当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     A good cell phone policy should be a required part of any company. It ...
阅读理解。     A good cell phone policy should be a required part of any company. It not only covers
liability (法律责任) issues, but also covers many other legal and financial challenges that
might cause you problems. For instance, there is an IRS guideline that requires company
cell phones to be used only for business purposes. Personal use of these devices is
considered as a taxable benefit, which can be considered as part of your income and
therefore must be included in the income to be declared for tax.
     Then how to make a good cell phone policy? Here are some tips for you to follow.
     Make sure there are provisions (条款) in your cell phone policy for business and personal
use. You must make it clear what is allowed and what is not. A good Cell phone policy should
clearly show your managers and employees the company-wide rules for cell phone usage. This
will avoid some managers making their own decisions.
     Employees should understand that cell phones are controlled not by them, but by a company
authorized (公司批准的) employee who is the only person authorized to order devices, assign
plans, manage devices and the like. This will prohibit employees from ordering whatever services
they want.
     Another mobile device issue is liability for damage (赔偿责任). A good cell phone policy also
states responsibility for lost or damaged phones and how to report problems. This will prevent
confusion and help keep costs under control.
     Once you have a company cell phone policy in place, make sure you read and discuss it
thoroughly with all of your employees. Have them sign the policy to ensure that they understand
the information contained within. Be sure to provide employees with a copy of the policy. This
will help reduce your company"s liability for any legal issue that may arise.1. According to the IRS guideline, an employee will ______.A. pay more tax if he doesn"t use a company cell phone
B. pay more tax if he uses a company cell phone for business purposes
C. pay less tax if he uses a company cell phone for personal purposes
D. pay more tax if he uses a company cell phone for personal purposes2. A company cell phone policy should ______.A. allow some managers to make their own decisions
B. be discussed and signed by all the employees of the company
C. be provided for employees in copies to make sure they understand it
D. prohibit employees from ordering any kind of service they want3. Which of the following is the best title of this passage?A. Why a company needs a good cell phone policy?
B. How to make a good cell phone policy?
C. Reasonable rules are necessary in running companies.
D. Ways to make companies run well.
试题【阅读理解。     A good cell phone policy should be a required part of any company. It 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。     "It was all his own idea," says Pat Peters, the 38-year-old wife of Palo Alto (帕罗奥图市
,属美国加利福利亚州), California high school football coach Bob Peters, 39. Bob had just
drawn up a "motherhood contract" - a document stating that for 70 days this summer he would
take over the care and feeding of the couple"s four children, plus all household chores. Although
he didn"t even know how to make coffee when he signed, he was quite confident. (He though
t the experience would make a nice book.)
     After 40 of the 70 days, he was ready to give up. "I was beaten down, completely humbled,"
admits Peters. Three weeks later he spoke to the local press (also part of the bargain), stating,
"Not only is motherhood a difficult task, not only is it never-ending, it is an impossible job for
any normal human being."
     Bob and Pat were high school sweethearts. After they were married in 1960, she worked as
a secretary to help pat him through university. Since then Bob has been the football and wrestling
coach at Palo Alto"s Cubberley High while Pat raised the kids.
     Then two years ago Pat went back to work as a secretary at Cubberley. "I had been around
children so much, "she sighs, "I couldn"t talk to a grown-up." She continued to run the house-hold,
however  until Bob signed the contract, whereupon she decided to relax and enjoy it. Although
Peters had consulted (咨询) with his school"s home economics teachers and the head of the
cafeteria (食堂), his meals were sometimes a disaster. "I tried to slip the butter I"d forgotten under
the eggs after they were frying," he says. For the last three weeks, the family ate out a lot sometimes
having Macdonald"s hamburgers for lunch and dinner.
     As for housekeeping, a home economics teacher had told Bob that a room always looks clean
if the bed is made. "I found an easier way I shut the doors," he says. Soon the kids were wearing
the same clothes for a week. I made them wear their shirts inside out, and when we went to pick
up Pat at work they turned them right side out so they would look clean."
    Now that Bob has publicly admitted he was wrong, he is routinely (日常地)sharing the child-raising
and household tasks with Pat. The tentative (暂定的) tide of his book about the summer is taken
from something he shouted at the kids one day.1. The couple signed the contract because ______.A. Pat complained a lot about her doing the housework all by herself
B. Bob loved taking care of children and wanted his wife to have a good rest
C. they agreed that husband and wife should share household tasks
D. Bob thought it easy to take care of the family and wanted the experience for a book2. What can we learn about Pat Peters?A. She was hard-working and selfless.B. She was pretty and kind-hearted.
C. She was tired of the child-raising and household tasks.
D. She did not love Bob any longer3. Which of the following can best end the news story?A. "My experience of being a mother."
B. "I"m proud of you all, my dear!"
C "Wait till your mother gets home!"    
D. "Motherhood: an impossible job for anyone."4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Bob managed to keep the kids" clothes clean.
B. Bob tried to cook good meals for his children.
C. Bob frequently took the kids out to eat because he was too busy at work.
D. Bob taught the kids to make their beds every day.
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解。     NASA scientists said on June 1 , 2008 they had found ice on Mars-a step towards finding
evidence of life.
    " Sharp  new  images  received  from  their  Phoenix  lander convinced  scientists  that  the 
 spacecraft " s  thrusters (推进器) had uncovered a large patch of ice just below the Martian
surface, " team members said.
     That bodes (预示) well  for the  mission " s  main  goal  of digging for ice that can be tested
for evidence of organic compounds that are the chemical building blocks of life.
     Washington University scientist Ray Arvidson said the spacecraft" s thrusters may have blown
away dirt covering the ice when the robot landed one week ago.
      Scientists said a detailed image taken under the lander shows one of the craft"s three legs
sitting on rough dirt and a large patch of what appears to be ice-possibly 3 feet(0. 9 metres) in
diameter(直径) -that apparently had been covered by a thin layer of dirt.
      " We were worried that it may be 30-,40-,50-centimeter deep, which would be a lot of
work. Now we are fairly certain that we can easily get down to the ice table, " said Peter Smith,
a University of Arizona scientist who is in charge of the project.
     The spacecraft is equipped with a shovel-like robot arm that will be used to dig into the ground
and collect samples for testing in the lander"s small laboratories.
     The lander was sent to a spot on Mars" northern regions in hopes of finding frozen water, but
just how deep underground it would be found was unknown.
     The robot arm is expected to begin its first digging operations after several more days of testing.
Once the arm starts digging, dirt and  ice  it  scoops  up will  be deposited(存放 ) in  several  small
  ovens to be heated. Measuring devices will test the resulting gases.
     The University of Arizona in Tucson is leading and NASA"s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is managing
the three-month scientific mission.1. What was the Phoenix lander meant to do?    A. To search for frozen water on Mars.
B. To explore life in outer space.
C. To study the minerals in the soil.
D. To discover new resources in outer space.2. Why did NASA scientists feel worried about the finding?  A. Because the ice is too large for NASA scientists to dig up.
B. Because it takes some time to deal with the large patch of ice.
C. Because it" s impossible for Phoenix lander to collect the ice.
D. Because it"s hard to carry the ice back to laboratories on the earth .3. "The spacecraft" in Paragraph 7 refers to"_______".A. The project                      
B. The ice table
C. The robot arm                
D. The Phoenix lander4. Which of the following is WRONG according to the text?A. A large patch of ice had uncovered.
B. The goal of sending Phoenix lander to Mars is to look for frozen water.
C. The goal of sending Phoenix Iander to Mars is to discover new resources.
D. It takes some time to deal with the large patch of ice for Phoenix lander.5. What is the text mainly about?A. New findings about space exploration.
B. NASA sent another spacecraft to Mars.
C. NASA Phoenix lander finds frozen water on Mars.
D. Washington University scientists study Mars.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
语法填空。     An 8.8magnitude earthquake struck Chile on 27 Feb,2010.More than 300 people are
reported __1__(kill) in Chile after a magnitude 8.8 earthquake hit the South American nation
early Saturday,__2__(cause)considerable destruction as well,and creating tsunami warnings
across the Pacific Ocean.
     Rescuers worked frantically for hours to help survivors of the quake __3__centered 100
kilometers from the city of Concepcion but caused damage and deaths in several parts of Chile.
     Homes,buildings and bridges collapsed or caught fire,cars __4__(overturn),and the main
international airport had to be shut down because of damage.One survivor said it was terrible.
She said she thought she was not __5__(scare)of earthquakes but then,she says,it looked
as if everything was going to collapse.There were at least eight aftershocks and tidal waves
__6__up to two meters that hit Chile"s coast.Residents in lowlying areas and living on islands
off the mainland tried to flee __7__higher ground.Chile experiences many earthquakes but
the early Saturday natural disaster was __8__of its most severe.Thorne Lay,a geophysicist
at the University of California,Santa Cruz,said it was much stronger than __9__one that
caused devastation(废墟)in Haiti last month,but probably less __10__(destroy),because
of where it was centered.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
     A.Liu Xiang teaches quake students hurdling
     Chinese hurdler Liu Xiang Monday visited students in a primary school in Bei Chuan
County,a hardhit area in last year"s devastating May 12 earthquake,and showed them how
to run hurdles.
     B.Experts: 3G still has a long way to go
While China"s three leading telecom operators are playing up the third generation(3G)
telecom technologies,it is likely to take years for 3G services to become popular in China.
     C.China table tennis team swept all 5 golden medals
     Yesterday China team swept all 5 golden medals at World Table Tennis Championships
in Yokohama. Besides these 5 golds,China also gained all 5 silver medals and other 8
bronze medals. The 2 rest bronzed medals are respectively won by Japan and China
Hong Kong.
      D.Sleeping too much or too little increases your risk of Diabetes
     Middleaged or old people who get too little sleep,or too much,are far more likely to
develop diabetes,says scientists. A study has found that those who did not enjoy the
optimum level of seven to eight hours sleep a night were two and a half times more likely to
develop a blood sugar abnormality linked to type 2 diabetes.
     E.Obama seeks to block release of abuse photos
     US President Barack Obama declared Wednesday he would try to block the
courtordered release of photos showing US troops abusing prisoners,abruptly reversing
his position out of concern that the pictures would "further inflame antiAmerican opinion"
and endanger US forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
     F.Prospects of flu outbreak remain unclear
     US public health expert Laurie A.Garrett said Wednesday that how serious the H1N1
influenza situation is going to develop remains unclear. A Washington state man with H1N1
influenza died last week,health officials said,the third U. S. sufferer to die as the new flu strain
confirmed in more than 2,200 Americans appeared in Japan and Australia.
     1.Liu Ming works as a chairman of a local Ping Pong club in Fo Shan. He shows
great concern for sports news especially the news about Ping Pong. He has never missed a
single Ping Pong match of China Ping Pong Team.
     2.Han Yiwei is a successful CEO of a big International Company in Guangzhou. He
usually flies to other countries for business,so he would like to equip himself with the most
advanced communication appliances and know the news concerning the development in the
communication area.
     3.Han Lei is an 18yearold girl,studying in a high school. She is a sports enthusiast and
is good at tennis and jumping. Besides,she has a particular interest in those sports celebrities.
     4.Chen Lirong just retired from a state enterprise,living with her husband,who is
retired too. They want to arrange their life without work in a better way and enjoy the life
with a healthy body and high spirits. So she particularly pays more attention to their health.
     5.Li Hongyu studies in China Foreign Affairs University,majoring in International
Relationship,and especially he shows great concern for the relationship between America
and the Middle East countries.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解    GUANGZHOU-At least 13 people were killed and nine left missing after Typhoon Hagupit swept
through the country"s southern region on Wednesday, authorities said.
     More than 11.5 million people in Guangdong, Hainan and Guangxi provinces were affected by the
disaster, with direct economic losses reaching 13.46 billion yuan ($1.97 billion), Ministry of Civil Affairs
figures showed.
     Hagupit, the strongest typhoon to hit Guangdong and its Pearl River Delta region in 12 years, reportedly headed south toward Vietnam on Thursday.
     The typhoon killed nine people and left nine missing in Guangdong alone, causing direct economic losses of more than 7.7 billion yuan, Yang Minyi, a press official with the provincial flood, drought and wind
prevention office, said yesterday.
    Direct losses to agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery in the region were estimated at 4.2
billion yuan;industrial and transport sector,1.5 billion yuan;and water conservancy infrastructure,1
    A total of 6.52 million people in 344 towns in the cities of Maoming, Yangjiang, Zhanjiang, Zhuhai,
Zhongshan and Jiangmen in the Pearl River Delta region and in the west of Guangdong bore_the_brunt_
of the typhoon in the province.
    More than 15,300 houses fell down and 365,800 hectares(公顷) of farmland were affected, authorities said.
    Wang Yugui, a pig farmer in Maoming City, said Hagupit proved fatal to his business.
    About twothirds of his 4,000odd pigs had drowned or were left missing in the typhoon.
     "The typhoon has landed me in huge debt and I really don"t know how to weather the losses, " Wang
told China Daily yesterday.
     Wang said many others in the city suffered similar losses when Hagupit hit the city on Wednesday
     Hagupit also hit a South Korean freight ship, named Zeus, in the waters off Jiangmen. All 17 sailors
onboard were still missing, the Yangcheng Evening News reported on Friday.

1.We can know from the report that ________.
A.at least 13 people were killed in Guangdong
B.Guangxi and Hainan suffered more economic losses than Guangdong
C.so far Hagupit has been the strongest typhoon to hit Guangdong in this century
D.Hagupit hit South Korea before it landed in Guangdong

2.The underlined word "bore the brunt of" can be best replaced by "________".
A.received the main force of
B.suffered similar economic losses from
C.shared the losses caused by
D.stood the test of

3.The example of the pig farmer Wang Yugui is used to show ________.
A.that pig farmers suffered the most losses in the disaster
B.that many others in Maoming suffered similar losses
C.how difficult it will be for people to go through the disaster
D.how seriously the disaster affected people

4.Altogether ________ people are reported missing in the passage.
题型:广东省同步题难度:| 查看答案
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