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Pet owners are being encouraged to take their animals to work,a move scientists say can be good for productivity,workplace morale(士气),and the well-being (安宁, 幸福)of animals.
A study found that 25% of Australian women would like to keep an office pet. Sue Chaseling of Pet care Information Service said the practice of keeping office pets was good both for the people and the pets.“On the pets’ side,they are not left on their own and won’t feel lonely and unhappy,”she said. A study of major US companies showed that 73% found office pets beneficial(有益的),while 27% experienced a drop in absenteeism(缺勤).
Xarni Riggs has two cats walking around her Global Hair Salon in Paddington.“My customers love them. They are their favorites,”she said.“They are not troublesome. They know when to go and have a sleep in the sun.”
Little black BJ has spent nearly all his two years “working” at Punch Gallery in Balmain. Owner Iain Powell said he had had cats at the gallery for 15 years.“BJ often lies in the shop window and people walking past tap on the glass,”he said.
Ms Chaseling said cats were popular in service industries because they enabled a point of conversation. But she said owners had to make sure both their co-workers and the cats were comfortable.
小题1:The percentage of American companies that are in favor of keeping office pets is ________.
小题2:We know from the text that “BJ” ________.
A.works in the Global Hair SalonB.often greets the passers-by
C.likes to sleep in the sunD.is a two-year-old cat
小题3:The best title for this text would be ________.
A.Pets Help Attract CustomersB.Your Favorite Office Pets
C.Pets Join the WorkforceD.Busy Life for Pets



小题1:细节题。第二段“A study of major US companies showed that 73% found office pets beneficial,while 27% experienced a drop in absenteeism.”说明有73%的美国公司喜欢在办公室养宠物。
小题2:推断题。倒数第二段“Little black BJ has spent nearly all his two years.”表明BJ是一只两岁大的猫。
试题【Pet owners are being encouraged to take their animals to work,a move scientists 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
  More than 6000 children were expelled(开除)from US schools last year for bringing  guns and bombs to school, the US Department of Education said on May 8. 
The department gave a report on the expulsions (开除)as saying handguns accounted for 58 percent of the 6093 expulsions in 2005—2006, against 7 percent for rifles(步枪)or shotguns and 35 percent for other types of firearms.
“the report is a dear sign that our nation’s public schools are cracking down” on students who bring guns to school, ” Education Secretary Richard Riey said in a statement. “We need to be tough-minded about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe.”
In March 2006, a 1l-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy using handguns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro, Arkansas. In October, two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school. Two months later, a 14-year-old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Daducab, Kentucky.
“Most of the expulsions, 56 percent were from high schools, which have students from about age 13, 34 percent were from junior high schools and 9 percent were from elementary schools”, the report said.
小题1:From the first paragraph we can infer that in the US schools______.
A.students enjoy shootingB.students are eager to be soldiers
C.safety is a problemD.students can make guns
小题2:The report from the US Department of Education shows that______.
A.the number of the expulsions is not largeB.the number of the expulsions is wrong
C.there are soldiers hiding among the studentsD.guns are out of control in US schools
小题3:The main idea of paragraph four shows us______.
A.some examples of shootings in US schoolB.the Americans’ feeling
C.some famous schoolsD.that some teachers were killed by students
小题4: How many students were shot dead in 2006 in US schools?
小题5:From this passage we know that______.
A.every American cannot have gunsB.only soldiers and police can have guns
C.every American citizen can own gunsD.teachers have no money to buy guns

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Petroleumis a very important mineral. It gives us heat and light. It gives us power for our cars, planes, and ships. Also, it gives us power for machines of all kinds.
How is petroleum formed? Scientists believe petroleum comes from the remains of plants and animals (Remains are what is left after a plant or animal has died.)
What exactly is petroleum? Petroleum is a mineral that is a mixture of hydrocarbons. It is an oily liquid, which may be brown, green, or black in colors. The word “petroleum” comes from Greek. It means “rock oil”.
Crude (天然的, 未加工的) oil is petroleum that comes directly from deep in the ground. It is then taken to a refinery. a refinery is a kind of factory to refine oil. At a refinery the crude oil is separated into many parts. From the refined petroleum we get important things, such as gasoline, kerosene, fertilizer, detergents and a lot of other useful things. In fact, there are thousands of such things that we can get. Petroleum really is of great value!
小题1:Which of the following is Not true?
A.“ Petroleum” is a German word.B.“Petroleum” suggests “ coming from rocks”.
C.“ Petroleum” isn’t an English word in the original.D.“Petroleum” is of Greek origin.
小题2:Which of the following is true?
A.We can kill animals and plants, and get petroleum by burning them us.
B.Over a very long period of time, under certain conditions, dead trees and bodies of animals were turned into petroleum under great pressure.
C.Petroleum is a kind of metal mineral like copper(铜)or iron.
D.Petroleum has three states.
小题3:The word “refine” in the 4th paragraph can be replaced by “______”.
A.get unmixed with other substancesB.divide into separate parts
C.get mixed with other substancesD.choose the best substance
小题4: Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?
A.An Important Source of Energy.B.Petroleum and Its Uses.
C.Where Does Petroleum Come From?D.A Special Rock Oil.
小题5:This passage is most likely taken from _____.
A.a fairy taleB.a novelC.a popular science magazineD.a scientist’s diary

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Why the inductive and mathematical sciences, after their first rapid development at the culmination of Greek civilization, advanced so slowly for two thousand years—and why in the following two hundred years a knowledge of natural and mathematical science has accumulated, which so vastly exceeds all that was previously known that these sciences may be justly regarded as the products of our own times—are questions which have interested the modern philosopher not less than the objects with which these sciences are more immediately conversant. Was it the employment of a new method of research, or in the exercise of greater virtue in the use of the old methods, that this singular modern phenomenon had its origin? Was the long period one of arrested development, and is the modern era one of normal growth? Or should we ascribe the characteristics of both periods to so-called historical accidents—to the influence of conjunctions in circumstances of which no explanation is possible, save in the omnipotence and wisdom of a guiding Providence?
The explanation which has become commonplace, that the ancients employed deduction chiefly in their scientific inquiries, while the moderns employ induction, proves to be too narrow, and fails upon close examination to point with sufficient distinctness the contrast that is evident between ancient and modern scientific doctrines and inquiries. For all knowledge is founded on observation, and proceeds from this by analysis, by synthesis and analysis, by induction and deduction, and if possible by verification, or by new appeals to observation under the guidance of deduction—by steps which are indeed correlative parts of one method; and the ancient sciences afford examples of every one of these methods, or parts of one method, which have been generalized from the examples of science.
A failure to employ or to employ adequately any one of these partial methods, an imperfection in the arts and resources of observation and experiment, carelessness in observation, neglect of relevant facts, by appeal to experiment and observation—these are the faults which cause all failures to ascertain truth, whether among the ancients or the moderns; but this statement does not explain why the modern is possessed of a greater virtue, and by what means he attained his superiority. Much less does it explain the sudden growth of science in recent times.
The attempt to discover the explanation of this phenomenon in the antithesis of “facts” and “theories” or “facts” and “ideas”—in the neglect among the ancients of the former, and their too exclusive attention to the latter—proves also to be too narrow, as well as open to the charge of vagueness. For in the first place, the antithesis is not complete. Facts and theories are not coordinate species. Theories, if true, are facts—a particular class of facts indeed, generally complex, and if a logical connection subsists between their constituents, have all the positive attributes of theories.
Nevertheless, this distinction, however inadequate it may be to explain the source of true method in science, is well founded, and connotes an important character in true method. A fact is a proposition of simple. A theory, on the other hand, if true has all the characteristics of a fact, except that its verification is possible only by indirect, remote, and difficult means. To convert theories into facts is to add simple verification, and the theory thus acquires the full characteristics of a fact.
小题1:     The title that best expresses the ideas of this passage is
[A]. Philosophy of mathematics.              [B]. The Recent Growth in Science.
[C]. The Verification of Facts.                [C]. Methods of Scientific Inquiry.
小题2:According to the author, one possible reason for the growth of science during the days of the ancient Greeks and in modern times is
[A]. the similarity between the two periods.
[B]. that it was an act of God.
[C]. that both tried to develop the inductive method.
[D]. due to the decline of the deductive method.
小题3:     The difference between “fact” and “theory”
[A]. is that the latter needs confirmation.
[B]. rests on the simplicity of the former.
[C]. is the difference between the modern scientists and the ancient Greeks.
[D]. helps us to understand the deductive method.
小题4:     According to the author, mathematics is
[A]. an inductive science.           [B]. in need of simple verification.
[C]. a deductive science.            [D]. based on fact and theory.
小题5:     The statement “Theories are facts” may be called.
[A]. a metaphor.                  [B]. a paradox.
[C]. an appraisal of the inductive and deductive methods.
[D]. a pun.
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SOUTHPORT, ENGLAND—A British teaching union famous for strange ideas has supported a plan to employ dogs as classroom assistants.
At the yearly conference of the Professional Association of Teachers in Southport, northwest England, one person suggested properly trained dogs be able to keep order in primary schools. They can round up lost children and protect those who experience unfortunate “accidents”. Wendy Dyble, a Sheetland Islands woman who teaches children up to age seven, made it clear to her fellow friends that she was not “barking mad”. They obviously believed her, supporting her idea by 16 votes to 13, with a total of 63 abstentions(弃权).
She said big dogs could help round up children, keep them in line, lick up the milk they spill on the floor and provide the extra eyes that a teacher needs to keep order. “A big dog would also be helpful for stopping flights and look for lost property, like gym shoes or dolls,” Dyble said at the conference. “The dog will also be useful in sniffing out(find out) smells that children do not own up to,” she added. “It would be nice for the teacher not to have to go round sniffing each child to find the criminal.”
The idea was welcomed by the Dog Defense League but less by bigger teaching unions. A spokesman for Education Secretary, David Blunkett, who is blind, said his guide dog was always popular with pupils when he visited schools. The Professional Association of Teachers, with around 35,000 members, is the smallest teaching union in Britain. It has an honor for occasional strange ideas.
Earlier this week, its yearly conference here suggested stopping exams because they lead to stress and introducing selection at the age of 12 based on physical coordination(调整)and manual(手工的)skill.
小题1:According to the writer’s opinion, to employ dogs as classroom assistants ________.
A.is not a good idea
B.can improve the relation between children and animals
C.is beyond ordinary people’s imagination
D.can make some teachers lose jobs
小题2:What Dyble said at the conference ________.
A.gained some support from the members
B.frightened everyone present
C.interested everyone present
D.caused some trouble to trained dogs
小题3:The last paragraph of this passage ________.
A.has nothing to do with the topic of this passage
B.shows there are too many exams in British school
C.provides further facts about the teaching union
D.shows the writer’s anger to the union

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The Galapagos a far-away archipelago(群岛) and largely untouched by man, is now facing a problem. Its local people, who live on the island of Santa Cruz, want to develop the business and tourist potential(旅游资源)of the island. Recently, they are locked in a bitter struggle with the naturalists who work at the Charles Darwin Centre, also on Santa Cruz. The naturalists want to protect the island’s wildlife which is already suffering as a result of human activity.
The animals’ great threat used to be sailors who, hundreds of years ago, robbed the islands for food. They wiped out about 250,000 Giant Tortoises. For example, on Pinta, one of the smallest islands, there are no Giant Tortoises left at all. The last survivor, an 80-year-old Giant Tortoise called Lonesome George, lives under the protection of naturalists at the Darwin Centre.
Today, the island’s animals are no longer hunted for food. But other dangers have replaced the threat from sailors. Goats, for example, introduced over the years by man, have gone wild. With no natural enemies, their number has reached 10,000 on the largest of the Galapagos islands, Isabella. They are eating huge quantities of plants, and robbed the remaining Giant Tortoises of food. The problem is now so bad that the National Park Service has hired hunters to kill the goats in order to save the Giant Tortoise from dying out.
小题1:Today, you can find the Giant Tortoises on the island of _______.
A.Santa Cruz B.PintaC.IsabellaD.Galapagos
小题2:Which of the following shows the right relationship between the Galapagos, Isabella, Pinta and Santa Cruz?
A.The Galapagos>Pinta>Isabella>Santa Cruz
B.Isabella>Santa Cruz>the Galapagos>Pinta
C.The Galapagos>Isabella>Santa Cruz>Pinta
D.Isabella>the Galapagos>Pinta>Santa Cruz
小题3:We can learn from the article the greatest danger to the Giant Tortoises is from________.
A.sailorsB.huntersC.goatsD.the local people
小题4:From the first paragraph we can infer that _____.
A.the naturalists try to help the local people with their interest.
B.The local people pay more attention to the economic growth than the wildlife there,
C.The animals and plants are of great importance to the local.
D.The naturalists don’t care about the local people at all

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