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阅读理解。     You can improve your child"s hearing memory considerably(在很大程度上). Once his
hearing memory has been greatly improved, he"ll be able to use and remember what he listens
to in class. The success of these suggestions depends upon your ability to use your child"s
natural desire to get involved in games he finds simple and fun.
     A good way to begin is to read aloud a sentence from a book suitable for your child"s
reading age. Then ask your youngster to repeat the sentence back to you correctly. Next,
reread the sentence, leaving out a particular word. See if your child can identify the word
you left out. At the beginning use only simple sentences. Gradually, increase the length of the
sentences. Make sure you don"t rush things along too quickly, or your child may become
discouraged and tired of the game.
     Take your child shopping with you often. He"s to remember a list of items you want to buy
in the supermarket. First , ask him to remember only a few things. Then, as he shows increased
ability to remember, make the list longer and longer. Praise him often and warmly when he
shows increased ability to remember things. He"ll become proud of his "good" memory and
will happily play the game.
     Encourage your child to learn easy and short poems. As his ability to do this becomes
stronger, encourage him to remember longer poems. Do the same with songs.1. The suggestions will be successful if____.A. you find simple and funny games for your child
B. you can stimulate(激发)your child"s interest in the activity
C. you force your child to get involved in more practice
D. you improve your own hearing memory first2. The purpose of asking your child to repeat what you say is ____.A. to practice his pronunciation
B. to develop his reading skills
C. to help him remember what he hears
D. to play a simple game he may find fun3. The third paragraph mainly talks about _____.A. another way to improve your child"s hearing memory
B. how you should take you child shopping with you
C. how to remember the items you want to buy
D. the way you help your child do shopping4. The last sentence "Do the same with songs" means you should encourage your child to learn
and remember _____.A. songs in the same way as he does with poems.
B. poems in the same way as he does with songs
C. the poems and songs which are similar in meaning
D. those songs that have the same meaning as poems5. Who are the supposed readers of this passage?_____A. Children.
B. Parents.
C. Teachers.
D. Psychologists
试题【阅读理解。     You can improve your child"s hearing memory considerably(在很大程度上). Once】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

     The idea for a science experiment can come from an unusual place.After watching a YouTube
video of a dancing bird named Snowball, a scientist in California decided to study the ability of
animals to keep the beat.
     Bird lovers have long claimed that their pets have rhythm, and there are many videos of dancing
birds online.Until now, scientists have suspected that humans are the only animals that can accurately
keep rhythm with music.
     Thanks to Snowball, that_scientific_opinion is changing.Snowball is a cockatoo, a kind of parrot,
and his favorite song is "Everybody" by the Backstreet Boys.When he hears the song, he moves his
feet and rocks his body with the tempo, or pace of the music, as though he is the only bird member
of the boy band.
     Aniruddh Patel is a neuroscientist, or a scientist who studies how the brain and the nervous system
contribute to learning, seeing and other mental abilities.He works at the Neurosciences Institute in San
 Diego.After seeing Snowball" s dance online, Patel visited the cockatoo at the bird rescue facility he"s
called home for two years.The scientist played "Everybody" for Snowball and also played versions of
the song that were sped up or slowed down.Sometimes, Snowball danced too fast or too slowly.
Often, when there was a change in tempo, Snowball adjusted his dancing to match the rhythm.In other
experiments, scientists have observed the same abilities in preschool children.
     Patel isn"t the only scientist who has studied Snowball"s moves.Adena Schachner, who studies
psychology at Harvard University, also wanted to know more about the dancing bird.Schachner"s
team played different musical pieces for Snowball and a parrot named Alex, as well as eight human
volunteers.The scientists observed that the birds and the humans kept time to the music with about
the same accuracy.
     Schachner and her team watched thousands of YouTube videos of different animals moving to
music.Not all the animals could dance, however.From watching the videos, the scientists observed
that only animals that imitate sounds, including 14 parrot species and Asian elephants, accurately
moved in time to music.

1. The underlined words "that scientific opinion" in the third paragraph refer to the theory that________.A. birds like Snowball have the ability to keep the beat
B. humans are the only animals that can accurately keep rhythm with music
C. the brain and the nervous system contribute to some mental abilities
D. bird pets can have their special rhythm under human"s instruction2. From the fourth paragraph we may know that________.A. Patel is the only scientist who has studied Snowball"s moves.
B. Snowball is able to adjust his dancing to match the rhythm.
C. Snowball cannot dance to the versions of the song Everybody.
D. it is the brain and the nervous system that control the mental abilities.3. The idea of studying animals" ability to keep the beat comes from________.A. bird lovers" discovery  
B. humans" musical sense
C. the same abilities in children  
D. videos of dancing birds
题型:陕西省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解.     High school students are some of the busiest people in the world. To get the most from all
you do, you must be in control of your time. Your success in high school depends on your use
of time. Here are some important things to remember.
     * Begin each term by filling in a master plan. First fill in things you must do (classes, work,
practice, etc. That you can"t change). Then find the most effective use for these times.
     * Set a regular time and place for study. This will save you time in the long run. If you have
a study hall in your school, use it!
     * Use daylight hours to study whenever possible. For most people for every hour of study
done in daylight hours, it will take them one and a half hours to do the same task at night.
     *Take breaks. Don"t plan marathon study time. Have a short rest before you study again.
     *By using flash cards or summary sheets, you can use odd times to study-----while you"re
waiting for class to start or for a friend to pick you up.
     * If possible, plan study time with a partner. Choose your partner wisely however. Make
sure you study, not socialize yourself.
     * Do the most difficult tasks when you are active. (Take math for example: when you"re
energetic, it will become easier to solve; when you"re tired, it will be impossible ! )
     *Make a daily checklist. Do the most important tasks first.1. According to the passage, your success in high school mainly lies in__________.A. making full use of your time
B. your hard work
C. your brain power
D. how well you play the game2. We should use daylight hours to study whenever possible because ____________.A. school study halls are open to students only in the daytime
B. most people can spare more time to study in the daytime
C. it"s more difficult to study effectively at night
D. we have more important things to do than study at night3. On how to use our time, we should follow the following suggestions EXCEPT _______ .A. working out a complete plan for the whole term
B. keeping a good balance between study and rest
C. putting the most important tasks first
D. trying to study alone instead of working with others4. The underlined word "odd" in Paragraph 6 probably means "__________".A. strange
B. irregular
C. busy
D. divided5. The passage is probably written for ________.A. parents
B. college students
C. teachers
D. high school students
题型:江苏同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。                                   What is a flood and where does it happen?
     A flood happens when water pours over dry land.Floods can cause very big damage
when they happen unexpectedly.
     Heavy rain can cause floods.If a lot of rain falls quickly,the earth is unable to soak (吸入)
it up,and the water builds up on the ground.When it runs off into the rivers,the rivers overflow
their banks.
     The worst floods happen where the land is flat and low-lying.These areas are known
as floodplains.
                              What should I know if I live on a flood plain?
     "Stay away from flood water."
     Do not walk through moving water.It can knock you off your feet.If you must walk
through water,walk where the water is not moving.Use a stick to test the ground in front
of you."Stay away from power lines that are on the ground.You could be electrocuted (电死)."
     If you are scared,share your fears with an adult.Floods can be scary,but remember-the
water ALWAYS goes away!
                             What should I do if a flood happens?
     1.Get to the meeting spot with your family.
     2.Try to get to higher ground.
     3.If you can not leave,get to a higher area in your home.
     4.Listen to your family and follow all instructions carefully.
                           What dangers does a flood lead to?
     Floods can lead to electrocution from down power lines,angry dangerous animals coming
out,drowning from high water levels or flash floods,as well as many other things.1.A flood often happens except________.A.when it rains heavily
B.when it hardly ever rains
C.where the land is flat
D.where the land is low-lying2.You shouldn"t walk through moving water because________.A.you may lose your shoes
B.it may make you fall over
C.you may drink some dirty water
D.some fish can make you fall over3.By saying "the water ALWAYS goes away" the author means________.A.you needn"t be afraid of floods
B.it is common for floods to happen
C.water can"t be stopped from flowing
D.you should pay close attention to floods4.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.A flood may cause very big damage if they happen without warning.
B.If a flood happens,you should get to the meeting spot with your family.
C.If a flood happens,you should not go to a higher ground immediately.
D.If a flood happens,it can lead to electrocution from down power lines5.We can infer from the passage that during a flood________.A.gas should be cut off as soon as possible
B.running away is a good way to save yourself
C.people are more likely to be attacked by animals
D.adults should try to persuade children to keep silent
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     People turn to magic (魔力) chiefly as a form of insurance-that is, they use it along with actions that
actually bring results.For example, hunters may use a hunting charm (咒语). But they also use their
hunting skills and knowledge of animals. The charm may give hunters the extra confidence they need to
hunt even more successfully than they would without it.If they shoot a lot of game (猎物), they credit
the charm for their success. Many events happen naturally without magic. Crops grow without it, and
sick people get well without it.But if people use magic to bring a good harvest or to cure a patient, they
may believe the magic was responsible.
     People also tend to forget magic"s failures and to be impressed by its surface successes. They may
consider magic successful if it appears to work only 10 per cent of the time. Even when magic fails,
people often explain the failure without doubting the power of the magic. They may say that the magician
made a mistake in reciting the spell or that another magician cast a more powerful spell against the
     Many anthropologists (人类学家) believe that people have faith in magic because they feel a need to
believe in it. People may turn to magic to reduce their fear and uncertainty if they feel they have no
control over the outcome of a situation. For example, farmers use knowledge and skill when they plant
their fields. But they know that weather, insects, or diseases might ruin the crops. So farmers in some
societies may also plant a charm or perform a magic rite to ensure a good harvest.1. From the passage, we can learn that the writer of the passage may be________.A. a hunter      
B. a farmer
C. a magician  
D. an anthropologist2. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?A. Magic and Hunting
B. Magic and Farming
C. Why Magic Works?
D. Why People Believe in Magic?3. The underlined word "spell"( Paragraph 2 ) most likely means________.A. magic words  
B. magic events
C. words or expressions  
D. magicians4. People believe in magic because________.A. magic powers are greater than natural powers
B. magic can turn dreams into reality
C. they are not sure of themselves
D. magic can bring good results5. Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage?A. Even though magic fails, believers in magic will explain the reason.
B. Believers in magic usually overstate the power of magic.
C. People use magic to reduce their uncertainty and give them extra confidence.
D. Magic can solve problems people can"t deal with in a natural way.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     Why do men die earlier than women? The latest research makes it known that the reason could be that men"s hearts go into rapid decline(下降) when they reach middle age.
    The largest study of the effects of ageing on the heart has found that women"s longevity may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age.
     "We have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 18 and 70 years of
age," said the head of the study, David Goldspink of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.
     "Within the heart there are millions of cells that enable it to beat. Between the age of 20 and 70,
one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men," said Goldspink. "This is part of the ageing
     What surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cells. A healthy
70-year-old woman"s heart could perform almost as well as a 20-year-old one"s. "This gender( 性别)
difference might just explain why women live longer than men," said Goldspink. They studied more than
250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the
confusing influence of disease. "The team has yet to find why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart," said Goldspink.
     The good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercise. Goldspink
stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker as they age. 1. The underlined word "longevity" in the second paragraph probably refers to "________".A. health          
B. ageing        
C. long life            
D. effect2. The text mainly talks about ________.A. men"s heart cells                
B. women"s ageing process
C. the gender difference              
D. hearts and long life3. According to the text, the UK scientists have known that ________.A. women have more cells than men when they are born
B. women can replace the cells that enable the heart to beat
C. the female heart loses few of the cells with age
D. women never lose their pumping power with age4. If you want to live longer, you should ________.A. exercise regularly to keep your heart healthy      
B. find out the reason for ageing
C. enable your heart to beat much faster
D. prevent your cells from being lost5. We can know from the passage that ________.A. the reason why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart has been found out
B. scientists are on the way to finding out why the male heart loses more of the cells
C. the team has done something to prevent the male from suffering the greater loss
D. women over 70 could lose more heart cells than those at the age of 20
题型:江西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
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