当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     International Studies (BA)      Key features      ● Recognizes the "gl...
阅读理解。     International Studies (BA)
     Key features
     ● Recognizes the "global community" (国际社会)
     ● Has close connections with practical research
     ● Much of the teaching is done in small discussion groups
     About the course
     The course gives you chances to know great power polities between nation states. It will provide more
space to study particular issues such as relationship among countries in the European Union, third world
debt, local and international disagreement, and the work of such international bodies as the United Nations,
the European Union, NATO, and the World Bank.
     The course puts theories into the working of the international system with close attention to particular
countries. You will also have a better knowledge of methods of solving the international problems.
     Related (相关的) courses
     BA (Hons) Community Management
     BA (Hons) Public Policy and Management
     Employment possibilities 
     International organizations
     International business
     Earth Science (BSc)
     Key features
     ● Based on key courses and the latest research findings
     ● Pays much attention to practical skills
     ● Offers chances for fieldwork (实地考察)
     About the course
     The demand for natural resources is becoming an increasingly serious problem for the future of mankind.
Graduates in Earth Science will play an important role in meeting this demand, and in knowing the meaning
of using the natural resources.
     The course covers geography and geology. You will carry out fieldwork in the UK and possibly overseas,
and a research in an area of interest to you in the final year.
     Related courses
     BSc (Hons) Geograhpy
     BSc (Hons) Geology
     Employment possibilities
     Mineral, oil, water or other related engineering industries 1. International Studies is a course in ______. A. international polities
B. international business
C. international systems
D. international bodies 2. After taking the course of International Studies, the students will ______.A. become practical and open-minded
B. have a greater ability to discuss theories
C. know how to settle international problems
D. have good jobs in any international organizations 3. Earth Science, as described in the second text, ______. A. is attractive because of the chances for fieldwork
B. pays more attention to practical skills than theories
C. is built on important courses and the results of recent studies
D. encourages students to play a role in using natural resources 4. It can be inferred that the above two texts are written for the students who ______. A. enjoy research work
B. plan to choose courses
C. study in the UK
D. are interested in overseas fieldwork
1-4: ACCB
试题【阅读理解。     International Studies (BA)      Key features      ● Recognizes the "gl】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
阅读理解。                                                                Have Fun with Funny
     Faces Here is a great new toy just for you! It is called FUNNY FACES. It is small enough to fit in your
hand, but you can do so many things with Funny Faces!
     With Funny Faces, you can shape a mouth into a happy smile, or you can make a sad face. If you want to
show an angry face, you can make it appear to be fierce. The eyebrows (眉毛) move up and down, the eyes
turn from side to side, and the ears move slightly.
     It is lots of fun to play with Funny Faces, by yourself or with your friends, make up stories about the
different faces, put on a Funny Faces show and invite your friends to watch it.
     A Funny Faces toy costs only five dollars. It is a super toy that every child should have. Buy Funny Faces
today! You will find it in many stores in your city or town.
     And if you buy Funny Faces now, we will send you a FREE gift. It is a special case for your toy. You will
not find this case in stores. Here is all you have to do: 
      Cut off the top of the Funny Faces box. It writes "A Great New Toy!" 
      Write your name and address on a piece of paper.
      Mail both pieces to the Funny Faces address on the front of the box.
     Act today! This offer is good only until June 30.
1. According to the passage, what is Funny Faces?A. A kind of toy.
B. A box.
C. A special show.
D. A picture. 2. With Funny Faces, we can ________. A. make our friends angry
B. write names and address
C. shape a mouth into a smile
D. turn our eyes from side to side3. Why does the author write this passage?A. To tell us how to get a free gift
B. To encourage us to buy Funny Faces
C. To show us how to enjoy Funny Faces.
D. To advise us to put on an interesting show4. We can see the passage is ________.

A. a story
B. a news report
C. a letter
D. an advertisement

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Parents Are Invited
To a Lecture On
Raising a Self-Disciplined Child
Help Your Child Become More
Responsible, Confident, and Lively
Presented by Dr Robert Brooks

     Do you think you are smart? If you are not sure, You Are Smarter Than You Think by an American
teacher Thomas Armstrong will tell you: you are smart in some way.
     To show this, Thomas tells the story of his life. When he was little, he did badly at school and was
sent down a year. But later on, he found he was good at writing. He worked hard and became a writer
and teacher.
     Being smart does not just mean being good at school tests. There are many other ways to be smart.
Thomas Armstrong says there are different types of intelligence: music, sports, space, getting on with
people, being able to understand yourself, and being good at natural history.
     Every child has any one of these intelligences. The point is how to find them and make use of them.
     Each child comes into the world with some talent (天赋). If the child is helped, he can do better in
our world.
     Parents and teachers must help the child to keep those gifts. Thomas says a good way to build these
intelligences at home or school is story-telling.
     If you want to be friendly with other people, you can prepare a story and put on a play before other
people. It is the same with musical intelligence, since you can make the lyrics (歌词) of a song!
     If you want to know more about ways to be smart, write to You Are Smarter Than You Think at
1. Thomas Armstrong thinks that _____.
A. he"s much smarter than anyone else
B. everyone can be smart in some way
C. smart children are good at school tests
D. people who are smart are hard-working
2. As a young boy, Thomas Armstrong _____.
A. knew about types of intelligence
B. was rather poor at school tests
C. wished to be a writer and teacher
D. got on well with other people
3. Which of the following can help build children"s intelligences?
A. School Tests.
B. Song lyrics.
C. Natural history.
D. Story-telling.
4. The text is most probably _____.
A. a web advertisement
B. a science report
C. a book introduction
D. a touching story
5. What can be the best title for the text?
A. Practice makes perfect
B. No pains, no gains
C. You can all be clever kids
D. One is not too old to learn
题型:湖南省会考题难度:| 查看答案
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