当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 完形填空。     I grew up poor, living with my wonderful mother. We had little money b...
完形填空。     I grew up poor, living with my wonderful mother. We had little money but plenty of love and attention.  
I was   1   and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, he could still   2   a dream.
My dream was to be a sportsman.   3   I was sixteen, I had started playing baseball. I could throw a
ninety-mile-per-hour fastball and hit anything that moved on the football field.  I was also   4  : my
high-school coach was Ollie Jarvis, who not only believed in me, but taught me  5  to believe in myself.  
He   6   me the difference between having a dream and realizing the dream. One particular   7   with Coach
Jarvis changed my life forever.
     It was the summer between my junior and senior years, and a friend recommended (推荐) me for a
summer job. This meant a chance for money in my pocket-money for a new bike and new clothes, and
the   8   of savings for a house for my mother. Then I realized I would have to   9 summer baseball to deal
with the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn"t be playing.  
     When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as   10   as I expected him to be.  "You have your whole life to
work," he said.  "Your playing days are limited. You can"t   11   to waste them." I stood before him with
my head hanging, trying to think of the   12   that would explain   13   him why my dream of buying my
mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth facing his   14   in me.
     "How much are you going to make at this job, son?" he asked. "Three twenty-five an hour," I replied.
"Well," he asked, "is $3.25 an hour the   15   of a dream?"
     That simple question made it   16   to me the difference between   17   something right now and
following a dream. I   18   myself to sports that summer, and within the year I was  19   by the Pittsburgh
Pirates to play baseball, and was   20   a $20,000 contract. In 2000, I bought my mother the house of my
试题【完形填空。     I grew up poor, living with my wonderful mother. We had little money b】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
题型:山西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. happy    
(     )2. A. lose      
(     )3. A. By the time
(     )4. A. right    
(     )5. A. how       
(     )6. A. gave      
(     )7. A. accident  
(     )8. A. aim      
(     )9. A. keep up  
(     )10. A. mad      
(     )11. A. adopt    
(     )12. A. answers  
(     )13. A. for      
(     )14. A. sadness  
(     )15. A. source  
(     )16. A. direct  
(     )17. A. wanting  
(     )18. A. provided
(     )19. A. worked  
(     )20 A. paid      
B. polite    
B. have      
B. The time  
B. popular  
B. why      
B. taught    
B. matter    
B. idea      
B. put up    
B. happy     
B. afford    
B. excuses  
B. to       
B. regret      
B. prize    
B. clear    
B. changing
B. devoted  
B. mentioned
B. got      
C. shy          
C. make        
C. At one time  
C. lucky        
C. when        
C. brought      
C. problem      
C. start        
C. give up        
C. frightened  
C. affect      
C. words        
C. on          
C. hopelessness
C. price        
C. clean        
C. dreaming      
C. headed      
C. fired        
C. offered      
D. honest        
D. need          
D. At a time      
D. confident      
D. whether        
D. asked          
D. experience    
D. purpose        
D. pick up        
D. shameful      
D. effect        
D. ways          
D. in         
D. disappointment
D. allowance      
D. straight      
D. choosing      
D. imagined      
D. hired          
D. signed        
1-5:  ABACA  6-10:  BDCCA  11-15:  BCBDC  16-20:  BABDC
     When my family moved to America from a small village in Guangdong, China, we brought not only our
luggage, but also our village rules, customs and culture. One of the rules is that young people should
always respect elders. Unluckily, this rule led to my very first embarrassment in the United States.
     I had a part-time job as a waiter in a Chinese restaurant. One time, when I was serving food to a
middle-aged couple, the wife asked me how the food could be served so quickly. I told her that I had
made sure they got their food quickly because I always respect the elderly. As soon as I said that, her
face showed great displeasure. My manager, who happened to hear what I said, took me aside and gave me a long lecture about how sensitive (敏感) Americans are and how they dislike the description "old". I
then walked back to the table and apologized to the wife. After the couple heard my reason, they
understood that the problem was caused by cultural differences, so they laughed and were no longer
     In my village in China, people are proud of being old. Not so many people live to be seventy or
eighty, and people who reach such an age have the most knowledge and experience. Young people
always respect older people because they know they can learn from their rich experience.
     However, in the United States, people think "growing old" is a problem since "old" shows that a
person is going to retire or that the body is not working well. Here many people try to keep themselves
away from growing old by doing exercises or jogging, and women put on makeup, hoping to look young. When I told the couple in the restaurant that I respect the elderly, they got angry because this caused
them to feel they had failed to stay young. I had told them something they didn"t want to hear.
     After that, I changed the way I had been with older people. It is not that I don"t respect them any
more; I still respect them, but now I don"t show my feelings through words.
1. Jack brought the couple their food very fast because        .
A. the manager asked him to do so    
B. he respected the elderly
C. the couple wanted him to do so    
D. he wanted more pay
2. When Jack called the couple "elderly", they became        .
A. nervous
B. satisfied      
C. unhappy
D. excited
3. In Jack"s hometown,        .
A. people dislike being called "old"      
B. people are proud of being old
C. many people reach the age of seventy or eighty
D. the elderly are the first to get food in restaurants
4. After this experience, Jack        .
A. lost his job in the restaurant      
B. made friends with the couple
C. no longer respected the elderly      
D. changed his way with older people
5. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. The more Jack explained, the angrier the couple got.
B. Jack wanted to show his feelings through words after his experience.
C. The manager went back to the table and apologized to the couple.
D. From this experience, Jack learned more about American culture.
     When I was in seventh grade, I was a candy striper (志愿做护士助手的小姑娘) at a local hospital
in my town. Most of the   1    I spent there was with Mr Gillespie. He never had any  2  , and nobody
seemed to care about his   3  .
     I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him,_4_anything that needed to be done. He
became a close friend of mine,  5  he responded with only an occasional squeeze(捏) of my hand. Mr
Gillespie was in a coma(昏迷).
     I left for a week to vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr Gillespie was  6 . I didn"t have
the   7  to ask any of the nurses where he was, for fear they might  8  me he had died.
     Several   9  later, when I was a junior in high school, I was at the gas station when I noticed a familiar
face. When I   10   who it was, my eyes filled with tears. He was  11  ! I built up the courage to ask him if
his name was Mr Gillespie. With a(n)   12  look on his face, he replied yes. I   13  how I knew him, and
that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital. His eyes welled up with tears, and he gave me
the warmest hug I had ever   14  .
     He began to tell me how,  15  he lay there comatose, he could hear me talking to him and could  16  
me holding his hand the whole time. Mr Gillespie  17  believed that it was my voice and  18  that had kept
him alive.
     Although I haven"t  19  him since, he fills my heart with  20  every day. I know that I made a difference
between his life and his death.
题型:江苏月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江苏月考题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. money
(     )2. A. visitors
(     )3. A. interest
(     )4. A. talking about
(     )5. A. so  
(     )6. A. dead  
(     )7. A. right
(     )8. A. cheat
(     )9. A. days  
(     )10. A. realized
(     )11. A. great
(     )12. A. happy
(     )13. A. apologized
(     )14. A. dreamed
(     )15. A. because
(     )16. A. notice
(     )17. A. hardly
(     )18. A. humour
(     )19. A. forgotten
(     )20. A. joy  
B. energy  
B. relatives
B. requirement
B. looking for
B. even though
B. mad    
B. chance  
B. tell    
B. weeks  
B. wondered  
B. alive  
B. uncertain  
B. remembered
B. shown  
B. if    
B. feel    
B. rightly   
B. worry  
B. called  
B. regret  
C. time    
C. patients  
C. condition
C. pointing out
C. yet    
C. go      
C. courage  
C. remind  
C. months  
C. heard  
C. successful
C. nervous  
C. explained
C. wanted  
C. unless  
C. imagine  
C. firmly  
C. touch  
C. missed  
C. respect
D. effort      
D. problems    
D. thought      
D. helping out  
D. as if        
D. excited      
D. time        
D. warn        
D. years        
D. asked        
D. lucky        
D. proud        
D. told        
D. received    
D. as          
D. appreciate  
D. wrongly      
D. treatment    
D. seen        
D. honour      
     After we finished thirteen miles of hiking, we were tired and our muscles ached as we made our way
back to New England. The car ride to the airport followed by a two-hour flight left our legs more worse
condition than they were when we first came off the mountain we just climbed.
    When we heard that two seats in first class on our next flight were available for a bit higher price, we
jumped at the opportunity. Our spirits lifted immediately. After all, flying first class was a new experience
for us, and we would end our adventure in comfort and style.
     As we boarded the plane, we noticed that the stewardess(空姐) was working non-stop to ensure the
comfort of the first class passengers. She could not walk by a seat without receiving an order. How much
she must love her job! She smiled kindly at each one while attending to their needs.
     As the stewardess walked by our seats near the end of the flight, I looked at her and said, "Thank
you and I hope you have a great night." She stopped, bent down, looked at me and said, "Excuse me." I
repeated my words and she smiled in a rather funny way, almost as if I had asked her a question that she
did not know how to answer.
     After a few moments she returned to our seats. "I can tell you work with the public," she said. "Why
do you think so?" I asked. She answered very quietly, "Because you are the only passenger here to say
something nice to me tonight and I really appreciate your kindness."
     The sense of belonging to the elite(精英) group of people in first class disappeared as we heard her
words. Our first class seats offered us more than a comfortable ride. We were reminded that without
kindness, we would be flying in no class.
1. Where did the writer ever go hiking?
A. In a forest
B. In a mountain
C. Along a river
D. Near an airport
2. Why did they choose to take a first class flight?
A. Because they were extremely tired
B. Because they wanted to go back as soon as possible
C. Because the tickets were cheaper
D. Because they wanted to enjoy the first class service.
3. After boarding the plane, the writer felt_______.
A. proud
B. uncomfortable
C. nervous
D. disappointed
4.When the stewardess first heard what the writer said, she_________.
A. didn"t understand the writer
B. knew what work the writer did
C. didn"t believe her ears
D. had a big smile on her face
     Once upon a time, there was a large mountainside, where an eagle"s nest rested. The eagle"s
nest contained four 1 eagle eggs. One day an earthquake rocked (使震动) the mountain 2 one
of the eggs to roll down the mountain, 3 a chicken farm, which was in the valley below. The
chickens knew that they must 4 and care for the eagle"s egg, so an old hen (母鸡) 5 to hatch
(孵) and raise the large egg.
     One day, the egg hatched and a beautiful eagle was born. 6 , however, the eagle was raised to
be a(n) 7 . Soon, the eagle believed he was 8  more than a chicken. The eagle loved his home
and family, 9 his spirit cried out for more. While playing a game on the farm one day, the eagle
looked at the skies above and  10  a group of eagles soaring in the skies. "Oh," the eagle 11 , "I
wish I could soar like those birds." The chickens shouted with 12 , "You cannot soar with those
birds. You are a chicken and chickens do not soar."
The eagle 13 staring at his real family up above, 14 that he could be with them. Each time the
eagle let his 15 be known, he was told it couldn"t be done. That is 16 the eagle learned to believe.
Slowly, the eagle 17 dreaming and continued to live his life like a chicken. 18 , after a long life as
a chicken, the eagle 19 .
     You become what you believe you are; so if you ever dream to become an eagle,  20 your
dreams, not the words of a chicken.      
题型:江西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
题型:江西省月考题难度:| 查看答案
版权所有 CopyRight © 2012-2019 超级试练试题库 All Rights Reserved.
(     ) 1. A. large
(     ) 2. A. guiding  
(     ) 3. A. on  
(     ) 4. A. introduce
(     ) 5. A. offered
(     ) 6. A. Carefully
(     ) 7. A. chicken  
(     ) 8. A. something
(     ) 9. A. and  
(     )10. A. noticed  
(     )11. A. cried  
(     )12. A. excitement
(     )13. A. approached
(     )14. A. promising
(     )15. A. suggestion
(     )16. A. what  
(     )17. A. went  
(     )18. A. Happily  
(     )19. A. gave up
(     )20. A. steal  
B. curious
B. blowing
B. over
B. punish
B. regretted
B. Gently
B. eagle
B. everything
B. but  
B. recognized
B. smiled
B. anger
B. avoided
B. proving
B. advantage
B. why
B. enjoyed
B. Finally
B. broke down
B. follow
C. small
C. causing
C. past
C. protect
C. managed
C. Sadly
C. hero
C. anything
C. so    
C. respected
C. argued  
C. laughter
C. continued
C. believing
C. dream
C. how
C. began
C. Quickly
C. passed away
C. have
D. fortunate  
D. inviting    
D. to          
D. share      
D. turned      
D. Luckily    
D. fool        
D. nothing    
D. however    
D. watched    
D. explained  
D. surprise    
D. considered  
D. dreaming    
D. discovery  
D. when        
D. stopped    
D. Probably    
D. died out    
D. remember    
     Mr. Frank shot well and once he had come in fourth in a competition.
     Then he went to a big city on business. There he joined the local rifle club. The club had a
very good team, which used to take part in a lot of important shooting competitions. One of
these took place while Frank was with them. But one of the members of the club"s team suddenly
fell ill just before the match. The captain had heard of Mr. Frank. He therefore invited Mr. Frank
to take the sick man"s place.
    Mr. Frank felt greatly happy to be asked to shoot for such a good team, but he also felt very
nervous, because he was afraid of making a fool of himself.
    In fact, he was so nervous that he could not keep his hands from trembling while he was shooting,
with the result that he did very badly in the competition. When he took his score card to his captain,
he said:" After seeing my score, I want to go outside and shoot myself. " The captain looked at the
card for a few seconds and then said, "Well, you"d better take two bullets with you if you want to
do that. "
1. Mr. Frank once                in a competition.
A. joined the fourth team
B. took the fourth place
C. was the fourth to start shooting
D. shot with the other three
2. Why did Mr. Frank feel nervous to be asked to shoot for the team? Because             
A. actually he was not good at shooting
B. he thought the captain and the other members would fool him
C. he was afraid of losing face before so many good shooters
D. he would lose a lot of money if he should fail
3. When Frank said, "After seeing my score, I want to go outside and shoot myself", he meant
to say that               .
A. he wants to practice shooting all by himself
B. he wanted to find out the reason for his failure
C. he was too shamed of himself to remain inside and face the captain and the other members
D. he wanted to kill himself with the rifle
4. By saying "You had better take two bullets with you if you want to do that", the captain actually
meant to say               .
A. "We haven"t got so many bullets for you to practice shooting."
B. "You can"t improve your shooting with only one bullet."
C. "I don"t believe you can keep your hands from shaking this time."
D. "you are such a bad shooter that one bullet is certainly not enough to end you life with."
5. According to this passage, which of the following is wrong?
A. He fired several shots and they all missed the target.
B. The captain wasn"t satisfied with Frank and laughed at him.
C. In the big city Frank was admitted to the local rifle club.
D. Frank could have done better in the competition.