当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > BThe Harp Seal is one of nature’s most beautiful and appealing (吸引人的) creatures...

The Harp Seal is one of nature’s most beautiful and appealing (吸引人的) creatures. Many years ago it was hunted for its fur. Hunting Harp Seals is now illegal.
The seals spend the summer months migrating (迁徙) in large groups. Harp Seals close their nostrils (鼻孔) and earholes when diving in water, but have to surface frequently to breathe. Their favourite place to rest is on the top of icebergs.
The female Harp Seal gives birth in February or March and feeds her pups for 14-18 days. Baby Harp Seals begin to lose their white fur at around six to eight weeks of age. As an adult, the Harp Seal has brown skin. At birth, Harp Seals weigh 12kg but can weigh up to 130kg as adults. Harp Seals eat small fish, shrimps and krill. However, they are able to switch from one food to another depending on what they can get as food. Males have a lifespan of 29 years while females usually live for longer than 30 years.
Since the Canadian Government introduced laws to protect the seal pups from hunters, their numbers have increased to more than one million. Now every year, thousands of tourists flock to the pack ice to witness the wonderful sight of new pups born in spring.
55. What is the passage mainly about?    
A. Hunting Harp Seals is illegal.
B. Protecting Harp Seals.
C. Harp Seals.    
D. Lifespan of Harp Seals.
56. An adult Harp Seal could be described as being ___________.    
A. brown in colour and weighing 12kg
B. brown in colour and weighing 130kg
C. white in colour and weighing 12kg    
D. white in colour and weighing 130kg
57. According to the passage which of the following statements is TRUE?    
A. Adult Harp Seals only eat shrimp.
B. Adult Harp Seals eat different food at different times.
C. Adult Harp Seals prefer to eat krill. 
D. Adult Harp Seals catch small fish to feed their young.
55---57   CBB     

试题【 BThe Harp Seal is one of nature’s most beautiful and appealing (吸引人的) creatures】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Forests have always been useful and important to man who make use of them in many ways. Every day trees are serving man everywhere. Trees supply man with fruits and building materials in the form of wood, without trees it would be impossible to build houses, boats, bridges and so on. Furniture such as desks, chairs and beds is made of wood, trees can stop man from terrible heat. They"re also useful in preventing good and rich top soil from being washed away during heavy rains.
If there were no trees, heavy rains would wash away the rich surface soil that is so important to plants. The result is that the land will become a desert. There are plenty of desert areas in the world. A long time ago these desert areas used to be very rich areas, but man in the past had no enough knowledge about science of nature, they cut down too many trees in the area where they lived and never planted new ones. By and by the rich surface soil was blown and washed away by strong winds and heavy rains. In the end the rich land changed into useless deserts where nothing could grow.
56 . According to the passage,__________.
A. a long time ago, man didn"t know how to make use of wood
B. trees are not as useful as they were in the past
C. trees were more found in the past than they are today
D. people have always found trees useful
57. "Top soil" means____________and is          .
A. useless soil; of no use for plants
B. soil on the surface of the earth; good for plants
C. soil found under the earth; found under the roots of trees
D. dry soil in the desert areas; bad for plants
58. Some deserts were once__________.
A. very good lands  B. covered by ice   C. very cold      D. dry and useless
59. If there were no trees,______________.
A. the land would become better             B. heavy rains would be very clean
C. the rich soil couldn"t be kept              D. there wouldn"t any plants
60. From the passage, we know that man must__________.    
A. do nothing to keep the balance of nature
B. take his best to keep the balance of nature
C. try his best to keep the balance of nature
D. do his  best to stop the balance of nature
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A lot of management training each year for Circle K Corporation, a national chain of convenience stores. Among the topics we address in our course is the retention(保护力) of quality employees-a real challenge to managers when you consider the pay scale(标准)in the service industry. During these discussions, I ask the participants(参加者), “What has caused you to stay long enough to become a manager?” Some time back a new manager took the question and slowly, with her voice almost breaking, said, “It was a $19 baseball glove.”
Cynthia told the group that she originally took a Circle K clerk job as an interim(临时的) position while she looked for something better. On her second or third day behind the counter, she received a phone call from her nine-year-old son, Jessie. He needed a baseball glove for Little League. She explained that as a single mother, money was very tight, and her first check would have to go for paying bills. Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check. When Cynthia arrived for work the next morning, Patricia, the store manager, asked her to come to the small room in the back of the store that served as an office. Cynthia wondered if she had done something wrong or left some part of her job incomplete from the day before. She was concerned and confused.
Patricia handed her a box. “I overheard you talking to your son yesterday,” she said, “and I know that it is hard to explain things to kids. This is a baseball glove for Jessie because he may not understand how important he is, even though you have to pay bills before you can buy gloves. You know we can’t pay good people like you as much as we would like to; but we do care, and I want you to know you are important to us.”
The thoughtfulness, empathy and love of this convenience store manager demonstrates vividly that people remember more how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays. An important lesson for the price of a Little League baseball glove.
56.Among many of the problems in the service industry, what is talked about in this passage, is___
A.how to ensure his employees’ high pay
B.how to attract more customers
C.how to look carefully after the employees
D.how to keep the good employees from leaving
57.Although a new manager, Cynthia would do her job well in keeping quality employees because she________.
A.had mastered all the courses for the manager
B.had already formed good relationship with the employees
C.know the way how to deal with her employees
D.had her own personal experience
58.This passage shows us that to run a business well it is necessary for managers to let their employees know________
A.how much they can get for their job.
B.what good positions they can get later
C.they are very necessary to the business  
D.they are nice as well as useful
59.The story told in this passage tells us that employees care about____________   
A.only how large a pay they can get
B.love from the managing people rather than only money
C.if their children could be properly taken care of
D.what position they can be offered
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Recently, a survey was done among 288,000 students, which shows that today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic (利他主义的)” than at any time in the 19 years of the poll (民意调查).
Not surprisingly, in these hard times, the students’ major purpose “is to be financially well off. Developing a meaningful philosophy of life is less important than ever.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.
Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic” fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.
That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors in her first year on the job---even before she completed her two-year associate degree.
Though it’s true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far beyond our own and that it will be better for our understanding of these other contributions—either scientific or artistic.
Similarly, it is true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.
Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company; No job. How shortsighted in the long run!
But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom (对讲机) : “Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?”
From the long-term point of view, that’s what education really ought to be about.
51. According to the result of the survey, college students _______________.
A. take developing a meaningful philosophy of life more seriously
B. have a wide range of knowledge in many aspects
C. pay more attention to the study of literature
D. have never been so materialistic as today
52. The students’ criteria (标准) for choosing their majors today are largely based on _________.
A. their own understanding of the courses
B. the financial goals they seek in life
C. the influence of their instructors
D. the vast potential for the future educational development
53. What does the fifth paragraph imply?
A. Knowledge in other fields has nothing to do with one’s career.
B. Business management should be included in educational programs
C. The importance of a broad education should not be ignored
D. A good understanding of the civilization will make students rich.
54. The author’s attitude to the effect of studying the diverse wisdom of others is ______________.
A. positive          B. indifferent              C. doubtful           D. negative
55. The writer wrote the passage in order to indicate that ______________.
A. college students today are not a diligent generation
B. people engaged in technical jobs lead a more meaningful life
C. career seekers shouldn’t focus on immediate interests only
D. working experience outside college counts a lot to one’s future career
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In a class I teach for adults, I recently did the “unpardonable.” I gave the class homework!
The assignment (任务) was to “go to someone you love   36   the next week and tell them you love them. It   37  to be someone you have never   38   those words to before or at least haven’t shared those words with for a long time.” That doesn’t   39   like a very tough assignment,   40   you stop to realize that most of the men  were over 35 and were   41  in the generation of men that were taught that expressing emotions is not “macho (男子汉气概的).” Showing feelings or crying (heaven forbid!) was just not done   42  this was a very threatening assignment for some.
At the   43   of our next class, I asked if someone wanted to   44   what happened when they told someone they loved them. I fully expected one of the   45   to volunteer, as was usually the   46 , but on this evening one of the men raised his hand. He appeared quite moved and a bit   47  . As he unfolded out of his chair, he began by saying, “Dennis. I was quite   48   with you last week when you gave us the assignment. I didn’t feel that I had   49  to say those words to and   50 , who were you to tell me to do something that personal? But as I began driving home my conscience (良知) started talking to me. It was telling me that I   51   exactly who I needed to say I love you to. You see, five years ago, my father and I had a heated   52   and really never resolved it since that one. We   53  seeing each other unless we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings. But   54   then, we hardly spoke to each other. So last. Tuesday   55  I got home, I had convinced myself. I was going to tell my father I loved him.”
36.A.after  B.before      C.for    D.within
37.A.has to       B.ought to    C.had better D.can
38.A.told   B.said   C.talked       D.spoken
39.A.look  B.hear  C.listen D.sound
40.A.when B.until  C.that   D.unless
41.A.born  B.grown      C.raised       D.risen
42.A.And  B.But   C.So     D.For
43.A.beginning B.end   C.middle      D.stating
44.A.announce  B.share C.answer      D.ask
45.A.men  B.adults       C.students    D.women
46.A.case  B.thing C.story D.experience
47.A.afraid       B.shaken      C.terrible     D.worried
48.A.happy       B.pleased     C.angry       D.satisfied
49.A.everybody       B.nobody     C.someone   D.anyone
50.A.else   B.except      C.beside       D.besides
51.A.thought    B.considered       C.knew D.guessed
52.A.disagreement    B.encouragement C.disappointment D.discouragement
53.A.imagined  B.risked       C.avoided    D.escaped
54.A.still   B.even  C.just   D.only
55.A.by the time      B.at the time       C.for the time      D.during the time
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LONDON: What could possibly be wrong with planting trees? The benefits are obvious; they  firm the soil, soak up (摄取) extra water and take carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) our of the atmosphere.
However, it now turns out that planting trees could add to global warming.
Tree roots do a great job of keeping soil firmly on the ground and out of the wind’s power. The problem is that some of those dust clouds play an important part in soaking up carbon dioxide.
Huge dust storms blow out over the oceans from dry parts of North Africa and central Asia. Tons of dust are lifted and left as a thin film over the ocean surface. The dust fuels oceanic life.
Dust from China is carried east and left in the Pacific Ocean. If a tree-planting programme there is successful and the dust supply reduced, the net result may be that less carbon dioxide gets locked away in the ocean.
Andy Ridgwell, an environmental scientist from the University of East Anglia, has spent the past few years studying dust and says his work “shows clearly that the complexity of the system and the importance of not tinkering(粗劣地修补) with it without understanding the results. For this reason the need is to focus(集中) on cutting carbon dioxide giving off rather than monkeying (瞎弄) about with the land surface.”
An American scientist, Robert Jackson, has shown that when native grassland areas are invaded(侵入) by trees, carbon is lost from the soil. “We are studying why the soil carbon disappears, but one theory is that trees do a lot more of their growing above ground compared to grasses, so less carbon goes directly into the soil from trees, ” says Jackson.
In wet areas of the world, the gain from trees absorbing carbon dioxide above ground seems to be outweighed(超过) by the loss of carbon from the soil below ground. Countries that plan to combat global warming by planting trees may have to think again.
Solutions to environmental problems are often more complex than they first appear, and understanding the Earth’s climate is a very great challenge.
63.People usually hold the opinion that       .
A.huge dust storms can destroy carbon dioxide
B.huge dust storms can destroy the oceans on the earth
C.huge dust storms can’t do anything beneficial for man
D.planting trees is the only way to control huge dust storms
64.Andy Ridgwell, the environmental scientist, believes that       .
A.dust plays a more important part than trees
B.trees should’t have been planted in dry places
C.carbon dioxide is harmful to everything on the earth
D.environmental problems are more complex than expected
65.Robert Jackson’s experiment proves that         .
A.grassland areas should be covered by forests
B.trees hold more carbon than grasses
C.carbon can turn grass into dust
D.less carbon can make trees grow faster
66.The underlined word “combat” in the last paragraph means      .
A.learn about      B.fight against     C.live with   D.give up
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