当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空。     In Mr. Allen"s high school class, all the students have to "get marrie...
题型:0111 月考题难度:来源:
完形填空。     In Mr. Allen"s high school class, all the students have to "get married".   1   , the wedding ceremonies (婚礼)
sometimes become so   2   that the loud laughter drowns out the   3   of the"minister (牧师)".   4   the two
students getting married often begin to   5   .
     The teacher, Mr. Allen, believes that marriage is a difficult and serious   6  . He wants young people to
understand that there are many changes that must take place   7   marriage. He believes that the need for these
changes   8   be understood before people marry. 
      Mr. Allen doesn"t only introduce his students to   9   problems in marriage such as illness or being out of
work. He also exposes   10   to the difficult and particular problems they will   11   every day. He even
familiarizes his students   12   the problems of divorce (离婚).
     It has been   13   for some of the students to see the problems that a married   14   often faces.  15  they
took the course (课程), they had not worried   16   about the problems of marriage. However, both  17   and
parents feel that Mr. Allen"s course is valuable and have  18   it publicly. Their statements and letters  19   the
class have asked the school to   20   the course again.
试题【完形填空。     In Mr. Allen"s high school class, all the students have to "get marrie】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
(     )1. A. Therefore  
(     )2. A. great      
(     )3. A. noise       
(     )4. A. Even        
(     )5. A. cry        
(     )6. A. business    
(     )7. A. before      
(     )8. A. would      
(     )9. A. funny      
(     )10. A. them      
(     )11. A. set        
(     )12. A. to        
(     )13. A. comfortable 
(     )14. A. husband    
(     )15. A. If        
(     )16. A. much      
(     )17. A. teachers  
(     )18. A. pleased    
(     )19. A. refusing  
(     )20. A. choose    
B. However    
B. excited    
B. sound      
B. Then        
B. laugh      
B. time        
B. without    
B. should      
B. major      
B. these      
B. take        
B. of         
B. necessary  
B. couple      
B. After      
B. so          
B. scientists  
B. studied    
B. supporting  
B. supply    
C. Firstly 
C. noisy  
C. murmur  
C. Still  
C. pretend
C. work    
C. after  
C. might  
C. small  
C. it      
C. face    
C. about  
C. curious 
C. situation
C. Until  
C. too     
C. students 
C. favored
C. reducing 
C. offer  
D. Immediately     
D. cheerful        
D. voice           
D. Till            
D. think           
D. problem         
D. from            
D. could           
D. important       
D. all             
D. see             
D. with            
D uneasy         
D. life            
D. Because         
D. more            
D. researchers     
D. entered         
D. forming         
D. affect        
1-5: BCDAB 6-10:  ACBBA 11-15:  CDDBC 16-20: ACCBC
      One of the most common social fears is that we are not good enough. Perhaps you feel you won"t   1   
others because they are more confident, successful, intelligent or attractive than you. Such thinking is
misguided. The   2   of doing well is accepting yourself as you are.
     When I was a student, I kept a diary filled with   3   memories. Some were painful memories from   4   
when I felt hurt, confused, lonely and insecure. I   5   pieces of dreams and personal feelings of anger and
hatred,   6   things I enjoyed such as magic shops and coin dealers.
     Then a terrible thing happened.   7   dinner one night I realized I had left my diary in the cloakroom(衣帽
间)outside the campus dining hall.   8   that somebody might read it and find out the truth about me, I   9 
 back, but it was gone.
     Weeks passed, and eventually I gave up hope of ever finding it   10   . A month later, I was   11   up my
jacket in the same place when I saw my brown   12   diary, just where I"d left it.
        13   I read through the pages and found that a   14   had written the following,"God bless you. I"m   15 
 like you, only I  16   keep a diary, and I"m   17   to know there are others like me. I hope things turn out well
for you."
     Tears came to my eyes. I had never thought that any one could know my inner feelings and also  18  
things just like the way I did.
     No matter what you are like, whether you"re rich or poor, brilliant or   19   , attractive or plain, there are
people like you. Get rid of your fears of not being good enough, and   20   yourself as you are.
题型:0115 月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. like    
(     )2. A. idea      
(     )3. A. private    
(     )4. A. works     
(     )5. A. described 
(     )6. A. instead of
(     )7. A. Until     
(     )8. A. Excited   
(     )9. A. walked    
(     )10. A. hardly 
(     )11. A. hanging  
(     )12. A. new      
(     )13. A. Nervously
(     )14. A. friend   
(     )15. A. a lot   
(     )16. A. mustn’t 
(     )17. A. sorry    
(     )18. A. feel     
(     )19. A. strong   
(     )20. A. insist  
B. impress      
B. success     
B. painful    
B. friends       
B. hid        
B. as well as 
B. When         
B. Puzzled      
B. searched   
B. soon           
B. looking   
B. worn       
B. Happily      
B. policeman  
B. a little     
B. don’t      
B. thankful    
B. enjoy        
B. pretty     
B. accept  
C. affect        
C. secret         
C. wonderful     
C. neighbors      
C. showed      
C. in case of    
C. After        
C. Surprised       
C. turned        
C. again            
C. turning    
C. broken      
C. Sadly           
C. stranger      
C. rarely         
C. won’t      
C. curious         
C. remember        
C. clear       
C. help    

D. admire                    
D. purpose                    
D. simple                    
D. childhood                  
D. noticed                   
D. because of                 
D. Since                     
D. Frightened                 
D. ran                        
D. seldom                         
D. breaking               
D. similar                     
D. Excitedly                  
D. classmate                  
D. slightly                   
D. can’t                  
D. anxious                     
D. hate                         
D. average                  
D. balance             

     I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1944, but I can remember my mother"s words
as if it were yesterday:" Kerrel, I don"t want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very
careful when you are around him."
     AIDS wasn"t something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that
this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he
could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My father"s other children lived far away,
so it fell to me to look after him.
     We couldn"t afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no
money for school supplies and often couldn"t even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely
lost, the teacher"s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage. I did not share my burden
(负担) with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with
the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave
his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.
     I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret. I was
completely unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless. I called a woman at the nonprofit
题型:0115 月考题难度:| 查看答案
National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to
find someone who cared. She saved my life.
     I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken
about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn"t want to call attention to AIDS. I do.
     Two weeks before Christmas, Mother told me we were going to my grandmother"s house for the holiday.
Grandma and Uncle Henry lived on a farm some 15 miles out of town. They had no electricity or running
water and   1   what I considered the "good things" in life. They   2   made no plans for Christmas. When
Christmas Eve arrived, Mom told me in her best "I-mean-it" voice to   3   all the decorations (装饰物) from our
tree. She packed those up   4   all the trimmings (材料) for a   5   turkey dinner.
      Christmas morning   6   perfectly with the sun shining brightly across a fresh blanket of snow.   7   I
sulked (生气) silently in the backseat of the car as we made our   8   to grandma"s. This was going to be the 
  9   Christmas ever! Grandma was   10   to see us as we walked up to her door. "What on earth are you doing
here?" she stammered." We weren"t expecting   11  . It"s Christmas, and I don"t even have a turkey to cook for
you.""I knew 12 ." Mom said as we set boxes of goodies on the kitchen table."That"s  13  we brought all with
us.""We   14   have a tree," Mom insisted."  15  , what will we do with all these decorations?" Uncle Henry
quickly caught Mom"s spirit. He called me to join him, and we found a perfect Christmas tree in the woods.
Soon the house   16   fresh and piney as we decorated the tree, and the day   17   a festive air. The turkey
dinner was very good, too. I was actually beginning to enjoy this unusual Christmas day!
     Dessert (甜点) was forgotten  18   Mom came out with the final surprise-a flaming pudding!"Merry
Christmas, mother," Mom said. "Dear me!" Grandma gasped. "I haven"t seen a flaming pudding since I left
England before I was married." Tears of   19   filled her eyes. I could not keep the tears   20   my eyes, either.
I knew then that Mom had also given me the best Christmas present ever-she had taught me what a beautiful
thing it is to give.
题型:0123 月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. prepared
(     )2. A. also   
(     )3. A. replace   
(     )4. A. instead of
(     )5. A. normal   
(     )6. A. dawned   
(     )7. A. But     
(     )8. A. decision  
(     )9. A. last    
(     )10. A. expected  
(     )11. A. anyone   
(     )12. A. you   
(     )13. A. how    
(     )14. A. may    
(     )15. A. Meanwhile
(     )16. A. improved  
(     )17. A. called on
(     )18. A. until   
(     )19. A. sadness  
(     )20. A. inside   
B. lacked       
B. still      
B. collect         
B. by the side of  
B. complete      
B. passed     
B. So          
B. way          
B. busiest       
B. eager         
B. others         
B. it          
B. why          
B. will        
B. Therefore    
B. smelled       
B. carried on    
B. after        
B. joy        
B. back         

C. refused    
C. never     
C. remove   
C. along with  
C. fresh     
C. broke     
C. And      
C. wish     
C. best     
C. surprised   
C. someone    
C. that     
C. where     
C. can      
C. However    
C. became   
C. took on    
C. because    
C. regret    
C. away    

D. wanted             
D. hardly            
D. show               
D. in spite of      
D. separate          
D. happened          
D. Then              
D. plan              
D. worst              
D. ready              
D. no one             
D. this               
D. what              
D. must              
D. Otherwise         
D. changed            
D. tried on           
D. unless             
D. worry              
D. from           
     I was 9 years old when I found out my father was ill. It was 1944, but I can remember my mother"s words
as if it were yesterday:" Kerrel, I don"t want you to take food from your father, because he has AIDS. Be very
careful when you are around him."
     AIDS wasn"t something we talked about in my country when I was growing up. From then on, I knew that
this would be a family secret. My parents were not together anymore, and my dad lived alone. For a while, he
could take care of himself. But when I was 12, his condition worsened. My father"s other children lived far away,
so it fell to me to look after him.
     We couldn"t afford all the necessary medication for him, and because Dad was unable to work, I had no
money for school supplies and often couldn"t even buy food for dinner. I would sit in class feeling completely
lost, the teacher"s words muffled as I tried to figure out how I was going to manage. I did not share my burden
(负担) with anyone. I had seen how people reacted to AIDS. Kids laughed at classmates who had parents with
the disease. And even adults could be cruel. When my father was moved to the hospital, the nurses would leave
his food on the bedside table even though he was too weak to feed himself.
     I had known that he was going to die, but after so many years of keeping his condition a secret. I was
completely unprepared when he reached his final days. Sad and hopeless. I called a woman at the nonprofit
题型:0123 月考题难度:| 查看答案
National AIDS Support. That day, she kept me on the phone for hours. I was so lucky to
find someone who cared. She saved my life.
     I was 15 when my father died. He took his secret away with him, having never spoken
about AIDS to anyone, even me. He didn"t want to call attention to AIDS. I do.
     My husband has been ill in hospital for two months and I have learned to make do with very little (凑合过
     One Sunday afternoon, I went to buy a   1   for my daughter with my friend. A woman who was also
buying books in the bookstore saw me and said, "I   2   you must be having a hard time." I just smiled and
said, "I"m okay. I have eight dollars and I have food at home, so I"ll be   3   ."
      About ten   4   later she came up to me and said,"Can I take a look at the book that you"ve   5   ? It seems
very interesting!" I said all right and gave it to her.
      Just then   6   called me and I immediately went out.   7   I returned she thanked me and   8   my book.
     On my way home my friend who was driving said, "You told me you didn"t had much   9   ?" I replied,"I
      She said, "Oh yes, you do!" I assured (向—保证) her I   10   had two dollars left, but still she insisted I 
  11   plenty of money.
      "Look at your book in your bag," she   12   ."There"s a hundred dollar bill in it." I turned over the page and
got so   13   ! There actually was a hundred dollar   14   that seemed to have fallen out of my book!
     I   15   her, very surprised, and said, "I don"t know   16   that came from. I have no idea because I certainly
did not have a hundred   17   !"
     I thought and thought about the money for days after that. Then I realized it must have come from   18   
who asked to borrow my book in the bookstore. How   19   of her! And what a wonderful gift to   20   when
I am down to my last two dollars!
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(     )1. A. storybook  
(     )2. A. suggest   
(     )3. A. sad        
(     )4. A. hours     
(     )5. A. written    
(     )6. A. someone   
(     )7. A. Since    
(     )8.A. threw away 
(     )9. A. wisdom    
(     )10. A. never    
(     )11. A. had      
(     )12. A. said    
(     )13. A. worried   
(     )14. A. letter   
(     )15. A. looked at 
(     )16. A. why      
(     )17. A. bags     
(     )18. A. the lady  
(     )19. A. foolish   
(     )20. A. make  
B. toy bear   
B. wish       
B. upset     
B. minutes  
B. chosen    
B. nobody   
B. When    
B. asked for  
B. money     
B. always   
B. spent    
B. cried    
B. satisfied  
B. card      
B. quarreled  with  
B. how       
B. books     
B. the writer 
B. kind       
B. refuse  
C. birthday cake    
C. hear               
C. fine               
C. days           
C. hidden               
C. everyone       
C. Before                
C. looked into    
C. water              
C. only               
C. lost               
C. ordered                    
C. surprised    
C. picture                
C. believed in     
C. what            
C. stores             
C. my friend         
C. energetic       
C. invent           
D. concert ticket             
D. think                      
D. honest                     
D. weeks                      
D. finished                   
D. anybody                    
D. Because                     
D. gave back                 
D. patience                  
D. once                      
D. won                       
D. shouted                   
D. relaxed                    
D. bill                      
D. laughed at               
D. where                     
D. dollars                    
D. my daughter              
D. proud                     
D. receive