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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)
On October 16th 1987, southern Britain was hit by a hurricane, the worst storm to hit Britain since 1703.
Twenty years later, Britain is remembering the disaster known as The Great Storm. 15 million trees across the area were uprooted by the wind, and a wet autumn had made the ground very muddy (泥泞的).
The falling trees caused damage to buildings and vehicles, and blocked roads and railway lines, forcing everyone, from adults to schoolchildren to stay at home.
There were also blackouts across the area, as power lines were damaged by falling trees and flying debris (残骸). People used candles and flashlights (手电) for light, and gas stoves and open fires to cook food.
The storm lasted for 4 hours, and killed 18 lives. The bad weather caused so much damage mostly because of the fact that most people were completely unprepared, and be-cause many weather forecasters didn’t think it could cause a problem.
Earlier that week, weather forecasts had predicted severe (严重的) weather, but forecasters thought it would miss Britain and only affect the English Channel. A well-known weatherman, Michael Fish, ever said that the storm wouldn’t happen, though in fact he was talking about a hurricane in Florida at that time.
The unusual storm caused more than £1billion in dam-age, and hundreds of people were injured.
Could the same thing happen today in Britain? Well, as a result of climate change many people think that sudden and severe weather changes are more likely. However, technology has improved, and satellites give us a much more accurate(精确的)picture of future weather. If another Great Storm comes along, the British public will probably be warned earlier and have more time to prepare!
56. The bad weather in 1987 in Britain caused a lot of damage because ______.
A. it caused a great flood                    B. most people were not prepared
C. it happened in the summer                            D. there was no weather forecast
57. Which of the following was NOT one of the effects of The Great Storm?
A. There were a number of deaths and injuries.   B. The electricity went out.
C. It hit Florida first.                                D. Roads and railway lines were blocked.
58. One week before The Great Storm, weather forecasts ______.
A. could not predict severe weather at all
B. had predicted the severe weather, but some weather forecasters thought it would miss Britain
C. showed that the terrible storm would not hit the English Channel
D. showed that The Great Storm would affect both England and Florida
59. We learn from the last paragraph that ______.
A. this kind of bad weather will not happen in Britain again
B. bad weather will happen more frequently in Britain now
C. people will be better prepared if there is bad weather in Britain now
D. bad weather may be stopped with the development of technology


试题【第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On Oc】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

Fight against crime hots up
Forget about tanks, guns, and bombs - India’s latest weapon ___36___ in the garden. The bhut jolokia is the world’s ___37__ chili pepper(胡椒). Now the Indian Army has a plan to turn its seed into powder and use the ___38___ as a kind of natural teargas(催泪弹).
The army says the smoking hot powder - which some people claim can stop a charging(向前冲的) elephant – will help to break ___39___ riots and chase terrorists out of ___40___ spaces. Women might also be able to use the power to chase off (赶走)attackers.
___41___ to RB Srivastava, a director at New Delhi’s Defense Research and Development Organization: “This is ___42___ going to be an effective non-toxic(无毒的) weapon because its ___43___ can choke(使窒息)terrorists and ___44___ them out of their hideouts(藏身处). It would literally(确确实实地) choke them.”
On the other ___45___ of the world, in New York, police ___46___ to track(追踪) down a “vampire(吸血鬼) thief” who tried to steal a taxi driver’s ___47___. Police say that man got into the taxi and asked to ___48___ to a neighborhood in New York City. ___49___ they arrive, he pointed a gun ___50___ the taxi driver and told the driver to give him all his money.
When the taxi driver tried to fight ___51___ the gunman, the man bit(咬) him at least five times ___52___ the neck, arm, and back. After biting the driver, the man ran away ___53___ money.
If only the taxi driver ___54___ some bhut jolokia powder, he might have been able to save himself from ___55___ and to get his money back!
36. A. makes        B. grows       C. is made       D. is grown
37. A. most smelly  B. coldest    C. hottest       D. hardest
38. A. juice        B. taste       C. power         D. powder
39. A. up           B. down        C. through       D. in
40. A. hidden       B. hiding      C. open          D. broad
41. A. According    B. As          C. Based         D. Known
42. A. probably     B. definitely  C. possibly      D. hardly
43. A. smell        B. taste       C. flavor        D. energy
44. A. force        B. take        C. put           D. bring
45. A. way          B. side        C. corner        D. half
46. A. have tried   B. has tried   C. are trying    D. is trying
47. A. car          B. wallet      C. gasoline      D. money
48. A. be taken     B. take        C. be brought    D. bring
49. A. As          B. As soon as  C. Once          D. B and C
50. A. to           B. at          C. from          D. away from
51. A. for          B. back        C. off          D. out
52. A. on           B. from        C. in            D. around
53. A. with the     B. without the   C. with        D. without
54. A. had          B. has had       C. has         D. had had
55. A. biting       B. bitten        C. being bitten D. being biting
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Hello, Listeners. Welcome to Henton Hospital Radio. Before our music programme at four, I’m going to repeat some of our hospital rules.
The hospital can sleep 800 patients. There’re 8 beds in each ward (病房). The visiting hours are in the afternoon from 2:30 to 3:30 and in the evening from 7:00 to 8:00. But remember only two people can see you at the same time. Sorry about that, but you can see what would happen if we didn’t have these rules.
The other rules are about our hours. We start quite early---you might not be used to that. We wake you at 6 o’clock, and breakfast is at 8 o’clock, lunch is at noon.
There’s tea at 3:30 and supper is at 6 o’clock.
You can see the non-smoking sign –-- we don’t allow smoking in the wards. I’m sure you understand why. However, if you do need to smoke, there are some smoking rooms where It is allowed.
You will find the radio switch (开关) on the wall near your bed, with your own headphones, if you want to listen. It’s our own hospital radio wishing you a quick recovery (康复).
56. Who do you think the listeners might be?  
A. Patients.     B. Visitors.    C. Doctors     D. Nurses
57. How many wards are there in this hospital? 
A. 8       B. 80      C. 100      D. 800
58. Which is Not allowed in the hospital?
A. Listening to the hospital radio.               B. Visiting patients in the morning.
C. Smoking in smoking-rooms.               D. Getting up early in the morning.
59. What programme will follow this radio talk?
A. Hospital rules.  B. A weather report.   C. A free talk.     D. A music programme.
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
INDLANAPOLIS—Doctors and health advocates (提倡者)have warned for years that American children are getting fatter. Now even some kids’ teddy bears are packing on the pounds.
But these heavy toys aim to combat(对抗)obesity, not add to it.
Researchers at Indiana State University in Terre Haute tried a small experiment to test the effects of having kids play with heavier toys. They found that 10 children aged 6 to 8 burned more calories and had higher heart and breathing rate when they moved 3-pound toy blocks instead of unweighted blocks.
So could adding a small weight to stuffed animals and other toys help kids get fit?
“This is not going to solve the obesity problem,” said John Ozmun, a professor who did the study with graduate student Lee Robbins. “But it has been possible to make a positive contribution.”
Some experts cautioned that children could hurt themselves by trying to lift too much too soon and said more activity is preferable to heavier toys. But all agreed that childhood obesity is a big problem.
Obesity rate has become three times over the past 40 years for children and adolescents, raising the risk of diabetes(糖尿病)and other health problems. Federal health officials say more than a third of American children are overweight, and about 17 percent are considered obese(肥胖的).
“Squeezing activity into daily routines can be a good way for children to get more exercise and shed unhealthy pounds,” said Aicia Moag-Stahlberg, who heads Action for Healthy Kids.
“By adding weights, you’re adding some intensity to the action,” she said.
Kara Tucker, youth development coordinator for the National institute for Fitness and Sport in Indianapolis, said active playing helps youngsters work out without realising it.
“Giant soccer is one of my favorites,” Tucker said. “If we told the kids, ‘Hey, you’re going to run up and down the court 20 times,’ they would completely be uninterested. Yet when we put a big soccer ball out there, they will just run forever. They’re having a great time.”
56.What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.American children are getting fatter.
B.New toys are needed for overweight children.
C.Heavier toys help children to combat the obesity problem.
D.Doubts about heavier toys for obese children.
57.What does John Ozmun think of the measure of using heavier toys?
A.It can solve the obesity problem.
B.It is of little use to the obesity problem.
C.It may be of some help to the obesity problem
D.It may hurt children.
58.Some experts think it would be better for obese kids to    .
A.play with light toys
B.play with less heavy toys
C.be on diet
D.have more activity
59.Which of the following is true about obese children in the US?
A.Obesity rate has risen by 30% over the past 40 years.
B.There are now three times as many obese children as 40 years ago.
C.One are fewer overweight children than obese children.
D.There are fewer overweight children than obese children.
60.What Tucker said in the last paragraph suggests that       .
A.he himself likes playing giant soccer balls best
B.he prefers kids to have active playing
C.kids have no interest in running
D.an activity will not work if kids know the purpose of it
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In 2004,the World Health Organization,WHO,warned of a possible outbreak of another serious disease which may be even more deadly than SARS.The WHO believes that it is likely that bird flu will spread to human beings in the next few years.If it does,up to seven millions people could die from the disease.
Diseases like bird flu are caused by viruses,that is,tiny things which change and be come more dangerous over time.When a new type of a common virus changes,it may be able to get past the body’S immune system.If that happens,humans are in great danger until a cure or treatment becomes available.
There have always been viruses and people always get sick,of course,but as we saw with SARS,the situation is more difficult today.People travel more than ever before,which means that disease can spread quickly and across large areas——in fact the whole world.
Scientists are already working on drugs that will prevent or limit the effect of a new virus,but the process takes time.It is just as important to make sure that countries,especially poor countries,are prepared to deal with the disease。New disease usually affect poor areas the most,so we must help develop health care in all countries.
73.The situation is more serious today because          .
A.people travel more                                      B.people don’t eat health food
C.there aren’t enough hospitals                            D.scientists can’t find a cure
74.From this passage we know          .
A.bird flu will surely spread to human beings in the next few years.
B.a virus changes and become less dangerous over time.
C.SARS is 1ikely to come again in some years.
D.poor areas usually suffers more from Dew diseases than rich areas.
75.The possible title of this passage is
A.The Work of WHO
B.Scientists Are Working Hard on Drugs for Diseases
C.What Is a Virus
D.Virus Changes and Causes New Diseases Over Time
题型:不详难度:| 查看答案
On March 5, 2009, Michael Jackson stood in front of crowds of fans. Before screaming fans, he pronounced with pumping arms: “This is it!”
A few months later, Jackson was dead. With the late pop star’s return to radio, television and the cultural events, Forbes judges that Jackson has made $90 million since his death June 25. This figure is based on his royalties(版税) from album sales, radio play, rights to his name and royalties from his stock in the Sony/ATV music catalog (编目权).
Jackson’s music was his most easily-seen source in the last months. “Nothing increases the value of an artist than death ... an untimely death,” says Barry Massarsky, a music industry economist.
The music’s immediate value was clear. Since June, Jackson has sold more than 5.9 million albums in the U.S. and another 4.5 million overseas. In the first weeks after his death, there were 5.6 million single downloads across North America, Europe and Australia. Jackson recently has three of the top 20 best-selling albums of the year in the US, according to Nielsen SoundScan. His 2003 hits album Number Ones is the best seller of the year, beating Taylor Swift’s Fearless.
More than 500,000 Jackson ringtones and 100,000 music videos were sold. In the week following his death, songs by The Jackson 5, The Jacksons and Michael were played over 100,000 times on the radio, according to Nielsen BDS.
Jackson’s estate(遗产)will likely see more money by the end of this year, as it has rights to some of the profits from This Is It as well as the two-disc album of the same name. The estate will share 90% of the film profits with AEG.
Ticket sales from an exhibit opening in London will also contribute a likely profit. Hundreds of Jackson’s personal belongings-his L.A. Rolls Royce etc-will remain on show for three months at the O2 for fans willing to shell out $25 for a view.
The pop singer bought ATV Publishing, for $47.5 million in 1985. Ten years later, he sold the catalog to Sony for $95 million and took a 50% stock in Sony/ATV, which is now worth about $1.7 to $2 billion. So he still owned half the Sony/ATV catalog at his death.
Jackson’s future earning potential is based on his stock in valuable music and as well as the value of his image(肖像). As many musicians, actors and artists before him, Jackson’s fame could have a long tail on the market with allowable products, advertising and entertainment events.
小题1:What do Barry Massarsky’s words in Paragraph 3 imply?
A.Jackson died at the time as expected.
B.Only at death can an artist become famous.
C.Jackson became more famous at death than when he was alive.
D.Jackson’s unexpected death raised his value as an artist immediately.
小题2:All the following is true EXCEPT that _____.
A. “This is it” is the last concert that Jackson gave
B. Jackson has sold 10.4 million albums since June
C. Jackson’s L.A. Rolls Royce is now for show and will finally be sold
D. Jackson’s stock in music and his image will keep on earning money in the future
小题3:What can be inferred from the passage?
A.Jackson’s album Number Ones beat Taylor Swift’s Fearless in 2003.
B.Taylor Swift’s Fearless is the second best seller of music albums of 2009.
C.AEG takes in more film profits from “This is it” than Jackson’s estate.
D.More Jackson’s music videos were sold than his ringtones right after his death.
小题4:What can we know about the Sony/ATV catalog?
A.Jackson sold ATV catalog to Sony in 1985.
B.Jackson had half right of ATV Publishing at his death.
C.Jackson sold ATV catalog to Sony for $ 47.5 million in 1995.
D.Jackson’s stock in Sony/ATV now has a value of about $ 1.7 billion to 2 billion.
小题5:What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Why Michael Jackson’s music is so popular all over the world.
B.How Michael Jackson has earned $90 million in the months since his death.
C.What Michael Jackson’s future earning potential is based on.
D.How much Michael Jackson earned in the first few months after his death.

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