当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 > 阅读理解。     Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure (奇遇)?R...
阅读理解。     Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure (奇遇)?Riding the train can
be a real adventure.That is how I feel every time I take Amtrak.I often take a fourhour trip to
visit my children.Every time I take this trip I never know what  will happen.
     Last week when I was on the train and over an hour into the train ride,there was a man sitting
by himself in the back of the train carrying on a mobile phone conversation- in another language.It
was loud and disturbed most of the people on the train.I think it was annoying.
     Fortunately I sat next to a wonderful old lady who was taking a twoday trip by train.She said
her two daughters were distraught at the thought of her driving for three days to reach her home,
although she had no trouble driving.The train ride was the only choice for her.She loved to look
out of the window and watch the world go by on the train.
     She was fun to talk to and asked me when my children started being parents.That is a very
good question.Both of us are old and have children.She asked that same question from time to
     There are always many people on the train from all  walks  of life,different  countries,and 
 many languages.Riding the train is a great way to increase your knowledge and take in all kinds
of cultures.If you get hungry,you can buy food in the food car at any time.If you need to use the
restroom there is always one available.
     It sure beats driving the car,which has to stop for food and restrooms.And it is better than
taking the bus.1.According to the passage,the purpose of the author"s train ride was________.A.to do business        
B.to see her children
C.to visit places of interest  
D.to see her old friends2.Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word "distraught" in Paragraph 3?A.Disappointed.  
D.Pleased.3.Which of the following is TRUE about the old lady sitting next to the author?A.She is too old to drive now.
B.She does not like to take trains.
C.Although she is old,she has a good memory.
D.Her daughters live far away from her home.4.In the author"s opinion,on the train Amtrak________.A.the services are quite good
B.the food is terribly expensive
C.all the passengers are polite
D.all the passengers are American5.What is the best title for this passage?A.Train ride-a cultural experience
B.A painful experience on the train
C.The history of Amtrak
D.A wonderful lady
试题【阅读理解。     Have you ever thought of taking a train and having an adventure (奇遇)?R】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空      My mother asked me to go to several garage sales  (宅前旧货出售) with her one cool morning.
      We finally  1   at a pleasant house in the woods.The elderly  2   told me that he and his wife were
retired (退休的) teachers.As we were searching. I heard the gentleman"s wife say her_3_to someone.
and I immediately  4   who she was.She looked at me and said. "You"re Lisa Miller." I looked at her  5  .
for it had been nearly thirty   6   since I had been in her class.
      My mother immediately said sorry to her for any  7   I might have made.She did that again after
learning that I wasn"t the sweet little child.She thought that if this woman    8   me after so many years.
I must have done something    9  . My teacher looked at my mother and  10   said. "Oh. no. she was
very good."
      My teacher  11   that during the last week of school. I  12   her a plant from my mother"s garden. It
was a lamb"s  ear.She took us to her garden where she planted the lamb"s ear.Over the years it  13  . As
I looked down her driveway  (车道) with lamb"s ears on both sides. she said. "Every day when I leave my
house and drive up the driveway. I think of you.And when I come home they  14   me. I think of you."  
Tears  15   my eyes.There at her home was a piece of my  life that she had raised.
     At that moment. she taught me more about   16   than I  could imagine.We give pieces of ourselves
every day  17   thought.We seldom imagine the effects (影响) that we have  on others" lives.That piece
may grow and spread. becoming  a(n)  18   part of a life.In the end it isn"t the big things that  matter. 
  19   the small things that make all the  20   in the  world.
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(     )1. A. started      
(     )2. A. worker        
(     )3. A. price        
(     )4. A. realized      
(     )5. A. surprised    
(     )6. A. months        
(     )7. A. future        
(     )8. A. considered    
(     )9. A. terrible      
(     )10. A. loudly      
(     )11. A. explained    
(     )12. A. stole        
(     )13. A. disappeared  
(     )14. A. accept      
(     )15. A. gave up      
(     )16. A. life        
(     )17. A. with        
(     )18. A. necessary    
(     )19. A. though      
(     )20. A. effort      
B. searched        
B. owner          
B. address        
B. forgot          
B. worried        
B. years          
B. fight          
B. saw            
B. lucky          
B. silently        
B. reported        
B. bought          
B. died            
B. send            
B. came into      
B. garden          
B. by              
B. unimportant    
B. but            
B. way            
C. stopped    
C. buyer      
C. name      
C. learned    
C. bored      
C. days      
C. excuse    
C. remembered
C. friendly  
C. angrily    
C. warned    
C. chose      
C. fell      
C. greet      
C. turned to  
C. plants    
C. without    
C. large      
C. because    
C. decision  
D. left            
D. player          
D. age            
D. guessed        
D. tired          
D. weeks          
D. trouble        
D. found          
D. special        
D. softly          
D. ignored        
D. brought        
D. spread          
D. help            
D. took away      
D. lessons        
D. through        
D. whole          
D. so              
D. difference      

     After suffering through many months of unemployment  (失业). my wife and I moved this week from
Colorado to Ohio. where she was starting a new job.Not knowing anybody there. we were pretty
concerned about how we"d get our entire home unloaded (卸下) without killing ourselves.
     We made a phone call to hire (临时雇用) a couple of college students to help with all the heavy
lifting once we got there.But one neighbor after another stopped by to help us.What?Have_we_moved_
     Unloading actually became fun and joy because there were so many wonderful new friends to help
when we worked.The more people helped. the easier the work became.We were afraid the job might
take days for the two of us alone. but it was finished in a few hours.Many total strangers would either
walk by the sidewalk or drive by to ask us if we were moving in.Many were happy that this old house
that had sat empty for so long was coming to life again.We were invited to an outdoor meal yesterday by
neighbors on the same street.
     All the time. my brain was resting on this new sense of hope that people can be so friendly to strangers.Among all the conversation were lots of offers to help each other in all kinds of ways.It"s wonderful to live
in such a kind little town.I feel so grateful to be here. and wish the rest of the world could see how an
entire community can model  (做榜样) what it"s like to help each other.

1. The author and his wife moved to Ohio because________.

A. they liked moving from one place to another
B. they were both out of work in Colorado
C. the students of his wife were living there
D. his wife had found a new job there
2. From the underlined part. we can learn when offered help. the author felt________.
A. grateful  
B. surprised  
C. bored  
D. crazy
3. We can learn from the passage that the author"s neighbors________.
A. thought it hard work to move in
B. were curious about the newcomers
C. were glad that the old house would have its new owner
D. hired two college students to help him
4. According to the passage. which of the following is TRUE?
A. The author has many old friends in Ohio.
B. It took the author and his wife days to get home unloaded.
C. The author and his wife invited the neighbors to a dinner.
D. The author is very satisfied with his new home and new neighbors.
5. It can be inferred from the passage that________.
A. we don"t know what is good until we have lost it
B. kindness is the sunshine of social life
C. where there is a will. there is a way
D. there is no place like home
     There was a boy who was sent by his parents to a boarding school (寄宿学校).__1__
being sent away,this boy was the__2__student in   his class.He was at the top in every__3__
always with high marks.
     But the boy changed after__4__home and attending the boarding school.His grades started
__5__.He hated being in a__6__.He was lonely all the time.And there were especially dark
times when he__7__committing suicide (自***).All of this was because he felt__8__and no
one loved him.His parents started__9__about the boy.But they even did not know what was
__10__with him.So his dad decided to travel to the boarding school and__11__him.
     They sat on the bank of the lake near the school.The father started asking him some casual
questions about his classes,teachers and__12__.After some time his dad said,“Do you
know,son,why I am here today?”
     The boy answered back,“To__13__my grades?”
   “No,no,”his dad replied.“I am here to tell you that you are the most__14__person
for me.I want to see you__15__.I don’t care about grades.I care about you.I care about your
happiness.YOU ARE MY LIFE.”
     These words__16__the boy’s eyes to be filled with tears.He__17__his dad.They didn’t
say anything to each other for a long time.
     Now the boy had__18__he wanted.He knew there was someone on this earth who
cared for him deeply.He__19__the world to someone.And today this young man is in college
at the top of his class and no one has ever seen him__20__!
(     )1.A.After
(     )2.A.hardest
(     )3.A.exam
(     )4.A.coming
(     )5.A.rising
(     )6.A.group
(     )7.A.led to
(     )8.A.worthless
(     )9.A.caring
(     )10.A.crazy
(     )11.A.talk with
(     )12.A.family
(     )13.A.realize
(     )14.A.outstanding
(     )15.A.happy
(     )16.A.caused
(     )17.A.answered
(     )18.A.nothing
(     )19.A.showed
(     )20.A.sad

B.felt like
B.listen to

C.thought back
C.tell to

D.looked for
D.care about


     It was a terribly rainy wet winter day.While I was walking from the library after getting
my University applications (申请) for next year at the end of my lunch break,a man was
walking towards me with two huge boxes of brochures (小册子).
     I thought,"What on earth is that man trying to do?Carry all those things?" Then all of a
sudden he dropped them all!It was a terrible mess with hundreds of brochures all over the
 path in front of me!"Oh,no," I thought.The man sat down and started trying to pick all
of the brochures up.I couldn"t believe how many people walked on by without even
caring at all.
     I thought,"I"m not going to be one of those people who don"t care about this man.I"m
going to help him."So,even though it was the end of my lunch break from work and I would
 be late if I stopped to help him,I didn"t mind.If I explained what happened,I was sure my
boss wouldn"t mind too much.So,I helped him pick them all up.Then I asked if he would
like a hand in carrying a box to where he went.He said yes gratefully.
     I carried one of the heavy boxes.The box I had to carry was very heavy-as I"m quite
a petite (娇小的) girl-but I didn"t complain.I just helped him with a big smile across my
face.We got there and he thanked me very much for helping him out.He also gave me one
of these lovely brochures about all the walks in and around the Bay of Plenty.
     What is a better way to spend my lunchtime than helping someone?Luckily,I wasn"t that
late back to work,so nobody minded at all!

     Being positive is very important.So I often__1__my son to be positive.But one day I was caught not
__2__what I often tell him to do.
     My son is 7 years old and he was__3__a show to be put on at his school.He was playing the role of
an angel.On the evening before the show,he asked me,"Mom,can we__4__angels?" As usual,I seized (抓住) the__5__to teach him to be positive and I said,"Yes,__6__only those who are perfect,and think and
talk positively can." He asked,"You must have seen them then?"
     I was__7__for a few seconds,not knowing what to say.I was touched by his__8__that his mother was a perfect person.He looked into my eyes,__9__a positive answer.I chose to be__10__with him and told
him,"__11__.I"ve not been a good person all the time." I was almost__12__to admit this to him.I thought
that his__13__of a perfect mother would now surely be torn into pieces.But he__14__it positively and
said,"It"s alright.You know to try to be better__15__." I smiled as I replied,"That"s__16__.Sometimes,we might make a__17__,but when we do,we must always try to do better."
     My son"s__18__struck me right in my heart and are always with me.I__19__a good lesson that day "to always try to be better".This will always__20__me in all situations where I"ll need to be positive.
(     )1. A.paid        
(     )2. A.saying      
(     )3. A.going through
(     )4. A.describe    
(     )5. A.feeling      
(     )6. A.but          
(     )7. A.pleased      
(     )8. A.thought      
(     )9. A.making      
(     )10. A.wrong      
(     )11. A.N o        
(     )12. A.glad        
(     )13. A.description  
(     )14. A.finished    
(     )15. A.in the future
(     )16. A.right      
(     )17. A.plan        
(     )18. A.words      
(     )19. A.taught      
(     )20. A.hurt        
B. refuse        
B. sharing        
B. preparing for  
B. draw          
B. attitude      
B. so            
B. interested    
B. behavior      
B. expecting      
B. angry          
B. Sure          
B. surprised      
B. speech        
B. took          
B. again and again
B. fine          
B. decision      
B. performances  
B. learnt        
B. protect        
C. worry      
C. doing      
C. turning to  
C. invite    
C. chance    
C. because    
C. excited    
C. dream      
C. trying    
C. strict    
C. OK        
C. relaxed    
C. picture    
C. caught    
C. from now on
C. impossible  
C. difference  
C. joy        
C. organized  
C. help      
D. encourage  
D. explaining  
D. looking for
D. see        
D. method      
D. if          
D. quiet      
D. story      
D. choosing    
D. honest      
D. Great      
D. embarrassed
D. idea        
D. changed    
D. at times    
D. unnecessary
D. mistake    
D. progress    
D. created    
D. find