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What is colour? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?
 Colours are really made by reflected(反射)light. We see colour because most of the things reflect light. Something is red, for it reflects most of the red light. In the same way, if something is green, it reflects most of the green light. If something reflects all light, it is white. If it doesn‘t reflect any light, it is black.
 Some of the light is reflected and some is taken in(吸收)and turned into(变成)heat(热能).The darker the colour is, the less light is reflected, the more light is taken in. So dark-coloured(深色的)clothes are warmer in the sun than light-coloured clothes.
小题1:When something reflects light, we can_______.
A.see its colourB.see its heatC.not see its colourD.see nothing
小题2:In summer _____make people feel cool.
A.dark-clolured clothesB.red-coloured clothes
C.green-coloured clothesD.light-coloured clothes
小题3:(Originally created) Why does the author use a question at the beginning of this passage?
A.The author doesn’t has a knowledge of colour.
B.The author shows off his knowledge of colour.
C.To ask the readers to answer this question.
D.To draw the readers’ interest in reading this passage.
小题4:(Originally created) In which of the following you can find this passage?
A. A travel book                  B.A history book
C. A popular science magazine      C, An entertainment newspaper.
小题5:What’s the best title(题目)of this passage(短文)?
A.Dark colourB.ColourC.Heat D.Clothes



小题1:A 细节题。根据第一段1,2行Colours are really made by reflected(反射)light. We see colour because most of the things reflect light.说明A正确。
小题2:D 推理题。根据第三段第2句The darker the colour is, the less light is reflected, the more light is taken in.说明黑色吸收阳光较多,那么夏天尽量不要穿深颜色的衣服,要多穿浅色的衣服,那样让人们感觉很凉爽。故D正确。
小题3:D 推理题。在文章第一段中What is colour? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others blue?用问句是为了引起读者的兴趣,故D正确。
小题4:C 推理题。本文主要介绍了颜色的原理,不同的颜色主要是因为反射的光线不同。这是一种科学原理,故最有可能出现在科学杂志上,故C正确。
小题5:B 主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的是颜色的话题,为什么会出现不同的颜色?解释了原因和日常生活中的运用点。故B正确。
试题【What is colour? Why do some of the things around us look red, some green, others】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A special laboratory at the University of Chicago is busy only at night. It is a dream laboratory where researchers are at work studying dreamers. Their findings have discovered that everyone dreams from three to seven times a night, although in ordinary life a person may remember none or only one of his dreams.
  While the subjects—usually students—sleep, special machines record their brain waves and eye movements as well as the body movements that signal the end of a dream. Surprisingly, all subjects sleep soundly.
Observers report that a person usually fidgets(烦躁不安) before a dream. Once the dream has started, his body relaxes and his eyes become more active, as if the curtain had gone up on a show. As soon as the machine shows that the dream is over, a buzzer wakens the sleeper. He sits up, records his dream, and goes back to sleep—perhaps to dream some more.
Researchers have found that if the dreamer is wakened immediately after his dream, he can usually recall the entire dream. If he is allowed to sleep even five more minutes, his memory of the dream will have disappeared.
小题1:According to the passage, researchers at the University of Chicago are studying ____.
A.contents of dreams B.dreamers while they dream
C.the meaning of dreamsD.the progress of sleeping
小题2:Their finding has discovered that _____.
A.everyone dreams every night
B.dreams are easily remembered
C.dreams are likely to be frightening
D.One person dreams only one dream a night
小题3:The machines being used in the experiment record _____.
A.the depth of sleep
B.the subjects’ brain waves and eye movements
C.how many dreams a person has
D.what a sleeper dreams during his sleep
小题4:A person would be most likely to remember the dream that _____.
A.was of most interest to him
B.occurred immediately after he went to sleep
C.occurred just before he woke up
D.was the longest one to him

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Why do men die earlier than women? The latest research makes it known that the
reason could be that men’s hearts go into rapid decline when they reach middle age.
The latest study of the effects of ageing on the heart has found that women’s longevity may be linked to the fact that their hearts do not lose their pumping power with age.
“We have found that the power of the male heart falls by 20-25 percent between 18 and 70 years of age,” said the head of the study, David Goldspink of Liverpool John Moores University in the UK.
“Within the heart there are millions of cells that enable it to beat. Between the age of 20 and 70, one-third of those cells die and are not replaced in men,” said Goldspink. “This is part of the ageing process.”
What surprises scientists is that the female heart sees very little loss of these cells. A healthy 70-year-old woman’s heart could perform almost as well as a 20-year-old one’s.
“This gender difference might just explain why women live longer than men,” said Goldspink. They studied more than 250 healthy men and women between the ages of 18 and 80, focusing on healthy persons to remove the confusing influence of disease. “The team has yet to find why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart,” said Goldspink.
The good news is that men can improve the health of their heart with regular exercise. Goldspink stressed that women also need regular exercise to prevent their leg muscles becoming smaller and weaker as they age.
小题1:The text mainly talks about ________. 
A.men’s heart cellsB.women’s ageing process
C.the gender differenceD.hearts and long life
小题2:According to the text, the UK scientists have known that ________. 
A.women have more cells than men when they are born
B.women can replace the cells that enable the heart to beat
C.the female heart loses few of the cells with age
D.women never lose their pumping power with age
小题3:We can know from the passage that ________.
A.the reason why ageing takes a greater loss on the male heart has been found out
B.scientists are on the way to finding out why the male heart loses more of the cells
C.the team has done something to prevent the male from suffering the greater loss
D.women over 70 could lose more heart cells than those at the age of 20

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The evidence for harmony may not be obvious in some families. But it seems that four out of five young people now get on with their parents, which is the opposite of the popularly-held image(形象) of unhappy teenagers locked in their room after endless family quarrels.
An important new study into teenage attitudes surprisingly shows that their family life is more harmonious than it has ever been in the past. "We were surprised by just how positive today"s young people seem to be about their families," said one member of the research team. "They"re expected to be rebellious(叛逆的) and selfish but actually they have other things on their minds; they want a car and material goods, and they worry about whether school is serving them well. There"s more negotiation(商议) and discussion between parents and children, and children expect to take part in the family decision-making process. They don"t want to rock the boat."
So it seems that this generation of parents is much more likely than parents of 30 years ago to treat their children as friends. "My parents are happy to discuss things with me and willing to listen to me," says 17-years-old Daniel Lazall. " I always tell them when I"m going out clubbing. As long as they know what I"m doing, they"re fine with it." Susan Crome, who is now 21, agrees. "Looking back on the last 10 years, there was a lot of what you could call negotiation. For example, as long as I"d done all my homework, I could go out on a Saturday night. But I think my grandparents were a lot stricter with my parents than that."
Maybe this positive view of family life should not be unexpected. It is possible that the idea of teenage rebellion is not rooted in real facts. A researcher comments, "Our surprise that teenagers say they get along well with their parents comes because of a brief period in our social history when teenagers were regarded as different beings. But that idea of rebelling and breaking away from their parents really only happened during that one time in the 1960s when everyone rebelled. The normal situation throughout history has been a smooth change from helping out with the family business to taking it over."
小题1:According to the author, teenage rebellion ________.
A.resulted from changes in families
B.may be a false belief
C.is common nowadays
D.existed only in the 1960s
小题2:What is the passage mainly about?
A.Education in family
B.Negotiation in family
C.Teenage trouble in family
D.Harmony in family
小题3:The study shows that teenagers don"t want to ________.
A.go boating with their family
B.share family responsibility
C.make family decisions
D.cause trouble in their families
小题4:What is the popular images of teenagers today?
A.They dislike living with their parents
B.They quarrel a lot with other family members
C.They worry about school
D.They have to be locked in to avoid troubles
小题5:Compared with parents of 30 years ago, today"s parents ________.
A.care less about their children"s life
B.give their children more freedom
C.go to clubs more often with their children
D.are much stricter with their children

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Sharks have lived in the oceans for over 450 million years, long before dinosaurs appeared. There are now about 360 species of sharks, whose size, behavior, and other characteristics differ widely.
Every year, we catch and kill over 100 million sharks, mostly for food and for their fins. Dried shark fins are used to make shark fin soup, which sells for as much as $50 a bowl in fine Hong Kong restaurants. Other sharks are killed for sport and out of fear. Sharks are vulnerable(易受伤的) to overfishing because it takes most species 10 to 15 years to begin reproducing and they produce only a few offspring(后代).
Influenced by movies and popular novels, most people see sharks as people-eating monsters. This is far from the truth. Every year, a few types of shark injure about 100 people worldwide and kill about 25. Most attacks are by great white sharks, which often feed on sea lions and other marine(海洋的) mammals. They sometimes mistake human swimmers for their normal prey, especially if they are wearing black wet suits.
If you are a typical ocean-goer, your chances of being killed by an unprovoked(非受挑衅而发生的)attack by a shark are about 1 in 100 million. You are more likely to be killed by a pig than a shark and thousands of times more likely to get killed when you drive a car.
Sharks help save human lives. In addition to providing people with food, they are helping us learn how to fight cancer, bacteria, and viruses. Sharks are very healthy and have aging processes similar to ours. Their highly effective immune system allows wounds to heal quickly without becoming infected, and their blood is being studied in connection with AIDS research.
Sharks are among the few animals in the world that almost never get cancer and eye cataracts(白内障). Understanding why can help us improve human health. Chemicals taken from shark cartilage(软骨)have killed cancerous tumors in laboratory animals, research that someday could help prolong your life.
Sharks are needed in the world’s ocean ecosystems. Although they don’t need us, we need them. We are much more dangerous to sharks than they are to us. For every shark that bites a person, we kill one million sharks.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT a reason why people kill sharks?
A.People kill sharks for food.
B.People kill sharks for sport.
C.People kill sharks out of fear.
D.People kill sharks because they often attack swimmers.
小题2:According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.There are many different species of sharks, but only a few of them are dangerous to humans.
B.Sharks never get ill.
C.Sharks are a valuable resource for human.
D.Sharks play an important role in the ocean ecosystem.
小题3:It can be inferred from the passage that _______.
A.movies have given people the wrong impression of sharks
B.most sharks are dangerous to humans
C.sharks will attack anyone who is wearing black
D.it is dangerous to swim in the ocean
小题4:The underlined word “prolong” in the last but one paragraph means ______.
小题5:The best title for the passage would be _______.
A.Are Sharks Dangerous?B.Sharks And Humans
C.Sharks: Humans’ FriendsD.Sharks Help Save Human Lives

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The goal of earthquake prediction is to give early enough warning. The U.S. Geological Survey conducts and supports research on the likelihood of future earthquakes. Scientists estimate earthquake probabilities in two ways: by studying the history of large earthquakes in a special area and the rate at which strain(拉力)accumulates(积累)in the rock.
Scientists study the past frequency of large earthquakes in order to determine the future likelihood of similar large shocks. For example scientists researched the large earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay region during the 75 years between 1836 and 1911. For the next 68 years, no earthquakes of magnitude (震级) 6 or large occurred in the region. Beginning with a magnitude 6 shock in 1979, the earthquakes in the region increased dramatically; between 1979 and 1989, there were four magnitude 6 or greater earthquakes, including a magnitude 7.1 earthquake. So scientists estimated that the probability of a magnitude 6.8 or larger earthquake occurring during the next 30 years in the region is about 67 percent.
Another way to predict earthquakes is to study how fast strain accumulates. When plate movements build the strain in rocks to a critical level, like pulling a rubber band too tight, the rocks will suddenly break and slip to a new position. Scientists measure how much strain accumulates along a fault (断层) each year, how much time has passed since the last earthquake, and how much strain was released in the last earthquake. This information is used to calculate the time required for the accumulating strain to build to the level that results in an earthquake. This simple model is so complicated that such detailed information about faults is rare. In the United States, only the San Andreas Fault System has adequate records for using this prediction method.
Scientific understanding of earthquakes is of vital importance to the Nation. As the population increases, expanding urban development and construction encroach (侵蚀) upon areas susceptible(易受影响的) to earthquakes. With a greater understanding of the causes and effects of earthquakes, we may be able to reduce damage and loss of life from this destruction.
小题1:What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.What an earthquake is like.
B.How to predict earthquakes.
C.Where earthquakes often happen.
D.When a fault is formed.
小题2:That scientists study the history of large earthquakes in certain areas is to ultimately_________.
A.do research on the past frequency of large earthquakes
B.estimate the magnitude of similar earthquakes
C.forecast the possibilities of similar earthquakes
D.judge the specific location of future earthquakes
小题3:Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There were four magnitude 6 earthquakes in the San Francisco Bay region between1979 and1989.
B.The accumulating strain of the fault to a certain level results in the earthquake.
C.About 68 years after 1911, no earthquakes occurred in the San Francisco Bay region.
D.The fast increasing population on the earth is the main cause of the earthquake.
小题4:What is the critical factor of forming a fault?
A.The material of rocks.
B.The existing time span of the rocks.
C.The plate movements around the rocks.
D.The amount of strain released in the last earthquake.
小题5:According to the passage, we can know that the San Andreas Fault System____.
A.has a greater understanding of the causes and effects of earthquakes
B.stores much more information about the history of large earthquakes
C.offers the potential for doing research on the faults where strain accumulates
D.illustrates specifically how rocks along a fault are formed

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