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At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discovery: we are built not just of flesh(肌肉) and blood but also of time. They were   21  to show that we all have a ‘body clock’   22  us, which controls the   23  and fall of our body energies,   24  us different from one day to the next.
The   25  of a ‘body clock’ should not be too   26  since the lives of most living things are controlled   27  the 24-hour night-and-day cycle(循环). We feel   28  and fall asleep at night and become  29  and energetic during the day. If the 24-hour cycle is   30  most people experience unpleasant   31 . For example, people who are not   32  to working at night can find that   33  of sleep causes them to   34  badly at work.
  35  the daily cycle of sleeping and   36 , we also have other cycles which   37  longer than one day. Most of us would   38  that we feel good on some days and not so good on  39 ; sometimes our ideas seem to flow and at other times, they   40  do not exist.
A.anxiousB.carefulC.able D.proud
A.riseB.supply C.useD.movement
A.difficultB.exciting C.interestingD.surprising
A.dull B.dreamy C.tired D.peaceful
A.momentsB.senses C.feelings D.effects
A.used B.allowedC.expected D.prevented
A.miss B.noneC.need D.lack
A.show B.performC.manageD.control
A.With B.ExceptC.As well asD.Rather than
A.waking B.moving C.livingD.working
A.repeatB.remain C.happenD.last
A.othersB.the otherC.all otherD.other



试题【At the beginning of this century, medical scientists made an interesting discove】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Consult the page adapted from an English dictionary and do Questions

What does the phrase “green shoots” mean in “Green shoots have begun to appear in different markets”?
A.Signs of recovery.B.High prices.
C.Environmental protection. D.Change in policy.
Fill in the blank in the sentence “I can’t believe this is Joshua—he’s ______ since we last met!”
A.shot outB.shot throughC.shot upD.shot down
When you are talking about unimportant things, we say you are ______.
A.shooting yourself in the footB.shooting the breeze
C.shooting your mouth offD.shooting questions at somebody
Choose a word to complete the sentence “The ______, which killed a policeman and wounded a passer-by, was reported to have lasted only 13 seconds.”

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When you think about math, you probably don’t think about breaking the law, solving mysteries or finding criminals. But a mathematician in Maryland does, and he has come up with mathematical tools to help police find criminals.
People who solve crimes look for patterns that might reveal(揭示) the identity of the criminal. It’s long been believed, for example, that criminals will break the law closer to where they live, simply because it’s easier to get around in their own neighborhood. If police see a pattern of robberies in a certain area, they may look for a suspect(嫌疑犯) who lives near the crime scenes. So, the farther away from the area a crime takes place, the less likely it is that the same criminal did it.
But Mike O’Leary, a mathematician at Towson University in Maryland, says that this kind of approach may be too simple. He says that police may get better clues to the location of a criminal’s home base by combining these patterns with a city’s layout(布局) and historical crime records.
The records of past crimes contain geographical information and can reveal easy targets — that is, the kind of stores that might be less difficult to rob. Because these stores are along roads, the locations of past crimes contain information about where major streets and intersections are. O’Leary is writing a new computer program that will quickly provide this kind of information for a given city. His program also includes information about the people who live in the city, and information about how a criminal’s patterns change with age. It’s been shown, for example, that the younger the criminal, the closer to home the crime.
Other computer programmers have worked on similar software, but O’Leary’s uses more math. The mathematician plans to make his computer program available, free of charge, to police departments around the country.
The program is just one way to use math to fight crime. O’Leary says that criminology — the study of crime and criminals — contains a lot of good math problems. “I feel like I’m in a gold mine and I’m the only one who knows what gold looks like,” he says. “It’s a lot of fun.”
To find criminals, police usually ______.
A.focus on where crimes take placeB.seek help from local people
C.depend on new mathematical toolsD.check who are on the crime scene
O’Leary is writing a computer program that ______.
A.uses math to increase the speed of calculation
B.tells the identity of a criminal in a certain area
C.shows changes in criminals’ patterns
D.provides the crime records of a given city
By “I’m the only one who knows what gold looks like”, O’Leary means that he ______.
A.is better at finding gold than others
B.is the only one who uses math to make money
C.knows more criminals than other mathematicians
D.knows best how to use math to help solve crimes
What is the main idea of the text?
A.Criminals live near where crimes occur.
B.Math could help police find criminals.
C.Crime records could be used to fight crime.
D.Computer software works in preventing crimes.

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The Future of Education
David Kelly, founder of the Design School Stanford, said, “In the classroom of the future, education will be custom-made for each student. Every child will have a laptop programmed for his or her learning style and speed. At the same time, more students will go out into the community to learn from business owners. And you’ll see more retirees in the schools as teachers.”
A New Way to Pay
Turn your cell phone into a “mobile wallet” and speed through the checkout line. With a smart phone that uses the same technology as “tap and go” cards, you’ll be able to access your financial data fast. You can select a credit or debit card(借记卡)from the screen, and then tap the phone on the checkout console(操纵台;控制台).
High-Tech Guitar
A 26-year-old Australian designer has invented a brand-new way to be a rock star. The Misa Digital Guitar’s fret board looks like a traditional six-string’s but with no strings attached. There’s a touch pad (垫)where the sound hole normally is, and instead of plucking strings,(弹弦) you tap, drag, or brush the pad to “play” the instrument electronically.
The Future of Phones
Jason Chen, editor of the website gizmodo.com, makes his prediction. “Data connections will get even faster, and you’ll be linked to your environment by cell phone. Fcr example, when you go on vacation, you can point your phone at a monument(纪念碑) and it will give you information about what you’re looking at.’
Needle-Free Vaccines(无针接种)
Boston University researchers are working on a new method of inoculation(接种)—no injection necessary. A mild electrical charge from a small device, shaped like a gun, is used to drive the particles(粒子) into the body. The new idea beats the old needle method.
小题1:The passage mentions the following EXPECT        .
A.paymentB.medicineC.educationD.music instrument
小题2:What can we learn from the text?
A.Even a man with no music knowledge can be a rock star in the future.
B.Students should go out into the community to learn from business owners instead of staying at school to learn from books.
C.We can carry no cash while shopping in the future.
D.We can feel more pain with the method of inoculation.
小题3:In which column can we read the passage?
C.Technology. D.Work.

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What is it that makes people laugh? More than two thousand years ago the ancient Greek philosopher (哲学家) Aristotle defined (定义) jokes as the pleasure that results from a feeling of triumph by showing we’re better than someone else in a certain way. According to Aristotle and many other philosophers,all jokes depend mainly on showing inferiority in another person or group of persons — that is,putting it clearly,on showing that they are worse off than ourselves. Jokes raise our good opinion of ourselves at someone else’s expense.
Showing how much better than other people we are is only one reason we like jokes. Someone may also use a joke to express their anger or their cruelty (残酷)or any other kind of action that is not acceptable to us. We feel free to laugh when we hear about someone sliding on a banana skin. The joke lets us express those attitudes which are usually unacceptable to society. This is probably the reason why some of the jokes,especially those involving cruelty,are so popular with certain people.
Besides,all jokes depend on our enjoyment of laughing at something that is strange and out of place because it’s different from things which are happening around it. The same situation can be either sad or pleasant,depending entirely on how strange and out of place it is. If a girl in a bathing suit falls into a swimming pool,we don’t laugh because nothing unusual has happened. But if a man in a smart suit falls in,the situation is at once unusual in a pleasant way and we laugh. A good joke-teller will always try to build up a situation in which one thing is expected until something unexpected suddenly happens,and so we laugh.
小题1:The underlined word “inferiority” (in Paragraph 1) means ______.
A.someone that is better than someone else
B.something that is better than something else
C.someone that is as good as someone else
D.something that is not as good as something else
小题2:According to Aristotle, all jokes depend mainly on ______.
A.resulting in a sense of success
B.showing inferiority in another person or group
C.having a good opinion of other people
D.making people laugh unexpectedly
小题3:What’s the main idea of Paragraph 2?
A.To express those attitudes usually unacceptable to society is one of the reasons we like jokes.
B.When people are angry, they would like to hear jokes.
C.People who like jokes are usually cruel.
D.Showing we are better than other people is the only one reason we like jokes.
小题4:What will a good joke-teller always try to do? 
A.Make an unexpected thing happen in an expected situation
B.Make different things happen at the same time.
C.Make a sad situation into a pleasant one.
D.Make people laugh at something unusual and out of place.

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BERLIN — With the crisis in Japan raising fears about nuclear power, Germany and Switzerland said on Monday that they would reassess(再次评估) the safety of their own reactors([核] 反应堆).
Doris Leuthard, the Swiss energy minister, said Switzerland would put off plans to build nuclear plants. She said no new ones would be permitted until experts had reviewed safety standards.
Germany will put off “the recently decided extension of the running time of German nuclear plants,” Chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters. “This moratorium(延缓)will run for three months and it will allow for a thorough examination of the safety standards of the county’s 17 nuclear power plants.
The European Union called for a meeting on Tuesday of nuclear safety authorities to assess Europe’s preparedness.
Germany’s foreign minister, Guido Westerwelle, called for a new risk analysis of the country’s nuclear plants, particularly regarding their cooling systems. He is the leader of the Free Democratic Party, which strongly supports nuclear power.
A previous government, led by the Social Democrats, passed a law in 2001 to close all the country’s nuclear plants by 2021. But Mrs. Merkel’s government changed that decision last year to extend the lives of the plants by an average of 12 years.
In Switzerland, Doris Leuthard said she had already asked to analyze the exact cause of the problems in Japan and draw up new or tougher safety standards “particularly in terms of seismic(地震的,与地震相关的) safety and cooling.”
In Russia, the Prime Minister said his government would “draw conclusions from what’s going on in Japan.”
小题1: Where can you most likely read this passage?
A.In a newspaper.B.In a magazine.C.In a science report.D.In a diary.
小题2:How will Germany react to Japan’s nuclear crisis?
A.Germany will close all the country’s nuclear plants.
B.Germany will hold a meeting of nuclear safety authorities.
C.Germany will change the decision made last year.
D.Germany will delay the extension of nuclear plants running time.
小题3:The author mentions all the following EXCEPT ______.
A.The moratorium in Germany will give time to examine the nuclear plants safety standards.
B.Switzerland will not build new nuclear plants unless they meet the experts’ safety standards.
C.The Social Democrats in Germany shares the same view with the Free Democratic Party.
D.Russia will try to learn something from the nuclear power crisis in Japan.
小题4:What is the best title of the passage?
A.Watch Out for the Danger of Nuclear Power
B.Europe Is against Building Nuclear Plants
C.Nuclear Plants in Europe Are Delayed
D.Opinions on Nuclear Power Are Opposite

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