当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Saya, the teacher doesn"t mind being poked (戳) or pinched (捏), or if t...
阅读理解。     Saya, the teacher doesn"t mind being poked (戳) or pinched (捏), or if the students play in class: she"s
a robot designed to show children that science and technology can be fun subjects.
     Saya, a life-like female who started her career as a robot receptionist at Japanese companies and was
then re-programed to teach, gave a lesson to fifth-graders at Tokyo"s Kudan Elementary School after being
carried to the podium.
     Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi of Tokyo University of Science. who built Saya, says she"s not meant to
replace human teachers, just to highlight the joys of technology.
     "We are not considering making something that will take over from teachers, but rather our main reason
for building this robot is to use new technology to teach children about technology," Kobayashi told Reuters.
     But Saya may be able to help in schools where there is a shortage of teachers, he added.
     "In the countryside and in some small schools.there are children who do not have the opportunity to
come into contact with new technology and also there are few teachers out there that can teach these lessons,"
Kobayashi said.
     "So we hope to be able to develop this robot so it can be remotely controlled to teach these classes."
     Many of the children were attracted by Saya, and did not take their eyes off her throughout the lecture.
When class was over, some students poked her face and pinched her.
     "It"s so much more fun than regular classes." said 10一year old Nanako Iijima.
     The children"s human teacher, however, was not as impressed with the robot as her students.
     "On the one hand I am impressed that they"ve got robots to go this far, but on the other hand they still
have a long way to research before they create a truly robotic teacher." Akito Fukuda,the school"s science
teacher said. 1. According to Professor Hiroshi Kobayashi of Tokyo University of Science, Saya is designed mainly to _____. [     ]
A. get children to develop interest in science and technology
B. use new technology to improve teaching quality
C. be used to replace teachers
D. help in schools where there are not enough teachers 2. We can know from the passage that _____. [     ]
A. Sava is very strict with her students
B. many students think Sava"s lessons dull
C. Akito Fukuda thinks Saya a truly robotic teacher
D. making something that will take over from teachers is not scientists"s purpose 3. It can be inferred from the second paragraph that _____. [     ]
A. Saya is a retired receptionist at Japanese companies
B. Sava is not meant to replace human teachers
C. Saya can be programmed to do as told
D. Saya teaches better than human teachers 4. What would be the best title of the passage? [     ]
A. Future teaching
B. Teaching needs improving
C. Saya, a good science teacher
D. Robot takes over Tokyo classroom
1-4: ADCD
试题【阅读理解。     Saya, the teacher doesn"t mind being poked (戳) or pinched (捏), or if t】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     This is the VOA Special English Education Report. A few weeks ago, we talked about the Test of English
as a Foreign Language, or TOEFL. A listener in Cambodia named Thida asks if American colleges and
universities also accept the IELTS exam. IELTS is the International English Language Testing System. It was
developed by the University of Cambridge ESOL examiners. Cambridge ESOL says the test measures true-to-
life ability to communicate in English for education, immigration or employment. The IELTS tests listening,
reading, writing and speaking skills. It uses a mixture of accents and spellings, including British English and
American English.
     The test is used by government agencies, schools and professional organizations in one hundred and twenty
countries. And, yes, that includes the United States. The many American schools that accepted the IELTS can
be found on the Web at felts.org.
     Some schools accept both the TOEFL and the IELTS, but the graduate school at Duke University in
Durham, North Carolina, for example, says it prefers the IEITS.
     The listening and speaking parts are the same for everyone who takes the IELTS, but people have a choice
of reading and writing tests-either academic or general training.
     The listening test takes thirty minutes. There are forty questions based on a recording. The reading test
takes sixty minutes. Students answer forty questions based on three written passages.
     The writing test also takes sixty minutes. Students have to write two essays. One essay has to be at least
one hundred and fifty words long and the other at least two hundred and fifty words. The shorter one is
description of something; the longer one has to support and argument.
     The speaking test takes less than fifteen minutes. The score is based on a recorded talk between the student
and a test examiner.
     And that"s the VOA Special English Education Report, written by Nancy Steinbach. If you have a general
question for our series, write to special@voanews.com. I"m Barbara Klein. 1. What does TOEFL stand for? [     ]
A. The Voice of America
B. The International English Language Testing System
C. The Test of English as a Foreign Language
D. The Test of English as a Native Language 2. The International English Language Testing System commonly takes _____ in all. [     ]
A. less than 160 minutes
B. more than 165 minutes
C. no more than 160 minutes
D. less than 166 minutes 3. According to the passage, we can infer _____. [     ]
A. IELTS is efficient and necessary if you want to go to English-speaking countries
B. IELTS is completely different from TOEFL
C. every American needs to accept TOEFL
D. IEITS isn"t used more widely than TOEFL 4. What is the main idea of the passage? [     ]
A. How can the readers write papers to the VOA programme?
B. It talks about some ways to pass TOEFL.
C. It introduces IELTS.
D. How can the readers pass two kinds of tests?
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     An independent college claimed to have become the first school in England to make Chinese a compulsory
(强制的) subject for its pupils.
     Richard Cairns, the headmaster of Brighton College, said the move aims to recognize the importance of
China as the world"s fastest growing economy.
     Chinese will become one of the core subjects at the 1,200-pupil college from September. At present the
school has only a "handful" of native Chinese students, but it hopes to attract more in the future.
     Mr. Cairns, who made the announcement in his first week as head of the high-achieving college, said,
"One of my key tasks is to make sure that the pupils at Brighton College are equipped for the realities of the
21st century, and one of those realities is that China has the fastest growing economy in the world."
     "China has replaced Britain as the world"s fourth-largest economy. We in Britain need to face up to this
challenge, see it for the trading opportunity that it is, and ensure that our nation"s children are well-placed to
thrive (茁壮成长) in this new global reality.
     "A better understanding of the language and culture of China will be hugely important to the advantage of
the children of Brighton College."
     Mr. Cairns said he hoped the Chinese children already at the college would help and encourage their fellow
pupils to learn their language.
     In order to lead the way, Mr. Cairns, a historian from Oxford, plans to take part in the first Chinese class
as a pupil."I have agreed to join the first Chinese class as a pupil. I think it is the best way for me to show
the pupils here how important I regard this new addition to our core subjects." 1. The passage mainly tells us _____. [     ]
A. how to face up to new challenges in the 21st century
B. the realities of the 21st century
C. the fastest growing economy in the world
D. about a school which will make all its pupils learn Chinese 2. The college makes its students learn Chinese mainly because _____.[     ]
A. Chinese is a language spoken by the largest population in the world
B. it realizes the importance of China as the world"s fastest growing economy
C. Chinese is the easiest language for the students
D. there are many native Chinese students at the college 3. What is Mr. Cairns" attitude towards the development of China? [     ]
A. He sees it to be a threat.
B. He thinks of it as a danger.
C. He considers it to be an opportunity.
D. He regards it as an encouragement. 4. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? [     ]
A. The Chinese students at the college have already helped their fellow students to learn Chinese.
B. The school is the first in England to make Chinese a compulsory subject.
C. Mr. Cairns has just been made head of this high-achieving college.
D. In Mr. Cairns" opinion, learning Chinese will be a great help to his students.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Bullies are a big problem in schools. Every week, many children are afraid to go to school. They are
afraid they will be played jokes on by a bully. One study found that 52% of children reported being bullied
at least once a week. Sixty percent say that they know someone who could harm them. One student was
always being joked because he was short. He didn"t like to go to school because he had to face the bullies.
     Some children choose not to go to school at all so they can avoid the bullies. When they miss school,
students fall behind their classmates. A new program is helping put an end to this problem. The program
is teaching kids how to deal with bullies. This is helping more children feel safe in school.
     One school principal is working to end this negative behavior. Last year, he decided to let students know
bullying is not allowed there. Students are now encouraged to report bullies and stand up for themselves.
Those found to be bullies face harsh penalties (处罚). Students at his school participate in a program called
"Be Bold". In this program, students work together to prevent violence. They do skits and go into classrooms
to talk about the problem. They give other students strategies (策略) on how to deal with bullies.
     The principal says that the school has changed since he has addressed the bullying problem. But there
are other steps parents can take to help their children with this problem. First, students and their parents
should know the school"s rules about bullying and what they should do if it happens. Second, children should
be taught to stand up for themselves. They should try to resolve issues by talking them out. If the problem
continues, parents and children should record each incident. Children should tell someone if they are being
joked. Many children keep bullying a secret.
     Parents should look for warning signs of bullying. These can include cuts and bruises (瘀伤), worrying,
wanting to stay home from school, or a sudden drop in grades. 1. What"s the topic of the First paragraph? [     ]
A. Bullies are a big problem in schools.
B. Some students didn"t go to school because they had to face the bullies.
C. Most students are being bullied at least once a week.
D. The bullies in the campus are out of control. 2. The bullies in school can mainly be solved by _____. [     ]
A. the principal"s address
B. the parents" measures
C. the students" talking them out
D. harsh penalties 3. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? [     ]
A. A bully is a person who is habitually cruel or overbearing, especially to Smaller or weaker people.
B. The best way to avoid the bullies is to miss school.
C. The school has taken some active measures to avoid the behavior of bully.
D. It"s not only the responsibility of school to fight with bullies.
题型:0107 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Astronauts aboard the space station celebrated a space first on Wednesday by drinking water that had
been recycled from their urine (尿), sweat and water got from air. They said "cheers" to NASA workers
on the ground.
     The urine recycling system is needed for astronaut stations on the moon and Mars. It also will save
NASA money because it won"t have to ship up as much water to the station by space shuttle or cargo rocket.
Besides, it"s important as the space station is about to expand (扩大) from three people living on board to
     The recycling system had been brought up to the space station last November, but it couldn"t be used
until samples (样品) were tested back on earth. So when it came time to actually drink up, NASA made a
big deal of it. The three-man crew stood holding their drinks and congratulated engineers in two NASA
centers that worked on the system.
     "This is something that had been the stuff of science fiction," American astronaut Michael Barratt said
before taking a small mouthful. The taste is worth trying.
     The new system takes the combined urine of the crew from the toilet and moves it to a big tank, where
the water is boiled off, and the vapor is collected. The rest of the urine is thrown away. Then the water
vapor is mixed with water from air, and then it goes through filters (过滤器). When six crew members are
aboard, it can make about six gallons from urine in about six hours.
     "Some people may find the idea of drinking recycled urine distasteful, but it is also done on earth, but with
a lot longer time between urine and the tap," said Marybeth Edeen, the space station"s national lab manager.
     The technology NASA developed for this system has already been used for quick water purification (净化)
after the 2004 Asian tsunami. 1. According to the text, the recycling system is important because _____. [     ]
A. it makes traveling to the moon for the average person possible
B. with it NASA won"t need to ship any water up to the space station
C. it protects the environment in space by reducing the amount of waste
D. it can help meet the need for more water after the crew is expanded 2. Which is the RIGHT time order of the following events?
    a. The samples of the recycled water were tested on earth.
    b. Astronauts celebrated the space"s first making water from urine.
    c. The recycling system was brought up to the space station.
    d. The technology for the system was used to quickly purify water. [     ]
A. a, d, c, b
B. a, c, b, d
C. d, c, a, b
D. d, a, c, b 3. From Paragraph.5 we can know _____. [     ]
A. the process of recycling urine
B. the effect of the recycling system
C. an opinion on recycling urine
D. the theory behind the recycling system 4. What is the best title for the text? [     ]
A. Drink up: Space Station Recycles Urine to water
B. New Technology Is Used in the Space Station
C. The Research of NASA Has Made Great Progress
D. Good News: Water Recycled from Urine Tastes Good
题型:0103 期中题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Spread out a map of the world. What you see on it depends on the kind of map you have. Does it show
cities and countries? Mountains and valleys? Maybe weather patterns? The variety of features is so great that
one map just can"t handle them all.
     The earth is part of a nine planets solar system within the Milky Way galaxy. Its size and location aren"t
very impressive. We inhabit the third planet from the Sun, which is only the fifth largest overall. Yet The earth
has a talent for creating life. In fact, it"s the only place that has life so far!
     One form of life humans tends to take this for granted. Human activities like habitat destruction, pollution,
and over-fishing have badly damaged life as we know it. Luckily, Earth is as tough as it is beautiful. But it
doesn"t take an expert to see that one planet can only take so much. 1. In the _____, there are _____ planets in all. [     ]
A. Milky Way galaxy; 7
B. solar system; 8
C. solar system; 9
D. Milky Way galaxy; 10 2. The earth is the _____ largest planet in the solar system and the _____ planet from the Sun. [     ]
A. fifth; third
B. third; fifth
C. second; third
D. third; sixth 3. As is known to us all, _____ has badly damaged the earth life. [     ]
A. habitat destruction
B. pollution
C. over-fishing
D. all of the above
题型:0114 月考题难度:| 查看答案
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