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Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful. Some 1 are very useful to man, for example, bees, 2 we get honey and wax, and silkworms, which 3 us with silk. Other varieties, 4 , are extremely harmful, and do a great 5 of damage, especially to crops. Locusts are perhaps the most dangerous of all, 6 they will eat almost any green 7 , and when millions of them 8 on cultivated land they soon leave it 9 . In some countries they are the farmers’ 10 enemy. Another nuisance is the common 11 , not only because it 12 us indoors and out-of-doors, but because it spreads diseases.
  Scientists have given much time and 13 to the study of insects. It needs the most careful and 14 observation. Thanks 15 their discoveries we now know almost all 16 is to be known about the habits of these hardworking insects, bees and ants, which live in 17 better planned in some ways than our 18 . But the most valuable work has been done in trying to give 19 to men, animals and crops from the 20 which insects cause.
1.A.members            B.forms        C.qualities           D.varieties
2.A.by which            B.from which     C.of which           D.in which
3.A.give                B.produce        C.offer              D.supply
4.A.however             B.meanwhile     C.offer             D.supply
5.A.majority             B.number        C.amount           D.what’s more
6.A.and                 B.for            C.if                D.when
7.A.grass               B.field          C.fruit              D.plant
8.A.settle               B.attack         C.pass              D.cross
9.A.bare               B.nothing        C.empty             D.untouched
10.A.hardest            B.greatest        C.serious            D.wildest
11.A.insect              B.creature       C.fly               D.enemy
12.A.dislikes            B.bites          C.worries           D.hates
13.A.understanding       B.ideas           C.comprehension      D.thought
14.A.serious            B.patient        C.curious           D.long
15.A.for                B.of            C.to                D.with
16.A.that               B.which        C.there             D.what
17.A.societies            B.crowds        C.teams             D.organizations
18.A.world              B.nation      C.selves             D.own
19.A.help              B.protection   C.living             D.defense
20.A.injury              B.wound       C.sickness            D.ruin

1--  20      DBDAC   BDAAB   CCDBC   CADBA  

1.答案:D解析:下文提到other varieties are harmful,因此选D项,有些种类的昆虫。
2.答案:B解析:we get honey from bees, “从蜜蜂身上得到蜂蜜。”
3.答案:D解析:provide / supple sB.With sth. 表示“给某人提供/供应”,用C项则就该是offer sB.sth.。
4.答案:A 解析:在此表示上下文的转折关系,“但另一些种类有害”。
5.答案:C解析:a great / large amount of + 不可数名词,a large / small quaintly of + 可数/不可数名词表示“大量的”。
6.答案: B解析:引导状语从句表原因,具体加以解释说明。
9.答案: A解析:蝗虫飞过,耕地光秃秃的,植物都被吃了(当然有时可能留下光秃秃的枝干)。
13.答案:D解析:花时间,想办法研究昆虫。Give much thought to表示“关心,想到”。
14.答案:B解析:观察昆虫需要耐心,上文提到give much time to,因此此处也可说long-time observations。
15.答案:C解析:thanks to意为“幸亏,多亏”。
16.答案:C解析:本题是all (that) there is to be done句式为there’s sth. To be done的结构变化形式。
18.答案:D解析:our own (society),“我们自己的社会形态”。
19.答案:B解析:与下文的from相呼应,give sB.protection from “给……以保护”。
20.答案:A解析:昆早给我们造成的伤害,此空从第4、5空所在句子的harmful, damage等词可推知选A项。
试题【Of all living creatures on earth, insects are the most plentiful. Some 1 are ver】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

The new model is the highly interactive(互动的)learning model. We could also call it the conversational model, or the tutorial model. It is computer based, with the interaction between the student, or a small group of students, and learning programs are like the conversation between a student and a skilled tutor. Distance learning will be the main delivery method.
Student interaction with the learning material on the computer will use the student"s natural language; it will seem like a conversation between a student and a human tutor. This is the key point of highly interactive, or conversational, learning units. Programs will ask questions in the student’s native language, and respond reasonably to free-form student input. Multiple choice and pointing will seldom be used; they often do not allow individualization (个体化) of education.
An important aspect of this model is that the computer will frequently store information about the student, about problems and about how far individual students have progressed. These records will be used often within the programs. Thus when a student returns to the learning activity, the computer knows about that student and knows where to begin the new part.
Global education is critical for the future, to get rid of poverty, corruption (腐败), violence and war, to solve major problems such as the lack of drinkable water, and to insure a happy life for all. Education should no longer be limited to the wealthy of the world, but should be available to everyone.
In the new distance learning environment learning can take place in markets, libraries, public buildings, learning centers, and the home. Gradually schools and universities will play a smaller role in learning, both because better learning can be delivered through such highly interactive material, and because such learning will be less costly for the individual student. Motivation (动机)is particularly important in a mastery-based distance learning, as the usual threats of traditional classrooms such as that of low grades are no longer possible.
Voice input will probably be the mode(模式) for this interaction. The new voice input systems from several companies are useful, cheap, and speaker independent in highly interactive learning. Keyboards may not be needed. Speech is a natural way for humans to communicate.
Students will work in small peer groups, about four. Other contacts with people, learning circles, will be possible, directly or electronically.
68. What is not the new model also called?
A. interactive model       B. conversational model  
C. tutorial model          D. linguistic model
69. What does the model often use?
A. individualization of education            B. multiple choice and pointing
C. questions in students’ native language      D. fixed-form student input
70. What do computers detect(检查) students about?
A. Their future achievements      B. Their intelligences  
C. Their problems               D. Their families
71. According to the passage, distance learning ____________ .
A. is still expensive for ordinary students   
B. will take place mainly in classrooms.
C. will play a more important role in students’ learning.   
D. will still affect badly on the low-graded students
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Aboriginal is a term used to describe the people and animals that lived in a place from the earliest known times or before Europeans arrived. Examples are the Maori in New Zealand, the Aborigines in Australia and the Indians in South America.
The Maori were the first people to go to New Zealand about 1,000 years ago. They came from the islands of Polynesia in the Pacific. They brought dogs, rats and plants with them and settled mainly on the Northern Island. In 1769, Captain James Cook took possession of the Island, and from that time on British people started to settle. The Maori signed an agreement with these settlers, but in later years there were arguments and battles between them over land rights.
Native people of Australia came from somewhere in Asia more than 40,000 years ago. They lived by hunting and gathering. Their contact with British settlers began in 1788. By the 1940s almost all of them were mixed into Australian society as low-paid workers. Their rights were limited. In 1976 and 1993 the Australian government passed laws that returned some land to the Aborigines and recognized their property rights.
Long before the Europeans came to America in the 16th and 17th century, the American Indians, or Native Americans, lived there. It is believed that they came from Asia. Christopher Columbus mistook the land for India and so called the people there Indians. The white settlers and American Indians lived in peace at the beginning, but conflicts finally arose and led to the Indian Wars (1866 —1890). After the war the Indians were driven to the west of the country. Not until 1924 did they gain the right to vote.
68. What is the subject discussed in the passage?
A. European settlers.
B. Native people from three countries.
C. Lifestyles of aboriginals.
D. History of three groups of aboriginals.
69. Which of the following statements is an opinion instead of a fact?
A. The Maori were the first people to go to New Zealand.
B. The Europeans were greedy because they always fought for land.
C. Native people of Australia lived by hunting and gathering.
D. After the war the Indians were driven to the west of the country.
70. The native people in America were called Indians because ________.
A. they originated from India
B. their appearances are similar to those of Indians
C. the land was mistaken for India
D. their personalities are comparable to those of Indians
71. By saying “almost all of them were mixed into Australian society as low-paid workers”(in Paragraph 3), the author implies that _____.
A. natives in Australia led a different life from the settlers
B. most natives in Australia were unemployed
C. natives in Australia were separated from Australia
D. most natives in Australia earned a small salary
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Except for the sun, the moon looks like the biggest object in the sky. Actually it is one of the smallest, and only looks big because it is so near to us. Its diameter(直径) is only 2,160 miles (3,339 km) ,or a little more than a quarter of the diameter of the earth.
Once a month, or more exactly, once every 29.5 days, at the time we call “full moon”, its whole disc looks bright. At other times only part of it appears bright, and we always find that this is the part which faces towards the sun, while the part racing away from the sun appears dark. People could make their pictures better if they kept this in mind — only those parts of the moon which are lighted up by the sun are brighter. This shows that the moon gives no light of its own. It only throws back the light of the sun, like a huge mirror hung in the sky.
Yet the dark part of the moon’s surface is not completely black; usually it is just light enough for us to be able to see its shape, so that we speak of seeing “the old moon in the new moon’s arms”. The light by which we see the old moon does not come from the sun, but from the earth. We know well how the surface of the sea or of snow, or even of a wet road, may throw back uncomfortably much of the sun’s light on to our faces. In the same way the surface of the whole earth throws back enough of the sun’s light on to the face of the moon for us to be able to see the parts of it which would otherwise be dark.
72. Why is the dark part of the moon not completely black?
A. The sun shines on the moon’s surface.
B. The earth throws back sunlight on to the moon.
C. The moon throws back the light from the sun.
D. The moon has light of its own.
73. The underlined word “disc” in the second paragraph refers to _______.
A. a round plate                                 B. a round record
C. the moon that reflects sunlight         D. the moon which looks like a round plate
74. By saying “the old moon in the new moon’s arms” , we mean a time when ______.
A. the two moons are closely linked
B. the new moon is at its brightest
C. the moon is partly bright and partly dark
D. the new moon is hugging the old moon
75. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A. The moon which appears round at its brightest is called full moon.
B. The moon’s diameter is exactly one fourth of that of the earth.
C. The light by which we see the old moon comes from the sun
D. The part of the moon which is not lighted by the sun is completely dark.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Computers. Love them or hate them, it is impossible to escape from them in the modern age. They are so much a part of our everyday lives—from instant messaging to e-mails. With many people preferring to use e-mail rather than traditional regular mail, it has become very important to be aware of how we express ourselves when using e-mail. The requirement of etiquette(网络礼仪)is obviously needed.
Grammar and spelling
Firstly, if you are dealing with a formal e-mail, pay close attention to grammar and spelling. Don’t forget to run your spell-check (program) at the end of the document, but don’t treat it as the final word. Carefully re-read it yourself, as sometimes even spell and grammar checking programs come up with some strange explanations. Remember, your first e-mail to a potential employer or college could be your last — you won’t want to spoil your first impression by making basic errors.
E-mail addresses
Also, for official e-mails, carefully consider your existing e-mail address. A funny e-mail address (such as pinkfluffycutiepie@…com) may be fine for using with your friends, but what impression do you think this address might give to an employer or college admissions officer? Consider using one address for personal e-mails and a different one for formal use.
Upper case(大写字母)
Take care also NOT TO TYPE UNNECESSARILY IN UPPER CASE, as this is the e-mail version of shouting.
Personal information
You should beware too about giving away too much personal information over the Internet. It may feel much more comfortable to “talk” using instant messages as there are no uncomfortable silences or awkward moments, but never forget that—unless the person you are speaking to is a friend or family member—you really know nothing about them, so be careful. Further to this, NEVER agree to meet a stranger that you have spoken to online, as it can be extremely dangerous.
My final message though is—have fun! The Internet is exciting, useful and informative. But, as with so many things that we believe we can’t live without, it is a much better servant than a master.
60.The text is mainly about______.
A.how to express ourselves when using e-mail
B.computers, so much a part of our everyday lives
C.the Internet, a much better servant than a master
D.paying close attention to grammar and spelling when dealing with a formal e-mail
61.What does the underlined word “beware” mean?
A.think          B.be careful          C.care    D.know
62.If you use all capital letters, it looks like you are______.
A.yelling             B.careful             C.unprofessional       D.childish
63.Which of the following statements would the writer agree to?
A.As time goes by, many people prefer to use traditional regular mail again.
B.It’s fun to meet a stranger that you have spoken to online.
C.If you want to apply for a job, you can’t use a funny e-mail address when writing e-mails..
D.Grammar and spelling are not important when you write e-mails.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案

Few people would question the value of taking part in sports for young people.With proper training,supervision,protective equipment and techniques,and an proper emphasis on winning,sports can develop a healthy body and spirit and a life-long interest in being active and fit .Without such measures,childhood sports can lead to injuries and even paralysis or death.
Even in the best conditions,no activity can be risk—free.But most serious hazards are preventable.Cyclists and football players can reduce their risks by wearing helmets;hockey players by wearing masks;basketball and tennis players by wearing eye guards;baseball players by wearing batting helmets.
Besides,risks to individual players can often be found,and thus prevented,through a properly performed medical exam before a child plays.For accidents that may not be preventable,having an emergency plan and first-aid equipment,and someone trained to use the equipment,can be lifesaving.
Still,each year,according to the American College of Sports Medicine,more than 775,000 children under 14 are treated in emergency rooms for sports injuries,nearly half of them preventable.An estimated 300,000 athletes experience exercise—related head illnesses each year,and almost all of them should have been avoided.
Further,from half to three—fourths of sports-related concussions(脑震荡) are never even diagnosed;the injured are often sent back in to play too soon and put at risk of another more serious brain—damaging concussion.To help reduce these risks, the National Center for Sports Safety, with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association, offers a three-hour online safety course for coaches for $28 at www.SportsSafety.org.
1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.All the accidents can be prevented.
B.All the accidents cannot be prevented.
C.Lives can be saved so long as there is proper equipment.
D.Lives cannot be saved even if there is proper equipment.
2.What does the underlined word “hazards”(in paragraph 2)mean?
A.mistakes          B.diseases           C.dangers            D.situations
3.It is implied in the passage that        .
A.prevention of injuries is not paid enough attention to
B.children under 14 are more easily hurt in sports
C.most head illnesses are related with exercise
D.none of the head illnesses should have happened
4.What can coaches mainly learn from the online safety course?
A.How to cure brain-damaging concussion.
B.How to diagnose brain-damaging concussion.
C.How to predict the possibility of brain damage.
D.How to deal with the injured properly.
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