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阅读理解。     Oleksander Pylyshenko is either very fearless,very foolish… or both. The 40-year-old zookeeper
from the Ukraine recently spent five weeks in a cage with Katya, a 200-kilo African lioness. Why? Well
for a start, he wanted to raise awareness of the treatment of animals in captivity. Secondly, he hoped to
break the Guinness World Record for time spent living in a cage with a lion. And thirdly? "I wanted to
show my children what kind of man I am," said Oleksander.
     For 36 days, Oleksander and Katya shared the cage together. They ate hunks of meat thrown into
the cage by Oleksander"s wife, and slept side by side on a bed of hay. Oleksander did have a few more
creature comforts than his feline flatmate - he built himself a shower and toilet inside the enclosure. But he
didn"t use any soap as the sharp scent is upsetting to lions.
     And as if living with the king of the jungle wasn"t dangerous enough, Katya was also pregnant at the
time. She gave birth during Oleksander"s stay. Wild animals are very protective of their young but the
zookeeper said Katya trusted him completely. Oleksander" wife, Olena, was also very trusting. "when he
first told me about the plan I was very scared. But I decided to support my husband."
     Once the five weeks was up, Oleksander stepped out of the cage and declared the experiment a
success. He told a Russian news agency, "Katya taught me a lot about honesty and kindness." Also, a
representative from Guinness World Records confirmed that Oleksander ahd beaten the previous record
by three weeks.
     But the parting was also bittersweet. "Katya was very sad to see me go," Oleksander noted. Oleksander"s wife, on the other hand, was very happy to have her husband back. 1. Which is not the purpose of spending 5 weeks in cage with a lion according to Oleksander? A. He wanted to raise awareness of the treatment of animals in cage.
B. He hoped to break the Guinness World Record for time spent living in a cage with a lion.
C. He wanted to show his children his kindness as a man.
D. He wanted to earn money by taking the risk of living with a lion.2. What did Oleksander do in order to live more comfortably in the cage with a lion? A. He made a bed with soft pillow and warm quilt.
B. He equipped the enclosure with modern facilities, for example, a computer.
C. He put up a tent to protect himself from sun and rain.
D. He himself built a shower and toilet inside the enclosure.3. Why didn"t he use any soap when he took the shower? A. He didn"t use any soap for fear of annoying the lion.
B. He didn"t have any access to soap.
C. He didn"t like the smell of soap.
D. Soap was forbidden in the zoo.4. What"s Oleksander"s wife"s attitude toward his stay with a lion in a cage? A. indifferent    
B. objective      
C. opposed      
D. supportive5. Oleksander spent ________ more weeks than the previous record. A. one    
B. two      
C. three      
D. four
1-5: DDADC
试题【阅读理解。     Oleksander Pylyshenko is either very fearless,very foolish… or both. T】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空。     Our actions determine who we are and, in turn, who we are determines our actions. One thing I"ve
learned is    1   we lose track of who we are, we lose track of where we"re headed in life. I once have a
friend who lost track. He  2   forgetting who he was in an experience that would change us both forever.
For five years, we were best friends. We  3    a love of comic books, action figures and Star Wars. We
held a going-away party for our local comic book store when it closed. We were inseparable, he and I,
and there was    4    when it seemed nothing could tear us apart.
     And then one day, it all began to change. Slowly and    5    he turned away from it all. He stopped
reading comics and watching movies, and we grew further and further apart. He sacrificed his identity  
  6    a darker future. He became involved with drugs, and I watched   7 , over a period of about a year,
he changed from a creative, straight-A student to someone who was   8   all his classes from skipping
too much school. All the while, I could do  9    but ignore the fact that I was losing my friend.
     I realized after the fact that I had   10  him slip away. I trusted he would find his own way back and
pull through it   11 . I abandoned him when my help could have made all the 12 . I realize now that one
can"t always expect things to 13   all right. Unless we take action and shape our present, we must accept
  14  future we arrive at. Perhaps if I had spoken out and forced him to realize where he was headed,
he   15 to change paths.
     But I also realize that I wouldn"t   16 what happened to him to happen to me, and it"s scary to think
how easily it could have. Looking back, I"m   17   to learn from his mistakes. The  18   thing I want is to
abandon who I am. My identity makes me happy. I look at myself and  19  makes me appreciate life. I
have  20   in myself in individuality, and the last thing I want is to serve as a scary reminder to someone
else.(     )1. A.what if        
(     )2. A. ended up      
(     )3. A. set          
(     )4. A. a day        
(     )5. A. gradually    
(     )6. A. to            
(     )7. A. though        
(     )8. A. failing      
(     )9. A. everything    
(     )10. A. forced      
(     )11. A. along        
(     )12. A. difference  
(     )13. A. turn in      
(     )14. A. wherever    
(     )15. A. would try    
(     )16. A. allow        
(     )17. A. prepared    
(     )18. A. last        
(     )19. A. which        
(     )20. A. confidence  B. that if      
B. lived up      
B. enjoyed      
B. a time        
B. generally    
B. for          
B. while        
B. succeeding    
B. something    
B. let          
B. away          
B. effort        
B. turn out      
B. however      
B. should try    
B. refuse        
B. determined    
B. first        
B. that          
B. courage      C. even if          
C. put up          
C. shared          
C. a year          
C. greatly          
C. from            
C. if              
C. attending        
C. anything        
C. got              
C. apart            
C. impression      
C. turn up          
C. whatever        
C. must have tried  
C. persuade        
C. devoted          
C. only            
C. what            
C. determination   D. only if          
D.  held up        
D. kept            
D. a moment        
D. frequently      
D. of              
D. because          
D. leaving          
D. nothing          
D. left            
D. alone            
D. contribution    
D. turn down        
D. whenever        
D. would have tried
D. agree            
D. concerned        
D. most            
D. who            
D. decision        
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阅读理解。     On a warm Monday, Jenny Neilson bought a sandwich and parked her car under some trees. Rolling
down the windows to let in fresh air, she settled back to enjoy her lunch. Suddenly she noticed a big bald man running through the parking lot. Before she came to realize what would happen, the man was there,
shouting through her window, "Get out!"
     Neilson refused.
     Pulling open her door, the man seized her by the neck and hair, and threw her out of the car onto the
ground. She screamed, grabbing her purse and the keys.
     Two reporters of the local newspaper, Robert Bruce and Jeff Jackson, just outside their office building on a break, heard the screams and began running .
     When they reached Neilson"s car, the attacker had jumped into the driver"s seat and was madly
searching for the keys. Bruce opened the door, and he and Jackson dragged the man out. The attacker
fought back. But even in his cornered panic, he was no match for the two athletic men.
     Reggie Miller, a worker of the local newspaper, heard the screams, too. He rushed back to the office
to phone the police, and then ran back with some plastic ropes-used to tie up newspapers.
     With his arms tied tight behind him, the prisoner looked up and said coldly, "I hope you guys feel
good about yourselves-you just caught one of the most wanted men." They ignored him and waited for
the police. Later, Bruce and Jackson were shocked to learn the man was the professional carjacker (劫
车者)and suspected murderer, whose picture-but with a full head of hair-had been recently printed in
their own newspaper.                                                                                                                              
     Neilson considers herself lucky though she suffered injuries. She believes the story might have had a
different ending if those good people had not come to her aid. "Unfortunately," she said, "many people
would never have done what they did, and that is the real truth."1. The underlined word "bald" in Paragraph 1 most probably means     .  A. strong      
B. without hair    
C. ugly    
D. rude2. Please arrange the time order of the following events according to the passage.
a. Neilson was enjoying her lunch in the car.
b. A man robbed Neilson of her car.
c. The picture of the carjacker was printed in the local news paper.
d. The carjacker was caught.A. abcd    
B. dbca      
C. cabd        
D. abdc3. According to the passage , which of the following statements is True?A. The two reporters reported the story of the carjacker.
B. The two reporters recognized the carjacker as soon as they saw him.
C. Reggie Miller is also a reporter of the local newspaper.
D. The carjacker was a suspected murderer the police had been searching for.4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A. Neilson considers herself lucky because she was not badly hurt.
B. Neilson doesn"t think many people will do the same as the three men.
C. Neilson thinks everyone will do the same as the three men.
D. Neilson has great confidence in people"s kindness and bravery. 5. How is the story organized?A. According to the order of time.    
B. Accoding to the order of space.
C. By comparison.                
D. By putting forward arguments to support an idea.
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阅读理解。    On Sundays my father always wore that dull gray apron - the one with the race cars all over it. The
ritual began after breakfast when Dad always announced: "Go ahead everyone. I"ll take care of the
dishes!" With that my mother disappeared into the folds of the Sunday paper. Off came the suit coat he
had worn to church that morning. Up went the shirtsleeves. On went that apron. For the next hour Dad
did the dishes, singing ballads like "I Had a Hat When I Came In" and "Who Put the Chow in Mrs.
Murphy"s Chowder?"
     I suppose it was strange for a boy"s father to wear an apron - even one with race cars - but I never
thought much of it until the day that Dad broke with tradition. It was the last Sunday in August. My father
seemed in an expansive mood as we walked home from church together.
     "Tommy," he said letting my name roll off his tongue. My mind raced ahead of his words: The birds
and the bees? A new bike?  A part-time job?
     "There comes a time in every boy"s life when he must take on responsibilities." This was important. I
might even get to back the car out of the driveway.
     " Responsibilities?" I asked.
     "Yes. It"s time you took a greater role in the household." Power tools? Boss my baby brother?
     "Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning so your mother and I can work the
crossword puzzle together."
     "The dishes!?"
     "Anything wrong with taking over the dishes, son?"
      I started to say something about a man"s job or woman"s work, but I knew immediately that my
protests would fall on deaf ears.
     I didn"t taste a bit of breakfast that morning. Dad seemed in a jovial mood as he described an
exceptional Yankee game seen through the eyes of Mel Allen on the radio last night.
     "Mickey Mantle drove the ball right over the center field wall," he said. "Just a straight line climb in
right out of the stadium." He looked out the window as if trying to pick the ball out of the cloud formations. I tried to imagine Mickey Mantle wearing an apron.
     Suddenly, everything grew quiet. My sister began to clear the table. My brother was scraping the last
of the egg from his plate. And then that ancient family ritual that had filled so many Sunday mornings came
to an end. My father announced: "Let"s go read the paper, Hon."
     "Aren"t you doing the dishes?" my mother asked in puzzlement.
     "Your oldest son has generously offered to fill the position."
     My brother and sister stopped cold. So this was what my life had come to. A dark angel sat on my
left shoulder and reminded me that I could hit a baseball farther than anyone in my class. I could
bench-press my weight. I knew three declensions in Latin, the language of Caesar. Ask me to run
through a rainstorm. Command me to ride the roller coaster - backward. These things I would do. But I
could never do those dishes. There was nothing left but to refuse.
     People often say there is a special chemistry between a father and a son. He came back into the
kitchen just as I was about to storm out. He had loosened his tie and rolled up the sleeves of his
shirt-ready to relax. In his right hand was the old apron.
     "I want you to have this, Tommy. It"ll keep your clothes from getting wet." And before I could mount
a protest, he had put the thing on me. "Thanks, Son. Your mother and I appreciate this."
     With that he disappeared into the Sunday paper. I looked down at the plastic. It had seen better days.
I could see my dad reaching for the dishes. The dark angel flew off. Soon I was singing about Mrs.
Murphy"s chowder. The words came out of nowhere. And out of nowhere I knew the kind of man I
wanted to be.1. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?A.  The author"s family usually had breakfast after going to church on Sundays.
B. Father was not willing to wash dishes.
C.  Mother would wash dishes together with father.
D.  Mother used to do the dishes alone.2. What did the author think of washing dishes at first?A.  It"s natural for a man to wash dishes .
B.  Washing dishes was women"s work..
C.  Parents should wash dishes.
D.  Children should help their parents wash dishes.3. Which of the statements is Not true?A.  The author would rather run through a rainstorm than wash dishes at first.
B.  Mickey Mantle would wash dishes for the author.
C.  Father set a good example to the author.
D.  The author understood his father at last.4. Which of the following words can best decribe the author"s father?A. successful    
B. humourous    
C. responsible    
D. generous5. What can be the best title for the pasage?A. Father"s Love  
B. Father"s Apron  
C. Father"s Responsibility  
D. Father"s Influence
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完形填空。     True forgiveness is one of the most remarkable qualities a human can possess!
     In the fighting between two countries in the 1970s, a young man was walking from one village to the
next when he was    1     by an armed guerrilla (游击队) fighter from the enemy country. The fighter 
  2    the young man down the hill where he was to be   3    .
     But a (n)   4    thing happened. The young man, who had   5    military (军事的) training, was able
to disarm (解除武装) the fighter. Now, the table was   6    , and it was the fighter who was ordered
down the hill.
     As they walked,   7   , the young man began to reflect on what was happening. Recalling the    8    of
his mother, "Love your enemies; do good to those who    9   you." he found he could go no further. He
   10   the gun into the bushes, told the fighter he was   11   to go and turned back   12    the hill.
     Minutes later, he heard footsteps   13   behind him as he walked. "Is this the end after all?" he   14   .
Perhaps the fighter had got the gun and wanted to finish him off.
     But he continued on,   15    glancing back, until his enemy reached him, only to grab him in a hug and
pour out   16    for sparing his life.
     Mercy often wears the face of   17   . And though it usually isn"t an enemy in uniform that we are
challenged to forgive, we hav   18   for mercy every day. Family members and friends, co-workers and
neighbors and even strangers have  19   for our forgiveness. You know who they are.
     As Mahatma Gandhi said, "The   20   can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute (特性) of the
strong." Be strong. Forgive. (     )1. A. shot         
(     )2. A. demanded      
(     )3. A. beaten        
(     )4. A. amazing      
(     )5. A. watched       
(     )6. A. turned          
(     )7. A. thus         
(     )8. A. expressions  
(     )9. A. forgive       
(     )10. A. packed      
(     )11. A. free        
(     )12.  A. for        
(     )13. A. showing    
(     )14. A. shouted     
(     )15. A. seldom     
(     )16. A. marks      
(     )17. A. awareness  
(     )18. A. opportunities
(     )19. A. need       
(     )20. A. lonely     B. murdered    
B. reminded     
B. shot      
B. frightening
B. received     
B. covered    
B. indeed       
B. plans    
B. hate      
B. dragged      
B. slow      
B. into       
B. waving      
B. counted      
B. never      
B. favors       
B. kindness     
B. explanations
B. responsibility
B. weak       C. killed    
C. ordered    
C. accepted  
C. inspiring  
C. accepted  
C. moved      
C. therefore  
C. words
C. instruct  
C. forced    
C. nervous    
C. up       
C. running    
C. wondered  
C. always    
C. thanks    
C. safeness  
C. hopes
C. patience  
C. healthy    D. caught      
D. required    
D. driven      
D. confusing  
D. suggested  
D. repaired    
D. however    
D. signals    
D. help        
D. threw      
D. eager      
D. down        
D. jumping    
D. argued      
D. sometimes  
D. reasons    
D. forgiveness
D. lessons    
D. energy      
D. calm        
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阅读理解。     Perhaps every old generation since ancient times has complained about young people, and today is no different. Isn"t it clear that compared with our glorious selves, kids these days are self-absorbed social
network addicts?
     However, this summer, my impression of today"s kids has been restored by the story of Rachel
Beckwith. She could teach my generation a great deal about maturity and unselfishness - even though
she"s just 9 years old, or was when she died on July 23.
     At age 5, Rachel had her long hair shorn off and sent to Locks of Love, which uses hair donations to
make artificial hair for children who have lost their own hair because of cancer or other diseases. After
that, Rachel announced that she would grow her hair long again and donate it again. And that"s what she
     Then when she was 8 years old, her church began raising money to build wells in Africa through an
organization called charity: water. Rachel was astonished when she learned that other children had no
clean water, so she skipped her ninth birthday party. Rachel set up a birthday page on the charity: water
website with a target of $300. Instead of presents, she asked her friends to donate $9 each to charity:
water. Finally Rachel raised only $220 - which had left her just a bit disappointed.
     Then, on July 20, a serious traffic accident  left Rachel critically injured. Church members and friends,
seeking some way of showing support, began donating on Rachel"s birthday page - charitywater
.org/Rachel - and donations reached her $300 goal, and kept rising.
     But Rachel couldn"t hear that she had raised beyond the $47,544 that the singer Justin Bieber had
raised for charity: water on his 17th birthday. "I think Rachel would have been overjoyed for she secretly
had a crush on (迷恋) him," Rachel"s mom said. 
     When it was clear that Rachel would never regain consciousness, the family decided to remove the life
support system. Her parents donated her hair for the final time to Locks of Love, and her organs to other
     Word about Rachel"s last fund-raising spread. Contributions poured in, often in $9 each. The total
donations soon topped $100,000, then $300,000.
     This is a story not just of one girl, but of a young generation of outstanding problem-solvers working
creatively.1. What does the author think of today"s kids after he knew the story of Rachel Beckwith?A. They are good at social network.
B. They have narrow minds and care about nothing.
C. They are unselfish as grown-ups.
D. They can get problems settled effectively.2. When was it that Rachel"s hair was donated for the final time to Locks of Love?A. At her age of 5.
B. Before her ninth birthday.
C. Right after the traffic accident.
D. After her death.3. Why did each of Rachel"s friends donate $9 to charity: water?A. Because she died at the age of 9 and they wanted to honor her.
B. Because she had asked them to do that.
C. Because she set up her birthday page on June 9th.
D. Because she began to raise money from her ninth birthday.4. The singer Justin Bieber was mentioned in the text, mainly because ______.A. Rachel collected more than him who she admired
B. he had donated on Rachel"s page on his 17th birthday
C. Rachel would have been overjoyed for his donation
D. Rachel"s mom said she secretly had a crush on him5. What does the text mainly talk about?A. The author"s impression of today"s kids.
B. Rachel"s hair donations.
C. A nine-year-old girl Rachel.
D. A lesson from Rachel.
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