当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空。     After years of marriage, I started to go out with another woman.      ...
完形填空。     After years of marriage, I started to go out with another woman.
     "You love her," my wife said. "I love you," I   1  . "But you also love her."
     The other woman was my   2  , a widow for 19 years, but my work and my three children had made it   3  
to visit her only occasionally. That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a   4  . "What"s wrong,
are you OK?" she asked. My mother is the woman who suspects a(n)   5   night call or a surprise invitation is
a sign of bad news. "Just want to pass some time with you," I   6  . "Two of us!" She thought about it for a
moment, then said OK.
     That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit   7  . When arriving, I noticed that she,
too, was nervous about our   8  . She smiled like an angel. "I told it to my friends and they were   9  ," she said,
"They can"t wait to hear about our meeting."
     We went to a restaurant. My mother took my  10  as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had
to read the menu. Her eyes were bad and could only read large  11 . "I read the menu when you were small,"
she said. "Then it"s time that you should relax and let me return the  12 ," I responded.
     We had an agreeable conversation, nothing extraordinary but each other"s  13 . We talked so much that we
missed the movie. As we arrived at her house  14 , she said, "I wish I could go out with you again. I agreed 
 15 ."
     A few  16  later my mother died of a serious heart attack. It 17  so suddenly that I didn"t have a chance to
do anything for her. At that moment I understood the importance of  18  in time:"I LOVE YOU" and to give
our loved ones the time that they  19 .
     Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things
cannot be  20  till "some other time".
试题【完形填空。     After years of marriage, I started to go out with another woman.      】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
题型:模拟题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. debated     
(     )2. A. mother      
(     )3. A. necessary   
(     )4. A. tea         
(     )5. A. early       
(     )6. A. responded   
(     )7. A. disappointed
(     )8. A. date        
(     )9. A. interested  
(     )10. A. hand       
(     )11. A. menus      
(     )12. A. benefit    
(     )13. A. wife       
(     )14. A. later      
(     )15. A. meaningful 
(     )16. A. years      
(     )17. A. took       
(     )18. A. showing    
(     )19. A. deserve    
(     )20. A. put on     
B. quarreled 
B. sister    
B. important 
B. movie     
B. late      
B. argued    
B. excited   
B. arrival   
B. shocked   
B. shoulder  
B. print     
B. favor     
B. husband   
B. lastly    
B. carelessly
B. minutes   
B. appeared  
B. saying    
B. enjoy     
B. put down     
C. protested  
C. daughter   
C. impossible 
C. coffee     
C. warm       
C. defended   
C. nervous    
C. secret     
C. surprised 
C. arm      
C. notes      
C. wrongs     
C. retirement 
C. finally    
C. happily    
C. days       
C. seemed     
C. sending    
C. think      
C. put up         
D. refused    
D. grandmother
D. possible   
D. chat       
D. present    
D. acted      
D. unhappy    
D. problem    
D. impressed               
D. finger     
D. letters    
D. behavior   
D. life       
D. suddenly   
D. mindlessly 
D. decades    
D. happened   
D. hearing    
D. share      
D. put off    
1-5: C A D B B   6-10: A C A D C   11-15: B B D A C   16-20: C D B A D
     I remember my math teacher Mr. Young very well. He stood out because the kids made fun of him. He
was missing one of his fingers, and always pointed at students with his middle finger.
     I was not very good at English and math. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not figure out why I
did not understand what all the other kids found so easy to learn.
     One day, I was told that if I got one more E on my report card, I would be taken to the "big person for
     I tried really hard for weeks. I just couldn"t understand how to make different parts of members into
whole things.
     The day before report cards were to come out, I knew that Mr. Young would give me an E, just like he
always did.
     I went to Mr. Young and told him that the orphanage (孤儿院) was going to send me to the big person
if I got another E on my report card. He told me there was nothing he could do; it would be unfair to the other
kids if he gave me a better grade than I had actually earned.
     I smiled at him and said, "Mr. Young, do you know how the kids make fun of you because you"re missing
your finger?" He looked at me, moved his mouth to one side and said nothing.
     "They shouldn"t do that to you because you can"t help having a finger, Mr. Young. Just like I can"t help not
being able to learn numbers and stuff like that." I said.
     The next day, when I got my report card, I tucked it into one of my books. While on the school bus, I
opened it: Geography, B + ; Mechanical Drawing, C - ; English, D - ; History, C - ; Gym, B + ; Art, C ; Math,
D -.
     That math grade was the most favorite one I ever received. Because I knew that someone in the world
finally understood what it was like for me to be missing a finger inside my head.
1. From the second paragraph we can infer that the boy is _____ in some subjects.
A. mind- blowing (给人印象极深的)
B. slow-witted (头脑迟钝的 )
C. fun-loving
D. badly-behaved
2. Where may the boy live according to the passage?
A. In an orphanage.
B. In a big prison.
C. In the school dormitory.
D. In his home.
3. What grade should the boy have got in the math test this time?
A. D-.
B. B+.
C. D.
D. E.
4. The underlined word" tucked" in the passage most probably means "_____".
A. stuck
B. listed
C. hid
D. copied
     I was working as a consultant in a beer company, helping the president and senior vice-presidents form
and carry out their new planning projects. It was really a great challenge.
     At the same time, my mother was in the final stages of cancer.
     I worked during the day and drove 40 miles home to be with her every night. It was tiring and stressful,
but it was what I wanted to do. My commitment was to continue to do excellent consulting during the day,
even though my evenings were very hard. I didn"t want to bother the president with my situation, yet I felt
someone at the company needed to know what was going on. So I told the vice-president of Human
Resources, asking him not to share the information with anyone.
     A few days later, the president called me into his office.
     I figured he wanted to talk to me about one of the many issues we were working on. When I entered, he
asked me to sit down. He faced me from across his large desk, looked me in the eye and said, "I hear your
mother is very ill."
     I was totally caught by surprise and burst into tears. He just looked at me, let my crying subside (平息),
and then gently said a sentence I will never forget: Whatever you need.
     That was it. His understanding and his willingness both to let me be in my pain and to offer me everything
were qualities of sympathy that I carry with me to this day.
1. When the author was working in a beer company, his mother _____.
A. was concerned about him
B. drew the president"s attention
C. was seriously ill
D. was proud of her son
2. Most probably, the president got the information from _____.
A. a relative of the author"s
B. the.vice-president
C. the author"s good friends
D. the author"s colleagues
3. Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?
A. Understanding Is Everywhere
B. Generous President
C. Sympathy Is Needed
D. An Unforgettable Memory
     One day my math teacher asked me to help him save back-up copies of his work in the computer. I then
realized I was able to   1   the grades for all of his classes. I showed him how to copy files from one disk to
another and he   2   me.
     A few days later he asked me to help him again, because he   3   how to do it. When I began to show this
to him, some students in my class   4   and began to talk among themselves   5  . Later that day, at lunch time,
I was   6   by several of them.
     "Hey, could you help us change our grades in math? We"ll   7   you..."
     I could not believe what I was hearing. I could get paid for something very   8  . "All right. I"ll do it." The
next day my math teacher   9   me to help him out. When he was not paying attention, I began to change their
grades from F"s to A"s.
     I soon became very  10  among my friends. They began to treat me like a god with a magical  11 . I began
to change the grades of students. Word  12  quickly and I became very rich.
     Everything was going fine  13  I was called into the headmaster"s office. When I got there, my teacher was
mad, and the headmaster had an angry  14  in his eyes. "I have known you for three years. I don"t want to  15 
 what your teacher said, but I"m afraid that I must. He has too much  16 ," he said. "Do you have anything to
say  17  yourself?" he asked.
     "No." I said finally. I did not realize how serious my actions had been. I had violated the  18  of my teacher,
and the headmaster. And there was no way  19 . I was forced to leave my school. That was a good  20  for me.
题型:北京期末题难度:| 查看答案
题型:北京期末题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. access        
(     )2. A. guided        
(     )3. A. doubted       
(     )4. A. hid           
(     )5. A. disappointedly
(     )6. A. appointed     
(     )7. A. pay           
(     )8. A. familiar      
(     )9. A. forced        
(     )10. A. optimistic   
(     )11. A. energy       
(     )12. A. escaped      
(     )13. A. until        
(     )14. A. sight        
(     )15. A. believe      
(     )16. A. experience   
(     )17. A. to           
(     )18. A. intention    
(     )19. A. on           
(     )20. A. lesson       
B. assess     
B. supported  
B. remembered 
B. noticed    
B. quietly    
B. approved   
B. praise     
B. simple     
B. advised    
B. popular    
B. strength   
B. slipped    
B. since      
B. look       
B. ignore     
B. pressure       
B. by         
B. honor      
B. in         
B. skill      
C. change      
C. thanked     
C. reminded    
C. complained  
C. freely      
C. approached  
C. follow      
C. interesting 
C. encouraged  
C. sensitive   
C. right       
C. spread      
C. as          
C. light       
C. oppose      
C. confidence      
C. for         
C. promise     
C. back        
C. story       
D. mark          
D. accepted      
D. forgot        
D. agreed        
D. angrily       
D. appreciated               
D. inspire       
D. pleasant      
D. got           
D. grateful      
D. power         
D. fled          
D. after         
D. feeling       
D. influence     
D. evidence      
D. of            
D. trust         
D. down          
D. example       
     Once Dr. Mellinkoff invited me to join him at the hospital to discuss interesting cases with his students.
The case at hand was a Guatemalan man, aged 34, who had a fever and many other medical problems. His
condition was not improving, and there was not much hope that he would live.
     Dr. Mellinkoff asked to see the patient. He introduced himself in Spanish and, in a very gentle voice, asked
how he felt. The patient smiled and said everything was all right. Then the doctor asked if he was able to eat.
The patient said that he had no desire to eat.
     "Are you getting food you like?"
     The patient said nothing.
     "Do you get the kind of food you have at home?"
     The answer was no.
     The doctor put his hand on the man"s shoulder and his voice was very soft.
     "If you had food that you liked, would you eat it?"
     "Yes, yes," the patient said.
     The change in the patient"s appearance couldn"t have been more obvious. Nothing was said, but it was easy
to tell that a message had been sent and had also been received. Later, the doctor asked why the Guatemalan
man wasn"t getting food he could eat. One of the students said, "We all know how difficult it is to get the
kitchen to make special meals."
     "Suppose," the doctor replied, "you felt a certain medicine was absolutely necessary but that our hospital
didn"t carry it, would you accept defeat or would you insist the hospital meet your request?"
     "I would probably insist," the student said.
     "Very well," the doctor said. "You might want to try the same method in the kitchen. It won"t be easy, but
I can help you. Meanwhile, let"s get some food inside this man as fast as possible, and stay with it. Or he"ll be
killed by hunger. By the way, there must be someone among you who can speak Spanish. If we want to make
real progress, we need to be able to talk with him."
     Three weeks later. Dr. Mellinkoff told me that the Guatemalan man had left the hospital under his own
power. It takes more than medicine to help sick people; you also have to talk to them and make them
1. The patient had no desire to eat because _____.
A. he was not hungry
B. he was seriously ill
C. he was given special meals
D. he was not satisfied with the food
2. According to the passage, we can conclude that _____.
A. the patient" s native language was Spanish
B. the patient" s illness was caused by hunger
C. Dr. Mellinkoff performed an operation on the patient
D. the hospital failed to provide the right medicine for the patient
3. Which of the following words can be used to describe Dr. Mellinkoff?
A. Cold.
B. Considerate.
C. Curious.
D. Careless.
4. What do you think Dr. Mellinkoff wanted to tell his students in this case?
A. Doctors should be good at foreign languages.
B. Doctors should know their patients" real problems.
C. Doctors should try to improve their medical skills.
D. Doctors should have a good relationship with their patients.
     Eighty-year-old retired tailor, James McKay, spent Saturday night in jail after   1   thirty-year-old Keith
Smith over the head   2   his walking stick. McKay"s wife, Laurence told us that while McKay is usually a
   3   person, he had been   4   to this act of violence by getting wet just once too often.
     Smith lives above the McKays and it appears that not only is he a keen gardener, he is also a   5   collector.
Unfortunately for him, the water he sent over his balcony every day ended up on the McKay"s, or too often,
on the McKays   6  .
     "For the last fortnight, since Smith moved into the flat above us, we have hardly dared to go to our   7  ,"
said Laurene. She added, that it wasn"t so much the water falling onto their balcony from Smith watering his
plant   8   bothered them, it was more the way he cleaned his fish tanks. "We"d be   9   there happily reading
our newspapers, when  10  so much water would come from above that we"d be as wet as if we"d  11  with
our clothes on! Neither could we get rid of the  12  of fish!"
     And on Saturday evening it was just too  13 . "It was James"s birthday," explained Laurene, "and I"d made
him a birthday cake. The candles were a great sight as you can imagine, but James didn"t get to blow them
out."  14 , Smith emptied one of his larger tanks over his balcony and both the McKays and the cake were wet
  15 . Rarely had Laurene seen McKay move so fast. "I couldn"t  16  him. He was up there in a flash. It was
the fastest I"d seen him move since 1964."
     Smith is not going to take things further with the police. He has also promised to change his  17   from now
on. And what of James McKay?  18  he left the police station, a large crowd of supporters sang him, "Happy
Birthday  19  the most exciting birthday  20 !" said the cheerful old man. "The best since my adolescence I"d
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(     )1. A. hitting   
(     )2. A. by        
(     )3. A. quiet     
(     )4. A. accustomed
(     )5. A. fish      
(     )6. A. themselves
(     )7. A. bathroom  
(     )8. A. which     
(     )9. A. sitting   
(     )10. A. regularly
(     )11. A. swum     
(     )12. A. taste    
(     )13. A. little   
(     )14. A. Otherwise
(     )15. A. over     
(     )16. A. stop     
(     )17. A. views    
(     )18. A. While    
(     )19. A. Sincerely
(     )20. A. before   
B. tapping    
B. with       
B. sensitive  
B. driven     
B. seed       
B. itself     
B. balcony    
B. what       
B. exercising   
B. suddenly   
B. watered    
B. smell      
B. soon       
B. Besides    
B. across     
B. blame      
B. attitude   
B. Since      
B. Impossibly 
B. already    
C. pushing    
C. through    
C. stubborn   
C. taken      
C. plant      
C. herself    
C. bedroom    
C. that       
C. sleeping   
C. precisely  
C. showered   
C. feeling    
C. late       
C. Instead       
C. through    
C. ignore     
C. minds      
C. Until      
C. Previously 
C. ever       
D. touching      
D. via           
D. peaceful      
D. attracted     
D. newspaper     
D. himself       
D. kitchen       
D. whether       
D. eating        
D. unconsciously                
D. drowned       
D. sense         
D. much          
D. Consequently  
D. down          
D. stand         
D. ways          
D. As            
D. Definitely    
D. since