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Dogs are known for their sense of smell.They can find missing people and things like bombs and illegal drugs.Now a study suggests that the animal known as man’s best friend can even find bladder(膀胱)cancer.
Cancer cells are thought to produce chemicals with unusual odors(气味).Researchers think dogs have the ability to smell these odors, even in very small amounts, in urine(尿).The sense of smell in dogs is thousands of times better than in humans.
The study follows reports of cases where, for example, a dog showed great interest in a growth on the leg of its owner.The man was later found to be skin cancer.Carolyn Willis led a team of researchers at Amersham Hospital in England.They trained different kinds of dogs for the experiment.The study involved urine collected from bladder cancer patients, from people with other diseases and from healthy people.Each dog was tested 8 times.In each test there were 7 samples for the dogs to smell.The dog should signal the one from a bladder cancer patient by lying down next to it.Two cocker dogs were correct 56 percent of the time.But the scientists reported an average success rate of 41 percent.The British Medical Journal published the research.In all, 36 bladder cancer patients and 108 other people took part.During training, all the dogs reportedly even identified(认出)a cancer in a person who had tested healthy before the study.Doctors found a growth on the person’s right kidney(肾).Carolyn Willis says dogs could help scientists identify the combined chemicals produced by bladder cancer.That information could then be used to develop machines to test for the chemicals.The team also plans to use dogs to help identify markers for other kinds of cancer.
49.What’s the general idea of the text?
A.Dogs have a good sense of smell        B.Dogs can help cure cancer
C.Dogs can smell cancer                 D.Dogs help perform experiments
50.According to the text, people who suffer bladder cancer_____
A.often have urine with unusual smell                       B.probably smoke cigarettes in their life
C.can easily make dogs lie down                    
D.are likely to die within nine years
51.The underlined word “involved” in the text is closest in meaning to _____.
A.showed            B.used          C.proved       D.preferred
52.What can we conclude from the last paragraph?
A.Dogs can only smell bladder cancer.
B.Dogs have a good knowledge of cancer.
C.Cancer doesn’t have any sign in the beginning.
D.Scientists might invent some equipment to test cancer.

49---52   CA BD

试题【Dogs are known for their sense of smell.They can find missing people and things 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

  Even plant can run a fever, especially when they’re under attack by insects or disease. But unlike human, plants can have their temperature taken from 3, 000 feet away - straight up. A decade ago, adopting the infrared (红外线)scanning technology developed for military purposes and other satellites, physicist Stephen Paley came up with a quick way to take the temperature of crops to determine which ones are under stress. The goal was to let farmers precisely target pesticide (***虫剂)spraying rather than rain poison on a whole field, which invariably includes plants that don’t have pest (害虫)problems.
  Even better, Paley’s Remote Scanning Services Company could detect crop problems before they became visible to the eye. Mounted on a plane flown at 3, 000 feet at night, an infrared scanner measured the heat emitted by crops. The data were transformed into a color - coded map showing where plants were running“ fevers”. Farmers could then spot - spray, using 50 to 70 percent less pesticide than they otherwise would.
  The bad news is that Paley’s company closed down in 1984, after only three years. Farmers resisted the new technology and long - term backers were hard to find. But with the renewed concern about pesticides on produce, and refinements in infrared scanning, Paley hopes to get back into operation. Agriculture experts have no doubt the technology works. “This technique can be used on 75 percent of agricultural land in the United States, ” says George Oerther of Texas A & M. Ray Jackson , who recently retired from the Department of Agriculture, thinks remote infrared crop scanning could be adopted by the end of the decade. But only ff Paley finds the financial backing which he failed to obtain 10 years ago.
 56.Plants will emit an increased amount of heat when they are________.
  A. sprayed with pesticides     B. facing an infrared scanner
  C. in poor physical condition   D. exposed to excessive sun rays
 57.In order to apply pesticide spraying precisely, we can use infrared scanning to________.
  A. estimate the damage to the crops    B. measure the size of the affected area
  C. draw a color -coded map          D. locate the problem area
 58.Farmers can save a considerable amount of pesticide by________.
  A. resorting to spot – spraying   B. consulting infrared scanning experts
  C. transforming poisoned rain    D. detecting crop problems at an early stage
 59.The application of infrared scanning technology to agriculture met with some difficulties________.,
  A. the lack of official support        B. its high cost
  C. the lack of financial support      D. its failure to help increase production
 60.Infrared scanning technology may be brought back into operation because of________.
  A. the desire of farmers to improve the quality of their produce
  B. growing concern about the excessive use of pesticides on crops
  C. the forceful promotion by the Department of Agriculture
  D. full support from agricultural experts
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Spiders are actually useful. They do not harm plants, as some people think. Instead, they protect plants by controlling insects. If you see spiders in a garden, it doesn’t mean the garden is unhealthy. It means the spiders are helping the garden stay healthy.
If you spend some time watching spiders, you may be surprised by what you see. There are many wonderful webs. They may perform skillfully on their thin silk threads. However, some spiders spin (织) no webs at all. They follow insects on the ground with all the skill and cruelty of a tiger hunting big game.
Scientists have named about 30,000 species of spiders, but they think this is only one-fourth of all the different kinds of spiders in the world. In most species, people can easily tell the female spider from the male because the female is much bigger. For example, the female black widow (黑寡妇) weighs about one hundred times as much as the male.
Female spiders lay eggs. After hatching (孵), most spiders live less than a full year, but some don’t. Tarantulas (狼蛛) do not become adults until they are 10 or 11 years old. Female tarantulas often live an extra 10 years! The baby spiders that hatch from the eggs are called spiderlings.
56. The underlined in Paragraph 2 part “a tiger hunting big game” refers to “______.”
A. laying eggs                  B. hatching baby spiders
C. spinning webs               D. catching insects
57. How many kinds of spiders are there in the world according to the passage?
A. About 30, 000.      B. About 60, 000.    C. About 90, 000.    D. About 120, 000.
58. What can we know from the passage?
A. If there are spiders in your garden, it means it is unhealthy.
B. All spiders can spin webs.
C. Normally, a male spider is smaller than a female one.
D. All spiders can live 10 or 11 years after hatching.
59. What will be probably talked about after the last paragraph?
A. The way spiders spin webs.                   B. Something about spiderlings.
C. How the spiders protect plants.                 D. The way spiders stay healthy.
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A low-carbon lifestyle means cutting carbon dioxide emissions and living a life characterized by low-energy use, low consumption and low spending. This way of living is being accepted by a growing number of average people in China.
Before low-carbon became a popular word here, some environmentally conscious people known as "Lohas" had already devoted themselves to living green, low-carbon lifestyles. Lohas is for "lifestyles of health and sustainability." It was first introduced in 1998 by American sociologist Paul Ray and later became a popular lifestyle in western countries. After this concept was introduced into China a few years ago, Lohas was translated into a proper Chinese word "lehuo," meaning happy living.
Zhang Tao from a joint venture in Beijing is a Lohas supporter and follower. He and some others set up a Lohas club two years ago. They often get together to share their experiences about living green lifestyles or to volunteer for environmental protection activities.
Zhang says Lohas is both a lifestyle and an attitude towards life rather than just a fashion or slogan.
"A Lohas lifestyle means a natural and healthy life with low costs. We don"t drive cars, and we try our best to save water and electricity. Some people misunderstand us as being too stingy. But in fact, most of us are well-paid. We don"t do it to save money, but for the sake of the environment. Living a rich life doesn"t mean you can waste resources. We hope what we do can help save energy and reduce the pressures on earth. I know our personal strength is too small, but the changes will be great if everyone can make a little contribution."
64. A low-carbon lifestyle has the following features except_______.
A. low energy     B. low wages     C. low consumption   D. low spending
65. A Lohas is most likely to_______.
A. drive a car to work every day   B. save money to live a better life
C. turn off the tap when not using   D. leave the light on day and night
66. What does the word “stingy” mean in the last paragraph?
A. generous               B. mean              C. rich                D. willing
67. In Zhangtao’s opinion, _________.
A. Lohas is just a fashion or form     B. one shouldn’t get well paid
C. one should live a happy life             D. environment protection depends on everyone
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The weather predictions for Asia in 2050 read like a script from a doomsday(世界末日,最后审判日)movie. Many climatologists and green groups fear they will come true unless there is a concerted global effort to rein in greenhouse gas emissions.  
In the decades to come, Asia -- home to more than half the world"s 6.3 billion people -- will lurch(突然倾斜)from one climate extreme to another, with impoverished farmers battling droughts, floods, disease, food shortages and rising sea levels.
"It"s not a pretty picture," said Steve Sawyer, climate policy adviser with Greenpeace in Amsterdam. Global warming and changes to weather patterns are already occurring and there is enough excess carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to drive climate change for decades to come.
Already, changes are being felt in Asia but worse are likely to come, Sawyer and top climate bodies say, and could lead to mass migration and widespread humanitarian crises. (人道主义危机)
According to predictions, glaciers will melt faster, some Pacific and Indian Ocean islands will have to evacuate or build sea defenses, storms will become more intense and insect and water-borne diseases will move into new areas as the world warms.
All this comes on top of rising populations and spiraling demand for food, water and other resources. Experts say environmental degradation(环境恶化) such as deforestation(森林砍伐) and pollution will likely magnify the impacts of climate change. In what could be a foretaste of the future, Japan was hit by a record 10 typhoons and tropical storms this year, while two-thirds of Bangladesh, parts of Nepal and large areas of northeastern India were flooded, affecting 50 million people, destroying livelihoods and making tens of thousands ill. The year before, a winter cold snap(寒流,寒潮,骤冷)and a summer heat wave killed more than 2,000 people in India. 
59. Which of the following has the similar meaning to rein in?
A. slow down, control        B. increase, enhance    C. bring in                      D. take in
60. According to the passage, which one is true?
A. The changes of weather will never lead to mass migration and widespread humanitarian crises.
B. The number of the population in Asia is the largest of all continents.
C. Global warming and changes will happen in the near future if we don’t take any actions.
D. Deforestation and pollution will not magnify the impacts of climate change.
61. The reason why glaciers will melt faster is that                
A. there is more and more carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
B. there is less carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
C. the weather changed suddenly.   
D. The reason is still unknown.
62. This passage is mainly about              .
A. what kind of weather we like best.
B. the whole world will not be suitable for us to live in.
C. how to improve our environment.
D. the weather predictions for Asia in the future and the reasons.
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Scientists in Canada say big ocean fish have almost disappeared from the world since the start of industrial fishing in the 1950s. The scientists found the populations of large fish like tuna(金枪鱼), swordfish and cod(鳕鱼) have dropped by ninety percent in the past fifty years.
The study took ten years. The researchers gathered records from fishing businesses and governments around the world. The magazine Nature published the findings.
The scientists say the common method called long line fishing is especially damaging to populations of large fish. This method involves many fishing lines connected to one boat. These wires can be nearly one hundred kilometers long. They hold thousands of sharp metal hooks to catch fish.
Long line fishing is especially common in the Japanese fishing industry. Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish for every one hundred hooks. But long line fishing boats now might only catch one fish per hundred hooks.
The scientists say industrial fishing can destroy groups of fish much faster than in the past. The study suggests that whole populations can disappear almost completely from new fishing areas within ten to fifteen years.
Ransom Myers and Boris Worm of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia led the study with the University of Kiel in Germany. Worm says the destruction could lead to a complete reorganization of ocean life systems. Meyers says the decreased numbers of large fish are not the only worry. He says even populations that are able to reproduce do not get the chance to live long enough to grow as big as their ancestors. He says not only are there fewer big fish, but also they are smaller than those of the past.
American government scientists say even with the best efforts to protect fish populations, decreases are to be expected.
56. Which one can be the best title for the passage?
A. Discoveries Canadian scientists have made     B. Japan fishing industry
C. Losses of big fish                          D. Modern fishing methods
57. When did the researchers begin to survey the decrease of large fish?
A. in the 1960s      B. in the 1970s       C. in the 1980s              D. in the 1990s
58. The underlined word “sharp” in Para 3 means _________.
A. having a fine edge or point that can cut or make a hole in something
B. sudden or rapid change in something
C. quick to react or to understand things
D. loud, sudden and often high in tone
59. Which of the following statements can show the fact that the populations of large fish have dropped?
A. Today’s “large” fish are smaller than those of the past.
B. Long line fishing boats now might catch ten fish for every one hundred hooks.
C. Fish able to reproduce don’t have the chance to live longer.
D. Long line fishing boats now might catch one fish for every one hundred hooks
60. Where is the passage probably taken from?
A. A story book     B. A business magazine         C. An environmental report      D. An economic survey
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