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Students often complain(抱怨)their teachers give them too much homework . Now , two reports show that in America this is not true .
The Brookings report shows that most students do less than one hour of homework . The Rand report shows that only 10% of high school students spend more than two hours a night on homework .
The Brookings report also talks about a study from 1995 . American students do almost the least homework among twenty countries . Students in France , Italy and South Africa spend more than two hours on homework .
The Rand report says there was only one time when homework greatly increased in America .During the early 1960s , Americans were not happy when the former Soviet Union (前苏联)became the first country to reach space . People thought it was necessary to improve education .
Parents want their children to have time for sports , music lessons and other things after school. some experts say schools need to give useful homework .
小题1:Students are not happy about _________ .
A.too much homeworkB.going to school
C.less homeworkD.stay at home
小题2:French students usually spend _______ on homework than American students .
A.more timeB.less timeC.more daytimeD.two hours
小题3:_______ shows homework once greatly increased in America .
A.The Brookings reportB.The Rand report
C.A universityD.A piece of news
小题4:The former Soviet Union was  the _______ to get to space .
小题5:Some experts think __________ .
A.students don’t work hard enough
B.students should not do any homework
C.homework is welcome if it is useful
D.it isn’t necessary for students to do homework

小题1:A细节理解题。结合Students often complain(抱怨)their teachers give them too much homework可知答案。
小题2:A细节理解题。结合Students in France , Italy and South Africa spend more than two hours on homework可知答案。
小题3:B细节理解题。结合The Rand report says there was only one time when homework greatly increased in America可知答案。
小题4:A细节理解题。结合Americans were not happy when the former Soviet Union (前苏联)became the first country to reach space可知答案。
小题5:C细节理解题。结合some experts say schools need to give useful homework可知答案。
试题【Students often complain(抱怨)their teachers give them too much homework . Now , tw】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
There are some places in the world where great cities once stood. There were trees, gardens and grass. But now these cities have gone and the places are like deserts. Scientists began to study this land to find out what happened. Many of them believed the land died when the trees were cut down.
Trees help other plants grow and help hold the soil in place. They keep the soil from blowing away. The leaves of trees on the ground keep rainwater from running off. Trees near farms protect growing plants from strong winds.
Once there were hundreds of farms in the southwestern United States. Then the farms turned into fields of dry dust. Trees might have saved these farms. But few trees grow in the dry southwest now.
Now we try to save trees. In many places, when a tree is cut down , a new tree is planted in its place . We do not want the land to die.
小题1:Places where great cities once stood are now like ______ .
小题2:What can trees do according to the passage ?
A.Trees can keep other plants green
B.Trees can help other plants grow .
C.Trees can help the land grow .
D.Trees can keep other plants in place .
小题3:Which is true ?
A.Trees let the rainwater run off .
B.All the farms in the United States have turned into deserts .
C.There aren’t any trees in the dry southwest now .
D.Land will die if there are no trees .
小题4:The main idea of this passage is _________ .
A.that farms are better than cities
B.how farms turned into deserts
C.that trees are important to the land
D.how people save trees
小题5:From the passage we know that _______ .
A.trees can blow soil away
B.man should protect the land
C.trees grow only in deserts
D.trees die easily

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In a great many cities, hundreds of people ride bikes to work every day. In New York, some bike riders have even formed a group called Bike for a Better City. They declare that if more people rode bikes to work, there would be fewer automobiles in the downtown part of the city and so less dirty air from car engines.
For several years, this group had been trying to get the city government to help bike riders. For example, they want the city to draw special lanes(车道) for bikes on some of the main streets, because when bike riders must use the same lanes as cars there are accidents. Bike for a Better City feels that if there were special lanes, more people would use bikes.
But no bike lanes have been drawn. Not everyone thinks it is a good idea—they say it will slow traffic. Some store owners on the main streets don’t like the idea—they say that if there is less traffic, they will have less business.
The city government has not yet decided what to do. It wants to keep everyone happy. On weekends, Central Park—the largest place open ground in New York— is closed to cars, and the roads may be used by bikes only.
小题1:In New York, a group of bike riders__________.
A.are keeping practicing for health
B.have no cars of their own
C.are complaining there are not enough buses
D.are trying to settle the problem of air pollution
小题2:The bike riders suggest that __________.
A.bikes should be used instead of cars
B.bike lanes should be drawn
C.fewer buses or cars should be used
D.the number of special lanes should be decreased
小题3:The advantage of the special lanes is that__________.
A.they will make cars and buses run slowly
B.they will make it easier for bike riders to go to parks
C.they will make the city more beautiful
D.they will prevent accidents

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One is not born able to speak a language. One is born able to make a noise. I have heard babies cry in America and in China. I can’t tell any difference. But when I hear someone from America speak English and hear someone speak Chinese, I can tell you there are a lot of differences.
I believe a common(普遍的) problem with Chinese students’ learning English is that they were not taught to think in English. They have an idea spoken in English and want to translate the idea into Chinese, then they think in Chinese of the proper reply and translate it into English. After a long period of speaking the language, one begins to think in the foreign language naturally. You will learn faster if you begin to think in English at the very beginning of your study. Many students ask me: What can I do to improve my spoken English?
My reply is: The more English you speak, the better English you will speak. There are many things you can do to improve your spoken English. Of course, the best way is to live where English is spoken as a language of the country.
小题1:The cries of American and Chinese babies are _______.
A.differentB.the same
C.not like each otherD.like each other
小题2:The underlined sentence (in Paragraph 2) means that______.
A.some teachers didn’t teach students to think in English
B.teachers never gave the students the way of learning English
C.students didn’t remember the way teachers taught them
D.teachers didn’t want their students to think in English
小题3:The underlined word “they” (in Paragraph 2) refers to “_____”.
A.Chinese studentsB.English students
C.Chinese teachersD.English teachers
小题4:According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?
A.You must think in English all the time.
B.You should always translate English into Chinese.
C.After speaking English for a long time, you may probably think in English naturally(自然地).
D.The best way of learning English is to live in America.

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Have you ever thought of such questions as “Why do I have to study math?”or “I am not interested in history at all. My dream is to be an actor. Should I give history up?”
Maybe you are right. After you leave school, it’s not necessary for you to understand everything. But please remember that at school,besides getting knowledge, you should pay attention to some other important things.
First, try to find what you are most interested in. At school, you study many subjects. Try to find what you like and what you don’t like. This may be helpful to you in the future.
Second, maybe you don’t like math and you want to drop it. But the logical thinking ability from math can help you solve some problems.At school, you should practice your brain by thinking.
Third, you should believe in yourself. Maybe you learn French at school, but you don’t need to speak French at all.But learning French can prove that you have the ability of learning languages. Suppose you go to France one day and find a good job well. At school I learned French well, and now I must be able to learn German. But if you have no confidence, what will happen?
Try to challenge yourself as often as possible. I think many of us like playing computer games. When we fail in a game, we always want to try it again. Why? Because it is hard for us to get the highest mark. If we want to challenge ourselves, we must face more difficult things and make greater progress.
小题1:At school you should             .
A.stop learning the subjects you don’t like
B.both get knowledge and improve your ability
C.pay more attention to math and French
D.learn French instead of English
小题2:Math can improve one’s           .
A.logical thinking ability
B.skills in computer
C.interest in other subjects
D.ability of finding a job
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE?       
A.You will use everything you learn at school in your future job.
B.It’s not necessary to know what you like at school.
C.Everything you learn at school has an influence on you.
D.Logical thinking ability is the most important ability.
小题4:Learning French can help us            .
A.have confidence in learning languages
B.go to France
C.get a good result in the exam
D.make greater progress
小题5:The last paragraph tells us that             .
A.everyone loves to play computer games
B.it is not easy to get high marks in computer games
C.we should do some very different things
D.we should challenge

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Eat more, Play more—Weight Less
In the United States, 20 to 40 percent of the adult population have a “weight problem”. To many people, the cause seems obvious: we eat too much. But scientific evidence does little to support this idea.
Several modern studies have shown that fatter people do not eat more on average than thinner people and that slim people are more active than fat people.
I believe that this shows overweight people can become relatively slim gradually via a progressive program of regular exercise. The key is regular, enjoyable activity.
Use of energy(calories) by the body falls into two categories. The first is energy used for essential bodily functions—digestion, heart beat, breathing—and BMR(新陈代谢). In an average-sized adult, BMR requires about 1400 calories per day.
The second category is energy used for physical activity—standing, walking and all other movements. Together with the BMR, it makes up total calorie use, which should be balanced by food intake for weight to remain stable.
For years now, we have known that dieting—especially severe dieting(400 calories per day, for instance)—decreases BMR. This is the body"s defense system to keep energy when food supply is reduced. Unfortunately, it tends to weaken the diet"s effects by enabling the body to “get by” on fewer calories. For this reason, I believe that severe dieting is not a good way to lose weight, and all dieting should be seen as a temporary measure.
In addition to helping weight loss and continued weight control, regular exercise has many other features to recommend it. While weight loss by dieting alone results in some loss of muscle as well as fat, weight loss by exercise and moderate dieting leads to an increased proportion(均衡)of muscle mass. The regular exerciser has good heart function too.
Regular exercise helps to raise blood levels of high-density lipoprotein(HDL) and increased exercise leads to increased food intake and thus to increased intake of critical nutrients (营养).
The benefits of eating more because of an increase in physical activity are not widely appreciated. Many people in this country, by actual measurement, have remarkably low calorie intake. Often the amount is so low (1 200 to 1 800 calories a day) that nutritionists worry about the adequacy(足够的)of their vitamin and mineral intake. And too little food, with inadequate fiber content, leads in the old population to chronic constipation(长期便秘).
To sum up, most Americans still get too little regular exercise, and it is within this group that almost all obesity is found. Severe dieting should not be used as it is unpleasant and tends to be self-defeating. Moderate dieting combined with regular exercise is much more effective and enjoyable. The choice is yours: life on the sofa, nibbling celery or the active, healthy-eating, healthful way.
Eat more, Play more—Weight Less
Causes of weight problems
●It"s commonly believed that adults" weight problems are due to (1)______ too much, but little scientific evidence (2)______ this idea.
●Studies show that fat people eat less and are (3)______ active than slim people.
(4)______of eating enough
●Energy used for essential bodily functions, BMR, and (5)______ activity should be balanced by food intake for weight to remain stable
●Food intake offers (6)______ vitamin and mineral intake and prevents the old from chronic constipation.
Ways of weight loss
●Dieting alone—a temporary measure
●Tending to weaken the diet"s effects
●(7)______in some loss of muscle as well as fat
●Exercising (8)______ — a recommended way
●Having good heart function
●Helping to raise blood levels of HDL
●Attaining critical nutrients
●Doing little exercise has much to do with obesity.
●Severe dieting should be (10)______.
●Moderate dieting as well as regular exercise is much more effective and enjoyable.

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