当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Robert was a life insurance(人寿保险) salesman. Try 36 he might, he was still unable...
Robert was a life insurance(人寿保险) salesman. Try 36 he might, he was still unable to get a couple to sign up for a policy(保单). “I certainly don’t want to frighten you into a 37,” he announced, standing up to 38. “Please sleep on it tonight, and 39 you wake up in the morning, let me know what you think.”
People can be motivated by many different 40. Fear is the common one. 41 many people find that other kinds of motivation are usually 42 effective in getting more out of those with whom we live and work.
A twelve-year-old girl took her younger brother, who 43 from a mental disability, Christmas shopping. As they went into a department store, the 44 accidentally hit a display, knocking shoes in every 45. at that 46 a(n) angry clerk grabbed the boy by the arm and 47, “Pick them up.”
“No,” the boy screamed in defiance(反抗).
“Pick them up,” the clerk 48.
“No,” the boy shouted back.
His older sister began picking up the 49. Then the boy started to 50. Before long, the boy, his sister and the clerk were 51 together to put the shoes back in 52.
When they finished, the girl taught the clerk a(n) 53 lesson with these words: “You have to encourage my brother to do it in action.”
If you live or work with other people, you may benefit from the older sister’s advice. If you want people to respond to you, try encouraging them in action. People prefer 54. When you fill people with what they want, you’re 55 to get what you want out of them.
A.howeverB.as C.sinceD.in spite of
A.defendB.fight C.leaveD.argue
A.Thus B.But C.PlusD.Since
A.less B.more C.half D.just
A.aroseB.contributed C.benefited D.suffered
A.boyB.girl C.clerkD.salesman
小题10:A. section B. direction       C. shelf             D. course
A.occasionB.stage C.situation D.point
A.demandedB.conflictedC.reminded D.arranged
A.expectedB.commentedC.shouted D.acquired
A.shoesB.books C.toys D.bottles
A.cryB.help C.complain D.worry
A.walkingB.organizing C.working D.assisting
A.processB.silenceC.detail D.order
A.giftB.stickC.honey D.tears



试题【Robert was a life insurance(人寿保险) salesman. Try 36 he might, he was still unable】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
Today, innovations(创新) to make our lives more eco-friendly can be found everywhere. There are energy-efficient automobiles, eco-friendly light bulbs, and clothes made by fashion designers using sustainable(可持续的) environmental practices. Industries around the world have also begun to take a serious look at how their operations affect the local and global environment.
The university of Colorado has been named one of the top green colleges and universities in the United States. This university was one of the first to start a student-led recycling program in the 1970s and today supplies students with reusable shopping bags to use both on and off campus. The entire University of Colorado also uses low flow water fixtures(设备) and has reduced water usage by 40 percent since 2002.
When it comes to going green, Warren Wilson College has been recognized in many places. The Sierra Club and The Princeton Review have named the college as one of America’s greenest colleges and universities, while the school has also received the Outstanding College Recycling Award from the Carolina Recycling Association, as well as awards from the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education(AASHE). For a small college, Warren Wilson has made enormous efforts to be an eco-friendly campus since its beginning, and today owns a campus farm, a seeding program, and an extensive recycling program. Warren Wilson was also the first College to have an LEED platinum certified(白金认证的) residence hall, and its building services department is also 100 percent GreenSeal certified. According to College Stats, Warren Wilson College is one of the first institutions in the United States to be almost completely self-sufficient(自给自足的) while also engaging students to incorporate sustainability into all academic programs.
Going green efforts at Oberlin College have not gone unnoticed. Oberlin College spends 22 percent of its food budget on buying food from local farmers, with most of the food raised or harvested with organic and sustainable practices. Oberlin has also stopped selling bottled water on campus and offers discounts to students who use their own storage containers when purchasing beverages and food items. Among Oberlin’s other eco-friendly accomplishments is a green graduation ceremony, which includes programs printed on 100 percent recycled paper.
小题1:The author writes the first paragraph mainly to tell us that ____.
A.we can find new ways to be eco-friendly
B.everyone is aware of being eco-friendly
C.industries are reducing their influence on the environment
D.American colleges and universities care much about environmental issues
小题2:What do we know about the University of Colorado?
A.Its recycling program is followed by other universities.
B.It produces reusable shopping bags by itself.
C.It uses special systems to save water.
D.It is the most eco-friendly university.
小题3:Which of the following about Warren Wilson College is TRUE?
A.The Princeton Review praised it for its teaching methods.
B.Its residence hall’s building material is platinum.
C.It owns a campus garden and a seeding program.
D.It sustains itself almost without help from others.
小题4:Students in Oberlin College can _____.
A.grow their own food on campus
B.pay less with their own containers
C.help the college make its food budget
D.recycle paper at their graduation ceremony
小题5:How is the text organized?
A.Main idea – Comparison.
B.Opinion – Discussion – Description
C.Introduction – Supporting examples.
D.Introduction – Explanation – Conclusion.

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What is language for? Some people seem to think it’s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words — the longer the lists, the better. That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange (交流) of ideas and information. It’s meaningless knowing all about a language if you can’t use it freely. Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they can ’t speak correctly or fluently(流利地). They are afraid of making mistakes. One shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. Native speakers make mistakes and break rules, too. Bernard Shaw once wrote, “Foreigners often speak English too correctly.” But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make. They are English mistakes in the English language. And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule. What used to be wrong becomes right. People not only make history, but they make language. But people can only make its own language. It can’t make another people’s language. So Chinese students of English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldn’t overdo it. They should put communication first.
小题1:Language is used to ________.
A.express oneselfB.practice grammar rules
C.talk with foreigners onlyD.learn lists of words
小题2: Generally, when an American or an Englishman speaks English, he ______.
A.never makes mistakesB.often makes mistakes
C.can’t avoid(避免)making mistakesD.always makes mistakes
小题3:“Foreigners often speak English too correctly.” The sentence means that ______.
A.foreigners speak correct English.
B.foreigners speak incorrect English.
C.foreigners speak English according to the grammar rules.
D.foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English.
小题4:If too many native speakers break a rule, ______.
A.what they will become rightB.they are against the law
C.they should say sorry to othersD.they will become heroes
小题5:When we speak a foreign language, we should _____.
A.speak in Chinese wayB.speak by the rules
C.speak to native speakersD.not be afraid of making mistakes

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Playing with toy blocks (积木) may lead to improved language development in young children, a new study reported.
Early childhood is an important period in the development of young minds. The newborn brain grows three times in size between birth and age 2. Scientists have said that certain activities during this important period may promote (促进) healthy development while others may hold it back, and development of memory and language may especially be helped by imaginative play.
After six months, language scores among half of the 175 children aged 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 who were sent plastic blocks were 15 percent higher than a matched group that did not receive the free blocks, according to the study by researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle.
Parents were given ideas about how to help their children play with the blocks, then were told to keep diaries of their children’s activities over four days. Finally, all the parents filled out questionnaires that judged their children’s vocabulary, grammar, and other language abilities. Study author Dimitri Christakis said unstructured play with blocks motivated children’s thinking, memory and physical skills at a time when a child’s brain is growing rapidly. “They are the foundation of thought and language,” he wrote of the skills learned from building blocks. “Older children begin to make up stories for these objects .”
Such play may also take the place of less helpful activities such as watching TV, he said, adding parents ought to have doubts about some toy-makers’ words. “An increasing number of media-based products are making ungrounded (无根据的) claims that they can make children smarter, more literate, and more musical,” Christakis said.
小题1:What can we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Parents should allow their children to play as long as they want.
B.The brains of kids develop very quickly before they are two years old.
C.Playing blocks can help children do well in sports at school.
D.Activities, like imaginative play, may delay the development of the brain.
小题2:According to the study, about ________ children’s language scores were 15 percent higher than those of children who didn’t play with blocks.
小题3:Building blocks helps kids gain language skills because _________.
A.young children always talk to themselves while building blocks
B.their parents can teach them when they are playing with blocks
C.their parents are given ideas on how to develop their brains
D.it can help them improve thinking, memory and physical skills
小题4:The aim of the passage is probably to _______.
A.raise the present level of children’s language ability
B.encourage parents to let their babies play with blocks
C.improve parents’ knowledge of raising children
D.encourage makers of blocks to develop more toys
小题5:We can infer from what Mr Christakis said that _____.
A.television will be definitely replaced by blocks
B.the market will be full of media-based toys
C.we can’t always believe what toy makers say
D.toy makers care about kids’ development very much

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Trees are useful to man in three important ways: They provide him with wood and other products; they provide him shade;. and they help to prevent droughts(早灾)and floods.
Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important.In his eagerness to make money from trees, he has cut them down in large numbers, only to find that without them he has lost the best friends he had. And besides, he is usually too careless to plant and look after new trees. So the forests slowly disappear.
This does not only mean that man will have fewer trees. The results are even more serious: for where there are trees, their roots break up soil allowing the rain to sink in and also bind(固定)the soil, thus preventing it from being washed away easily;but where there are no trees, the rain falls on hard ground and flows away, causing floods and carrying away the rich top-soil. When the top-soil is gone, nothing remains but worthless desert.
Two thousand years ago,a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire(帝国).It set up the empire, but, without its trees, its soil became poor and grew weak. When the empire fell to pieces, the home country found itself faced by floods and starvation(饥荒).
小题1:The most important service of trees to man is that___________.
A.they give them wood and other productsB.they give them shade
C.they help him prevent droughts and floodsD.they help him made money
小题2:In many parts of the world, forests slowly disappear because___________.
A.many trees have been cut down by manB.man has not paid enough attention to planting trees
C.new trees are not looked after properlyD.all the above
小题3:Land becomes desert after all trees are cut down because____________.
A.roots of trees break up the soilB.there are too many rainfalls
C.there are no larger trees to keep rain and protect the top-soilD.strong winds bring a lot of sand
小题4:The country mentioned in the passage suffered from floods and starvation  because________.
A.it set up an empireB.the empire fell to pieces
C.it built too many warshipsD.it lost its trees
小题5:Which title best fits the passage?
A.Trees and ManB.How Trees Prevent Droughts and Floods
C.How an Empire FellD.A Story about Trees.

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People live in different parts of the world and lead different types of lives. Their lifestyles change across the different areas in the world. What is the difference between a city and country life? Let us see.
We can see the modern facilities everywhere in the city like the Internet, telephone, television and satellite communication facilities are widely available in the city. A majority of families in the city are enjoying this technological advancement.
The increasing population has led to an imbalance in human population. More and more industries have led to environmental problems like pollution.
However, the rise in economic growth has resulted in a self-centered nature of society. While technological advancement has brought the world closer, human beings have gone far apart from each other.
The country is not crowded with constructions all over. Houses are rather widely spaced with enough room for fields and gardens. The country is the only area fortunate enough to house the greens. People in the country live in close to nature. Apart from people, there is room for pets and animals that help keep a balance in nature.
Due to a lesser number of people in the country, it is not overcrowded by people. These areas have least amounts of pollution. Pollution is less also because of very less number of industries in the country. The life may not be as enjoyable as that in the city, but the people there are generous, kind and friendly. The country is the one where humanity(人性) is still alive.
Every coin has two sides to it. While we can’t enjoy expensive things and technology in the country, it is rich in its relationship with ‘nature’. The city life is modern in technology and career opportunities. However, the falling humanity and a bad environmental balance affect the bright future of city life.
小题1:What’s the main purpose of the passage? _________.
A.To persuade more people to live in the country.
B.To inform us of some information about a better life.
C.To tell us differences between city life and country life.
D.To explain why people don’t want to live in the city.
小题2:Which of the following shows the right structure of the passage? __________.
①                   ①                                       ①
⑦                                           ⑦                ⑦
小题3: According to the passage, the main reason for pollution is ____________.
A.technology and economyB.population and industries
C.population and humanityD.industries and balance.
小题4:The underlined word in the fifth paragraph most probably refers to ___________.
A.green gasB.green buildingsC.green landsD.green animals
小题5:It can be inferred from the last paragraph that __________
A.it’s up to you whether to choose city life or country life.
B.both city life and country life have advantages and disadvantages.
C.more and more people will move to the country in the future.
D.the young prefer city life while the old choose country life.

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