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阅读理解。     Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 17-year-old daughter,
Maureen. With a check list of criteriain hand, the Dallas family looked around the country visiting half
a dozen schools. They sought a university that offered the teenager"s intended major, one located near a
large city, and a campus where their daughter would be safe.      
     "The safety issue is a big one," says Joe Mahoney, who quickly discovered he wasn"t alone in his
worries. On campus tours other parents voiced similar concerns, and the same question was always asked: What about crime? But when college officials always gave the same answer, "That"s not a problem here. " Mahoney began to feel uneasy.      
     "No crime whatsoever?" comments Mahoney today. "I just don"t buy it. "Nor should he; in 1999 the
US Department of Education had reports of nearly 400,000 serious crimes on or around our campuses. " Parents need to understand that times have changed since they went to college," says David Nichols,
author of Creatinga Safe Campus. "Campus crime mirrors the rest of the nation. "    
     But getting accurate information isn"t easy. Colleges must report crime statistics (统计数字) by law, but some hold back for fear of bad publicity, leaving the honest ones looking dangerous. "The truth may not
always be obvious, "warns S. Daniel Carter of Security on Campus, Inc. , the nation"s leading campus
safety watchdoggroup.    
     To help concerned parents, Carter promised to visit campuses and talk to experts around the country
to find out major crime issues and effective solutions.1. The Mahoneys visited quite a few colleges last August______.    A. to express the opinions of many parents    
B. to choose a right one for their daughter    
C. to check the cost of college education    
D. to find a right one near a large city2. It is often difficult to get correct information on campus crime because some colleges_____.    A. receive too many visitors    
B. mirror the rest of the nation    
C. hide the truth of campus crime    
D. have too many watchdog groups 3. The underlined word" buy" in the third paragraph means    A. mind                    
B. admit    
C. believe                
D. expect 4. We learn from the text that "the honest ones"in the fourth paragraph most probably refers to colleges
_____.    A. that are protected by campus security    
B. that report campus crimes by law    
C. that are free from campus crime    
D. that enjoy very good publicity5. What is the text mainly about?    A. Exact campus crime statistics.    
B. Crimes on or around campuses.    
C. Effective solutions to campus crime.    
D. Concerns about kids" campus safety
1-5 BCCBD  
试题【阅读理解。     Last August, Joe and Mary Mahoney began looking at colleges for their 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

The college entrance exam is on the way and all the teachers
work very hard, encouraging us to build  1  our confidence
and inspiring us to i  2   our studies. Whenever we meet
with difficulties, they are r  3   to come to our help. Meanwhile,
our school also  4    (提供)great help for us students, for exampie.    
the library stays  5   in the evenings and even on the weekends.
At home,our parents take good care of  6    so that we can always    
be full of energy. I"m very grateful for the  7  (努力)of our parents    
and teachers. I"m  8   (决心)to try my best to prepare for the exam.
I am sure that w  9  their timely help I"ll be able to achieve my goal
and be a useful person of our society in the near f  10   .

题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案

                           Spiritual Intelligence Quotient
      Our spiritual intelligence quotient (精神智商), or SQ, helps
us understand ourselves, and live a fuller, happier life.
      While we"re all born with SQ, most of us don"t even realize that
we have it. Fortunately, you don"t have to sign up for classes to learn
how to improve your SQ. Here are some simple steps that can lead
you to a new level of understanding.
      Sit Quietly. The process of developing spiritual intelligence begins
with solitude(独处) and silence. To tune into yourS,you
have to turn down the volume(强度) in your busy,noisy and complicated
life and force yourself to do nothing at all. In the car, instead of reading
or doing something else, use the time to think. At work,shut the door to
your office between meetings, take a few breaths and let them out very,
very slowly. Enjoy the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
     Step Outside. For many people, nature sets their spirits free.
Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset. If you are walking with your
dog,take the time to admire flowers in bloom; follow the flight of
birds;watch clouds floating overhead.
     Ask Questions of Yourself. Ask open-ended questions, such as
"What am I feeling? What are my choices?"or"Where am I heading?
" But don"t expect an answer to arrive through"some supernatural forms
or e-mails. "Rarely do I get an immediate answer to my
question,"says Reverend Joan Carter, "I never considered a problem
from a different perspective (角度) before. "
     Trust Your Spirit. While most of us rely on our gut feeling (直
觉)to realize danger,spiritual intelligence pushes us towards some
action that will lead to a greater good.

1. The passage is mainly about ___.  A. what your SQ is and in what way it can benefit your life
B. what your SQ is and in what way it can be improved
C. the relationship between your SQ and your life
D. the advantages and disadvantages of SQ2. The underlined phrase"tune into your spirit" in the third paragraph probably means"______".    A. get your spirit relaxed
B. keep up your spirit
C. keep seated quietly
D. change your spirit3. The author mentiuns the example of Reverend Joan Carter to show that_______.  A. there are no immediate answers to your questions
B. e-mails can"t keep working out problems
C. the more questions you ask, the better answers you"ll get
D. changing your way of thinking might help you solve a problem4. From the passage ,we can know that the most important thing to improve your SQ is _______.  A. a peaceful mind
B. deep thought
C. spare time and hobbies
D. good spirit
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Most people think of racing when they see greyhounds(灰狗)
and believe they need lots of exercise. They can actually be quite
lazy! Greyhounds are good at fast races but not long-distance run-
ning. They do need regular exercise but they like to run for a short
burst and then get back on the bed or a comfortable seat. Another
misunderstanding is that greyhounds must be aggressive (好斗的)
because they are big in size. In fact greyhounds love people and are
gentle with children.
     Greyhounds can live for 12~14 years but usually only race for
two or three years, and after that they make great pets. They don"t
need a lot of space,don"t make a lot of noise,and don"t eat a lot for
their size.
      Normally, greyhounds can be as tall as 90cm. There is, however,
a small-sized greyhound, which stands only 33cm. Greyhounds
come in a variety of colors. Grey and yellowish-brown are the most
common. Others include black, white, blue, red and brown or a mix
of these.
      Greyhounds have smooth body coats ,low body fat and are very
healthy. Because they"re slim (苗条的)they don"t have the leg
problems like other dogs with the same height. But they do feel the
cold ,especially since they would much rather be at home in bed
than walking around outside. 1. The text is written mainly ________.     A. to tell people how to raise greyhounds
B. to let people know more about greyhounds
C. to explain why greyhounds are aggressive
D. to describe greyhounds of different colors2. It can be inferred that greyhounds _______.   A. love big dog houses
B. like staying in bed all day
C. make the best guard dogs
D. need some exercise outdoors3. Why does the author say that greyhounds.make great pets7    A. They are big in size.
B. They live a very long life.
C. They can run races for some time.
D. They are quiet and easy to look after.
4. If you keep a pet greyhound,it is important _______.  A. to keep it slim
B. to keep it warm
C. to take special care of its legs
D. to take it to animal doctors regularly
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。  If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonner and say, "Hey, But
terfly Man, "his face would break into a smile. The title suits him.
And he loves it.
     Arthur Bonner works with the Palos Verdes blue butterfly (蝴
蝶) ,once thought to have died out. Today the butterfly is coming
back-thanks to him. But years ago if you"d told him this was what
he"d be doing someday,he would have laughed," You"re crazy. "As
a boy,he used to be "a little tough guy on the streets". At age thirteen,
he was caught by the police for stealing. At eighteen ,he land-
ed in prison for shooting a man.
      "I knew it had hurt my morn," Bonner said after he got out of
prison. "So I told myself I would not put my mom through that pain
again. "
     One day he met Professor Mattoni, who was working to rebuild
the habitat(栖息地) for an endangered butterfly called El Segundo
     "I saw the sign" Butterfly Habitat" and asked, " How can you
have a habitat when the butterflies can just fly away?" "Bonner recalls.
"Dr. Mattoni laughed and handed me a magnifying glass (放
大镜) ," Look at the leaves. " I could see all these caterpillars (蝶的幼
虫)on the plant. Dr. Mattoni explained, "Without the plant,
there are no butterflies. ""
     Weeks later, Bonner recei.ved a call from Dr. Mattoni, who told
him there was a butterfly that needed help. That was how he met the
Palos Verdes blue. Since then he"s been working for four years to
help bring the butterfly back. He grows astragalus, the only plant
the butterfly eats. He collects butterflies and brings them into a lab
to lay eggs. Then he puts new butterflies into the habitat.
     The butterfly"s population, once almost zero, is now up to 900.
For their work, Bonner and Dr. Mattoni received lots of awards. But
for Bonner,he earned something more:he turned his life around.
     For six years now Bonner has kept his promise to stay out of
prison. While he"s bringing back the Palos Verdes blue, the butterfly
has helped bring him back, too.1. When he was young, Arthur Bonner _____.   A. broke the law and ended up in prison
B. was fond of shooting and hurt his morn
C. often laughed at people on the streets
D. often caught butterflies and took them home2. Bonner came to know the Palos Verdes blue after he______.  A. found the butterfly had died out
B. won many prizes from his professor
C. met Dr. Mattoni, a professor of biology
D. collected butterflies and put them into a lab3. From the last sentence of the text, we learn that raising butterflies has_______.  A. made Bonner famous
B. changed Bonner"s life
C. brought Bonner wealth
D. enriched Bonner"s knowledge4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?   A. A Promise to Morn.
B. A Man Saved by Butterflies.
C. A Story of Butterflies.
D. A Job Offered by Dr. Mattoni.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     Question:What is more astonishing than a 60-ton whale on a
flatbed truck being driven down the street?
     Answer:A 60-ton whale on a flatbed truck exploding and rai-
ning blubber( fat of whales) all over the sidewalk.
    That"s what happened in Taiwan recently,when a dead sperm
whale being shipped to the Halobios Research Centre for an autopsy
(尸体解剖) developed an extremely bad case of gas and blew up
before it reached its destination.
     The whale was found alive on a Taiwan beach last weekend,
and died shortly after it was discovered. Since the 56-foot whale was
the largest whale ever beached on Taiwan"s shores,scientists wanted
to study it and perform an autopsy for educational purpose.
      Obviously,too much time passed between when the animal died
and the time it was set to be moved to the autopsy location,because
it had already started to go bad. When things rot,they give off gases
as a by-product. In the whale"s case,the gases were trapped in its
belly. The pressure inside the rotting creature grew so much that it
popped like an over-filled balloon. Unfortunately,it was on a truck in
the middle of the city of Taiwan at the time ;cars and shops lining the
street were covered with whale bits and juices,much to their owners"
      According to news reports,traffic was tied up for hours while of
ficials tried to clean up the streets.
     Newspaper editors worldwide were probably smiling to them-
selves,since they had a ready-made headline; several reports about
the incident were titled " There  She  Blows ! " after the famous line
from the book Moby Dick.1. The purpose of the question at the beginning of this news report  is to ___.A. explain the reason
B. sell newspapers
C. attract readers
D. give an immediate answer2. The whale"s explosion was the result of___.     A. pressure from gases building up in the creature as it began to rot
B. the long transport of the creature from the beach to the centre
C. the extremely busy traffic in the streets it passed by
D. the quick process of rotting of the animal3. What is the correct order of the incidents?
        a. The whale was set to a flatbed truck.
        b. The whale was discovered.
        c. The whale exploded.
        d. The whale died.    A. b;c;a;d                        
B. d;c;b;a
C. b;d;a;c                        
D. d;b;a;c4. What do we know from the last paragraph?A. Some newspaper editors were laughed at.
B. Moby Dick is the name of a woman writer.
C. All the newspapers reported the story under the same title.
D. The title" There She Blows ! " is taken from the book MobyDick.
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