当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > Apollo For lovers of the arts, Apollo is a truly necessary magazine. Covering th...

For lovers of the arts, Apollo is a truly necessary magazine. Covering the ages and the great civilizations of the world, Apollo brings you well-illustrated yet academic articles by internationally famous scholars, as well as information on exhibitions and sales. Experience five monthly issues for as little as £ 5 each.
The Guardian Weekly
The Guardian Weekly gives you a global view with articles from four of the world’s most respected newspapers. Read the news from different views and draw your own conclusions on the stories shaping our world. Try it for 3 months for just £15.55. Plus get a free copy of The Guardian Year 2003.
New Internationalist
Full of excellent writing and photography, the NI covers one key subject each month, from Terrorism to Poverty to Climate Change.
Reporters from around the globe provide you with a comprehensive world view. PLUS: Masses of fresh reports and stories to keep you up-to-date on world affairs. 3 months free and free World Map.
The Week
The Week is the only weekly summary giving you the best of the British and foreign newspapers in just 35 pages. Designed to be read in just 1 hour, it provides you with everything you need and want to know. Try The Week now with 13 issues for just £ 13.75.
If you decide it’s not for you, just tell us within the first 6 weeks and you can get your money back.
小题1:1Which of the following magazines will probably provide you with articles about music and paintings?
A.Apollo.B.The Week.C.New Internationalist.D.The Guardian Weekly.
小题2:It is possible that most of the readers of the four magazines are ____.
小题3:Which of the following would you most probably read if you want to get information from the world’s most popular newspapers?
A.Apollo & The Week.
B.Apollo & New Internationalist.
C.The Guardian Weekly & New Internationalist
D.The Guardian Weekly & New Internationalist
小题4: The purpose of writing these four texts is to ____.
A.tell the readers the latest news
B.get more readers to subscribe(订阅)
C.show the importance of the four magazines
D.introduce the four magazines to new readers


小题1:本题考查考生的细节捕捉能力与辨别能力。第一段中指出“For lovers of the arts, Apollo is a truly necessary magazine”,因而音乐绘画必然会出现在此杂志上。
小题3:本题考查考生对细节的分辨能力。文中细节告诉考生The Guardian Weekly与The Week刊登近期世界大事。而New Internationalist是一个专题月刊。
试题【Apollo For lovers of the arts, Apollo is a truly necessary magazine. Covering th】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
 The Fourth "21th Century Cup" National English Speaking Competition is to be held in Shanghai.
  Organizers: China Daily and Shanghai Broadcasting Network.
  Co-ordinater: China University English Speaking Association (CUESA).
  Co-sponsors (联办单位): English Speaking Union (ESU), Lotus Software (China)Co. Ltd. , Times Publishing Group of Singapore, Hilton Shanghai, Pearson Education, Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press.
  Date: March 26 ( Friday), 1999.
  Place: Hilton Shanghai.
  Competition Format (形式) : Each student will present a prepared speech on the given topic, followed by a three -minute off - hand speech and a three - minute question and answer period with the judges.
  Prepared speech period: six minutes.
  Q & A period: three minutes.
  Speech topic: People and Nature: In search of harmony (和谐)in a new age + your personal opinion. (Topice for the off hand speech will be given on the day of competition).
  Prizes: Besides books and certificates (证书), the top two winners will be offered scholarships(奖学金) to travel to the annual international English -speaking competition which will be held by the English Speaking Union in London in May, 1999. The third and fourth place winners will be offered a study trip to Singapore, sponsored by the Times Publishing Group. The fifth through 10th place winners will be offered cash prizes. All the competitors will receive certificates from the English Speaking Union and book prizes provided by Pearson Education and Foreign Language Teaching & Research Press. The teachers of the top winners will also receive a one - year membership to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language(IATEFL)
 小题1:The main purpose of this passage is ________.
A.to invite you to take part in the competition
B.to tell you some information of the competition
C.to help to improve your spoken English
D.to show you how to win the competition
  小题2:Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the Shanghai English Speaking Competition?________.
A.Where and when it will take place.
B.Its program.
C.What each winner will be offered.
D.The number of its competitors.
  小题3:Suppose you get the sixth place, you"ll________ .
A.travel to London for free.
B.become a one - year member of IATEFL
C.get some money , some books and a certificate
D.get a chance to study in Singapore
 小题4:An "off- hand speech"is________.
A.a speech not longer than three minutes
B.a speech without preparation
C.a speech with a piece of paper in hand
D.a speech which is well prepared

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  Holiday houses in Mallorca sailing and fishing port - quiet even in summer season. Beautifully situated houses with sights of sea and mountains, yet near to shops and restaurants. Cars and bicycles for hire. Sailing and sports clubs nearby.
  Luxury coach( - carriage) trips of Italy, out of normal holiday season. 21days to visit five Italian cities starting from London 1 st May, 1 st September . The trips are guided by profess or Martin Davis. Head of Italian Studies, London University . See the arts and culture of historic Italy.
  Working holidays on a kibbutz( co -operative farm) in Israel. All nationalities welcome for one to three months, if prepared to work morning with kibbutz members. Accommodation (住宿), food and trips to historic sights all provided free - you pay only for the special low- cost return flight.
  Two- week holidays in the Hotel Splendid , on a lovely beach with golden sands and deep- blue sea. Tennis, golf, sailing and all water sports, trips around the island arranged. Near to town of Castries with lively evening entertainment - dancing.
  1 st November - 31 st March = £ 720 per person
  1 st April - 30th October = £ 850 per person
  Jack and his wife Mary, who have recently retired, want to see places of cultural and historic interest abroad, but Mary hates flying.
  Peter and Maria, university students, want to travel as far as possible on little money, and would like to get to know a country by working there for three months with other young people.
  Michael, a young computer programmer, has been working hard and needs a holiday to relax in winter. He would like to go somewhere warmer and sunny, where he can swim in the sea, and he enjoys sports and dancing.
  Herry and Kate, both teachers, and their two sons, have to take their holiday during the school summer holidays. There must be plenty for the boys to do, although Harry and Kate just want to have beautiful scenery, good food and wine- and peace.
小题1:Michael would most probably go to ________ for his holiday.
C.MallorcaD.a Caribbean island
小题2:The most suitable place where Peter and Maria can enjoy their holiday would be________
A.an Italian cityB.a kibbutz in Israel
C.a Caribbean islandD.the port in Mallorca
小题3:The best holiday for Jack and Mary would be________.
A.the 21 - day coach trip of Italy
B.the 2 -week stay in the Hotel Splendid
C.the 14 -day trip around a Caribbean island
D.the working holidays for 1 -3 months on a kibbutz in Israel
小题4:Harry and Kate and their sons would like________.
A.a holiday working on a kibbutz in Israel
B.a holiday visiting cities by coach in Italy
C.a holiday house in the fishing port in Mallorca
D.a holiday hotel on a lovely beach on a Carribean Island

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Contact us
Add:Room 405,17 Building,Sun Garden,Haidian District,Beijing
Post Code:100086
Tel:0086-21-34240860 34240925
Add:10G of No.38 of Caoxi North Road,Shanghai
Post Code:200030
Add:North 6F,Junhui Tower,No.9 of Sports West Road,Tianhe District,Guangzhou.
Post Code:510620
Recruitment policy.
Please carefully read the following before applying.
You are a native speaker of the language you translate into [Target language].
You were awarded at least a Masters Degree or equivalent in your native language.
You have a perfect understanding of the language you translate from [Source language].
You have studied or spent a subsequent number of years in the country of the language you
translate from.
You have minimum five (5) years experience in the translation field.
You specialise in only a couple of subjects but have extensive experience in these fields.
You have a good command of computer software and are familiar with basic layout techniques.
Your spelling and grammar is impeccable.
You can show at least two professional references.
Your average turnaround for translation is 3000 words daily.
You can work easily under pressure and respond quickly to queries.
If you can answer “YES” comfortably to these questions,please fill in the application form only for sending details and we would be glad to hear from you.
小题1:The purpose of the text is_________.
A.to give advice on how to be a good translator
B.to introduce a translation company
C.to encourage native speakers to become translators
D.to advertise for qualified translators
小题2:.If you live in Shanghai,you may get in touch with the company by_________.
A.writing to Room 405,17 Building,Sun Garden,Haidian District,Beijing
B.sending an email to hywinter@263.net
C.calling 0086-21-34240925
D.sending a fax to 0086-20-38981062
小题3:Which of the following is NOT included in the requirements to apply?
A.You have worked as a translator for at least 5 years.
B.You are a native speaker of the language you translate from.
C.You can operate computer well.
D.You make no spelling or grammatical mistake.
小题4:We can infer from the text that_________.
A.people from different countries are welcome to apply
B.you only need to meet some of the requirements mentioned
C.you have to translate 3000 words every day
D.you should know how to work together with others

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1.Needed:Full time secretary position available.Applicants should be able to type 60 words a minute.No computer skills required.Apply in person at United Business Ltd.,17 Browning Street.
2.Are you looking for a part time job?We require 3 part time shop assistants to work during the evening.No experience is required,applicants should be between 18 and 26.Call 366-76564 for more information.
3.Computer trained secretaries:Do you have experience working with computers?Would you like a full time position working in an exciting new company?If your answer is yes,call 457-896754.
4.Teacher needed:Tommy"s Kindergarten needs 2 teachers/trainers to help with classes from 9 a.m.to 3 p.m.Applicants should have appropriate licenses(许可证).For more information visit Tommy"s Kindergarten in Leicester Square No.56.
5.Part time wor
available:We are looking for retired adults who would like to work part time at the weekend.Responsibilities include answering the telephone and giving customers information.For more information contact Nile Airlines by calling 345-674132.
6.University positions open:The University of Cumberland is looking for 4 teaching assistants to help with homework correction.Applicants should have a degree in one of the following:Political Science,Computer Science,Economics
or History.Please contact the University of Cumberland for more information.
小题1:Suppose you are a first-year student who wants to earn some money to pay your university expenses,you may_________.
A.call 345-674132
B.call 366-76564
C.contact United Business Ltd
D.contact Cumberland University
小题2:According to the advertisements,which of the following is TRUE?
A.Experience is required if you want to work as a shop assistant.
B.You may be employed by United Business Ltd.if you can type fast enough.
C.You are sure to get a job at Tommy"s Kindergarten if you have a degree.
D.Nile Airlines needs a peson to deal with customers" information.
小题3:Who are the advertisements intended for?
A.Job hunters.B.College graduates.
C.Retired teachers.D.Computer majors.

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How Good Are US Drivers?
The CBS-TV“National Drivers’ Test”,showed that many US drivers have a lot to learn.Here’s why.
CBS picked 1799 sample drivers to take the test in TV studios in New York,Philadelphia,Chicago,and Los Angeles.More than two out of five of the drivers failed the test.And the average score was the lowest passing mark—51 points out of a possible 80.
Chicago drivers did best with an average of 53 points.Los Angeles drivers came next with 52 points.New York and Philadelphia drivers got 50 points—a failing score.Drivers with 50 points or less were rated“poorly informed”by the judges.
Here are some of the test results:
1.Are men drivers better informed than women ones?
Yes.Men averaged 52 points.Women got an average of 49.
2.Are older drivers better informed than younger drivers?
No.Drivers under 26 averaged 52 points.Drivers from 27 to 45 averaged 51.Drives over 45 failed with a 48-point average.
3.Does education make a difference?
Yes.College graduates averaged 52 points.High school graduates averaged 50.Those without high school diplomas(毕业证) got 48.And people who had taken driver education courses scored an average of 53 points—three more than those who hadn’t.
4.Does driving experience make a difference?
Yes.Drivers with three or more years of experience averaged 51 points.Drivers with less experience averaged 49.
Here are some surprising facts brought out by the test:
1.More than one out of three drivers did not know that a blinking red light means a full stop.
2.Three out of ten drivers did not know that an octagonal(eight-sided)sign means stop.
3.More than two out of three drivers did not know what to do when being“tailgated(追尾)”.
The answer:slow down,drive to the right,and let the driver behind pass.
The results of the test were turned over to the National Safety Council(委员会).They will help future safety planning.
小题1:The author’s purpose is to_________.
A.prove that men are better drivers than women
B.give you safe driving directions
C.tell you the results of a national drivers’ test
D.require you to get an education
小题2:From the information in this article,which of the following is TRUE?
A.Older drivers are better informed than younger drivers.
B.Experience makes a difference among drivers.
C.Most drivers failed the test.
D.Most people don’ t know what a blinking red light means.
小题3:The test covered the following areas about drivers except_________.
A.educationB.years of driving experience
小题4:Which of the following as a group was rated“poorly informed”by the judges?
A.Men.B.High school graduated drivers.
C.Drivers from 27-45 years of age.D.Drivers with 3 or more years of experience.

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