当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Thousands of years ago people guessed the time of day by watching the sun.Later,...
Thousands of years ago people guessed the time of day by watching the sun.
Later,they found it was easier to tell the exact time by looking at the shadows.Thus, the sundial(日晷) was invented.
The sundial proved a useful timepiece  in sunny weather. However,another typc of  timepiece was necessary  for cloudy weather and nigh time.A sand glass was another  common measurer of time.Two glass bottles were connected by a very  small opening.  The top bottle was filled with sand,which dropped slowly into the botton one in a  certain period of time.Hour glasses were widely used then.Three—minute sand glasses  are still used in many homes to time the boiling of eggs.
The real ancestor of modern clocks was the water clock.In China ,an early  water clock was made up of several bowls. Water trickled(滴) from one bowl to another to keep the clock  going. Visitors to the  Beijing Palace Museum can still see the old  water clocks showing the time there.
In the Middle Ages a wateless clock was invented which  worked by means of  weights. To keep  the  weight  falling  at  the  same  speed,a  system  of wheels  was  invented. The pendulum(钟摆) was  soon  developed  to control  the  speed of the  wheels. Thus the modern form of clock came into being.
9.Which of the following is the correct picturr of a sand glass?
            A.                       B.                       C.                     D.
10.Three minute sand glasses are still used in many homes         .
A.to boil eggs                           B.to measure the time of boiling eggs
C.to hold the boiled eggs                 D.to have eggs boiled
11.If you visit Beijing Palace Museum, you         .
A.will see the old water clocks broken
B.will find the time shown by the old water clocks is wrong
C.can find the old water clocks still telling the time there
D.will find the old water clocks have gone
12.In the Middle Ages the weight falling speed of a clock was kept by .
A.several bowls                        B.a system of wheels
C.a system of pendulum                  D.several springs
9-12 BBCB
9.B 由第二段Two glass bottles were connected by a small opening可知。
10.B 由第二段最后一句可知。
11.C 由第三段最后一句可知。
12.B 由最后一段第二句可知
试题【Thousands of years ago people guessed the time of day by watching the sun.Later,】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
NASA’s Mars detector (探测器), Opportunity, succeeded in finding signs that water once existed on the planet. Opportunity landed on Mars in January. Scientists now believe that the planet could once have supported life.
This discovery was chosen by Science, one of the world’s leading magazines, as the most important scientific achievement of 2004 last Friday.
“This little, wheeled, one-armed box went around another planet and has done something no human has ever managed,” according to Science. “It has discovered another place in the universe where life could once have existed.”
“Although we still can’t say that life could have existed in this environment, it is now certain that there was water on Mars,” said Steve Squyres, one of the scientists working on the Mars mission. The evidence comes from pictures and chemical readings taken by Opportunity. It includes marks on rocks like those caused by flowing water on Earth and salty chemicals like those found in dried-out sea-beds. Scientists said the new evidence proved beyond doubt that water has been existed on Mars. But it is still unknown whether the water on Mars was like an ocean or just ice.
While Opportunity has not found any signs of life, the presence of water means life is possible. “In everything we know about life on Earth, there is no example without liquid water,” Squyres said. “So water is important for the search for life on Mars.”
Researchers agree that a future mission (任务) should bring back physical samples (样品). But some scientists worry about the risk that this could introduce dangerous foreign creatures to Earth. “The problem here is how to get the samples back,” Squyres replied. “I think it is our responsibility to limit any risk.”
1. ________ prove that water existed on Mars.
A. The physical samples with salty chemicals      B. The marks on rocks and salty chemicals
C. Scientific achievements of 2004              D. Creatures from Mars
2. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. It is now certain that there was water on Mars.
B. The water on Mars was like an ocean.
C. Evidence of life on Mars has been found.
D. Search for life on Mars is a great risk to humans.
3. How did scientists draw the conclusion that there was water on Mars?
A. The world’s leading magazine has announced the fact.
B. Scientists have taken many pictures and chemical readings on the Mars.
C. Astronauts have got some rocks from Mars.
D. Scientists have made a study of the pictures and readings sent back by Mars detector.
4. It can be inferred that, if the creatures from Mars came to Earth, ________.
A. they would be kind to humans    B. they would be cruel to humans
C. they would be a great danger to Earth
D. it would be hard to say whether it would be a good news or bad news
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The United States is trying to improve an edueation system that produces millions of citizens who cannot read, write, or add—let alone finding their country on a map.
In his first State of Union message since taking office a year ago, President George Bush promised to wipe out illiteracy(文盲) in the next decade and declared that“by the year 2008, U.S students must be first in the world in math and science achievements. ” They have a long way to go. American students were placed 14th in a recent general science test conducted in 16 countries. In a separate survey of chemistry students, the United States came 12 out of 14. In a mathematics test, they were last. According to Bush, there are 17 million illiterates in this country of 245 million people. Other estimates put the number as high as 23 million. In percentage terms, that ranks the United States alongside Niearague and below Cuba. “This nation,”Bush said in his State of the Union address, “will not accept anything but excellent in education.” Bush, who has declared himself “Education president”, and senior officals of his administration are warning that the United States will be unable to compete in the world without an educated workforce.
How to increase educational standards is a matter of debate in a country whose schools have no uniform national curriculum and are subject to a confusing variety of state and local controls. Most experts think that the problem lies at the elementary and high school"levels rather than with universities-but even their graduates show huge gaps in general knowledge. Among the root causes most frequently mentioned in education debates is the low respect in which U.S. society holds teachers-in contrast to Japan and Germany. In Japan teaching is a profession of high prestige(威望) and high pay. In the United States teachers are near the bottom of the society.
5.By“the United States came 12 out of 14”(Para. 2), the author means .      
A.the United States ranked 12th not 14th in the chemistry test
B.the United States ranked 12th in the chemistry test conducted by 14 countries
C.the United States progressed from 14th to 12th in the chemistry test
D.the United States ranked 12th in chemistry test and 14th in general science test
6.The cause of low educational level in America include the following EXCEPT that .      
A.some problems exist in primary and secondary education
B.society keeps teachers in low respect
C.America pays more attention to economy instead of education
D.America has no uniform national courses
7.Which of the following statements can be inferred from the passage?
A.President Bush carried out his promise made in his first State of Union message.
B.The education in Japan and Germany is in higher level.
C.According to Bush, the number of illiterates accounts for 9% of the total.
D.Teachers in the United States enjoy good treatment and great respect.
8.Which of the following is the right order of the least-first of the percent of illiterates?
A.Germany, Cuba, Nicaragua.         B.Germany, Nicaragua, Cuba.
C.Nicaragua, Japan, Cuba.            D.Cuba, Japan, Nicaragua.
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It is over 40 years since first atomic bomb was dropped on a major city in Japan. Yet even now its effects are showing themselves and may continue to do so for years to come. Much effort and human energy have been used to try to prevent such a terrifying thing from happening again. So far there is no guarantee that it will not. Countries which already possess nuclear knowledge and resources have bombs stored away which are powerful enough to wipe out all life on earth. But this is not all. Other countries, which previously were not so advanced in technology, are gradually buying materials that can be used for making atomic devices. This nuclear energy will naturally be of great value in helping the economy of poorer nations.
The generation of electricity through nuclear power came directly from the original work on the atom bomb. Because of the increase in demand for energy and the possibility of decreasing supplies of oil and natural gas, the interest in electricity has increased. One of the by-products of nuclear power stations is plutonium (钸) produced from unclear fuel: plutonium is ingredient (成分) in bomb-making. It means that there are far more opportunities for the manufacture of bombs.
This brings the problem to a full circle again. How can something so valuable and useful be controlled so that it works for the benefit and not the destruction of man?
9. The effects of dropping the first atomic bomb ________.
A. are not over                    B. may go on forever    
C. could last much longer            D. will not be over in the near future
10. The writer says that enough atomic bombs have already been manufactured to ________.
A. wipe out Japan                  B. last forever    
C. act as a peace-keeping device      D. destroy all living things
11. The advantage of less developed countries being able to make atomic devices is that it ______.
A. gives them more opportunities for work     B. will help poor countries to become richer
C. will enable them to make better explosives   D. will be of great value to them
12. The second paragraph tells us that the increased demand for electricity today ________.
A. has led to the decrease in supplies of oil
B. means that more countries are interested in nuclear power
C. has increased the risk of accidental explosions
D. has increased the very means of producing more atomic bombs
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In a time of low academic (学术的) achievement by children in the United States, many Americans are turning to Japan, a country of high academic achievement and economic success, for possible answers. However, the answers provided by Japanese preschools are not the ones Americans expected to find. In most Japanese preschools, surprisingly little emphasis is put on academic instruction. In one investigation, 300 Japanese and 210 American preschool teachers, child development specialists, and parents were asked about various aspects of early childhood education. Only 2 percent of the Japanese respondents (答问卷者) listed "to give children a good start academically" as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. In contrast, over half the American respondents chose this as one of their top three choices. To prepare children for successful careers in first grade and beyond, Japanese schools do not teach reading, writing, and mathematics, but rather skills such as persistence, concentration, and the ability to function as a member of a group. The majority of young Japanese children are taught to read at home by their parents.
In the recent comparison of Japanese and American pre­school education, 91 percent of Japanese respondents chose providing children with a group experience as one of their top three reasons for a society to have preschools. 62 percent of the more individually oriented (强调个性发展的) Americans listed group experience as one of their top three choices. An em­phasis on the importance of the group seen in Japanese early childhood education continues into elementary school education.
Like in America, there is diversity (多样性) in Japanese early childhood education. Some Japanese kindergartens have specific aims, such as early musical training or potential (潜力) development. In large cities, some kindergartens are attached to universities that have elementary and secondary schools.
Some Japanese parents believe that if their young children attend a university-based program, it will increase the children’s chances of eventually being admitted to top-rated schools and universities. Several more progressive programs have introduced free play as a way out for the heavy intellectualizing in some Japanese kindergartens.
5. We learn from the first paragraph that many Americans believe ________.
A. Japanese parents pay more attention to preschool education than American parents
B. Japan’s economic success is a result of its scientific achievements
C. Japanese preschool education emphasizes academic in­struction
D. Japan’s higher education is better than theirs
6. Most American respondents believe that preschools should also attach
importance to ________.
A. problem solvingw。       B. group experience
C. parental guidancew。      D. individually oriented development
7. In Japan’s preschool education, the focus is on ________.
A. preparing children academically    B. developing children’s artistic interests
C. tapping children’s potentialw。     D. shaping children’s character
8. Why do some Japanese parents send their children to university-based kindergartens?
A. They can do better in their future studies.
B. They can gain more group experience there.
C. They can be individually oriented when they grow up.
D. They can have better chances of getting a first-rate edu­cation.
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How to eat healthfully can be espeically complex for working women who often have neither the desire nor the time to cook for themselves (or for anyone else). Registered dietitian(营养专家)Barhara Morrissey suggests that a few simple rules can help.
“Go for nutrientdense foods,”she suggests, “foods that contain a multiple of nutrients. For example, select whole wheat bread as a breakfast food, rather than coffee cake. Or drink orange juice rather than orange drink, which contains only a small percentage of real juice-the rest is largely colored sugar water. You just can’t compare the value of these foods, the nutrientdense ones are so superior, ”she emphasizes.
Morrissey believes that variety is not only the spice of life—it’s the foundation of a healthful diet. Diets which are based on one or two foods are not only virtually impossible to keep up the strength, they can be very harmful, she says, because nutrients aren’t supplied in sufficient amounts or balance.
According to Morrissey, trying to find a diet that can cure your illnesses, or make you superwoman is a fruitless search. As women, many of us are too concerned with staying thin, she says, and we believe that vitamins are some kind of magic cure to replace food.
“We need carbohydrates, protein and fat—they are like the wood in the fireplace. The vitamins and minerals are like the match, the spark, for the fuel,”she explains. “We need them all, but in a very different proportions. And if the fuel isn’t there, the spark is useless.”
12.From the paragraph we know that working women .          
think cooking is especially complicated
do not share the same views with registered dietitians
are busy and not interested in cooking           
D.  are likely to eat healthfully
13.Orange juice is different from orange drink in that            .
A.it contains only a small percentage of real juice
B.it is natural, nutritious and prepared from real oranges
C.it is largely orangecolored sugar water
D.it produces nothing but calories
14.In Paragraph 4, “a fruitless search”means            .
A.an effort with no results                    
B.a search for a diet without fruits
C.a research on fruitless diet                 
D.a diet serving as medicine
15.Many women take it for granted, according to passage that            .
A.a balanced diet can result in being fat
B.staying thin and healthy are both possible
C.lack of variety in diets leads to staying thin
D.vitamins are some kind of subsitutions for food
16.By “if the fuel isn’t there, the spark is useless”,the author means            .
A.carbohydrates, protein and fat are enough to support a human life
B.vitamins and minerals are virtually of no valuew.
C.carbohydrates, protein and fat are as important as vitamins and minerals
D.without carbohydrates, protein and fat, vitamins and minerals are of no use
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