当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Koalas are found only in Australia. Even if called koala bear, this an...
阅读理解。     Koalas are found only in Australia. Even if called koala bear, this animal has nothing to do with the actual
bear; it is not even a mammal (哺乳动物), but a marsupial (有袋动物), like the kangaroo. Its closest living
relatives are the wombats (毛鼻袋熊). A koala is about 60-80cm long and weighs 5-14kg. 
     The name "koala" means "no drink", and refers to the koala"s ability to go for days without water. Koalas
get the water content they need from the eucalyptus (桉树) leaves on which they feed. The koala is the only
mammal with a digestive system that can feed only on eucalyptus leaves-incidentally, these leaves are highly
poisonous if eaten by humans. One individual consumes about 5kg of eucalyptus leaves daily and it may never
drink water!
     The koala is a nocturnal mammal. They prefer to move around just after sunset, spending daytime sleeping
in the form of a tree. A koala spends sleeping 75% of its time. The eucalyptus leaves they eat are rich in fiber
and poor in proteins and fats. The adult must detoxify (排毒) leaves with energy expense, while fiber is hard
to break down. Because of this poor diet, koalas save energy by sleeping most of the day, while their
movements are very slow.
     Koalas only have one young per year. In summer, baby koalas are born about a month after mating. The
female takes it with her mouth and places it into her poach. In 6 months, the young can get out and feed on
leaves. There are probably around 2,000 to 8,000 wild koalas in Australia at present. The extremely fine gray
fur is the reason why koala has been heavily hunted in the past. Koalas are killed every year by dogs, cats,
dingoes, eagles and owls. They also die of disease and accidents. 1. Koalas do not get poisoned when eating eucalyptus simply because of their _____. A. special need
B. living habitat
C. digestive system
D. born laziness 2. Why does the koala spend most of its time sleeping? A. To escape from natural enemies.
B. To save its energy.
C. To protect itself from the sun.
D. To detoxify eucalyptus leaves. 3. The underlined word "nocturnal" in the passage refers to "_____". A. active during the night
B. excited in the daytime
C. inactive during the night
D. upset in the daytime 4. What information will probably be provided following the last paragraph? A. Steps to protect the koala.
B. Living areas of the koala.
C. Ways the female feeds her young.
D. The decreasing number of the koala.
1-4: CBAA
试题【阅读理解。     Koalas are found only in Australia. Even if called koala bear, this an】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Dogs have long been used to find explosives and drugs. Now, a new study shows that man"s best friend
can also help to find lung and breast cancer, researchers report in integrative Cancer Therapies. The findings
show that trained ordinary household dogs can detect early-stage lung and breast cancers by smelling the
breath samples of patients.
     Researchers have found that cancer cells send out molecules different from those of healthy ones, and that
might be sensed by smell by the highly sensitive dog"s nose.
     For the study, five dogs were trained by a professional instructor to respond differently to breath samples
of healthy and cancer patients. "The dogs learned to sit or lie down in front of cancer patient samples and to
ignore control samples through the method of food reward," McCulloch explained.
     After a period of training,researchers tested the animals" ability to distinguish cancer patients from controls.
The animals were given breath samples from 55 patients with lung cancer, 31 with breast cancer and 83 healthy
controls who were not included in the original training period.
     McCulloch"s group found that the dogs were able to correctly distinguish the breath samples of cancer
patients from those of the control subjects in about 90 percent of the cases. The dogs were also able to
detecting early-stage lung and breast cancers.
     "These results show that there is hope for early detection," McCulloch said. The re-searches are planning to
conduct further studies on the breath composition of cancer patients to possibly design an electronic device that
can do the dogs" job. "A dog"s nose is so powerful it can detect odors (气味) 10 000 to 100 000 times better
than a human nose can. I hope people will be interested in doing this research," McCulloch added, "It shows
that there is definitely something out there." 1. McCulloch and his group used _____ in their research.A. 10 dogs and 55 people
B. 5 dogs and 86 people
C. 10 dogs and 83 people
D. 5 dogs and 169 people 2. The underlined word "distinguish" means _____. A. to make somebody feel better
B. to recognize differences of
C. to remember somebody forever
D. to discomfort somebody 3. We can infer from the passage that _____.A. dogs can smell signs of other cancers except the above two kinds
B. the final goal of the researchers is to design an electronic dog to detect cancer
C. dogs can detect odors 10 000 to 100 000 times better than humans can
D. dogs will soon be widely used to smell signs of cancers in hospitals 4. Which of the following would be the best title? A. Special Noses of Dogs
B. Dogs and Cancer
C. Dogs Smell Signs of Cancer
D. McCulloch"s New Discovery
题型:0125 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     In formal paragraphs you will sometimes see a sentence at the end of the paragraph which summarizes
the information that has been presented. This is the concluding sentence. The concluding sentence is similar
to the topic sentence. They are both general sentences. The concluding sentence can be written in two ways:
     1. State the topic sentence in different words.
     2. Summarize the main points in the paragraph.
     You can understand concluding sentences with this example. Consider a hamburger that you can buy at
a fast-food restaurant. A hamburger has a top bun, meat, cheese, lettuce (生菜), and other elements in the
middle of the hamburger, and a bottom bun. Note how the top bun and the bottom bun are very similar. The
top bun, in a way, is like a topic sentence, and the bottom bun is like the concluding sentence. Both buns
"hold" the meat, onions, and so on. Similarly, the topic sentence and concluding sentence "hold" the supporting
sentences in the paragraph. Let"s see how a concluding sentence might look in our sample paragraph about
     My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton River,
which is very wide and beautiful. Also, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because
it is very steep. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is
probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a
famous place.
     Notice how the concluding sentence, "these three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown
a famous place", summarizes the information in the paragraph. Notice also how the concluding sentence is
similar to, but not exactly the same as, the topic sentence.
     Usually, we begin a concluding sentence with "in conclusion" or "in summary". Remember, not all
paragraphs contain concluding sentences,especially if the paragraph is very short. However, if your paragraph
is very long, it is a good idea to use a concluding sentence. 1. What does the author mainly intend to tell us in this passage? A. How to write a concluding sentence.
B. What the top bun and the bottom bun are like.
C. Why his hometown is a famous place.
D. To use a concluding sentence in our writing. 2. Why does the author write about a hamburger? A. Because he can buy a hamburger at a fast-food restaurant.
B. Because a hamburger has a top bun and a bottom bun.
C. Because the top bun and the bottom bun are very similar.
D. Because he wants to explain his main idea in another way. 3. The underlined word "noted" probably means "_____".  A. written down
B. famous
C. noticed
D. recorded 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE about the passage? A. A sentence at the end of a paragraph is the concluding sentence.
B. All paragraphs contain concluding sentence.
C. It is a good idea to use a concluding sentence in a long paragraph.
D. The concluding sentence is the same as the to pic sentence. 5. The underlined phrase "These three landmarks" here refers to _____. A. the Wheaton River,Wheaton Hill and my hometown
B. natural features,the Wheaton River and the Wheaton Hill
C. the Wheaton River,Wheaton Hill and the Big Old Tree
D. my hometown,Wheaton Hill and the Big Old Tree
题型:0125 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Do you sometimes put off doing your homework on a school night to watch TV? A new study says that
middle school students who watch TV or play video games during the week do worse in school. The study
also says that watching TV and playing video games on weekends don"t affect school performance that much.
     "They could watch a lot on weekends and it didn"t seem to connect with doing worse in school," said Dr.
Iman Sharif of Children"s Hospital at Montefiore in New York. The study appears in the October issue of
Pediatrics. Researchers drew their conclusions after surveying (调查) 4,500 students in New Hampshire and
Vermont middle schools.
     To reach their findings, researchers didn"t look at grades or test scores. Instead, they asked students to
rate their own performance on a scale ranging from "excellent" to "below".
     Other studies have found a connection between kids" ability to learn and the amount of TV they watch.
One study even found that kids with televisions in their bedrooms scored about eight points lower on math
and language arts tests than kids without them.
     What should a kid do? The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends (推荐) that kids watch TV
no more than two hours and that televisions be kept out of children"s rooms. Weekend viewing should be
kept to four hours at most each day. 1. What could be the best title for the passage?A. Study Says Students Shouldn"t Watch TV on a School Night
B. Watching TV Has an Effect on Children
C. Students Shouldn"t Watch TV
D. There Is a Connection Between Watching TV and Study 2. According to Dr. Iman Sharif, _____. A. watching TV on weekends affects school performance
B. the less students watch TV on weekends,the better they do at school
C. watching TV on weekends doesn"t affect school performance
D. the more students watch TV on weekends, the worse they do at school 3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Researchers did the survey by studying the students" test scores.
B. Students" learning ability has nothing to do with the amount of TV they watch.
C. Children with televisions in their rooms do better at school than those without them.
D. Children shouldn"t watch TV for more than four hours each day at weekends.
题型:0125 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get a good score on a certain kind of test,
or even the ability to do well in school. These are at best only indicators of something larger, deeper, and far
more important. By intelligence we mean a style of life, a way of behaving in various situations. The true test
of intelligence is not how much we know to do, but how we behave when we don"t know what to do.
     The intelligent person, young or old, meeting a new situation or problem, opens himself up to it. He tries
to take in with mind and senses everything he can about it. He thinks about it,instead of about himself or what
it might cause to happen to him. He grapples (努力克服) with it boldly, imaginatively, resourcefully (善于应
变地), and if not confidently, at least hopefully; if he fails to master it, he looks without fear or shame at his
mistakes and learns what he can from them. This is intelligence. Clearly its roots lie in a certain feeling about
life, and one"s self with respect to life. Just as clearly, unintelligence is not what most psychologists seem to
suppose, the same thing as intelligence, only less of it. It is an entirely different set of attitudes.
     Years of watching and comparing bright children with the not-bright, or less bright, have shown that they
are very different kinds of people. The bright child is curious about life and reality, eager to get in touch with
it, embrace (捉住机会) it, unite himself with it. There is no wall, no barrier, between himself and life. On the
other hand, the dull child is far less curious, far less interested in what goes on and what is real, more inclined
(倾向于) to live in a world of fantasy. The bright child likes to experiment, to try things out. He lives by the
maxim (格言) that there is more than one way to skin a cat. If he can"t do something one way, he"ll try another.
The dull child is usually afraid to try at all. It takes a great deal of urging to get him to try even once; if that try
fails, he is through.
     Nobody starts off stupid. Hardly an adult in a thousand,or ten thousand,could in any three years of his life
learn as much. Grow as much in his understanding of the world around him,as every infant(婴儿)learns and
grows in his first three years. But what happens,as we grow older,to this extraordinary capacity for learning
and intellectual growth?What happens is that it is destroyed,and more than by any other one thing, it is
destroyed by the process that we misname education-a process that goes on in most homes and schools. 1. Which of the following is TRUE about an unintelligent child? A. He/She rarely daydreams.
B. He/She takes the initiative (主动权).
C. He/She gives up easily.
D. He/She isn"t afraid of failing. 2. The writer believes that "unintelligence" is _____. A. similar to intelligence
B. less than intelligence
C. the common believes of most psychologists
D. a particular way of looking at the world 3. Why does the writer say that education is misnamed? A. Because it takes place more in homes than in schools.
B. Because it discourages intellectual growth.
C. Because it helps dull children with their problems.
D. Because it helps children understand the world around them. 4. "There is more than one way to skin a cat". Which of the following maxim has a similar meaning to this one? A. If at first you don"t succeed, try, try, and try again.
B. All work and no play make Johnny a dull boy.
C. Make new friends and keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold.
D. Make hay while the sun shines. 5. "It is an entirely different set of attitudes." "It" in this sentence refers to _____. A. intelligence
B. behavior
C. life
D. unintelligence
题型:0125 模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Used by over half a million learners, English Practice is one of the world"s most popular online English
learning products. English Practice offers over 40,000 interactive lessons for all levels of students who
want to study and improve their English. Our structured content will help you improve your speaking,
vocabulary, grammar, and your listening and written comprehension. And because English Practice is online,
you can study at a pace and at a time that is convenient for you.
How to Study
     When you start with English Practice we will give you a test to evaluate your language level. We will
then recommend that you start as either a beginning intermediate or advanced learner. At each level you
can take classes in General English, Work Skills, or Community to improve the skills you need. When you
have completed enough lessons, we will give you another test and move you up to the next level.
General English
     This is where you will find lessons to improve your grammar,listening comprehension,and vocabulary.
There are new lessons weekly so you will always find new 1essons to this area you can also take lessons
to prepare for TOEFL and IELTS.
Work Skills
     This is where you can take lessons to teach you the specific skills you will need if you have to speak
English at work, or do business in English. There are lessons on general business skills as well as courses
to on specific industries.
     In the Community section you find English Practice"s popular chat room,where you can practice with
fellow students from around the world, and ask English teachers questions about English Community also
has fun games like Bingo, Hangman, and Karaoke. As well as links to online English studying resources. 1. Compared with the courses in class,English practice has the advantage that _____. A. you can improve your English quickly through it
B. it will offer you the method of how to study English well
C. you can plan your time for English study according to your practical situation
D. you can teach yourself English at any time 2. If you want to study English breezily (轻松地), you should get into the section _____. A. General English
B. Work Skills
C. Community
D. How to study 3. If you are a student and want to add to your basic knowledge of English, you"d better _____.A. take the test offered by English Practice
B. take the General English
C. take the classes in Work Skills
D. the classes in Community 4. People can most probably read this article _____. A. on the Internet
B. in an instruction book
C. in a magazine
D. in a newspaper
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