当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。    If you are looking for an animal to take the title of "most violent fis...
阅读理解。    If you are looking for an animal to take the title of "most violent fish in the sea", then the tiger puffer
(河豚) fish would have to be a strong contestant. Not only is it deadly poisonous - though that doesn"t
stop people trying to eat it - but it is also able to scare off enemies by inflating itself to become much
larger than normal, when it is young it even chews on its own brothers and sisters.
     Tiger puffer fish attach their eggs to rocks near the bottom of the sea, often at the mouths of bays.
Then the larvae (幼鱼) move to the entries of rivers and lakes once they have grown a little. Then,
having put on a lot of weight, they head out to sea. There"s no innocent childhood for the puffer fish, as
Shin Oikawa of Kyushu University in Japan and his colleagues found out when they put the larvae of
tiger puffer fish in the lab and monitored them for two months. They found that the larvae went through
three steps in which their metabolic(新陈代谢) rates increased dramatically when they reached body
weights of 0.002g, 0.01g, and 0.1g. When a larva went through one of these steps, its behaviour also
changed. For instance, once a larva had passed the first level it would have grown its first tooth and
could start attacking larvae that had not yet reached that stage. Similarly, any larva that had reached
the 0.01g or 0.1g levels would start attacking lighter larvae.
     The researchers noted that the baby fish had a "relatively small mouth", so rather than swallowing
their brothers and sisters whole, they would bite pieces out of them. Despite this limitation, the fish
caused plenty of deaths -up to 12 per cent of the deaths that happened in the lab each day.
Those fish that grew fast enough to be able to chew on their fellows had an advantage. The extra food
accelerated their growth and development. Tiger puffer fish are likely to be faster and swifter, so they
can deal better with enemies.
     As the name suggests, puffer fish can inflate to make themselves seem much larger than they really
are, thus scaring off enemies. They do this by filling their stomachs, which are extremely elastic(弹性的),
with water. If that"s not enough of a threat, the tiger puffer fish -like most of the other puffer fish in the
family -carries a deadly toxin(毒素). Eat one puffer fish and the poison will paralyse (瘫痪) your muscles,
including the muscles responsible for breathing, so death is usually caused by a lack of oxygen. Famously,
the fish is a delicacy in Japan, where highly qualified chefs produce dishes that contain the safe level of the poison. Interestingly, the puffer fish does not go to the trouble of producing the poison itself. Instead, it
hosts bacteria (细菌) that produce the stuff. It obtains these bacteria from its diet, so the youngest adult
fish are not poisonous.1. All of the following statements account for the violence of puffer fish except that_____.A. they are very difficult to catch
B. they can become larger to threaten enemies away
C. they kill their younger companions as they grow up
D. they are deadly poisonous2. We can learn from the second paragraph that puffer fish _____.A. can only grow to a weight of 0.1g
B. do not change their behavior as they grow up
C. like to find a safe place to hatch the next generation
D. begin to grow teeth when they reach the third level3. Where does the poison in the puffer fish"s body come from?A. Its inner organs.          
B. The air it breathes in.
C. The diet it eats.          
D. The bacteria around it.4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Puffer fish can only produce poison when they face danger.
B. People like eating puffer fish even though they are poisonous.
C. The larvae are more aggressive than adult puffer fish.
D. Young puffer fish taste better than adult puffer fish.
1-4: ACCB
试题【阅读理解。    If you are looking for an animal to take the title of "most violent fis】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV, according to results of
a survey by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) published Thursday.
     The survey, of citizens of five Chinese cities, found that 79 percent of interviewees use the internet for
information, and 55.1 percent to read news on the internet. About 63 percent of the interviewees use
e-mail.The average times spent surfing the net and watching TV were 2.73 hours and 1.29hours,
     Only 10.4 percent reported use the internet primarily to send and receive email; 65.9 percent read
online news; 62.2 quite often play games on-line. More and more people have taken an interest in the
entertainment opportunities online. Up to 56.5 percent of interviewees quite often download music, and
53.5 percent get entertainment messages from the internet.
     Yet the survey found that television is still the dominant mass medium. Seventy-nine percent of
interviewees choose to watch TV to get information, and another 75 percent take newspapers as
important as TV.
     Five major web sites in the Chinese language, namely Sina, Sohu, Netease, Baidu and Yahoo are
still ranked top ones by web users, and those that voted for Sina as the best among them were 30.9
     Authorized statistics showed that web users in China have already exceeded 100 million, second to
that of the United States.1. Which of the following is not true?A. Chinese people are now spending more time surfing the net than watching TV.
B. There are more Chinese people using the internet for information compared with those reading
     news on the internet.
C. There are more people using e-mail compared with those searching information on the internet.
D. There are more people using e-mail compared with those reading news on the internet.2.The survey shows that _____.A. Only 10.4% reported use the internet to send and receive email.
B. Less than half of the people use the internet for entertainment.
C. All of the people reported like to play games on-line.
D. Most of the people reported read online news.3. The underlined word "exceeded" means _____ .A. increased to
B. increased by
C. risen  
D. decreased
题型:吉林省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Most American students go to traditional public schools. There are about 88, 000 public schools, all
over the US. Some students attend about 3000 independent public schools called charter schools.        
     Charter schools are self-governing. Private companies operate some charter schools. They are similar
in some ways to traditional public schools. They receive tax money just as other public schools do.
Charter schools must prove to local or state governments that their students are learning. These
governments provide the schools with the agreement called a charter that permits them to operate.
     Charter schools are different because they do not have to obey most laws governing traditional public
schools. Local state, or federal governments cannot tell them what to teach. Each school can choose its
own goals and decide the ways it wants to reach them. Class size is usually smaller than in traditional
public schools.
     The Bush Administration strongly supports charter schools as a way to re-organize public schools that
are failing to educate students. But some education agencies and unions oppose charter schools. One
teachers" union has just made public the results of the first national study comparing the progress of
students in traditional schools and charter schools.
     The American Federation of Teachers criticized the government"s delay in releasing the results of the
study, which is called the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Union education experts say the
study shows that charter school students performed worse on math and reading tests than students in
regular public schools.
     Some experts say the study is not a fair look at charter schools because students in those schools have more problems than students in traditional schools. Other education experts say the study results should
make charter school officials demand improved student progress.1. If a private company wants to operate a charter school, it must______.A. try new methods of teaching      
B. prove its management ability
C. obey the local and state laws      
D. get the government"s permission2. Charter schools are independent because_____.A. they make greater progress      
B. their class size is smaller
C. they enjoy more freedom          
D. they oppose traditional ways3.What"s the government"s attitude toward charter schools?A. Doubtful.    
B. Supportive.
C. Subjective.
D. Optimistic.4.What can we learn from the text?A. More students choose to attend charter schools.
B. Charter schools are better than traditional schools.
C. Students in charter schools are well educated.
D. People have different opinions about charter schools.5. It can be interred from the text that ___.A. charter schools are part of the public education system
B. one-on-one attention should be paid to students      
C. the number of charter schools will be limited
D. charter schools are all privately financed
题型:吉林省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
余选项。     Active listening is an essential skill in learning. It is when you listen carefully to make sure you
understand and learn the information that is being conveyed.     1   Here are some things which can help
you to listen actively.
     ◆Listen for the main point and major subpoints.   2   Listen carefully and make sure you understand
what the purpose of this lecture is. As you take down notes, keep the main point in mind and make sure
you understand how these notes are related.
     ◆Listen for an organizational structure. Listen carefully to figure out how the ideas are organized and
they will make more sense.
     ◆Pay attention to organizational cues.     3     Pay close attention to the introduction, as it will
probably indicate how you should organize your notes. If the lecture begins with, "Today I"m going to
talk about three ethnic conflicts in the Middle East," then you have a good idea of what"s going to follow.
Listen for "signpost" words to indicate a transition for one point to the next, such as "next" and "finally"
and numerical signposts like "first" or "third".
     ◆Listen with your eyes.    4     Watch the teacher and be aware of how he or she uses hand gestures, eye contact and other body language to convey points.
     ◆Remove distractions. Put away the campus newspaper, your cell phone and anything else that
might be more interesting than the lecturer.
     Learning to concentrate and listen actively is an endurance skill.   5   A. Speakers communicate information through nonverbal communication.
B. Unfortunately, many students don"t know how to listen actively when they attend classes.
C. If your teacher indicates that something is important, mark it.
D. Make yourself do it, and it will get easier over time.
E. Listen carefully for words and phrases that reflect the organizational structure of the lecture.
F. Your teachers" notes are probably organized into some kind of outline.
G. Don"t just write everything down.
题型:吉林省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Do you want to live forever? By the year 2050,you might actually get your wish-if you are willing to
leave your biological body and live in silicon circuits (半导体电路). But long before    then, perhaps as
early as 2020,some measures will begin offering a semblance of immortality (虚的永生).
     Researchers are confident that the technology will soon be able to track every waking moment of your
life?Whatever you see and hear,all that you say and write,can be recorded,analyzed and added to your
personal chronicles (履历). By the year 2030,it may be possible to catch your nervous systems through
electrical activities,which would also keep your thoughts and emotions.
     Researchers at the laboratories of British Telecommunications have given the name of this idea as
Soul Catcher.Small electronic equipment will make preparation for Soul Catcher.It would use a wearable
supercomputer,perhaps in a wristwatch, with wireless links to microseosors under your scalp (头皮) and
in the nerves that carry all five sensory signals.So wearing a video camera would no longer be required.
    At first,the Soul Catcher"s companion system-the Soul Reader-might have trouble copying your
thoughts in complete details. Even in 2030,we may still be struggling to understand how the brain is
working inside, so reading your thoughts and understanding your emotions might not be possible. But
these signals could be kept for the day when they can be transferred to silicon circuits to revitalize minds
everlasting entities (永生实体). Researchers can only wonder what it will be like to wake up one day
and find yourself alive inside a machine.
    For people who choose not to live in silicon,semblance of immortal ity would not be as useless as they
thought.People would know their lives would not be forgotten, but would be kept a record of the human
race forever.And future generations would have a much fuller understanding of the past.History would
not be controlled by just the rich and powerful, Hollywood stars,and a few thinkers in the upper society.1.The main idea of this passage is that_____ .A. human beings long for living forever
B. there are many difficulties in making the Soul Catcher
C. people can live forever as technology develops
D. the invention of Soul Catcher has great importance2. According to this passage.a Soul Catcher will be______ .A. a new machine on which research measures have already been made
B. a new invention in order to catch and keep human"s thoughts
C. made by British scientists to offer something that looks like living forever
D. made of silicon circuits which can catch people"s nervous activity3.We can infer from the passage that semblance of immortality is______. A. to be a reality sooner or later    
B. far from certain
C. just an idea that couldn"t be realized at all  
D. a fading hope4.The meaning of the underlined word revitalize, in the fourth paragraph is close to___.A. make dead    
B. make famous    
C. make known  
D. make active
题型:河南省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。Imperial College
Tanaka Business School
10 New Professors, Readers, Senior Lecturers or Lecturers
Imperial College is among the top ten universities of the world, according to the 2008 Times Higher
Having doubled its size in the last 4 years and hired world-class scholars during that period, Imperial"s
Tanaka Business School wishes to make a further 10 academic appointments in its drive to become a
leading research-led business school. Only applicants who have published in top international magazines
will be considered. Excellent ones from any field of management are welcome, but the school particularly wishes to appoint in the fields of marketing, technology management and healthcare.
International salaries will be offered.
An application form and further details may be downloaded from www.imperial.ac.uk/tanaka (About
Us, job opportunities).
An application form, 2 of your best papers should be sent to tbs.applications@imperial.ac.uk.
First review of application will be on 2 April 2009.1. Why are 10 appointments to be made?A. To teach some new subjects.
B. To guide students in reading.
C. To make Tanaka Business School a leading research- led business school.
D. To make Imperial College among the top 10 universities of the world.2. "Readers" in the 4th line probably refer to _____.A. school newspaper editors  
B. senior university teachers    
C. college graduates          
D. librarians3. Which of the following statements does NOT agree with the passage?A. Imperial College offers good salary.
B. Imperial College is a famous university in the world.
C. Imperial College is very strict with job hunters.
D. Imperial College is a business school.4. According to the passage, if one wants to apply for a job in Imperial College, he/she should _____.A. post all the material before 2 April 2009
B. prepare enough personal material in ink
C. first visit www.imperial.ac.uk/tanka
D. write 2 essays  
题型:陕西省期中题难度:| 查看答案
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