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完形填空。     When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn"t look like any doctor
I"d __1__known. When Dr. Gibbs wasn"t __2__lives, he was planting trees.
     The good doctor had some __3__theories on planting trees. He believed in "No pains, no gains".
He never __4__his new trees, which was __5__many people. Once I asked why. He __6__that
watering plants spoiled them, and that if you water them, each following tree generation will __7__
weaker and weaker. So you have to make things __8__for them. He talked about how watering
trees __9__shallow roots, and how trees that weren"t watered had to grow deep roots in __10__
of water. I came to understand that he meant deep roots were to be ___11__. I planted a couple
of trees a few years back and I took good care of them. Two years of __12__ has resulted in trees
that expect to be waited on hand and foot. Whenever a cold wind blows, they __13__and tremble
their branches. Funny things about those trees of Dr. Gibbs". The lack of water seemed to __14__
them in ways comfort and ease never could.
     I used to __15__for my sons that their lives will be easy. But __16__I"ve been thinking that it"s
time to __17__my prayer. I know my children are going to meet __18__, and I"m praying they will
be strong. The prayer for comfort is seldom met. What we need to do is to pray for deep roots,
__19__when the winds blow, we won"t be __20__away. (     )1.A.even
(     )2.A.valuing
(     )3.A.exciting
(     )4.A.watered
(     )5.A.against
(     )6.A.wondered
(     )7.A.grow
(     )8.A.harmful
(     )9.A.madefor
(     )10.A.charge
(     )11.A.treasured
(     )12.A.education
(     )13.A.dance
(     )14.A.harm
(     )15.A.pray
(     )16.A.perfectly
(     )17.A.attend
(     )18.A.hardships
(     )19.A.or
(     )20.A.given B.ever
B.sent C.never
C.broken D.hardly
1-5BDCAB  6-10BACAD  11-15ADBCA  16-20DCABD
试题【完形填空。     When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn"】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]

     As a young girl, Margaret "Mattie" Knight never played with dolls, preferring to make toys for
her brothers instead. In 1849, Knight went to work in a cotton factory where she witnessed a
"shuttle," a device that carries thread back and forth across a textile loom(纺布机), fly off the
machine when the thread broke, striking and killing a young boy about her own age.
     The 12-year-old Knight developed a safety mechanism that made it impossible for a shuttle to
leave the loom. The design was so effective, soon virtually every new power loom carried her
invention, saving countless workers from injury or death. Being so young, she didn"t bother to
patent the device, so she never received payment.
     Knight wouldn"t make the same mistake later in life when she invented a machine that could
produce flat-bottomed paper bags. Knight had built a small wooden model in her home, but she
needed a metal version to show it could hold up to the stress of mass production. So she hired
Charles Annan to make the full-sized machine for her, only to have him try to claim the patent for
himself. When Knight sued(起诉), Annan"s argument was that the design had to be his, because
no woman could possibly understand the complex mechanics. Knight proved him wrong when
she brought back her wooden prototype and explained how every part worked. She won the
case in 1871, making her the second woman to hold an American patent. Over a hundred years
later, her design is still used as the basis for many modern flat-bottom bag machines.
     But that wasn"t the last the world heard of Mattie Knight. During her lifetime, she made about
90 inventions and received 26 patents, becoming one of the most productive female inventors of
the 19th century.

1. We can learn from Paragraph 1 that ________.A. Knight behaved like boys
B. Knight had an unhappy childhood
C. Knight did a poor job of making toys
D. Knight liked inventing things as a child2. What do we know about Knight"s first invention?_______.A. It is still used today.
B. It brought her great profit.
C. It was made when he was 20.
D. It reduced injuries at textile plants.3. Knight sued Charles Annan because he _______.A. stole the wooden model for the machine she invented.
B. failed to make the full-sized machine for her
C. tried to patent her invention for himself
D. kept the metal version for himself4. What would be the best title for the text?_______.A. Mattie Knight"s fight for her patent
B. A great woman in the 19th century
C. "The female Edison", Mattie Knight
D. Great inventions, great woman
题型:河北省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
     Some people live in the world for body while others for dignity(尊严).
     I once took a walk along the street on a Saturday dusk, with a Pepsi can in my hand. An
old woman in ragged clothes,   1  was living on collecting used cans, jars and tins, moved
slowly towards me, with a bag on the back!   2  (walk) nearer, she looked up at me and then
fixed her eyes   3   my can. At that time, I hadn"t finished my cola, so I gave   4   several
coins instead.
      5   , staring at me for a few seconds, she handed back the money. Quite confused, I
asked: "Why not? Isn"t that   6   you want?"
     "I am not a beggar," she said   7   (serious), word by word.
     Instantly, I felt so sorry. I ___8___ (plan) to help her, completely misunderstanding her.
     Thus I hurt her. What I could do at that moment was only to drink up the cola and handed
her   _9__   emptied can. This time, she gave me a smile with   __10   (satisfy) and gratitude
in her eyes. The woman is poor in material life but is so respectable as a man. I am not only
moved but also have learned a good lesson.
题型:广东省月考题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空     I remember Navy boot camp (海军新兵训练营) like it was yesterday. You can tell a new person in
the camp from someone who is about to__1__ based on their clothes. It was clearly my second day from what I was __2__. I was walking with my  __3__ down a hall and a sailor, who was about to graduate,
     He must have noticed my __5__. It without a doubt said, "I am tired, __6__ and hungry." You can"t
__7__when walking in formation (队列), __8__he whispered out of the side of his mouth, "Hang in
there...you can do it."
     I turned to look at his __9__, but all I saw was the back of his head. Every night before I fell asleep, I
repeated those __10__. I would never know that sailor"s __11__. However, I knew that the only reason
he knew what I was __12__was because he had been where I was. He had __13__ it and wanted me to know that I could as well. I was very __14__.
     Then it was my __15__. On my graduation day I saw three sailors standing against the wall. They were new and tired, frightened, and hungry. I __16__ over to them and whispered, "Hang in there...you can do
it." Within one second tears filled the eyes of the __17__ and the two boys gave me a million __18__ with their eyes.
     As I walked away I knew that my words would help them __19__ their goal of graduation whenever
they wanted to give up. I hope they passed on the __20__ to another sailor before they graduated and I
know they did.(     )1. A. train    
(     )2. A. studying  
(     )3. A. guide    
(     )4. A. passed    
(     )5. A. posture  
(     )6. A. surprised
(     )7. A. talk      
(     )8. A. however  
(     )9. A. direction
(     )10. A. rules  
(     )11. A. name    
(     )12. A. seeking  
(     )13. A. made    
(     )14. A. curious  
(     )15. A. habit    
(     )16. A. looked  
(     )17. A. soldier  
(     )18. A. doubts  
(     )19. A. look for
(     )20. A. achievementB. work      
B. wearing    
B. friend     
B. greeted    
B. appearance
B. puzzled    
B. run        
B. therefore  
B. face      
B. comments   
B. task      
B. asking    
B. avoided    
B. depressed  
B. turn      
B. got       
B. child      
B. thanks    
B. focus on  
B. enjoyment   C. battle    
C. carrying  
C. group      
C. stopped    
C. behavior  
C. bored      
C. wave      
C. besides    
C. gesture    
C. words      
C. reaction  
C. feeling    
C. refused   
C. excited    
C. change    
C. took      
C. girl      
C. hopes      
C. build up  
C. amusement   D. graduate    
D. buying      
D. instructor
D. showed      
D. expression  
D. frightened  
D. fight        
D. finally      
D. clothes      
D. warnings    
D. purpose      
D. doing        
D. owned        
D. grateful    
D. story        
D. walked      
D. sailor      
D. regrets      
D. pick out    
D. encouragement
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
     Bobby was sitting out in his back yard in the snow. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in
them. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother"s Christmas gift.
     Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, his mother worked nights at the hospital, but
the small wage could only be stretched so far.
     What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family
unity. They ran the household in their mother’s absence. All three of his sisters had already made
beautiful gifts for their mother.It was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Bobby started to walk
down to the street. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach.
     It was starting to get dark, then suddenly his eyes caught a shiny dime. Never has anyone felt so
wealthy as Bobby did at that moment.
     He went inside a flower shop. When the owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the
dime and asked if he could buy one flower.
     The shop owner looked at Bobby, then said, "You just wait here and I"ll see what I can do for
you." The shop owner returned holding red roses all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby"s heart
sank as the owner placed them gently into a long white box. "That will be ten cents, young man," said the
shop owner, reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime.
     Then the shopkeeper"s wife appeared. "Where are the roses you were fixing?"
     The shop owner replied, "A strange thing happened to me this morning. I thought I heard a voice
telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn"t sure at the time whether I had
lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that
voice was."1. According to the first three paragraphs we know that _____.A. Bobby"s sisters didn"t help Bobby to buy a gift
B. Bobby had known what gift he’d give to his mother
C. the children in the family all loved their mother
D. Bobby"s family was rich before his father died 2. Why did Bobby walk along the street?A. Because he didn"t know what to do.
B. Because he wanted to try his luck there.
C. Because he wanted to get some money.
D. Because he hoped to see what he could get.3. What could he buy with a dime then?A. A flower.
B. Nothing.
C. A piece of cake.
D. Many flowers.4. Bobby slowly gave the dime to the shop owner because _______.A. he did not want any rose flowers
B. the flowers weren"t worth a dime
C. the shop owner would cheat him
D. he hardly believed what had happened 5. From the last two paragraphs we can infer that the shop owner ______.A. was shocked by the voice he heard
B. was always ready to help others
C. didn"t know how to run a business
D. was good at making up stories
题型:安徽省月考题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     On Sundays my father always wore that dull gray apron after breakfast when Dad always announced, "Go ahead everyone. I"ll take care of the dishes!" 
     I suppose it was strange for a boy"s father to   1   an apron, but I never thought   2   of it until the day
that Dad    3   with tradition. It was the last Sunday in August. My father seemed in an expansive mood as we walked    4   from church together.
     "Tommy," he said letting my name roll off his tongue. "There comes a time in every boy"s life when he
must take on    5  ."   
     "Responsibilities?" I asked.
     "Yes. It"s   6   that you took a greater role in the household. Starting today, I want you to do the dishes on Sunday morning   7   your mother and I can work the crossword puzzle together."
     "The dishes?"
     "Anything   8   with taking over the dishes, my son?"
     I started to say   9   about a man"s job or woman"s work, but I knew immediately that my   10  would
fall on deaf ears.
     I didn"t taste a bit of breakfast that morning. Dad seemed in a merry mood as he   11   an exceptional
Yankee game on the radio last night.
     Suddenly, everything grew   12  . My father announced, "Let"s go on to read the paper."
     "Aren"t you doing the   13  ?" my mother asked anxiously.
     "Your oldest son has generously offered to fill the   14  ."
     "I want you to have this, Tommy. It"ll   15   your clothes from getting wet." And   16   I could say a
protest, he had put the thing on me. "Thanks, my son. Your mother and I   17   this."
     With that he   18   into the Sunday paper. I looked down at the plastic. It had seen better days. I could see my dad reaching for the dishes. The dark angel flew   19  . Soon I was singing about Mrs. Murphy’s chowder. The words came out of nowhere. And out of nowhere I knew the kind of man I   20   to be.(     )1. A. share       
(     )2. A. many       
(     )3. A. broke       
(     )4. A. school      
(     )5. A. worries      
(     )6. A. time        
(     )7. A. because     
(     )8. A. wrong        
(     )9. A. everything  
(     )10. A. discussions
(     )11. A. declared    
(     )12. A. quiet     
(     )13. A. manners    
(     )14. A. environment
(     )15. A. keep        
(     )16. A. after      
(     )17. A. regret      
(     )18. A. disappeared
(     )19. A. back       
(     )20. A. refused  B. wear          
B. any          
B. promised      
B. business      
B. responsibilities
B. room          
B. so              
B. good      
B. something      
B. judgement      
B. pretended      
B. empty        
B. dishes      
B. role      
B. put            
B. until          
B. appreciate    
B. returned    
B. on            
B. ordered      C. dress      
C. little      
C. showed    
C. home      
C. abilities  
C. effort      
C. but        
C. beneficial  
C. anything  
C. excitement  
C. described  
C. cheerful    
C. atmospheres
C. status      
C. leave      
C. before      
C. dislike    
C. existed  
C. off        
C. believed D. hold    
D. much    
D. read    
D. class    
D. faults  
D. money    
D. for      
D. right    
D. nothing  
D. protests
D. admitted
D. noisy    
D. friends  
D. position
D. make    
D. while    
D. focus    
D. pretended
D. in      
D. wanted  
题型:天津同步题难度:| 查看答案
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