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The Antarctic Icecap is the largest supply of fresh water,representing nearly 2%of the world’s total of fresh and salt water. As can be seen from the table below, the amount of water in our atmosphere is over 10 times as much as the water in all the rivers taken together. The fresh water actually available for human use in lakes and rivers and the accessible ground water amount to only about one-third of 1%of the world’s total water supply.
Surface area(sq mi)
Volume(cu mi)
Percentage of total
Salt water
The oceans
Inland    seas    and
saline lakes
Fresh water
Freshwater lakes
All rivers(average level)

Antarctic Icecap
Arctic Icecap and glaciers
0. 21
Water in the atmosphere
0. 001
Ground water within half
a mile from surface
a mile from surface

0. 31
Deep-lying ground water

0. 31
Total (rounded)

小题1:What’s the best title of this passage?
A.Fresh Water in the WorldB.Water Supply of the World
C.Salt Water of the EarthD.Protection of the Water in the World
小题2:It can be seen from the table______.
A.humans will have to use sea water in the future
B.there is enough fresh water for man to use
C.Water in the atmosphere is the least
D.the sea water takes up 98%of the water on earth
小题3:The fresh water that humans can use is _________.
A.about 1,086,700 cu miB.about 6,300,000 cu mi
C.about 680,000 cu miD.about 2,000,000 cu mi
小题4:Where does the majority of fresh water exists?
A.In Arctic Icecap and glaciers.B.In Deep ground.
C.In the Antarctic Icecap.D.In the atmosphere.
小题5:What are the two places where equal amount of fresh water is stored?
A.Freshwater lakes and all rivers(average level)
B.Antarctic Icecap and water in the atmosphere
C.Ground water within half a mile from surface and Deep-lying ground water.
D.Deep-lying ground water and Arctic Icecap and glaciers


小题1:B 主旨大意题。本文讲述了世界水资源的分布情况,以及淡水和海水的具体的百分比情况,故本文是关于世界水供应的话题,B项正确。
小题2:D 细节题。根据表格3,4行说明海里的海水和内陆湖泊的水一共占据了世界水资源的百分之98,故D项正确。
小题3:A 计算题。根据第一段最后2行The fresh water actually available for human use in lakes and rivers and the accessible ground water amount to only about one-third of 1%of the world’s total water说明可以饮用的淡水只占全世界水含量的one-third of 1%而全世界水含量是326,000,000,故大约有1,086,700。A项正确。
小题4:C 细节题。根据文章1,2行The Antarctic Icecap is the largest supply of fresh water,representing nearly 2%of the world’s total of fresh and salt water说明The Antarctic Icecap才是最大的淡水存在的地方,故C正确。
小题5:C 细节题。根据表格倒数2,3行的Ground water within half a mile from surface and Deep-lying ground water.的水量基本相同,故C项正确。
试题【The Antarctic Icecap is the largest supply of fresh water,representing nearly 2%】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
“China is expected to complete its first exploration (探索) of the moon in 2010 and will found a moon base just as we did on the North and South Poles,” Ouyang Ziyuan, head of China"s moon exploration program, promised during national science and technology week.
After its first man in space, China plans a space laboratory, a lunar orbiter to look for valuable elements and minerals, robot landings on the moon and then the human touchdown.
The price of space exploration is enormous. Russia and the US, the only two countries to have achieved manned flight, are struggling to keep their new investment, the international space station.
But China, which has a long tradition in physics, mathematics and engineering, finds its doctoral graduates welcomed in the US and Europe for decades. And it has been able to learn from 40 years of pioneering successes and mistakes by the USSR and the USA.
Space flight is a gamble and the stakes (赌注) are high. If successful, China could become a member of the world"s most exclusive club, set up a second home on the moon and get a powerful hand at the strategic bargaining table.
Two designers from the Shenzhou III project said that 12 astronauts now are undergoing intensive training. One more unmanned space flight is planned before the first manned launch.
Experts say that the Shenzhou spacecraft already provides China with a space vehicle capable of mounting(发起)a lunar program. Chinese scientists have also predicted that Mars will be the next target after the moon.
小题1:According to Ouyang Ziyuan ________.
A.China has founded a base on the moon
B.China has founded one base on the North and South Poles
C.China will set up a base on the moon in 2010
D.China has already finished founding a moon base
小题2:The underlined word “touchdown” in the second paragraph means “________”.
A.landingB.relation C.connectionD.behaviour
小题3:Which one of the following is NOT right according to this passage?
A.A second home is going to be built on the moon in 2010.
B.China"s first man has landed the moon in space.
C.People from only two countries have been to the moon till now.
D.Twelve Chinese astronauts are being trained for the manned flight to the moon.
小题4:We think that the Chinese astronaut will succeed in landing the moon in 2010 because ________.
A.China will ask for help from the USSR and the USA
B.two countries have set up a space station on the moon
C.China has a large population in the world
D.China has its tradition technology and advanced scientists
小题5:We can infer from this passage that               .
A.China’s robot landing in the moon has been successful
B.the USSR and the USA don’t allow Chinese people to land on the moon
C.Chinese scientists show great interest in exploring Mars now
D.it is impossible for the Chinese people to land on the moon

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
A.Structure of a hurricane
B.Preparing for a Hurricane
C. How Hurricanes Move
D. How Hurricanes start
E. Hurricane Names
F. Hurricane Damage
Hurricanes are gigantic tropical storms that can be hundreds of kilometers wide. They bring along very strong winds and a lot of rainfall. They often cause flooding near the coasts and sea levels rise.
1. __________________________
Hurricanes are born over tropical oceans, usually during late summer and early autumn. They need two things to get them started: heat and moist air. During the summer the ocean surface heats up and warm moist air starts to rise. Cool air sinks down to replace it. This creates an area of low pressure. The rotation of the earth creates winds around the center of such a low-pressure area. In the northern hemisphere the air moves counter clockwise, in the southern part clockwise. Such a system is called a cyclone. When warm air rises, it cools and creates clouds. Soon, thunderstorms form and it starts to rain.
All hurricanes begin as cyclones but not all cyclones become storms or hurricanes. Some die out a few days after they start. They don’t have enough energy to become a hurricane. When winds are stronger than 119 km an hour a storm officially becomes a hurricane.
2. __________________________
The center of a hurricane is called the eye, a calm area with little rainfall. It is about 30 to 50 km wide. Inside the eye the sea can rise up to one meter because the air moves up. The eye wall is around the eye. This is an area of thunderstorms, rain and the strongest winds—up to 300 km an hour. Then come long bands of rain clouds that are curved towards the center of the hurricane.
3. __________________________
In the northern hemisphere hurricanes normally move in a westward direction and then they turn north and northeast. Their path takes them away from the warm tropical water of the equator. When hurricanes move over colder water or over land they lose a lot of their energy. They slow down and as time goes on, they disappear. In the southern hemisphere their path leads them to the south and southeast.
4. __________________________
When a tropical storm forms over the Caribbean Sea it gets a name. Every year the first storm of the season is given a name that starts with the letter A, the second storm gets a name starting with B and so on. Years ago only women’ s names were used for tropical storms. Today male and female names alternate –for example, the first storm is named Alexandra, the second one Billy, then Catherine etc. Each year new names are used so that you can connect a storm to a certain year.
5. __________________________
Hurricanes are causing more and more damage throughout the Gulf Region, mainly because the population is constantly growing. Many things can be done to protect yourself and your property during a hurricane: Keep emergency supplies of food and water; keep a battery-powered radio ready in case the power goes out. Listen to the instructions you get; keep the gas tank of your car full, in case you have to leave quickly; protect your house by nailing plywood over the windows and doors. Tie down loose objects; find out which roads are best to take you away from the storm; leave your house as soon as you are ordered to evacuate, etc.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Never give out identifying information such as Name, Home Address, School name, or Telephone Number in a public message such as at a chat room or on bulletin bards. Never send a person a picture of you without first checking with your parents or guardian.
● Never respond to messages or bulletin board items that are: Suggestive / Obscene / Belligerent / Threatening / Make You Feel Uncomfortable.
● Be careful when someone offers you something for nothing, such as gifts and money. Be very careful about any offers that involve your coming to a meeting or having someone visit your house.
● Tell your parents or guardian right away if you come across any information that makes you feel uncomfortable.
● Never arrange a face-to-face meeting without telling your parents or guardian. If your parents or guardian agree to the meeting, make sure that you meet in a public place and have a parent or guardian with you.
● Remember that people online may not be who they seem. Because you can’t see or even hear the person, it would be easy for someone to misrepresent him or herself. Thus, someone indicating that“she”is a“12-year-old-girl”could in reality be an older man.
● Be sure that you are dealing with someone that you and your parents know and trust before giving out any personal information about yourself via E-mail.
● Get to know your“online friends”just as you get to know all of your other friends.
小题1:We can infer from the passage that            .
A.it is not safe to surf the internet
B.people now are no longer honest
C.we can chat with unfamiliar people online
D.people online are not who they are
小题2:Which of the following is right according to the passage?
A.People online never tell their friends their real names.
B.You can often get something free from the internet.
C.Your friends online may want to meet you.
D.Online friends are not friends at all.
小题3:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.How to surf the internet.
B.Kids shouldn’t surf the internet.
C.How to choose online friends.
D.How to protect yourselves online.

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
In some countries in which there is very little rain at any time, the farmers have to irrigate their fields. Irrigation is easy enough if there is a great river near the crops, and if there is plenty of water in it. Canals carry the river water to the fields when necessary. In some seasons there may be too much water in the river, and the water may flood all the land near it. At other times the river water may not be enough for all the farmers, and then it will be difficult to irrigate the fields.
To prevent these difficulties, a dam may be built across the river. This will store water for dry seasons, and in wet seasons it will prevent the flooding of the land. A great lake will, no doubt, be formed behind the dam, and this may mean that houses and fields will be covered with water. Most people will accept that and will be ready to move to other places. Then the country can have the right amount of water at all times; more crops will be grown, there will be more food for everyone, and there will be no more floods.
Dams have been built for centuries in different parts of the world. Modern dame are usually built of concrete(混凝土)but earth dams were used in India and Sri Lanka about 2500 years ago. There was another across the River Tigris very long ago, and large numbers of irrigation canals were made in Iraq to irrigate the land. The Romans were great dam-builders and there was also a famous dam at Ma’ rubin Arabia.
We cannot use sea water for irrigation; the salt will not allow the crops to grow. Fresh water is always needed, and it is very difficult and costly to make fresh water from sea water. This is done in a few countries, but the fresh water is for drinking. There is not enough at present for irrigation. Perhaps a scientist will one day invent a cheaper way of producing fresh water from the sea.
小题1:The first paragraph mainly talks about         .
A.the problems caused by river water
B.the necessity to irrigate the field
C.the water shortage in some countries
D.the canals carrying water to fields
小题2:A dam is usually built         .
A.to cover the houses and fields
B.for people to have the right amount of water at all times
C.to grow crops better
D.to form a large lake
小题3:The underlined word“that”means        .
A.a dam will be built across the river
B.a dam will store water for dry seasons
C.in wet seasons a dam will prevent the flooding of the land
D.houses and fields will be covered will water
小题4:The third paragraph suggests that        .
A.modern dams are made of concrete
B.Romans once built many great dams
C.there was too much water in 1rap in the past
D.modern dams are better than early dams

题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
Throughout seafaring history, ships and sailors have been lost to storms, accidents and war. Until recently, most of these ships were weak wooden sailing vessel (船只), their skeletons(骨架) quickly eaten away by sea creatures. Now, large vessels made of steel float on the seas. Thousands of these huge ships have been lost in times of war and in times of peace.
The bones of great metal ships, unlike the wooden vessels of old, survive the destruction of the sea long enough to become home and harbor for underwater life of all kinds. Shipwrecks(残骸) often provide the only hard surface and structure at the sandy bottom of the sea, something many sea creatures need.
The ship has been underwater for only five days. Its surface is still clean. Six weeks later, the wreck is covered with a slimy layer of algae(海藻), but it is still recognizable as a ship. Soon, animals that need to attach themselves to a hard surface, like the feather duster worms, make the wreck their home.
In warm waters, coral polyps(珊瑚虫) settle on the wreck and begin the process of building a rock-like crust on the ship. Small fish are attracted on all of these creatures. Larger fish come to feed on these small fish that hide in the wreckage. Eventually, the largest animals are attracted to the rich life on the shipwreck.
Shipwrecks give us valuable information about how sea plants and animals develop. We know exactly how long this wreck has been under water and how long sea life has been growing on it. Yet even the strongest steel shipwreck will finally be destroyed by the flows of water. But long after this wreck has been broken apart, it will still act as a reef (礁石). Layer upon layer of sea life has formed a structure that is now more natural than artificial, and will remain an island of life under the sea.
小题1:Which of the following is NOT TRUE about shipwrecks?
A.Most ships in ancient times sank easily and become shipwrecks.
B.Shipwrecks, for scientists, are worth researching to get valuable information.
C.The skeletons of old wooden shipwrecks will exist for quite a long time.
D.Some sea animals tend to seek food on the shipwrecks.
小题2:The writer’s purpose in writing the article is to tell us_____.
A.the differences between the ancient vessels and the modern ones
B.how the ships become shipwrecks at sea
C.how coral polyps live on the wreck in warm waters
D.the value of studying shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea
小题3:Which of the following is closer to the underlined “crust”?
A.a hard outer coveringB.the skin of a rock
C.a hole in a shipD.a small house
小题4:What will happen to shipwrecks in the end?
A.They will be pulled out of the sea for research.
B.They are likely to disappear and form reefs.
C.They will become an island under the sea.
D.They will be like works of art.

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