当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     An epidemic (流行病) of the use of street-culture language broke out in s...
题型:0119 期末题难度:来源:
阅读理解。     An epidemic (流行病) of the use of street-culture language broke out in some English exams, according
to examiners.
     A report said there were "a surprising number of small mistakes" in standard (标准) English. It asked
teachers that they should prevent pupils from using "street language and text style", adding, "Most answers
require formal expression of language."
     "Many concerns were expressed by examiners about basic errors, often appearing in the work of clearly
able students," the report continued.
     It added that the use of street and text language "appeared with surprisingly regularity in the work of
students who clearly desired a higher grade".
     "Most answers require formal expression but even when an informal style is appropriate--students should
know the examination context and, in particular, should not use street language and text style." it said.
     There is rising concern about pupils" writing skills, especially among boys. National test results for 11-year-
old boys" writing standards had fallen this year. Only 55 percent reached the level expected of an 1l-year-old
by the time they left primary school, the results showed.
     Many educationalists are now arguing that teachers should also think of ways of improving writing
     The report said spelling was "in general inconsistent (不一致)" and "variety of vocabulary and of sentence
structure is often limited". It went on, "Punctuation (标点符号) errors continue to be widespread."
     However, it added, "Some examiners felt that this year they had met an improvement in the whole structure
of students" writing." 1. What does the passage mainly talk about? [     ]
A. The street-culture language is being examined in English exams.
B. Street language is appearing in the standard English exams.
C. The English say no to the street-culture language in daily life.
D. What the street-culture language is in England. 2. The underlined word "appropriate" (in Paragraph 5) means " _____".[     ]
A. comfortable
B. possible
C. acceptable
D. valuable 3. What problems concerned examiners? [     ]
A. Small mistakes in spelling and punctuation.
B. Limited vocabulary of boy pupils.
C. Teachers teaching writing skills.
D. Poor sentence structure, and errors in spelling and standard English. 4. How does the author feel in writing this passage? [     ]
A. worried but positive
B. worried and negative
C. concerned and sad
D. warm and excited 5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE? [     ]
A. In English exams, most answers require informal expression of language.
B. When an informal style is correct, the students are allowed to use it.
C. Boys" writing skills are worse than those of girls in England.
D. There is no improvement in the whole structure of students" writing.
1-5: BCDAC
试题【阅读理解。     An epidemic (流行病) of the use of street-culture language broke out in s】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Mariah Evans at the University of Nevada, Reno, led a 20-year study which asked adults in 27 countries
to tell the number of books that were in their home while they were growing up. Their answers showed that
children raised around books spend more years in school, even if their parents are poor and illiterate (没文化
     Mariah Evans said, "What we found was that there is a very big effect of growing up in a bookish home
on children"s success in school. Children who grow up in homes where there are more books go further in
education. And additional (额外的) books are especially important for children who come from families
where the parents aren"t terribly highly educated. The books can be stories, sports, travels and anything. But
there, we"re seeing that the books that have the most effect are history and science."
     "It says that there really is a contribution that parents can make to their children"s education. And it doesn"t
mean that you have to turn into somebody like me whose walls are lined with books. "But it really does mean
that if you spend a few minutes most days a week reading to your children, and if they see you reading from
time to time, and if you talk about books with them from time to time, and when somebody asks a question,
say "let"s look it up" instead of discussing it as a matter of opinion-that all those things can actually make quite
a great difference to children in their education." 1. It can be inferred from the passage that _____. [     ]
A. it is more difficult for children raised around books to finish school
B. highly educated parents prevent a child going further in education
C. more books are needed by children from poor and illiterate families
D. children with poor parents don"t spend as many years in school 2. According to the author, the books most important for the children are _____. [     ]
A. history and science
B. sports and education
C. stories and travels
D. all kinds of subjects 3. Wise parents can make quite a great difference to children in their education by _____. [     ]
A. turning themselves into somebody whose walls are lined with books
B. spending some minutes most days a week playing with their children
C. discussing them rather than looking up questions with their children
D. talking about books with their children from time to time 4. This passage mainly talks about _____. [     ]
A. the effect of bookish home on children
B. the importance of parents
C. the necessity of reading more books
D. the interest of children in books
题型:河北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Everyone has got two personalities-one is shown to the world and the other is secret and real. You don"t
show your secret personality when you are awake because you can control your behavior, but when you are
asleep, sleeping position shows the real you. In a normal night, of course, people frequently change their
position. The important position is the one that you go to sleep in.
     If you go to sleep on your back, your are a very open person. You normally trust people and you are easily
influenced by fashion or your new ideas. You don"t like to upset people, so you never express your real feelings.
You are quite shy and you aren"t very confident.
     If you sleep on your stomach, you are a rather secretive person. You worry a lot and always easily get upset,
you are very stubborn, but you aren"t very ambitious (有野心的). You usually live for today not tomorrow. This
means you enjoy having a good time.
     If you sleep curled up, you are probably a very nervous person. You have a low opinion of yourself and so
you are often very defensive. You are shy and you don"t normally like meeting people. You prefer to be on your
own. You are easily hurt.
     If you sleep on your side, you have usually got a well-balanced personality. You know your strengths and
weaknesses. You are usually careful. You have a confident personality. You sometimes feel anxious, but you
don"t often get depressed. You always say what you think even if it annoys people. 1. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage? [     ]
A. Your Sleeping Position and Your Personality
B. Sleeping and Your Health
C. The Secrets of Your Sleeping
D. Pay Attention to Your Sleeping Positions 2. If one goes to sleep on his stomach, he might _____.[     ]
A. never express his real feelings
B. keep himself secret from others
C. be a very nervous person
D. be usually careful  3. A person who sleeps curled up might _____. [     ]
A. like to stay alone
B. love having a good time
C. be very ambitious
D. always feel confident 4. Which of the important sleeping position that might let out your secrets? [     ]
A. The sleeping position when you fall asleep.
B. The sleeping position when you wake up.
C. The sleeping position when you feel comfortable.
D. The sleeping position at midnight.
题型:湖北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Sometime in the next century, the familiar early-newspaper on the front porch (门廊) will disappear. And
instead of reading your newspaper, it will read to you. You"ll get up and turn on the computer newspaper just
like switching on the TV. An electronic voice will read stories about the latest events, guided by a program
that selects the type of news you want. You"ll even get to choose the kind of voice you want to hear. Want
more information on this brief story? A simple touch makes the entire text appear. Save it in your own personal
computer if you like. These are among the predictions from communication experts working on the newspapers
of the future. Pictured as part of broader home-based media and entertainment systems, computer newspapers
will unite print and broadcast reporting, and offer news and analysis with video images of news events.
     Most of the technology is possible now, but making more people believe that they don"t need to read a
newspaper is the next step. But refusing computers may be stronger from within journalism. Since it is such
a cultural change, it may be that the present generation of journalists and publishers will have to die off before
the next generation realizes that the newspaper industry is no longer a newspaper industry. Technology is
making the end of traditional newspapers unavoidable.
     Despite technological advances, it could take tens of years to replace newsprint with computer screens.
It might take 30 to 40 years to complete the changeover because people need to buy computers and because
newspapers have established financial interests in the paper industry. 1. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer newspapers? [     ]
A. They are cheaper than traditional newspapers.
B. They are more convenient to read.
C. You can choose the kind of voice you want to hear.
D. You can easily save information for future use. 2. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of computer newspapers? [     ]
A. They are cheaper than traditional newspapers.
B. They are more convenient to read.
C. You can choose the kind of voice you want to hear.
D. You can easily save information for future use. 3. It can be inferred that journalists are against computer newspapers because _____. [     ]
A. they don"t know how to use computer
B. they think computer newspapers take too much time to read
C. they think the new technology is bad
D. they have been trained to write for traditional newspapers 4. What is the best title of the passage? [     ]
A. Newspapers are out of fashion.
B. Newspapers of the future will be on the computer.
C. New communications technology.
D. Computer newspapers are well liked
题型:湖北省期末题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     In Mr. Allen"s school class, all the students have to "get married". However, the wedding   1   sometimes
become so noisy that the loud laughter drowns out the   2   of the "minister". Even the two students getting
married often begin to laugh.
     The teacher, Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and serious business. He wants young people
to understand that there are many changes that must take place after marriage. He believes that the   3   for
these psychological and financial changes should be understood before people marry.
     Mr. Allen doesn"t only introduce his students to main problems faced in marriage such as illness or being
out of work. He also   4   them to the difficult and particular problems they will face every day. He wants to
introduce young people to all the worries that can bring the   5   point to a marriage. He even makes his students
know the problems of   6   and the fact that divorced men must pay child support money for their children
and sometimes pay their wives every month.
     It has been unsettling for some of the students to see the problems that a   7   couple often faces.   8   they
took the course, they had not worried much about the problems of marriage. However, both students and
parents feel that Mr. Allen"s course is   9   and have favored the course publicly. Their statements and letters
supporting the class have asked the school to  10  the course again.
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:广东省期末题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. conferences   
(     )2. A. whisper     
(     )3. A. possibility  
(     )4. A. exposes     
(     )5. A. uniting     
(     )6. A. wedding     
(     )7. A. divorced     
(     )8. A. If         
(     )9. A. disagreeable 
(     )10. A. afford    
B. competitions     
B. announcement   
B. responsibility  
B. explains      
B. burning      
B. division      
B. complained     
B. After       
B. flexible      
B. offer         
C. celebrations 
C. scream     
C. need        
C. extends     
C. breaking    
C. participation     
C. fascinated  
C. Until     
C. valuable    
C. establish  
D. ceremonies    
D. voice         
D. supply        
D. exhausts      
D. freezing      
D. divorce                  
D. married       
D. Because       
D. unbelievable  
D. affect        
     Foreign students are valuable to the United States. Many take 1_____ in important research. Most have
to 2_____ the full costs for their education. That helps universities meet their budgets. International students
and their 3_____ put 12,000 million dollars into the American economy last year. That number is from the
Institute of International Education, based in New York.
     Now, many education officials say they are concerned that 4_____ students will come to the United States
for the next school year. The officials base their concern partly on a decrease in students 5_____ (plan) to
attend intensive English programs during the summer.
     The members said one reason 6_____ the expected decrease is slower and more restrictive United States
action on travel documents. 7_____ (secure) has increased since the terrorist attack of September 11,2001.
The schools also blamed the travel problems caused by the outbreak of SARS.
     In recent years, 8_____ increasing number of students have come to the United States to study. The
Institute of International Education says these students represent more than four percent of all students in
American colleges and universities. 9_____ says the number of international students reached a 10_____ high
of more than 580,000 last year. The largest number came from India. Before last year largest number came
from China.