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In order to know a foreign language completely, four things are necessary. First, we must understand the language when we hear it spoken. Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly with confidence  and without hesitation (犹豫). Thirdly, we must be able to write it. We must be able to make sentences that are correct in grammar. There is no short way to succeed in language learning. A good memory is a great help, but it is not enough only to memorize the rules from a grammar book. It is no much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. We must learn by using the language. If we are pleased with a few rules we have memorized, we are not really learning the language. We must “Learn through use”. Practice is important. We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.
小题1:The most important things to learn a foreign language are         .
A.understanding and speaking
B.hearing, speaking, reading and writing
C.writing and understanding
D.memorizing and listening
小题2:Someone hears and writes English very well, but he speaks it very badly. This is because     .
A.he doesn’t understand the language when he hears it spoken
B.he doesn’t have a good memory
C.he always remember lists of words and their meanings
D.he often hesitates to practise speaking it
小题3:One can never learn a foreign language well only by         .
A.much practiceB.studying the dictionary
C.learning through useD.using the language
小题4:Which of the following is the most important in learning a foreign language?
A.A good memory.B.Speaking.
小题5:“Learn through use” means      .
A.we use a language in order to learn it
B.we learn foreign language in order to use it
C.we can learn a language well while we are using it
D.both B and C



小题2:推理题:从文章的句子:Secondly, we must be able to speak it ourselves, correctly with confidence  and without hesitation (犹豫).可知会写会读还不行,还要毫不犹豫的说出来,选D
小题3:细节题:从文章的句子:It is no much use learning by heart long lists of words and their meanings, studying the dictionary and so on. 可知光学习字典是没有用的,选B
小题4:细节题:从文章的句子:Practice is important. We must practise speaking and writing the language whenever we can.可知在学习英语时,最重要的还是“练”(practice),古语说,熟能生巧(Practice makes perfect),故选C。
小题5:细节题:从文章的句子:We must learn by using the language 可知“在用中学”,文章强调练习的重要性。A项颠倒了学与用的关系,B项虽对,却不合题意。选C
试题【In order to know a foreign language completely, four things are necessary. First】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
The ozone layer(臭氧层) is a thin layer of gas around the earth. It forms a special “blanket” around the planet. This “blanket” protects the earth from dangerous rays produced by the sun. Without the ozone layer, the earth’s climate could warm to dangerous levels. This increase in temperature would threaten our survival. Scientists recently have discovered a hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctica. Now there is great concern that this warning has started, endangering all life on the earth.
What has destroyed part of the ozone layer? Scientists do not know for sure. They suspect that our popular spray cans (喷漆罐) have played a part in the damage. Many spray cans contain dangerous gases. These gases might have destroyed the ozone layer fifteen miles above the earth’s surface, The chemicals used in refrigerators (冰箱) and air conditioners may contribute to the problem, too.
Many scientists believe that the destruction of the ozone layer is a serious problem for people everywhere. Global warming could change weather patterns around the world. Farmers and ranchers(牧场主) could find it more and more difficult to produce enough food for the earth’s people. If more of the sun’s dangerous rays reached the earth, there also could be an increase in skin cancers. Some skin cancers might cause people to die. Although some scientists do not believe there is a serious danger, obviously no one wants to take any chance on such a possibility.
Can scientists repair the hole in the ozone layer? They really don’t know the answer to that question. Can people do anything to save the ozone layer that the earth still has? Scientists stress the need to limit the use of spray cans and other items that contain the dangerous gases. This will not be an easy task. People all over the world use these items. Solving the problem certainly will require commitment and cooperation from everyone.
小题1:The ozone layer exists to _____.
A.warm the earth to a proper level for life
B.protect the earth from dangerous sun rays
C.make all life on the earth in a dangerous situation
D.prevent human beings from being harmed from the earth
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Scientists aren’t sure what has destroyed part of the ozone layer.
B.Scientists recently have discovered a hole in the Antarctica.
C.Scientists prove that spray cans have destroyed part of the ozone layer.
D.Global warming doesn’t affect weather patterns around the world.
小题3: The following may do harm to the ozone layer EXCEPT ______.
A.spray cansB.refrigeratorsC.ranchersD.air conditioners
小题4: Saving the ozone layer needs everyone’s effort because _____.
A.scientists are badly in need of others’ help
B.items containing dangerous gases should be forbidden
C.scientists can’t afford so much money to take measures
D.people all over the world use items containing dangerous gases

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Speaking in any language is all about imitating (模仿) other people. You want to be able to speak like native speakers do. Before you can form your own correct sentences, you first need to see lots of similar ones in the language you are learning.
When you speak in your native language, you don"t have to think about the grammar or the words you use. Correct sentences just come to you. In fact, your brain uses sentences you"ve already seen or heard. If you want to speak a foreign language fluently, you have to learn it the way you learned your native language--- by massive(大量的) input.
Reading and listening will help you develop language intuition(直觉). It"s all about putting lots of correct sentences in your head. Then your brain can imitate them, producing similar sentences to express the meaning you want. When you read and listen a lot, paying attention to useful vocabulary, you will soon start to use new words and phrases in your speaking and writing, and you will develop language intuition. You will start to feel what sounds good and what sounds bad --- just as you do in your native language.
It may seem like you need more time to learn a language by reading and listening, as opposed (相反的)to learning based on grammar rules. For example, to get a good feeling for the use of articles in English you need to read lots of sentences, analyzing them closely. Wouldn"t it be easier to read a unit on articles in a grammar book? Well, the problem is that it takes lots of time to build a sentence when you have to think of grammar rules. When you talk to someone, you don"t have time for that. The input-based approach may seem to be more demanding, but it"s the only way to achieve fluency.
小题1:According to the passage, if you want to speak a foreign language like a native speaker, you must_________.
A.learn grammar very well
B.input many sentences in your head
C.read many books in the foreign language
D.write many compositions
小题2:Which of the following sentences can explain the meaning of language intuition?
A.Ability to understand a foreign language
B.Ability to use a foreign language without thinking about it
C.Ability to speak a foreign language
D.Ability to imitate a native speaker
小题3: In the author’s view, what plays an important role in developing language intuition?
A.Listening and Reading
B.Writing and Listening
C.Reading and Translating
D.Listening and Translating
小题4: According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.You can speak your native language without think about grammar
B.Before you can speak your native you must hear millions of sentences
C.The input-based approach is the only way to speak a language fluently
D.Grammar is no use at all

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Beautiful cars surrounded by even more beautiful models--it’s no secret why the 2012Beijing Auto Show was popular.
The exhibition was held between April 23 and May 2. Although renowned companies showed off their top models, it wasn’t just their expensive sports cars that grabbed people’s attention.
Concept cars are a way for designers to test out their ideas on the public with complete freedom. They can try out cars with special features that could not be massively(批量) produced easily.
Designers don’t have to follow industry rules;they don’t even need to worry about whether their cars would be fllowed on the roads.
At the Beijing Auto Show,the@Ant by Chery was one concept car to draw a lot of attention.China Daily called it‘‘the very definition of a concept car”.
The vehicle is powered by electricity and is capable of driving itself.But the magic doesn’t end there.
The@Ant was inspired by actual ants.According to Car News China,with the help of automated telemetric systems,@Ants are able to“see” other@Ants and compare  destination information. If two are heading the same way for a while, the vehicles connect, with one car’s rear (后面的)wheels matching up with the front wheels of another car.Up to 10@Ants can be put together and will automatically connect to form a“train".This  will help save energy while traveling, as well reducing traffic jams.
The car sounds like a great idea.Further research will be needed to turn this concept  car into something for the market,but concepts like Chery’s  show how carmakers are  working for cleaner and greener vehicles.It’s like what the@Ant motto says,“Exploring future human beings’lifestyles”.
小题1:The concept car is getting popular because         .
A.it looks like an ant
B.it is beautifully designed
C.it is exhibited as a top model
D.it conveys a new idea for the future
小题2:How can the@Ants help save energy while travelling according to the passage?
A.By connecting each other and running together.
B.By driving themselves without man’s control.
C.By comparing their destination information.
D.By reducing traffic jams on the roads.
小题3:What the designers of the concept car need to do at the Auto Show is         .
A.to test the safety of the concept car
B.to follow the rules in the car industry
C.to show their unique idea of complete freedom
D.to see if concept cars can be massively produced
小题4:The best title of the passage is         .
A.Concept Cars Are Driving to the Future
B.The@Ant Draws a Lot of Attention
C.The@Ant Is a Top Model of Concept Cars
D.Concept Cars Are Cleaner and Greener

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Scientists are developing a new kind of machine to take the place of humans. These machines can do jobs in places that are too dangerous for humans. For example, they are being developed to work in nuclear power center, deep under the oceans and in outer space.
John Marrit, a psychologist(心理学家) in Williamsburg Massachusetts, helped develop the new machine. This is how they work. A machine is placed in an area far away from the person who operates it. The person wears special hard hat with television screens and sound equipment. The screens and sound equipment let the person see and hear exactly what the machine is seeing and hearing. Mr. Marrit says this gives the person the feeling of being in the same place as the machine. The idea, he says, is being there without going there. The person uses an electronic control to make the machine move. The machine copies the person’s movements exactly. If the person raises his right arm, the machine raises the right arm, too. This means an expert can do a dangerous job while staying in the safe place. For example, a person can direct the machine to destroy a bomb without going near the bomb himself.
小题1:The new kind of machine being introduced in the passage is _______.
A.in existenceB.only an idea
C.being tried outD.being researched and developed
小题2:The machine _______.
A.follows the person’s order
B.is controlled by a computer
C.does exactly what the person does
D.is controlled by a television on the person’s head
小题3:The difference between such a new machine and a robot is that _______.
A.the new machine is more difficult to make than a robot
B.the new machine is more difficult to be controlled
C.a robot is controlled by man indirectly
D.a robot can’t be used in places too dangerous or faraway

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Australian scientists are trying to give kangaroo-style stomachs to cattle and sheep in order to cut the greenhouse gases they send out,which is thought to be responsible for global warming.
Thanks to special bacteria in the stomachs,kangaroo flatulence(肠胃气胀)contains no methane(甲烷)and scientists want to transfer that bacteria to cattle and sheep which produce large quantities of the harmful gas.
While the usual image of greenhouse gas pollution is a huge factory chimney pushing out carbon dioxide,farm animals’ passing wind contributes to a surprisingly high percentage of total emission(排放物)in some countries.
“Fourteen percent of emissions from all sources in Australia is from methane from cattle and sheep,’’said Athol Klieve,a senior research scientist with the Queensland state government.
“And if you look at another country such as New Zealand,which has got a much higher agricultural base,they are actually up around 50 percent,”he said.
Researchers say the bacteria also make the digestive process much more efficient and could potentially save millions of dollars in feed costs for farmers.
But it will take researchers at least three years to isolate the bacteria before they can even start to develop a way of transferring it to cattle and sheep.
Another group of scientists,meanwhile,has suggested Australians should farm fewer cattle and sheep and just eat more kangaroos.And about twenty percent of health-conscious Australians are believed to eat the national symbol already.
“It’s low in fat,it’s got high protein levels and it’s very clean in the sense that basically it’s the free-range(放养的)animal,”said Peter Ampt of the University of New South Wales’s institute of environmental studies.
小题1:The passage mainly talks about ________.
A.a better way to prevent air pollution
B.the danger of methane from farm animals
C.possible solutions to protecting environment
D.a recent research on global warming
小题2: Scientists intend to put the bacteria into cattle and sheep in order to ________.
A.prevent them from sending out harmful gases
B.promote Australian farming
C.protect Australian ecosystem
D.make the most of the special bacteria
小题3:Another possible solution to the problem is ________.
A.to reduce the number of animals raised on farms
B.to eat more kangaroos rather than keep more sheep and cattle
C.to eat more plants rather than beef and mutton
D.to grow more trees to absorb carbon dioxide
小题4:From the passage we learn that ________.
A.it is easy to transfer the bacteria to cattle and sheep
B.farm animals are to blame for global warming in some countries
C.cattle and sheep produce more methane than kangaroos
D.less cattle and sheep are raised in New Zealand

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