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  A new study has found that it may be possible to train people to be more intelligent,increasing the brainpower they had at birth.
  Until now,it has been widely assumed that the kind of mental ability that allows us to solve new problems without having any relevant previous experience—what psychologists call fluid intelligence—is innate and cannot be taught(though people can raise their grades on tests of it by practicing).
  But in the new study,researchers describe a method for improving this skill,along with experiments to prove it works.
  The key, researchers found, was carefully structured training in working memory—the kind that allows memorization of a telephone number just long enough to dial it. This type of memory is closely related to fluid intelligence,so the researchers reasoned that improving it might lead to improvements in fluid intelligence.
  First they measured fluid intelligence of volunteers using standard tests. Then they trained each in a complicated memory task—the child’s card game,in which they had to recall a card they saw and heard. During the course, they needed to ignore irrelevant items,monitor ongoing performance,manage two tasks at the same time and connect related items to one another in space and time.
  The four groups experienced a half-hour of training daily for 8,12,17 and 19 days,respectively. To make sure they were not just improving their test-taking skills,the researchers compared them with control groups that took the tests without the training.
  The results, published Monday in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,were striking. Improvement in the trained groups was a lot greater. Moreover,the longer they trained, the higher their scores were. All performers,from the weakest to the strongest,showed significant improvement.
  “Our results show you can increase your intelligence with proper training.”said Dr Jaeggi, a co-author of the paper.“No one knows how long the gains will last after training stops,”he added,“and the experiment’s design did not allow the researchers to determine whether more training would continue to produce further gains.”
67.The researchers thought the key to improving the intelligence was ______________.
A.memorizing telephone numbers
B.improving working memory
C.training in concentration
D.recalling a card
68.The following aspects of the training help increase intelligence EXCEPT___________.
A.ignoring irrelevant items
B.monitoring ongoing performance
C.managing two tasks at the same time
D.using previous experience
69.When the experiment was conducted,the researchers______________.
A.trained the four groups for the same period of time
B.only made comparisons between the four groups
C.compared the four groups with control groups
D.trained the four groups together
70.By writing the article,the writer intends to ______________.
A.inform the readers of a new study
B.call on people to be trained to increase intelligence
C.prove one’s born brainpower can be improved
D.tell people the improved intelligence will last forever

试题【  A new study has found that it may be possible to train people to be more intel】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

With only about 1, 000 pandas left in the world, China is desperately trying to clone(克隆) the animal and save the endangered species. That’s a move similar to what  Texas A & M University researchers have been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah’s Ark”.
Noah’s Ark is aimed at collecting eggs, embryos(胚胎), semen and DNA of endangered animals and storing them in liquid nitrogen(氮). If certain species should become extinct, Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas A & M’s College of Veterinary Medicine, says there would be enough of the basic building blocks to reintroduce the species in the future.
It is estimated that as many as 2, 000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles will become extinct in over 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years.
This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal.
The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete.
“The nuclear transfer(核子移植) of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available(capable of being used) panda eggs could be a major problem,” Kraemer believes. “They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy (having a baby). It takes a long time and it’s difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort,” adds Kraemer, who is one of the leaders of the Project at Texas A& M, the first-ever attempt at cloning a dog.
“They are trying to do something that’s never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah’s Ark. We’re both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly appreciate their effort and there’s a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It’s a research that is very much needed.”
60. The aim of “Noah’s Ark” project is to _______.
A. make efforts to clone the endangered pandas 
B. save endangered animals from dying out
C. collect DNA of endangered animals to study
D. transfer the nuclear of one animal to another
61. According to Professor Kraemer, the major problem in cloning pandas would be the lack of _______.
A. available panda eggs                B. host animals
C. qualified researchers                D. enough money
62. The best title for the passage may be _______.
A. China’s Success in Pandas Cloning                       
B. The First Cloned Panda in the World
C. Exploring the Possibility to Clone Pandas  
D. China —the Native Place of Pandas Forever
63. From the passage we know that _______.
A. Kraemer and his team have succeeded in cloning a dog
B. scientists try to implant a panda’s egg into a rabbit
C. Kraemer will work with Chinese scientists in clone researches
D. about two thousand of species will probably die out in a century
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Some of you must have complained why there are so many English words that you have to memorize every day.   36  , do you know how many words the English language has exactly? Maybe ten thousand, one hundred thousand, or   37  one million!
Every 98 minutes, there is a new English word being   38  . Last time when words were being   39  to the language at this rate was during the   40   of William Shakespeare. The   41  popularity of English has   42   the most fertile (丰富的) period of word creation. About 1.53 billion people speak English as a   43 , a second or a business language. The Global Language Monitor,   44   in the state of Texas in the US, has been recording English word creation since 2003. Now, there are almost one million English words.
Words that are predicted to be the one millionth   45   “defollow”, “defriend”, “noob”, and “greenwashing”. “Defollow” and “defriend” are Internet words,   46   what users do with a person they do not wish to   47  in touch with on the Internet. “Noob” is an offending name for someone new   48   a particular task or community. The word “greenwashing”   49   what companies do to appear   50  friendly. And “chiconomics” means a difficult time in fashion. Of course, there is a   51   that the one millionth word will be a sixth choice. The Global Language Monitor once   52  that the millionth English word would be “imminent” in 2006, but the organization has   53  that expected date  54 once. Other experts have   55   doubts about its methods because they don’t think that there is an agreement about how to classify a word.
36.A.However  B.Besides     C.Moreover  D.Therefore
37.A.ever  B.never C.even  D.sometimes
38.A.commented      B.created     C.memorized       D.motivated
39.A.added       B.acquired   C.adopted    D.devoted
40.A.years B.days  C.months     D.hours
41.A.appropriate      B.widespread       C.fundamental     D.awful
42.A.taken B.led    C.found       D.brought
43.A.physical    B.social       C.primary    D.typical
44.A.lay    B.located     C.built  D.found
45.A.conclude   B.include     C.have  D.set
46.A.saying      B.writing     C.describing D.accounting
47.A.lose   B.pay   C.have  D.stay
48.A.with  B.of     C.to      D.at
49.A.refers to   B.prefers to  C.comes to   D.sticks to
50.A.constantly B.eventually C.environmentally      D.finally
51.A.fact   B.possibility C.result D.bond
52.A.published  B.declared    C.expected   D.claimed
53.A.put up      B.put off      C.put down  D.put out
54.A.more than B.other than C.rather than       D.less than
55.A.expressed  B.instructed  C.associated D.consulted
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Michael Newman is trying to get ahead to provide for his family. He is a talented architect who willingly takes on projects with impossible deadlines in order to please his boss Ammer and secure a partnership in the firm. But all work and no play mean that Michael is missing spending time with the family. His wife Donna is trying to be available for swim meets, camping trips, tree house completion and some good old days. Ben and Samantha are his adoring children who just want to play with their dad.
After yet another long day filled with frustrations, Michael goes in search of a universal remote (万能遥控器) so that he can at least be in control of his TV. Only one store is open: Bed, Bath and Beyond – where he gets a very special universal remote.
There is a lot of power in Michael’s new toy; he can revisit old scenes from his past, put people on mute (无声的) and fast forward through the boring parts. He turns off the volume each time he argues with his wife. He fast – forwards through a boring family dinner. He skips ahead to avoid a bad cold. He jumps to the chapter where he gets a promotion. It’s all really great until the remote begins to use some of the specially programmed features – the remote starts predicting when Michael will use it, automatically hurtling (猛扔) him beyond life’s difficult and mundane moments. But most of our lives are difficult and mundane, so Michael is forced to travel years into the future. Eventually, he realizes the family dog has died and been replaced by another, that his kids have grown up, that his wife is married to someone else, and that he weighs 400 pounds. It happened while he wasn’t paying attention.
The movie is being sold as a comedy, but it essentially involves a workaholic who uses the universal remote to skip over all the bad things in his life and discovers in the process that he is missing life itself.
60.Why did Michael Newman decide to buy a universal remote?
A.To make his boss happy
B.To remember his life in the past
C.To see what his future life would be like
D.To escape from the hardships of his life
61.The underlined word “mundane” in the third paragraph means          .
A.interesting       B.exciting    C.boring      D.abandoned
62.What can we infer from the story?
A.Michael is unable to support his family.
B.Michael has some difficulties in his job now.
C.The remote can help Michael do many things.
D.Michael is an irresponsible man.
63.The main purpose of the passage is to            .
A.remind us to live a real life     B.persuade us to buy the remote
C.encourage us to work hard      D.make us feel relaxed from work
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A recent study shows that gossip(流言蜚语)is more powerful than truth.It suggests people believe what they hear through the grapevine(小道消息)__36__they have evidence to the contrary.
Researchers, __37__students using a computer game, also found gossip played an important role when people __38__ decisions."We show that gossip has a strong __39__, even when people have __40__ to the original information as well as gossip about the same information.Thus, it is __41__ that gossip has a strong controlling potential," said Ralf Sommerfeld, who led the study.
In the study, the researchers __42__ the students money and allowed them to give it to others in a series of rounds.The students also wrote __43__ about how others played the game that everyone could review.Students tended to give __44__ money to people described as “scrooges (吝啬鬼)” and more to those described as “__45__ players”.“People only believed the gossip, not the past decisions," Sommerfeld said in a telephone interview.
The researchers then took the game a step_46_and showed the students the actual decisions people had made.But they also supplied false gossip that contradicted that __47_.In these cases, the students_48_ their decisions to award money on the gossip, __49__ the hard evidence.
“If you know what the people did, you should care, but they still __50__ what others said,” Sommerfeld said.Researchers have __51__ used similar games to study how people cooperate and the __52__ of gossip in groups.Scientists define gossip __53__ social information spread about a person who is not __54__.In evolutionary terms, gossip can be an important tool for people to __55__ information about others" reputations or find the way through social networks at work and in their everyday lives.
36.A.in case     B.for fear that     C.as if  D.even if    
37.A.testing     B.checkingC.examining       D.experimenting
38.A.draw       B.make       C.reach       D.conclude
39.A.impression      B.difference       C.influenceD.function
40.A.access      B.entrance   C.charge     D.communication
41.A.curious    B.serious     C.obvious    D.worth
42.A.impressed      B.asked       C.showed    D.gave
43.A.articles    B.notes       C.dairies     D.letters
44.A.lessB.more       C.fewer       D.much
45.A.general    B.mean       C.generousD.outgoing
46.A.away       B.forward   C.ahead       D.further
47.A.existenceB.evidenceC.confidence      D.dependence
48.A.based       B.put   C.focused    D.passed
49.A.more than       B.less than   C.rather than      D.other than
50.A.referred to      B.listened to       C.turned toD.stuck to
51.A.soon        B.presentlyC.far    D.long
52.A.strength   B.energy     C.effect     D.force
53.A.as     B.for   C.to     D.by
54.A.absent      B.present     C.gone  D.missing
55.A.achieve    B.earnC.acquire    D.win
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Though “nanometer”(纳米) is now a fashionable term all over the world, few people know
exactly what it is. It has become a new favorite of manufacturers and sellers in recent years.Many “high-tech” products bearing the name “nano” have entered the market,bringing more mysterious feeling to surprised consumers.
Nanometer is a very small length unit of measure,and is very small.One millimeter is 1000 micrometers,and one micrometer is 1000 nanometers.That is,one nanometer is one billionth of a meter.Nano materials are solid materials composed of particles(粒子)or crystallites(晶体) of less than 100 nanometer in size.Then,is a cup made of nano material really any different from an ordinary cup in function as far as how it works?
Are nano cups really so wonderful?A reporter went to the Institute of Nanomedicine,which is the first such institute of such a sort in the world and the only one in China,specializing in researching the investigation  of the application of nano technology into medicine.
A water molecule(分子) is composed of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.It can be changed only by special manipulation of the atoms. The material constituting the cup can have ananometer particles . But it cannot change the chemical and physical properties of the water contained in it.The water in the cup is still water. When people drink it,it will produce no special effect on human body.
Professor Ji who worked in the Instiute of Nanomedicine told the reporter, so far, the investigation of nano materials is still limited in the laboratory. No commercial micro products can be produced yet. With the present level of science and technology, the time of everyday goods made of nanometer materials is still years away.
The products labeled with nano marks in the market now are only traditional products coated with a thin layer of nanometer material, which makes them more abrasion resistant(耐磨), much easier to be cleaned, or oil resisting or moth proof(防蛀).
Professor Ji explained that nano cup is a real up. It can also be included in the list of nano products in a certain sense. But the nano up has not changed its property and function as a cup. It is not a magical medicine for curing and health care.
72.Which of the following shows the right relationship?
73.It can be inferred from the passage that       .
A.nano materials have been put into use in daily goods
B.real nano products haven’t become available for people
C.the nano cup is very effective in curing and health care
D.real nano products are being produced by some companies
74.The underlined word “properties” in the fourth paragraph probably means        .
A.possessions      B.qualities    C.reactions   D.symbols
75.What would be the best title for the passage?
A.High-tech Products  B.Nano Cups
C.Nano Materials        D.High-teach Research
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