当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空。     Sarah came running in. "Look what l found." Over the top of the paper ...
完形填空。     Sarah came running in. "Look what l found." Over the top of the paper I was reading came a long object
that caused me to   1  . It was a snake skin.
     "Isn"t it   2  ?" said my wide-eyed seven-year-old.
     I stared at it thinking to myself that it really wasn"t   3   beautiful, but I have learned never to appear
uninterested   4   tired of children.
     "  5   does a snake shed its skin?" Sarah asked.
     I also try to seize every   6   to teach my children there is almost something beyond the obvious. "Snakes
shed their skin because they   7   to renew themselves," I explained. As is so often the   8   in my family, the
original subject leads to   9   and another, until we are discussing something quite  10 .
     "Why do they need to renew themselves?" Sarah asked.
     Robert replied humorously. "Because they don"t like  11  they are and they want to be someone else."
     Sarah and I politely  12  her brother.
     "We often need to shed our skins," I said to my now  13  daughter. "This snake no longer needs this skin.
Probably he doesn"t think he looks as  14  in it as he once did. Like buying a new suit."
     Of course, I"m sure this explanation won"t  15  naturalists (博物学家). But Sarah was understanding. As
we  16 , I knew that she began to understand that renewal is part of  17  and see what we need to keep and
what we need to  18 . I was careful to point out that this is a  19  process, not one to be forced.
     "Snakes don"t peel off their skin when they feel like it," I explained. "It  20  as a natural result of their
growth."  "I see, Dad," said Sarah and jumped off my lap, grabbed the snake skin, and ran off.
试题【完形填空。     Sarah came running in. "Look what l found." Over the top of the paper 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1.A.run        
(     )2.A.terrible     
(     )3.A.so          
(     )4.A.and        
(     )5.A.Why        
(     )6.A.object       
(     )7.A.need        
(     )8.A.situation   
(     )9.A.other      
(     )10.A.opposite     
(     )11.A.that        
(     )12.A.accepted   
(     )13.A.thinking     
(     )14.A.clever       
(     )15.A.satisfy     
(     )16.A.walked      
(     )17.A.study       
(     )18.A.remove      
(     )19.A.forced       
(     )20.A.happens     
C jump        
C interesting  
C much        
1-5: CDABA   6-10: CACDD   11-15: CBACA   16-20: BDACA
     I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled (searched) in my pockets to see if
there were any cigarettes, which   1   their search. I found   2   and because of my shaking hands, I could   3  
 get it to my lips. But I had no matches, they had taken those. I looked   4   the bars at my jailer (看守监狱的
人). He did not make eye contact with me. I   5   to him "Have you got a light?" He looked at me, shrugged and
came over to light my cigarette.   6   he came close and lit the match, his eyes inadvertently (无意中) locked
with mine. At that moment, I   7  . I don"t know why I did that. Perhaps it was   8  , perhaps it was because,
when you get very close, one to another, it is very   9   not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it
was  10  a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn"t want
to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but  11 , looking
at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.
     I  12  smiling at him, now aware of him as a(n)  13  and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to
have a new  14  too. "Do you have kids?" he asked. "Yes, here, here." I took out my wallet and nervously
fumbled for the  15  of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans
and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I"d never see my family again, never have
the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too.  16  without another word, he  17  my cell (牢房)
and silently led me out. Out of the jail,quietly and by back routes,out of the town. There, at the edge of town,
he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town. "My life was  18  by a smile." Yes,
the smile-the unaffected, unplanned,  19  connection between people. I really believe that if that part of you and
that part of me could  20  each other, we wouldn"t be enemies. We couldn"t have hate or envy or fear.
题型:浙江省期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. had lost      
(     )2. A. them         
(     )3. A. barely        
(     )4. A. on             
(     )5. A. gave out      
(     )6. A. As           
(     )7. A. cried         
(     )8. A. anger         
(     )9. A. easy         
(     )10. A. even though   
(     )11. A. went away      
(     )12. A. kept          
(     )13. A. stranger       
(     )14. A. dimension     
(     )15. A. cigarettes    
(     )16. A. Intentionally 
(     )17. A. unfolded       
(     )18. A.  misled       
(     )19. A. surprising    
(     )20. A. like          
B. had given       
B. it             
B. quickly         
B. through          
B. let out        
B. before          
B. shook           
B. nervousness     
B. hard            
B. as well as      
B. dropped out     
B. stopped          
B. enemy            
B. suggestion      
B. bags           
B. Unconsciously     
B. unlocked        
B. destroyed        
B. natural          
B. expect          
C. had escaped     
C. that            
C. possibly        
C. at             
C. called out      
C. after           
C. refused       
C. bitterness      
C. glad            
C. as though       
C. stayed far      
C. began           
C. opponent        
C. impression      
C. pictures         
C. Unwillingly     
C. uncontrolled      
C. saved           
C. different       
C. notice          
D. had reached      
D. one              
D. 1ikely           
D. up               
D. screamed out                 
D. until            
D. smiled           
D. sympathy         
D. embarrassed      
D. as long as       
D. stayed near      
D. forgot           
D. person           
D. concept          
D. wallet           
D. Suddenly         
D. undefended       
D. ignored          
D. frequent         
D. recognize        
     When I was in middle school, I was one of the smaller players on the basketball team. In our first game
of the season, we were   1   to face a good team, all of whom were tall guys. Naturally, at my   2  , it would
have been easy to be   3   by our competitors.
     On game day, my basketball coach called me over to him. He was a strong and tough coach, and in his
   4   rough manner said, "Joel, you"re not that   5  , but let me tell you that size doesn"t matter. Don"t be afraid.
What   6   is right down in here." He pointed his finger at his   7   as he continued, "Joel, you"ve got a big heart,
and you"re to   8   it this year."
     When I heard the coach"s   9  , I stood taller than usual! I thought to myself: The coach believes in me! My
confidence  10  and I played better that year than I"d ever done before.
     It"s  11  what we can achieve when we know somebody really believes in us. That coach took a little time
to make a big  12 . He took time to make me confident in myself. If we"re going to  13  the best in people, we
need to sow seeds of  14 .
     As the saying goes, "Love looks for a way of being constructive."  15 , love looks for ways to help improve
somebody else"s life.
     When people are  16  us, they should leave better off than they were before. People should feel  17  and
inspired after spending any time with you and me  18  feeling discouraged or defeated.
     Remember, there"s  19  greater investment (投资) in life than in being a people builder. Relationships  20  
much more to us than our achievements.
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
题型:期中题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. requested
(     )2. A. age
(     )3. A. injured
(     )4. A. common
(     )5. A. big
(     )6. A. matters
(     )7. A. back
(     )8. A. pass
(     )9. A. stories
(     )10. A. built up
(     )11. A. interesting
(     )12. A. sense
(     )13. A. speak of
(     )14. A. hope
(     )15. A. Above all
(     )16. A. around
(     )17. A. delighted
(     )18. A. as well as
(     )19. A. some
(     )20. A. influence
B. arranged
B. size
B. destroyed
B. normal
B. young
B. promises
B. shoulder
B. get
B. words
B. made up
B. amazing
B. result
B. bring out
B. success
B. On the contrary
B. against
B. challenged
B. rather than
B. still
B. leave
C. determined
C. weight
C. frightened
C. formal
C. tall
C. attracts
C. head
C. make
C. advice
C. took up
C. confusing
C. difference
C. put up
C. fortune
C. In other words
C. above
C. moved
C. in addition to
C. no
C. produce
D. accepted
D. experience
D. cheated
D. usual
D. strong
D. matches
D. chest
D. help
D. praise
D. turned up
D. convincing             
D. surprise
D. stand out
D. excitement
D. In this case
D. below
D. respected
D. except for
D. none
D. mean
     That cold January night, I was growing sick of my life in San Francisco. There I was walking home at
one in the morning after a tiring practice at the theater. With opening night only a week away, I was still
learning my lines. I was having trouble dealing with my part-time job at the bank and my acting at night at
the same time.
     As I walked, I thought seriously about giving up both acting and San Francisco. City life had become too
much for me. As I walked down empty streets under tall buildings, I felt very small and cold. I began running,
both to keep warm and to keep away from any possible robbers. Very few people were still out except a few
sad-looking homeless people under blankets.
     About a block from my apartment, I heard a sound behind me. I turned quickly, half expecting to see
someone with a knife or a gun. The street was empty. All I saw was a shining streetlight. Still, the noise had
made me nervous, so I started to run faster. Not until I reached my apartment building and unlocked the door
did I realize what the noise had been. It had been my wallet falling to the sidewalk.
     Suddenly I wasn"t cold or tired any more. I ran out of the door and back to where I"d heard the noise.
Although I searched the sidewalk anxiously for fifteen minutes, my wallet was nowhere to be found.
     Just as I was about to give up the search, I heard the garbage truck pull up to the sidewalk next to me.
When a voice called from the inside, "Alisa Camacho?" I thought I was dreaming. How could this man know
my name? The door opened, and out jumped a small red-haired man with an amused look in his eyes. "Is this
what you"re looking for?" he asked, holding up a small square shape.
    It was nearly 3 a.m. by the time I got into bed. I wouldn"t get much sleep that night, but I had got my
wallet back. I also had got back some enjoyment of city life. I realized that the city couldn"t be a bad place as
long as people were willing to help each other.
1. How did the writer feel when she was walking home after work?
[     ]
A. Cold and sick
B. Lucky and hopeful
C. Satisfied and cheerful
D. Disappointed and helpless
2. From the first paragraph, we learn that the writer was busy _____.
[     ]
A. solving her problem at the bank
B. taking part in various city activities
C. learning acting in an evening school
D. preparing for the first night show
3.On her way home the writer _____.
[     ]
A. lost her wallet unknowingly
B. was stopped by a garbage truck driver
C. was robbed of her wallet by a man with a knife
D. found some homeless people following her
4. In the fifth paragraph, why did the writer say she was dreaming?
[     ]
A. Someone offered to take her back home
B. A red-haired man came to see her.
C. She heard someone call her name
D. Her wallet was found in a garbage truck
5. From the text, we can infer that the writer _____.
[     ]
A. would stop working at night
B. would stay on in San Francisco
C. would make friends with cleaners
D. would give up her job at the bank
     On a hot summer day in south Florida, a little boy decided to go for a swim in the old swimming hole
behind his house.
     In a hurry to dive into the cool water, the boy did not   1   that as he swam toward the middle of the
lake, a   2   was swimming toward the shore.
     His mother, who was in the   3  , was looking out of the window and saw the two as they got closer
together. In great   4  , she ran toward the water, yelling to her son as loudly as she could. Hearing her
voice, the little boy became alarmed and made a (n)   5   to swim to his mother.
     It was too   6  . Just as he reached her, the crocodile reached him. From the dock, the mother grabbed
her little boy by the   7   just as the crocodile snatched his legs. Then   8   an incredible tug-of-war between
the two. The crocodile was much   9   than the mother, but the mother was much too passionate to let go.
A farmer happened to drive by, heard her screams, raced from his truck, took his  10  and shot the crocodile.
     Remarkably, after weeks in the hospital, the little boy  11  His legs were extremely scarred by the attack,
and, on his arms, were deep scratches where his mother"s fingernails  12  his flesh in her effort to hang on
to the son she loved.
     When a newspaper reporter who  13  the boy asked if he would show him his scars, the boy lifted his
pant legs. And then, with obvious pride, he said to the reporter, "But look at my arms. I have great  14  on
my arms, too. I have them because my mom wouldn"t  15 ."
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题型:0107 期中题难度:| 查看答案
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(     )1. A. think
(     )2. A. crocodile
(     )3. A. hole
(     )4. A. fear
(     )5. A. S-turn
(     )6. A. worrying
(     )7. A. arms
(     )8. A. had
(     )9. A. longer
(     )10. A. charge
(     )11. A. died
(     )12. A. divided into
(     )13. A. questioned
(     )14. A. numbers
(     )15. A. let along

B. realize
B. whale
B. hospital
B. excitement
B. V-turn
B. fortunate
B. hands
B. witnessed
B. stronger
B. gun
B. cried
B. slid into
B. interviewed   
B. marks
B. let down
C. believe
C. dolphin
C. house
C. sorrow
C. Z-turn
C. late
C. fingers
C. saw
C. younger
C. notice
C. survived
C. dropped into   
C. examined
C. scars
C. let out
D. hope
D. shark
D. pool
D. silence
D. U-turn
D. early
D. legs                   
D. began
D. cleverer
D. aim
D. remained
D. dug into
D. inspected
D. signs
D. let go
     Mr. Andrews was waiting for a subway train in the city. The train pulled into the station and stopped.
As Andrews was getting ready to board the train, he saw an elderly blind man fall to the tracks (站台).
David Schnair, aged 75, had mistaken the space between two subway cars for a door, while feeling his
way with a cane. Instead of ending up inside the train, Schnair fell off the platform and landed under the
     Andrews jumped down to the tracks to save Schnair. He pulled the man to safety. Onlookers immediately
declared Andrews a hero. Messages began to pour in from all over the country. Some people sent checks.
The largest was for $3,000. President called Andrews and wished him a Merry Christmas and a good new
     Andrews had been on the subway because he was returning from a job interview. He probably would
have been hired anyway, but all the good publicity (宣传) made it a sure thing.
     After about a week of newspaper stories and donations of food, money and gifts for his children, Andrews
faded from limelight
. Most people assumed that the story had come to a happy ending, but it didn"t quite
happen that way. Andrews did start his new job, but the company moved to New Jersey. Andrews didn"t
have any way to get to work, so he had to give up. It wasn"t long before he was back to job hunting and
being discouraged again. Few newspapers, however, bothered to tell their readers what happened to Mr.
Andrews after he became a hero.
1. Schnair fell off the platform because _____.
[     ]
A. onlookers pushed him down
B. he was walking carelessly
C. he thought he was at a door
D. the train got to the station fast
2. What does the underlined sentence mean in Paragraph 4?
[     ]
A. Andrews disappeared from the public attention.
B. Andrews lost his job for his fame.
C. Andrews gained his popularity with the public.
D. Andrews lost his interest in newspaper.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that _____.
[     ]
A. it was not wise for Andrews to give up his job
B. the public didn"t show enough kindness to Andrews
C. the newspapers paid little attention to Andrews" life
D. life is difficult for the unemployed