当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 1. What will I need to take a Test?You need a photo ID, your instructor’s name, ...
1. What will I need to take a Test?
You need a photo ID, your instructor’s name, a pencil or pen, a calculator, etc.
2. How will I know about time limits?
Students will be informed of any testing time limits, and notified when time is up.
3. If I have my books or backpack, does the Test Center have a place to store them while I’m testing?
Yes. Students will be asked to leave all books, backpacks, purses and any other personal items in a lockable storage room.
4. The only time I can take a test is during lunch. Can I eat my lunch while I am testing?
No food or drink are allowed in the Test Center.
5. I conduct business via a pager(寻呼机) or cell phone. Will I be allowed to use them in the Test Center?
No. all pagers and cell phones must be turned off before entering the Test Center. There are other students testing who may be distracted by these devices.
6. If I need to borrow more scratch paper(草稿纸) am I allowed to borrow from another student in the Test Center?
Ask the teacher and more material will be given. Talking is not permitted in the Test Center. You will give all scratch paper to the teacher at the end of the test.
7. If I start a test but don’t finish it, can I come back the next day to finish it?
If you have prior(在先的) arrangements with your instructor you may continue a test the next day. Students are expected to complete their test before closing time of the Test Center. Depending on the test, most tests will not be given within one hour of closing time.
小题1:What does the underlined word “notified” probably mean?
小题2: When you take a test in the Test Center, all of the following are forbidden EXCEPT _____.
A.to eat and drinkB.to use your cell phone
C.to leave your purse on the deskD.to ask for more scratch paper
小题3: If you don’t finish the test you ______.
A.must turn in the paper on time
B.should get help from your instructor
C.can continue it the next day by prior arrangement
D.can take the paper out of the center
小题4:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Frequently asked questions about the Test Center
B.Useful suggestions on different kinds of tests
C.General requirements for students to have tests
D.Brief introduction to the Test Center



小题1:猜词题:从后面的句子:when time is up.可知时间到了,会被告知的。选B
小题2:细节题:从第五段的句子:all pagers and cell phones must be turned off before entering the Test Center. 可知B是对的,从第三点的Yes. Students will be asked to leave all books, backpacks, purses and any other personal items in a lockable storage room.可知C是对的,第六点的句子:You will give all scratch paper to the teacher at the end of the test.可知D是对的,没有提到考试不能吃东西。选A
小题3:细节题:从第七点的:If you have prior(在先的) arrangements with your instructor you may continue a test the next day. 可知如果考试没有完成,可以按照前面的安排,第二天继续考试。选C
试题【1. What will I need to take a Test?You need a photo ID, your instructor’s name, 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The Chinese are very generous(慷慨大方的) when it comes to educating their children. Some parents send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the US or Australia, regardless of how much this costs. Many also want their children to take extra-curriculum activities where they either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life. The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is, so parents often spend unreasonable amount of money on education. Even poor couples buy a computer for their son or daughter.
However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give their children is usually very cheap. Parents can see that their children"s skills vary; they will usually be skilled in some areas while poor in others. What most parents fail to realize though, is that today"s children lack self-respect and self-confidence.
The problem is that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple-choice tests and how to study effectively. They are not teaching them the most important skills they need to be confident, happy and clever.
Parents can help achieve this by teaching their children practical skills like cooking, sewing and other housework.
Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life. Cooking demands patience and time. It is an enjoyable but difficult experience. A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully. The result, a well-cooked dinner, will give a child a lot of satisfaction and confidence.
An old machine such as a broken radio or TV set that you give your child as a toy may make him curious and arouse his interest. If he will spend hours looking at it, and try to mend it; your child might become an engineer when he grows up. Such activities do more than teach a child to read a book; but rather they teach them to think, and to use their minds. This is much more important than learning by reading a book.
How Chinese Parents Should 小题1:________ Their Children
Common practice
Being 小题2:_________ with money when it comes to education.
Sending them to the best schools or 小题3:__________.
Taking extra-curriculum activities so as to 小题4:__________ a head start in life.
Spending more money than they can afford on education.
Bad results
Children"s lacking in self-respect and小题5:___________.
Suggested 小题6:__________
Teaching their children practical skills, which are of the greatest
Other housework.
小题8:__________ a broken radio or TV.
小题9:_______ results
To make the children hardworking and confident.
To enable them to 小题10:____________ and to use their minds.

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There is a common belief among parents that schools are no longer interested in spelling. No school I have taught in has ever considered spelling unimportant as a basic skill. There are, however, quite different ideas about how to teach it, or how much priority (优先) it must be given over general language development and writing ability. The problem is, how to en­courage a child to express himself freely in writing without holding him back with spelling.
If spelling becomes the only point of his teacher’s interest, clearly a bright child will be likely to “play safe”. He will write only words within his spelling range (范围). That’s why teachers often encourage the early use of dictionaries and pay attention to content rather than technical ability.
I was once shocked to read on the bottom of a sensitive piece of writing about a personal experience:“This work is terrible! There are far too many spelling mistakes.” It may have been a sharp criticism(批评) of the pupils technical abilities in writing, but it was also a sad thing for the teacher who had omitted (略过) to read the composition, which contained some beautiful expressions of the child’s deep feelings. The teacher was not wrong to draw atten­tion to the mistakes, but if his priority had centered on the child"s ideas, an expression of his disappointment with the presentation would have given the pupil more hope to seek improve­ment.
小题1:The expression “play safe” probably means ____.
A.to write carefullyB.to do as teachers say
C.to use dictionaries frequentlyD.to avoid using words one is not sure of
小题2:Teachers encourage the use of dictionaries so that____.
A.students will be able to express their ideas more freely
B.teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes
C.students will have more trust in writing
D.students will learn to spell words correctly
小题3:The writer seems to think that the teacher’s judgement on that sensitive piece of writing is____.
小题4:The major point discussed in the passage is _______.
A.the importance of developing writing skills
B.the importance of spelling
C.the correct way of marking composition
D.the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Dahlia was running around the house screaming and crying. “I hate her! I hate her! I will __26__   play with her again!” Finally, her steps slowed,  __27__  she told her father what had happened. He listened attentively.   __28__   she stopped, he asked, “Is there __29__  else?” Dahlia added more details and began  __30__  bitterly again. Father was listening. When Dahlia   __31__  talking, he said, “It must __32__ you to be made fun of like this by your best friend Tina.” Dahlia  __33__  her father’s embrace(拥抱)and support as she cried  __34__  more in his arms. Then as  __35__   as the storm of tears began, she was finished. She got up and  _36__  announced, “Daddy, did you know that tomorrow Tina and I are going together to the beach? We are  __37__   a log house there with Adam and Tom, I will tell Tina before we go that I   __38__   ruin her work again, and I’m sure she will be  __39__ to me. ”
  Why was this encounter (sudden meeting) so successful? How did Dahlia __40__  her sadness so completely and realize her responsibility in the matter __41__  her own?
  There were three main parts in her father’s reaction that   __42__  : (A) Attention (B) Respect (C) Trust. He gave his daughter __43__ attention and took her seriously as she   __44__  her feelings. He respected her by not coming with words of wisdom, advice or help. He validated(证实)the feelings she __45__ . And he trusted her to do and say what she needed in order to lead herself toward resolution of her emotions.
A.hardlyB.seldomC.ever D.never
A.somethingB.anything C.everythingD.nothing
A.got B.received C.accepted D.admitted
A.manyB.some C.anyD.no
A.soonB.quicklyC.suddenly D.fast
A.get overB.get away C.get alongD.get through
A.didB.followedC.went D.worked
A.fullB.incompleteC.half D.undivided
A.sent outB.threw outC.put outD.poured out
A.expressedB.showed C.said D.strengthened

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Pay Attention to the Organization of an Article.
Check Your Understanding.
Lightning Speed Exercise
Set Aside Time Each Day.
Check Your Progress through Pacing
Speed up When Necessary.
Most of us can find 15 minutes or half an hour each day for some specific regular activity. For example, one famous surgeon always made it a rule to spend at least 15 minutes on general reading before he went to sleep each day. Whether he went to bed at 10 p.m. or 2:30 a.m. made no difference.
Nearly all ‘speed reading’ courses have a ‘pacing’ element---some timing device which lets the students know how many words a minutes he is reading. You can do this simply by looking at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and noting down the page number you have reached.
Obviously there is little point in increasing your reading speed if you do not understand what you are reading. If you find you have lost the thread of the story, or you can’t remember clearly the details of what was said, re-read the section or chapter.
Take four or five pages of an interesting book you happen to be reading at the time. Read them as fast as you possibly can. Do not bother about whether you understand or not. After a ‘lightning speed’ of reading, you will usually find that your ‘normal’ speed has increased.
Most paragraphs in an article have a ‘topic sentence’ which expresses the central ideas. The opening paragraph often suggests the general direction and content of the piece, while paragraphs that follow expand or support the first. The closing paragraph often summarizes the very essence(实质) of what has been said.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
The life-long benefits of teaching children how to take care of their money make it well worth the effort. Children who are not taught these lessons pay the consequences for a life time. Some parents don’t teach children about money because they think they shouldn’t talk about money with children, don’t have the time, or think they don’t have enough money. Parents should take the time to teach children about money regardless of their income and should start when children are young.
Most people have strong feelings and opinions about money, based on childhood experiences and the values and beliefs of their families. Most often, these experiences, values, and beliefs are different for each parent. Parents should talk about these feelings and opinions and establish an unchanging approach(方式) to teaching children about money. This is important for the healthy development of children.
Here are some tips that parents can keep in mind as they begin teaching their children to manage money:
★ Guide and advise your children how to spend their money, rather than tell them what they can and cannot do.
★ Encourage and praise children rather than criticize their actions.
★ Allow children to learn by mistakes and by successes.
★ Be consistent(前后一致的) while taking children’s differences into consideration.
★ Include all family members in money management discussions, decision making, and activities that are suitable for their age. As children get older include them in discussions of limits and consequences.
★ Expect all family members to do some everyday chores based on their abilities without being paid.
★ Express your desire to have things you can’t afford. Children need to know that parents say “no” to themselves, too.
小题1:It is _____ for parents to teach their children about money management in their childhood.
A.easyB.uselessC.too earlyD.beneficial
小题2:15-year-old Harry isn’t good at managing his money. His mother is advised to _____.
A.explain to him how to manage his money better
B.pay him more money to deal with his chores
C.praise him for what he has done
D.allow him to buy what he wants
小题3:When parents discuss how to manage the family finances, they should _____.
A.include their children in the discussion
B.express their desire to have some valuable things
C.pay more attention to their children’s differences
D.try to meet their older children’s needs first

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