researched to be applied to the study of military robots.
B.Robots, fooling tricks are applied to the study of animals’behaviors.
C.Birds and squirrels are the animals that are good at deception.
D.Researchers are interested m animals’military-related behaviors.

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