当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ABEIJING—Beijing is to spend up to us $ 20 billion t...

BEIJING—Beijing is to spend up to us $ 20 billion to change the Chinese capital into a 21st century one for the 2008 Olympics.
The government manages to host the 2008 games. The general aim is for Beijing to have the same environmental standards as Paris, London or Washington by 2008.
Hundreds of millions of dollars will be spent to pipe natural gas to the city’s home, taking away dirty coal burning gradually while 60,000 buses will be changed to liquefied(液化的)gas.
The money also will be used for relocating(重新部署) the polluting factories and building green belts. By 2008 around 90 percent of Beijing’s waste will be treated, compared to only 40 percent at present.
Olympic officials have already announced that around 50 large projects are being dealt with to improve traffic congestion(拥堵) and cut down pollution. They include construction of Beijing’s first light railway, a 40.5-kilometer line which is expected to be completed in 2006.
Beijing, besides, plans to build an 82.25-kilometer-long subway to add to the existing 53 kilometers. Nine major roads will be rebuilt or widened.
Beijing also plans to build a 70-meter-wide green belt along the waterways to protect water quality as well as increase the green areas.
56.The government will pipe natural gas to the city’s home in order to_________.
A.solve the problem of being short of fuel
B.reduce the pollution of our capital
C.bring down the cost of daily life
D.keep up with the development of modern society
57.From the last three paragraphs we know the fact that _________.
A.lengthening the existing 53-kilometer subway is among the 50 large projects
B.a 40.5-kilometre line will be added to Beijing’s first light railway
C.the length of the subway will be up to 135.25 kilometers in 2006
D.a 70-meter-wide green belt will supply us with enough water
58.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The environment of London is better than Toronto.
B.In the first paragraph “a 21st century one” refers to a modern and advanced capital.
C.Beijing is badly polluted mainly by coal burning
D.Liquefied gas is more expensive than petrol.
59.This news report mainly talks about ___________.
A.how Beijing is becoming a 21st century city
B.how many projects are being dealt with to improve traffic of Beijing
C.how Beijing is being built into a first class Olympic host city
D.the use of the 20 billion US dollars

56-59 BABC 

试题【第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)ABEIJING—Beijing is to spend up to us $ 20 billion t】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
   LONDON ( Reuters)-- Ecotourism ( 生态旅游) is causing a lot of damage to wildlife and may be endangering the survival(生存) of the very animals people are flocking to see, according to researchers.
Biologists and conservationists ( 自然环境保护论者) are worried because polar bears, dolphins, penguins and other creatures are getting stressed and losing weight and some are dying.
"Evidence is growing that many animals do not react well to tourists in their backyard,” New Scientist magazine said.
The immediate effects researchers have noticed are changes in behavior, heart rates, or stress hormone levels but they fear it could get much worse and over the long term "could endanger the survival of the very wildlife they want to see".
Although money produced through ecotourism, which has been growing at about 10--30 percent a year, has major benefits for poor countries and people living in rural areas, the Swiss-based World Conservation Union and some governments fear not all projects are audited (审计) and based on environmentally friendly policies, according to the magazine,
"The transmission(传播) of disease to wildlife, or small changes to wildlife health through disturbance of daily life or increased stress levels, while not obvious to the casual observer, may translate to lower survival and breeding ,"said Philip Seddon, of the University of Otago in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Scientists have noticed that bottleneck dolphins along the northeastern coast of New Zealand become nervously excited when tourist boats arrive. Similar changes in behavior have been observed in polar bears and yellow-eyed penguins in areas visited by ecotourists are producing smaller babies.
Conservationists are now calling for more research into the effect of ecotourism on animals and say the industry must be developed carefully. They also want studies done before new ecotourism projects are started.
“The animals’ welfare should be very important because without them there will be no ecotourism,”said Rochelle Constantine of the University of Auckland in New Zealand.
72. What"s the text mainly about?
A. Many animals are dying because of lack of money.
B. There will be no ecotourism without animals.
C. Ecotourism could endanger the survival of the wildlife people want to see.
D. More research should be done on ecotourism.
73. We may learn from the text that __
A. ecotourism must be developed properly
B. polar bears are losing weight without enough food
C. all the poor countries have stopped ecotourism
D. money produced through ecotourism should be spent on wildlife
74. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Many animals do not react well in their backyard..
B. Polar bears in areas visited by ecotourists are producing smaller babies.
C. Ecotourism has been growing at about 10--30 percent a year.
D. Studies should be done before new  ecotourism projects are started.
75. What Rochelle Constantine said in the last paragraph implies that __
A. if people want to get high income, they must develop ecotourism
B. animals have rights to live their own life
C. animals are people’s good friends
D. people should take good care of wildlife
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SINGAPOREAN singer JJ Lam,29,admitted that this March couldn’t be better:He outshined Taiwanese superstar Jay Chou and bagged four awards at the China Original Music Pop Chart Award(中国原创音乐流行榜) ceremony,including the most coveted(最渴望得到的)best male singer title.
Yet the trophies(奖杯)were only part of an exciting month.Knowing that he has an O1ympic champion fan,Lam was so happy that he prepared his own gifts for Zhou Yang,the speed skating gold medalist:an autographed(签名的)CD and a Mickey Mouse doll.He even invited Zhou to his birthday party on March 26 after Zhou told him that it was a great pity she had had to miss Lam"s Beijing concert last year.
Lam showed his love and talent for music as early as middle school,but it doesn"t mean he easily got to where he is now.Like many young men his age,Lam was once hooked(沉迷)on video games.“One in particular,World of Warcraft,obsessed(迷住)me,” he said.“I made up my own stories and characters and once I even composed(编曲)a soundtrack for the game.”
But luckily Lam soon realized things would have to change.“There was no future in playing games and I had to think about the years ahead,” he said.
After finishing high school,Lam joined the army. On the small island where he was stationed,he wrote dozens of songs.Still,his ambition of one day being a pop singer seemed an unrealistic dream to others.“Later,when my former officers heard my songs being played on the radio, they couldn’t believe it.” he said.
Not that the road to success wasn"t a rocky one.When Lam went to Taiwan to develop his career, he felt lonely at first.He started playing computer games again.“I indulged(沉溺) myself in games day and night," he said.“But I came to realize that I mustn’t 1et the games take over my 1ife.I had to go out,see people and meet life’s challenges head on.”
61.JJ Lam outshone Jay Chou by___________.
A.winning four awards at a ceremony
B.being the gold medalist Zhou Yang’s favorite singer
C.winning the award for best new artist
D.writing more popular original songs
62.Which of the following statements about JJ Lam is FALSE?
A.His parents guided him through success.
B.He was once obsessed with video games.
C.He wrote a song for the game WOW.
D.He understood that playing games would not give him a secure future.
63.The last paragraph tells us that___________ 
A.lam has a talent for different music styles
B.lam became famous overnight
C.playing video games helps Lam release pressure
D.lam went through hard times before he became successful
64.Which of the following elements has NOT contributed to Lam’s success,according to the article?
A.His passion for music.     B.His song-writing talent.
C.Support from fans.        D.The skills he learned in the army.
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WASHINGTON---Worldwide sales of personal computer in 1995 rose 24.7 percent over 1994 with Compaq(美国康柏电脑公司)holding its first—place position while IBM overcame(击败)Apple for the No.2 slot (表上排名),according to Dataquest.
A total of 59.7 million computers were sold around the world with important gains(获得)in Japan and Europe.
Compaq sold 5.99 million computers ,or 10percent of the market ,unchanged from 1994.
IBM sold 4.7 million with an 8 percent share of the market compared with 8.2 percent in 1994 .
Apple sold 4.7 million ,or 7.8 percent of the trade ,compared with 8.4 percent in 1994.
Their lost market share was taken up by Packard Bell and NEC ,which sold 3.1 million and 2.8 million computers separately.
56.Which company was the first in selling computers in 1994?
A.Compaq     B.IBM   C.Apple D.NEC
57.Which company sold the third most computers in 1995?
A.Compaq     B.IBM   C.Apple D.NEC 
58.What was the market share of Compaq in 1994?
A.5.99%         B.8.2%  C.8.4%  D.10%
59.Packard Bell and NEC take up about            of the market share in 1995.
A.8.2%  B.52%   C.10%   D.5%
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SINGAPORE—It seems the financial crisis isn’t all hopeless: one in four people are glad the world’s economy turned down like it did, because it helped them realize more in life, according to a global survey.
Market research firm Synovate surveyed around 11400 people across the world and found more than half had permanently changed their attitudes toward money over the last 12 months. Another 47 percent, however, said they were looking forward to being able to spend freely again.
“The psychology of global depression has changed the way many people do things,” Jenny Chang, managing director in Taiwan (China), said in a statement. “They are making life-changing decisions based on the current global depression, such as postponing marriage, having children, moving house, changing jobs or pursuing higher education. Even in a relatively effect-free economy like Taiwan’s.”
A quarter of all respondents led by Malaysians said they were glad the world had an economic crisis as it has helped them realize what’s really important in their lives.
Nearly 60 percent said they would try their best to control their spending so that it doesn’t go back to what it used to be before the downturn, and over two-thirds are more interested in increasing their savings than reducing their debt.
The majority of respondents—over 80 percent—believed their generation had a responsibility to leave their country better off for the younger generation, even if it involved dramatically changing their lifestyles.
With the relatively high unemployment in the US, Synovate’s US-based Claire Peerson Braverman said, Americans who had lost one or more incomes in the family, had to make some of the most difficult decisions concerning money each day.
62. What information did Market research firm Synovate want to get by making the survey?
A. The effects of global depression on people’s money and life attitudes.
B. The loss people suffered in the global depression.
C. The number of people who like global depression.
D. The influence of economical crisis on the US.
63. What can be inferred from the article?
A. The global depression had no effects on economy in Taiwan of China at all.
B. Global depression led some people to give up their higher education.
C. More people will spend their money more carefully after the global depression.
D. Some people felt glad about the global depression for the benefits it brought them.
64. What does the underlined world “it” in the fifth paragraph refer to?
A. Habit of spending money.               B. Global depression.
C. Responsibility for the country.         D. Attitude towards life.
65. What is the theme of this article?
A. The economic crisis made more people try to save more money.
B. The situation of unemployment in the US became more serious.
C. Lots of people put off some important events in their life for the economic crisis.
D. Economic crisis helped people change their ideas about money and life.
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第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
BEIJING (AFP) — Archeologists in China have uncovered more than 3,000 dinosaur footprints,state media reported,in an area said to be the world’s largest grouping of fossilized hones belonging to the ancient animals.
The footprints,believed to be more than 100 million years old,were discovered after a three-month excavation(发掘、出土) at a gully in Zhucheng in the eastern province of Shandong,the Xinhua news agency reposed.   
The footprints range from 10 to 80 centimeters (4 to 32 inches) in length,and belonged to at least six different kinds of dinosaurs,including tyrannosaurs,the report said Saturday.
Wang Haijun,a senior engineer at the Chinese Academy of Sciences,said the footprints faced the same direction.Xinhua said.
This indicated a possible migration or a panic escape by plant-eating dinosaurs after an attack by predators(食肉动物),Wang added.
Archeologists have found dinosaur fossils at some 30 sites in Zhucheng,known as“dinosaur city.”The region has seen two major digs since 1964,and experts say the discovery of so many dinosaurs in such a dense area could provide clues on how the animals became extinct millions of years ago.
Plans are being made to set up a fossil park in the area.
36.We can infer from the text that_____.
A.most of the footprints are more than 32 centimeters long
B.the footprints found belong to some predators
C.the dinosaurs were running in all directions because of an attack
D.the area is considered to be a perfect tour source
37.Which statement below is true according to the passage above?
A.The number of the footprints found is more than 3000.
B.The dinosaurs may live in an age 10,000,000 years ago.
C.The discovery of fossils may open a new age.
D.Archeologists still wish to find some more fossils.
38.The passage may be picked out from_____.
A.a magazine    B.a science book   C.a newspaper    D.a students’ textbook
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