当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     When some plates of the earth move...
题型:0107 期中题难度:来源:
根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     When some plates of the earth move suddenly, an earthquake happens. 1_____ Earthquakes may happen
anywhere on the earth. They often happen near the mountains.
    During an earthquake, the shakings make rocks rise suddenly and even crack (断裂) open. 2_____ and
sometimes the whole villages or cities are destroyed. 
    3_____ Scientists have studied earthquakes and make maps that show the "earthquake belts". 4_____ In
these areas we should build strong houses to fight against earthquakes. 
    5_____ They can also tell people what to do and how to do it. A. Can we do something to keep ourselves safe from earthquakes?
B. Houses fall; people are killed and hurt.
C. People and animals run in all directions in panic.
D. In the future, scientists will be able to predict exactly when and where an earthquake will happen.
E. Many earthquakes begin under the sea.
F. In areas in the belts, it"s possible for earthquakes to happen.
G. There are many earthquakes every year in Japan.
1-5: EBAFD
试题【根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。     When some plates of the earth move】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。    The question "How long do fish live?" is not as simple as it seems. There are thousands of different kinds
of fishes, and they are quite different from each other in size and life period. What"s more, it is not easy to
find out just how long a fish lives in its natural state.
     We can find out how old a fish is by studying its scales, but we can not say how long more it would have
lived if we had not caught it.
     We may keep fishes and record their life period but we can"t be sure that this is the length of time they
would have lived had they been left alone.
     We may make marking to show how fast the fishes grow so that we can calculate the age of the largest
on record, but unless this large fish dies of old age we are still not in a position to know its natural life period.
     Unlike human beings, fishes do not stop growing when they have grown up. They continue to grow as
long as they live, although the speed of growth slows down in mature fishes. 1. What can the scales of a fish tell us?[     ]
A. Its age
B. Its life period
C. Its size
D. Its growth speed2. How can we find out the natural life period of a fish? [     ]
A. We ought to keep a fish with great care.
B. This article refers to no way of settling the problem.
C. We must go on recording while we"re keeping a fish.
D. We should make marking of its growth speed and calculate its life period. 3. In the last sentence "mature fishes" refer to _____ fishes. [     ]
A. young
B. sea-water
C. fully-grown
D. fresh water
题型:0125 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。   The sea has always interested man. From it he can get food, minerals, and treasure. For thousands of years,
he could sail on it. But he could not go far beneath its surface.
    Man wants to explore deep into the sea. However, he is not a fish. He must breathe air, so he can"t stay
under the water"s surface for any length of time. To explore deep water, man faces even more dangers and
    A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture
of gases. He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above. He can carry a tank of air on his
back and breathe through a hose and a mouthpiece. Water weighs 800 times as much as air. Tons of water
pushes against a diver deep in the sea. His body is under great pressure.
    When a diver is under great pressure, his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes. As he rises to
surface, the water pressure becomes less. If the diver rises too quickly, the gases in his blood form bubbles
(气泡). The diver is then suffering from the bends. The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain. They
can even kill him. 1. On the whole, this text is about _____.[     ]
A. special mixtures of gases in deep sea
B. the problems a diver faces in deep sea
C. air pressure under the surface of sea water
D. a kind of illness that man suffers in the sea 2. The text does not say so, but it makes you think that _____. [     ]
A. deep-sea divers should be in good health
B. divers explore the deep sea only for treasure
C. there is a special mixture of gases under the sea
D. diving under the water too quickly causes a kind of illness 3. Why does a diver get the bends?[     ]
A. The air in his blood is used up
B. His diving suit weighs too much
C. He comes to the surface too quickly
D. He tries to do exercise under the sea 4. From the text we can learn that _____. [     ]
A. man cannot stay under water for more than a few minutes
B. the sea began to interest man in the last few years
C. all divers will get the bends sooner or later
D. the bends may kill a diver
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    If you want to get the most out of the study of a language, you must also read for pleasure: novels, plays,
travel books, and so on. And in reading books of this kind the important thing is to get on with the reading; to
try to grasp what the writer is going to tell you in the book as a whole. This is impossible if you stop and think
over the meaning of every single word which happens to be unfamiliar (不熟悉). You can not enjoy a story if
you stop half a dozen times on every page in order to look up words in the dictionary. You may even prevent
yourself from understanding the story as a whole by doing this.
    When you are reading books of this kind, therefore, you will usually have to rely mainly on (依靠) the
context (上下文) to help you. If you meet an unfamiliar word, do not let it take too much of your attention
from the main thread (主线) of the story. In all probability (可能) you will meet the same word again a few
pages later on in a slightly different context, and each time you see it your understanding of it will become
more exact. 1. The phrase "to get on with reading" in the passage has the same meaning as "_____". [     ]
A. to try to grasp the meaning of every sentence in the book
B. to try to catch the meaning of every word in the book
C. to try to understand all the writer is going to tell you
D. to try to understand the main idea of the book 2. When you meet new words in reading such kinds of books, you"d better _____. [     ]
A. stop and look them up in a dictionary
B. stop and think them over
C. try to guess their meanings from the context
D. have none of them 3. From the passage the best way to read novels, plays and travel books is _____. [     ]
A. to read very slowly
B. to read quickly and not too carefully
C. to read very carefully
D. to read very seriously 4. The best title for this passage is "_____". [     ]
A. Read for Pleasure
B. Get on with the Books
C. Reading Skills
D. The Importance of Reading
题型:0124 月考题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。    Along the river banks of the Amazon and the Orinoco there lives a bird that swims before it can fly, flies like
a fat chicken, eats green leaves, has the stomach of a cow and has claws (爪) on its wings when young. They
build their homes about 4.6 m above the river, an important feature (特征) for the safety of the young. It is
called the hoatzin.
    In appearance, the birds of both sexes look very much alike with brown on the back and cream and red on
the underside. The head is small, with a large set of feathers on the top, bright red eyes, and blue skin. Its
nearest relatives are the common bires, cuckoos. Its most striking feature, though is only found in the young.
    Baby hoatzins have a claw on the leading edge of each wing and another at the end of each wing tip. Using
these four claws, together with the beak (喙), they can climb about in the bushes, looking very much like
primitive bires must have done. When the young hoatzins have learned to fly, they lost their claws.
    The drier months between December and March hoatzins fly about the forest in groups of 20:00, but in
April, when the rainy season begins, they collect together in smaller living units of two seven birds for
producing purposes. 1. What is the test mainy about? [     ]
A. Hoatzins in dry and rainy seasons.
B. The relatives and enemies of hoatzins.
C. Primitive birds and hoatzins of the Amazon.
D. The appearance and living babits of hoatzins. 2. Yong hoatzins are different from their parents in that _____. [     ]
A. they look like young cuckoos
B. they have claws on the wings
C. they eat a lot like a cow
D. they live on river banks 3. What can we infer about primitive birds from the text? [     ]
A. They had claws to help them climb.
B. They could fly long distances.
C. They had four wings like hoatzins.
D. They had a head with long feathers on the top. 4. Why do hoatzins collect together in smaller groups when the rainy season comes? [     ]
A. To find more food.
B. To protect themselves better.
C. To keep themselves warm.
D. To produce their young.
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     Keeping a diary in English is an effective way to improve               
English writing skill. _______ (比较) with other forms of writing,      
it can help you to develop the _______ (习惯) of thinking in English,  
which is of great u_______ in learning English. Of course, you          
will _______ with many difficulties. First, you may have trouble       
_______ (找到) proper words and phrases to express your minds.        
Second, there are many phrases and sayings in Chinese, _______        
are hard _______ you to translate in English. My suggestion is that   
you should have a _______ (字典) at hand so that you can use it         
whenever it is needed. You can also t_______ to your teacher if necessary. 
If you stick to doing so, you’ll g_______ make progress in writing.   

1. __________        
2. __________        
3. __________      
4. __________       
5. __________                       
6. __________       
7. __________        
8. __________        
9. __________         
10. __________