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Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources, as well as one of the oldest. Evidence shows that windmills(风车) began to be used in ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC. They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power.
For many centuries, people used windmills to grind(碾碎) wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground. When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radios. However, by the 1940s when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used.
During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher cost. Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind.
小题1:From the text we know that windmills________.
A.were invented by European armies
B.have a history of more than 2,800 years
C.used to supply power to radio in remote areas
D.have rarely been used since electricity was discovered
小题2:What was a new use for wind power in the late 19th century?
A.Sailing a boat.
B.Producing electricity.
C.Grinding wheat into flour.
D.Pumping water from underground.
小题3:One of the reasons wind was rediscovered in the 1970s is that_______.
A.wind power is cleaner
B.it is one of the oldest power sources.
C.it was cheaper to create energy from wind
D.the supply of coal and gas failed to meet needs
小题4:What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?
A.The advantages of wind power.
B.The design of wind power plants.
C.The worldwide movement to save energy.
D.The global trend towards producing power from wind.



小题1:.C 细节题。根据文章第二段2,3行When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radios.可知偏远地区的人使用风力发电来使用收音机。故C正确。
小题2:.B 细节题。根据文章第二段第2行. When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity.可知在90年代晚期,人民使用风力来发电。故B正确。
小题3:.A 推理题。根据文章最后一段During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher cost.可知煤炭和石油会带来污染,所以人民开始使用风力发电的原因是因为风力是清洁能源。故A正确。
小题4:.D 推理题。根据文章最后一段可知人民开始使用风力来发电。那么接下来就应该讨论就应该是全球的趋势。故D正确。
试题【 Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
A warm blanket is the ideal sleep aid for a freezing winter night. The right blanket can warm your bones but the wrong one can affect your sleep. I asked experts for advice on picking the perfect blanket for a good night’s sleep. Here’s what they told me.
When it comes to sleep temperature, experts recommend following the principle: not too cold, not too hot, but just right. “People seem to sleep best at temperature between 62 and 70 degrees F,” says Dr. Alice Hoagland. When the surrounding temperature falls too low, it can rouse you from sleep. A good blanket helps drive the coldness away.
At the other extreme, overheating yourself can affect your sleep as well. “Core body temperature typically drops during the first four hour’s of sleep,” says Dr. Hoagland. This decline in body temperature helps you fall asleep and stay asleep.
“In medical care, weighted blankets are one of our most powerful tools for helping people who are anxious, upset, and possibly losing control,” says Dr. Karen Moore. These special blankets are filled with weighted pellets. Weighted blankets are also marketed for general use as an aid to sleep and relaxation. Like a firm hug, weighted blankets help us feel safe.” This is the reason why many people like to sleep under a blanket even in summer.
“If you want to try this type of blanket, the best weight depends on your body size and personal preference. However, 15 to 30 pounds is typical for adults,” Moor says. She adds that weighted blankets are not recommended for those recovering from surgery.
“People can also have serious preferences for a particular blanket,” says Dr. Hoagland. “Regularly using a favorite blanket for sleep can help to develop a conditioned response so that sleep is quicker.” In fact, many sleep centers ask patients to bring their own blanket and pillow from home, which helps them fall asleep more easily.
小题1:The author wrote the passage mainly to tell us _____.
A.the importance of blankets
B.how to choose the perfect blanket
C.different materials used to make blankets
D.the history and usage of blankets
小题2:The underlined word “rouse” in Paragraph 2 is the closest in meaning to “______”.
A.wake upB.take upC.make upD.pick up
小题3:What do we know from the passage?
A.Body temperature rises when we fall asleep
B.The perfect sleep temperature should be above 70 degrees F.
C.Weighted blankets should be at least 30 pounds.
D.People are advised to use their own blankets.

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How to be Prepared
Electricity, water, gas and telephone may not be working after an earthquake. The police and fire department are likely to be tied up. You should be prepared to take care of yourself for at least three days, preferably for a week.
This list can also be applied to other disasters, such as floods or wildfires.
1. food and water (a gallon a day per person)
2. a first aid kit
3. a fire extinguisher suitable for all types of fires
4. flashlights, a portable radio extra batteries
5. blankets, clothes, shoes and money (ATMs may not work)
6. baby and pet food
It’s also a good idea to decide beforehand how and where your family will reunite if separated during a quake and to conduct in-home practice drills.
During an Earthquake
If you are indoors, stay there. Get under and hold onto a desk or table, or stand against an interior wall. Stay away from exterior walls, glass, heavy furniture, and stay away from windows and outside walls and do not use the elevator.
If you are outside, get into the open, stay into the open, stay away from buildings, power lines or anything else that could fall on you.
If you are driving, move the car out of traffic and stop, avoid parking under or on bridges or overpasses, Try to get clear of trees, light posts, signs and power lines.
If you are in a crowded public place, avoid panicking and do not rush for the exit. Stay low and cover your head and neck with your hands and arms.
After an Earthquake
If the phone is working, only use it in case of emergency. Likewise, avoid driving if possible to keep the streets clear for emergency vehicles.
Be aware that items may fall out of cupboards or closets when the door is opened, and also that chimneys can be weakened and fall with touch. Check for cracks and damage to the roof and foundation of your home.
Listen to the radio for important information and instructions. Remember that aftershocks, sometimes large enough to cause damage in their own right, generally follow large quakes.
If you leave home, leave a message telling friends and family your location.
小题1:Which of the following items is unnecessary to prepare before an earthquake?
小题2:When an earthquake comes,you should ______. 
小题3:When an earthquake is over,you should______. 
小题4:Which of the following sentences is true according to the passage? 
小题5:What does the underlined word “aftershock ” mean? 

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Pollutants coming from automobile operation have begun to cause many environmental problems. It has been calculated, for example, that 70% of the carbon monoxide(一氧化碳), 45% of the nitrogen oxides(氮氧化合物), and 34% of the hydrocarbon (碳氢化合物) pollution in the United States can be traced directly to automobile exhausts (废气). In addition, rubber, motor oil and other materials accumulate on roadways and are washed into streams, with effects nearly as serious as those of untreated waste water.
In an effort to improve the situation, the U.S. government has made regulations on the use of the constituents (成分) of automobile exhaust gas that are known to cause air pollution. These constituents fall roughly into three types: hydrocarbons that pass through the engine unburned; carbon monoxide, also a product of incomplete burning; and nitrogen oxides which are formed when nitrogen and oxygen are in contact at high temperatures. Besides their own poisonous character, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides react in the presence of sunlight to form harmful smog. Carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons are rather easily controlled by the use of higher burning temperatures in engines. Unfortunately, the conditions that produce minimum emission of hydrocarbons tend to raise emission of nitrogen oxides. In a way this difficulty is solved by adding recycled exhaust gas to the fuel mixture, thus avoiding the oversupply of oxygen that favors formation of nitrogen oxides.
California, which has the most strict air-pollution laws in the United States, requires further special compounding of gas to control emissions, and several states have ordered that alcohol be mixed with gas, as this will reduce emissions of the carbon monoxide by 35 per cent and the hydrocarbons by 15 per cent.
小题1:The author uses figures in Paragraph 1 ________.
A.to reflect the rapid growth of automobile use
B.to highlight the importance of environment protection
C.to show the consequence of automobile exhausts
D.to criticize the low quality of cars
小题2:How are nitrogen oxides formed according to the text?
A.Nitrogen and oxygen are put together in great heat.
B.Carbon monoxide and oxygen are mixed together.
C.Hydrocarbons pass through the engine.
D.Nitrogen is burned incompletely.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT true according to the text?
A.Carbon monoxide can be controlled in the engine.
B.Smog will form when hydrocarbons meet nitrogen oxides in the sunlight.
C.Hydrocarbons have no poisonous character themselves.
D.The conditions that decease emission of hydrocarbons will increase emission of nitrogen oxides.
小题4:According to the text, alcohol is added to gas in order to ______.
A.increase awareness of environment protection
B.control air pollution
C.increase the fuel efficiency
D.replace gas gradually

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Nickname (昵称): Hawaii’s Island of Adventure.
Size: 4,028 square miles.
Population: 148,677. The most heavily populated areas are Hilo on the east side and     Kailua-Kona on the west.
Temperature: Averages between 71℉ and 77 ℉ year around —expect the mercury ( 水银柱) to drop at higher Heights.
Beaches: 47  Golf Courts: 20   Highest Peak: Mauna Kea, 13,796 feet.
Agriculture: The bulk (主体) of Hawaii’s farming products are grown and processed on the Big
Island, including coffee, macadamia nuts and papaya.
Lodging: 9,655 rooms in total; nightly rates range from $ 35 to $ 5,000.
Airports: Hilo International Airport on the east side and Kona International Airport on the west
Rental Cars: All of the nationally known rental car companies have locations at Hilo  International and Kona International Airports as well as many resorts. In addition, Hilo, Kona and the major resort areas are serviced by taxis.
Resources: Call (800) 648-2441 to order a video, a poster, brochures and maps from the Big Island Visitors Bureau. Turn to www. Bigisland. org for updated information.
Shopping: The largest shopping centers are in Hilo, Kona, Waimea and the Kona Coast.
小题1:_____ are mostly interested in reading the passage.
小题2:The average population per square mile on the island is about _____.
小题3:The underlined part “expect the mercury to drop at higher heights” means _____.
A.Things are easy to lose weight at higher places
B.Dropping things from higher places is expected
C.Temperature is expected to be lower at higher places
D.Temperature is expected to be higher at higher places

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For the people living in the Nile Basin, the river is their life.This 6,825 km waterway, whose watershed(流域)covers three million square kilometers, flows through mountains ,woodlands, lakes and deserts.Its potential for fishing, tourism and shipping is great—but so are its challenges. 
Water shortage , already serious in Egypt and Sudan , will soon influence several other countries in the watershed as well.Today, about 160 million people depend on the Nile River for their living.Within the next 25 yeas ,the district"s population is expected to double, adding to the demand brought about by growth in industry and agriculture.The frequent drought(干旱)adds to the urgency.
Water quality is also a problem.Precious soil is washed out to sea.Wastes from industry and agriculture create pollution.Higher concentrations of salt influence irrigated soils.Water-borne diseases continue unchecked.In areas where it"s hot and damp, water hyacinths choke off(阻止) lakes, dams and other sections of the river, making it difficult for fishing and other businesses to move forward.
Native people along the narrow area of farmland have watched the sand move closer day by day.They’ve seen the river change course, and their only source(来源) of water thickened with mud.They’re very poor and have few choices.
But a new program, the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), is offering very practical assistance.The program is more than just a water-management project.It’s a plan for the social and economic development of a vast district: it concentrates on the needs of the poorest of the poor and the environment that supports them.
These are whole ecosystem problems, calling for united solutions.Half the Nile Basin"s countries are among the world"s poorest nations;yet, somehow, they must find the resources, skills and political will to overcome these challenges.
小题1:What are the great challenges the Nile Basin faces?    
A.The development of shipping industry.
B.Over fishing of native people.
C.Water shortage and water quality.
D.Increasing population and tourism.
小题2:The underlined word “hyacinths” (in Paragraph 3) refer to “        ”.      
小题3:The program NBI is mainly aimed at           .                 
A.preventing water pollution
B.improving living condition of the poor
C.changing the river course
D.preventing land from becoming desert
A.People’s Life in Egypt and Sudan
B.Frequent Drought in Egypt and Sudan
C.The Poorest Countries in the Nile Basin
D.The Ecosystem Problems in the Nile Basin

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