当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读文章后,从第54至58题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 Most people call it "body language" —the cl...
Most people call it "body language" —the clues(线索) to the meaning that we get from gesture, facial expressions, posture —everything that isn"t spoken.Experts call it "nonverbal communication," but it means the same thing: a second source of human communication that is often more reliable to understanding what is really going on than the words themselves.
Understanding body language is important to success, whether in the business world or in our personal lives.However, most of our ideas about body language are wrong, according to modern communication research.
There is a belief that people with shifty (变化的) eyes are probably lying.As Paul Ekman says, "When we asked people how they could tell if someone was lying, too much blinking(眨眼) and shifty eyes were the winners.But sometimes people act like that because they are shy.Liars pretend to be calm in order not to be caught.
Ekman goes on to argue against such a wrong belief.Although this kind of body language is probably an expression of nervousness, it is not always because the person is lying.Shyness can, for example, make people shift their eyes.To understand what someone"s behavior means, you have to watch them carefully.
There is also a belief that when meeting someone, the more eye contact, the better.As a result people would like to make initial (开始的) contact in formal situations, like a job interview, by staring fixedly at the other human.Yet Ekman points out that most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting a few seconds, but any eye contact that is longer than that can make us nervous.
In short, you must carefully consider the speaker and the speaking environment.Experts suggest that unless you know about someone"s basic communication style, you will have little hope in understanding their true feelings through body language.In other words, body language carries important but not always true messages.
小题1:According to the passage, body language is _____.
A.a language that is not spokenB.a clue to get the meaning
C.a reflection of people"s behaviorsD.a source of human communication
小题2:The word "that" in paragraph 3 refers to ____.
小题3:From the passage we can learn that ____.
A.there is no doubt that a liar has shifty eyes
B.people sometimes blink because of shyness
C.eye contact lasting a few seconds can make us nervous
D.understanding body language is more helpful in business
小题4:How many examples are given by the writer to support his point of view?
小题5:It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
A.body language is trustworthy in telling who is lying
B.body language helps us better understand other people
C.sometimes we can"t judge a person by watching his body language
D.the speaker and the speaking environment are important to a person"s body language



试题【阅读文章后,从第54至58题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。 Most people call it "body language" —the cl】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Honeybees are disappearing for unknown reasons around the United States.Last winter, bees disappeared from 23 percent of American beekeeping businesses.Causes of the phenomenon, however, have remained a mystery.
Now, scientists from several universities and the United States Department of Agriculture say they have a possible explanation for the bee decline(数量下降).It is a little known virus called Israeli acute--paralysis virus (IAPV).The virus kills bees.Researchers in Israel first described it in 2004 , but until now, bee experts hadn’t paid much attention to it.
When trying to find out why the bees were disappearing, a research team at Columbia University studied bee colonies (群体), some with and the others without decline.The research turned up large numbers of two types of fungi (真菌) once suspected of causing the bee decline.The research results, however, showed that the fungi were almost as common in colonies without a decline as they were in colonies with a decline.The researchers concluded that the two fungi probably weren’t the cause.
Studies of the presence of IAPV, however, showed more interesting information.In those studies, done by a team at Pennsylvania State University in University Park, the virus showed up in 83 percent of samples from colonies with symptoms (症状).Only five percent of samples from symptomless colonies had it.
Scientists still don’t know whether IAPIV can single--handedly cause the bee decline.They believe that even if the virus is making colonies sick , it could have a partner in crimeIt’s possible, for instance, that insects or chemicals in the environment weaken bees, making them more likely to catch IAPV.
Scientists are still trying to figure out how IAPV came to the United States.The United States currently allows bee products to be imported from Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.If it turns out that this trade is spreading disease, the rules might eventually change.
小题1:According to the passage ,IAPV is a virus that ______.
A.hasn’t attracted much attention
B.well-known to doctors and scientist
C.was first found by Austrian researchers
D.is dangerous to animals and human beings
小题2:The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph probably means______.
A.the virus could also cause other damages
B.there must be something that is the real cause
C.IAPV is not the only cause for the bee decline
D.the virus may be caused by the polluted environment
小题3:From the third and fourth paragraphs, we know researchers draw their conclusions by means of _______.
A.calculating B.comparingC.examiningD.investigating
小题4:What still remains unknown to American scientists according to the passage?
A.How and why to kill IAPV.
B.How IAPV came to America.
C.Whether bee products should be imported.
D.How to change the rules of the bee products trade.
小题5:The best title for this passage would be _____.
A.Bee DiseaseB.How to Kill IAPV
C.A Virus—IAPVD.Two Types of Fungi

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A land free from destruction(毁灭,破坏), plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply ——  all these were important 1      in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. 2       they were not enough. Something else was needed to start the industrial process. That "something special" was men —— 3      individuals who could invent machines, find new 4      of power, and establish business organizations to reshape society. The men who created the machines of the Industrial Revolution 5     from many backgrounds and many occupations. Many of them were 6       inventors than scientists. A man who is a pure scientist is primarily interested in doing his research 7       .He is not necessarily working 8      that his findings can be used. An inventor or one interested in applied science is all trying to make something that has a concrete use. He may try to solve a problem by 9       the theories 10       science or by experimenting through trial and error. Regardless of his method, he is working to obtain a  11      result: the construction of a harvesting machine, the burning of a light bulb(灯泡), or one of 12      other objectives. Most of the people who 13       the machines of the Industrial Revolution were inventors, not trained scientists. A few were both scientists and inventors. Even those who had little or no training in science might not have made their inventions 14      a groundwork had not been laid by scientists years 15     .
A.cases B.reasons C.factors D.situations
A.But B.And C.Besides D.Even
A.generating B.effective C.motivating D.creative
A.origins B.sources C.bases D.discoveries
A.came B.arrived C.stemmed D.appeared
A.less B.better C.more D.worse
A.happily B.occasionally C.reluctantly D.accurately
A.now B.and C.all D.so
A.planning B.using C.ideaD.means
A.of B.with C.to D.as
A.single B.sole C.specialized D.specific
A.few B.thoseC.many D.all
A.proposed B.developedC.supplied D.offered
A.as B.if C.because D.while
A.ago B.past C.ahead D.before

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第一节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
A robot called “Tiro” acts as master of ceremonies at a wedding for Seok Gyeong--Jae,one of the engineers who designed it,and his bride in Daejeon,130 kilometers south of Seoul.
“This is Tiro,master of ceremonies for today’s wedding,” the 21  --featuring a cone--shaped body, two arms and a dark--glassed 22  with eyes and a mouth of flashing lights---said in front of smiling guests.In a male voice,the robot  23   the couple to the crowd,let the couple bow to them and performed its 24___  duties.Manufacturer Hanool Robotics claims it is the first 25  in the world a robot has been 26  as master of ceremonies at a wedding.
After its marital(婚姻的)duties,Tiro---whose  27   was put at some 215,000 dollars---would be upgraded to perform various 28  functions,according to Hanool officials.Small other robots were also at the ceremony to 29  guests or give performances.
South Korean robots have also been given harder tasks to tackle. Last month it was  30  that a robot dubbed OFRO would be arranged as a school security guard in what was also claimed as a world first.
21.A.master             B.designer      C.engineer         D.robot
22.A.forehead  B.mind           C.face                 D.form
23.A.introduced        B.told             C.pushed          D.1ed
24.A.prepared  B.arranged      C.planned      D.programmed
25.A.day                  B.time            C.moment               D.stage
26.A.used                B.known C.considered            D.created
27.A.wealth             B.cost             C.value                   D.charge
28.A.modem     B.special C.old                      D.other
29.A.enjoy               B.guide          C.observe         D.visit
30.A.reported    B.believed      C.suggested             D.thought
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Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS)-also called “second-hand smoke” and “passive smoking” contains over 4 000 chemicals, including over 50 known carcinogens (致癌物) and many poisonous things. No safe level of ETS exposure has been proved. Nor is there any expectation that further research will identify such a level.
Several recent reviews have confirmed the serious risks to health and life associated with passive smoking. Long time exposure to second-hand smoke has been proved as a cause of many of the same diseases caused by active smoking, including lung cancer, cardiovascular (心脏血管的) disease, and childhood disease.
Living with a smoker has been shown to increase the risk of coronary heart disease (冠心病) among non-smokers by 25-30% (a recent study indicates that this figure may actually be higher). There is also growing evidence that passive smoking is causally linked to stroke in non-smokers, although further research is needed to estimate the risk.
Second-hand smoke is especially dangerous for young children and infants, being associated with sudden infant death, pneumonia, bronchitis (支气管炎), asthma (哮喘) and respiratory symptoms as well as middle ear disease. ETS exposure in pregnant women can cause lower birth weight, foetal (胎儿的) death and preterm delivery.
Most of the adverse health outcomes brought about by ETS show that the risk increases steadily with increasing exposure. The level of individual risk is lower compared to active smoking. Nevertheless, the fact that large numbers of people are exposed results in a substantial burden of disease.
Action on smoke-free environments would not only protect people from the harm of ETS exposure but also contribute to the reduction of tobacco consumption in the whole population. The health effects of reduced passive and active smoking would include reduced illness and death from major disease types-in particular lung cancer, coronary heart disease, and stroke-and increased life expectancy.
51. Which of the following statements is true? _______
A. Although ETS contains many harmful things, it is not unsafe.
B. The fact that second-hand smoke is safe has been recently found.
C. It is expected that further research will be done to test the level of ETS.
D. By far the safe level of ETS has not been found and will not in the future.
52. Cardiovascular disease can be caused by _______.
A. long time passive smoking    B. accidental active smoking
B. occasional passive smoking   D. short term active smoking
53. According to the article, the statements about the risk of coronary heart disease are wrong EXCEPT that________
A. if you smoke, the risk of this disease will increase by 25-30%. 
B. the non-smokers exposed to smoke will increase the risk of this disease by 25-30%.
C. for the smokers, the risk of getting this disease is higher than that of the non-smokers.
D. the non-smokers exposed to smoke will be more easily to get this disease than the smokers.
54. What does the underlined word “delivery” mean? ________.
A. Transferring to another     B. Giving birth   C. Throwing away   D. Giving out
55. What’s the author’s main purpose in writing this passage? ______
A. To introduce what is ETS.
B. To tell the readers how to avoid ETS.
C. To call for the action against ETS.
D. To warn the readers against smoking.
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Modern scientists have mad great development in building computers that can imitate logical thought. There are two schools of thought on artificial intelligence(人工智能)。 Supporters of “Strong AI” consider that all human thought can be broken down into a set of mathematical operations. They expect that they will one day be able to copy the human mind and create a robot able to both think and feel, with a sense of self---the stuff of classic science fiction. Supporters of “Weak AI” think a computer might seem intelligent, but it is not aware of what it is doing, with no sense of self or consciousness.
Now the development of life---like robots may be closer to reality than you think. Engineers have created robotic soccer players, and bees that act like the real thing.
Powered by a small battery on her back, humanoid robot Lola is a soccer champion. “The idea of the robot is that it can walk and see things because it has a video camera on top.” Raul Rojas, Ph.D., professor of artificial intelligence at Freie University in Berlin, Germany, told Ivanhoe. Using the camera on her head, Lola recognizes objects by color.
“Using this camera, Lola can locate objects on the floor, such as a red ball, go after the ball and try to score a goal,” said Dr. Rojas. German engineers have also created a bee robot. It can imitate the bee’s “waggle” dance which communicates the location of food and water.
“Later what we want to prove is that the robot can send the bees in any decided direction using the waggle dance,” said Dr. Rojas.
Robots like this could one day become high-tech surveillance(侦察) tools that secretly fly and record data.
64. Robotic soccer players mentioned in the text reach the level of        .
A. “Strong AI” technology        B. “Weak AI” technology
C. being able to think themselves D. having a sense of consciousness
65. How does Lola tell different objects according to the text?
A. By microwave   B. By sound    C. By smell.   D. By color
66. The underlined word “this” in the last paragraph refers to “      ”.
A. a bee robot                       B. a robotic soccer player
C. a bee that can use the waggle dance  D. a surveillance tool
67. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?
A. A robot able to both think and feel only exists in science fiction now.
B. Scientists have created the robots that can play soccer better than men.
C. Engineers have created robotic soccer players and bees that can replace the real thing,
D. Scientists have made great development in recording data in the past few years.
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