当前位置:高中试题 > 英语试题 > 题材分类 >      When one of Ullman"s grandsons, Jonas Rosenfield, Jr. was having dinner in ...
     When one of Ullman"s grandsons, Jonas Rosenfield, Jr. was having dinner in Japan a few years ago,
"Youth" came up in conversation, Rosenfield told his dinner companion, a Japanese business leader, that
the author was his grandfather. The news was staggering.
     " "You are the grandson of Samuel Ullman?" he kept repeating," says Rosenfield, head of the American Film Marketing Association. "He couldn"t get over it."
     Then the executive pulled a copy of "Youth" from his pocket and told Rosenfield, "I carry it with me
     Three years ago, several hundred top businessmen and government leaders gathered in Tokyo and
Osaka to celebrate their admiration of Ullman"s "Youth". Konosuke Matsushita, founder of the Panasonic Company, said "Youth" has been his motto for 20 years."
     Someone asked, "Why don"t Americans love "Youth" as much as we do? It sends a message about
how to live beautifully to men and women, old and young alike."
     Samuel Ullman was born in 1840 in Germany and came to this country as a boy. He fought in the
civil War and settled in Birmingham, Ala. He was a hardware businessman with a liking for public service
that continues 67 years after his death. In the last few years more than $36,000 from Japanese royalties (皇室) on a book and a cassette reading of his work has gone to a University of Alabama at Birmingham
scholarship fund. Not bad for a man who started writing in his 70s.1. What does "Youth" refer to?A. a newspaper        
B. a magazine      
C. a notebook      
D. an essay2. What does the underlined sentence mean?A. The news is not true.
B. The news is exciting.
C. The news is shocking
D. The news is useful.3. Which of the following statements is RIGHT?A. The Japanese like "Youth" better than the American
B. Japanese royalties recorded "Youth" on a tape.
C. "Youth" is a book about public service.
D. "Youth" has a great effect only on businessmen and leaders4. What can you infer from the passage?A. The two men met to discuss "Youth".
B. The American was trying to find a copy of "Youth".
C. The Japanese was trying to find the author of "Youth".
D. Perhaps Rosenfield"s mother was Ullman"s daughter.
1-4: DCAD
试题【     When one of Ullman"s grandsons, Jonas Rosenfield, Jr. was having dinner in 】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
     One hot night last July, when our new baby wouldn"t or couldn"t sleep, I tried everything I could think
of: a warm bottle, songs, gentle rocking. Nothing would settle him. Guessing that I had a long night ahead
of me, I brought a portable TV into his room, thinking that watching the late movie was as good a way as
any to kill off the hours until dawn. To my surprise, as soon as the TV lit up, the baby quieted right down,
his little eyes focused brightly on the tube. Not to waste an opportunity for sleep, I then tip-toed out of
the room, leaving him to watch the actors celebrate John Bellushi"s forty-fifth birthday.
     My wife and I heard no more of the baby that night, and the next morning when I went into his room,
I found him still watching TV himself.
     I found in my baby"s behaviour a metaphor(隐喻,暗喻)for the new generation. My wife and I
had given him some books to examine, but he merely spit(吐液)upon them. When we read to him,
he did not feel comfortable. And so it is in the schools. We find that our students don"t read, that they
look down upon reading and scold those of us who teach it. All they want to do is watch TV. After this
experience with the baby, however, I have reached a conclusion: "Let them watch it!" If television is that
much more attractive to children than books, why should we fight it? Let them watch it all they want!1. From the passage we know that the author is a(n) _____.A. doctor      
B. editor      
C. writer      
D. teacher2. Why did the writer bring the portable TV into his baby’s room.A. To amuse his baby
B. To entertain himself
C. To enjoy a celebration
D. To help fall asleep3. What is the writer"s purpose of writing this passage?A. To show that babies now are hard to please.  
B. To show a new function of TV
C. To advise people to let children watch TV.  
D. To show the bad influence of TV on children.4. What do you think the author wants to express through the last two sentences?A. People have no way to prevent children from watching too much TV.
B. It is not necessary for people to force children to read.
C. People have to take action to protect children from the bad influence of TV.
D. People should try to develop children"s interest in reading from an early age.
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     In her sixth period today, Mrs. Cox has taught a poem by a well-known black writer in the United
States. She wrote the poem on the blackboard and read it aloud.  
     No sooner had she finished reading the poem than students" questions began pouring in. One boy said
the poem was heart-breakingly sad. Another student, a girl, said she had read a book by the same writer, but she wasn"t able to enjoy it as much as her mother did, and she didn"t know why. A third, a keen
viewer of TV theatre, recognized a phrase in the poem which had been used as the title of a recent play.
As she answered the questions, Mrs. Cox made sure that her students understood every line of the
poem.  he  asked  them  to  discuss  if  the  poem  contained  any  message.  The discussion became so
lively that no one wanted to stop when the bell rang. Some said there was no message, some said it didn"t
really matter, and the class ended at that.  
     As she drove home, Mrs. Cox thought about the class she had just left. Today she could feel good
about what she had accomplished as a teacher. None of her students looked bored. Every one of them
seemed interested in the poem. Once they started to talk, they forget about the time. She did not have
to make them learn? she only had to answer their questions and to guide the discussion. This, she thought
to herself, is what teaching is all about! 
1. Mrs.Cox was a ________  
A. writer      
B. poet        
C. teacher      
D. poet and teacher  

2. One of the students said_____________  
A. the poem wasn"t sad at all  
B. she wasn"t able to enjoy the poem as much as her mother did  
C. he recognized a phrase in the poem which had been used as a title of a  recent play  
D. he understood every line of the poem  

3. Which of the following is Wrong?  
A. The writer of the poem had written a book.  
B. A student often went to a TV theatre.  
C. Every student was excited when discussing the poem.  
D. The discussion ended before the bell rang.  
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     If you were to walk up to Arthur Bonnet and say, "Hey, Butterfly Man," his face would break into a
smile. The title suits him. And he loves it.
     Arthur Bonnet works with the Palos Verdes blue butterfly, once thought to have died out. Today the
butterfly is coming back thanks to him. But years ago if you"d told him this was what he"d be doing
someday, he would have laughed, "You"re crazy." As a boy, he used to be a little tough guy on the
streets". At age thirteen, he was caught by police stealing. At eighteen, he landed in prison for shooting
a man.
     "I knew it had hurt my mom," Bonner said after he got out of prison. "So I told myself I would not
put my morn through that pain again."
     One day he met Professor Mattoni, who was working to rebuild the habitat for an endangered
butterfly called E1 Segundo blue.
     "I saw the sign "Butterfly Habitat" and asked, "How can you have a habitat when the butterflies can
just fly away?"" Bonner recalls. "Dr. Mattoni laughed and handed me a magnifying glass (放大镜) ,
"Look at the leaves. " I could see all these caterpillars (蝴蝶的幼虫) on the plant. Dr Mattoni explained, "Without the plant, there are no butterflies. ""
     Weeks later, Bonner received a call from Dr. Mattoni, who told him there was a butterfly that needed
help. That was how he met the Palos Verdes blue. Since then he"s been working for four years to help
bring the butterfly back. He grows astragals, the only plant the butterfly eats. He collects butterflies and
brings them into a lab to lay eggs. Then he puts new butterflies into the habitat.
     The butterfly"s population, once almost zero, is now up to 900. For their work, Bonner and Dr.
Mattoni received lots of awards. But for Bonnet, he earned something more: he turned his life around.
     For six years now Bonnet has kept his promise to stay out of prison. While he"s bringing back the
Palos Verdes blue, the butterfly has helped bring him back, too.

1. When he was young, Arthur Bonner
A. broke the law and ended up in prisonB. was fond of shooting and hurt his morn
C. often offered necessary help to other people
D. often caught butterflies and took them home

2. Bonner came to know the Palos Verdes blue after he ______.
A. found the butterfly had died outB. won many prizes from his professor
C. met Dr. Mattoni, a professor of biology
D. collected butterflies and put them into a lab

3. From the last sentence of the text, we learn that raising butterflies has ______
A. made Bonner famous
B. changed Bonner"s life
C. brought Bonner wealth
D. enriched Bonner"s knowledge

4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. A Promise to Morn
B. A Man Saved by Butterflies
C. A Story of Butterflies
D. A Job Offered by Dr. Mattoni
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
阅读理解     "You know, these cups bring to mind a tea quote (说法) I heard. " Mary"s aunt said.
     She poured tea. There were four of them and there were four totally different cups on the table. They
grabbed their tea cups.
     "What quote?" Mary asked.
     "Well, maybe I should rather say it is a story," Aunt said, "I heard there was this wise teacher who
took all his students for tea. They were surprised that all the cups on the table were different. They all
took a cup and started drinking their tea, each looking at the cups of others. The teacher let them do that
for a while and then said: "Do you notice your behaviors? You are all looking at each other"s tea cup and
I can see some of you with the chipped (残缺的) ones are even envious of the finer cups of others. Is
this not so?" The students agreed, amused by their own behaviors.  
     "You may have wondered why you all had different cups, but I put them here on purpose. You see —
they represent life itself. Life is, like that tea — and the cups are like the physical circumstances of your
life. You all got the same thing in your cup — tea. And yet you cannot truly enjoy it in your envy of
another"s cup. It"s just the same with life. You forget to enjoy your own life when you concentrate on
envying the circumstances of someone else"s life.
     So now, close your eyes, and taste your own tea. Really taste it. And tell me — Did it matter from
which cup it came?"
     Aunt finished telling her short tea story and they all sat in silence for a while, savoring (品味) their tea. A sleepy fly buzzed past; a bird sang in the tree. And it really did not matter one bit from which tea cup
they drank.1. When the students found that they had different tea cups, they ______.A. were satisfied with their own cups
B. were angry about the chipped cups they had been given
C. asked the teacher to get new cups for them
D. were curious about the difference between the cups2. From the text, we can conclude that ______.A. the teacher prepared different tea cups for each student
B. the teacher should have given the students the same tea cups
C. the chipped tea cups were actually made of better materials
D. each student took their rime to choose a cup they liked3. By comparing the cups to the physical circumstances of people"s lives, the teacher meant that people
______.A. shouldn"t focus on the physical circumstances only
B. can"t change their physical circumstances
C. should try different ways of life
D. should always be prepared for strange things in life4. The teacher"s message to the students was that ______.A. life is actually hard and boring for everyone
B. it is natural to be envious of the lives of others
C. everyone should learn to enjoy life
D. people act differently in different circumstances
题型:安徽省模拟题难度:| 查看答案
完形填空。     David, my neighbor, has two young kids who are five and seven. One day he was   1  his
seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower(割草机) around the yard. As he was
telling him how to turn the mower   2  , his wife, Jan, called to him to ask a question. As David
answered the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower   3  through the flower bed at the edge
of the lawn -   4  a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!
    When David turned back and saw what had happened, he began to lose   5   . David had
put a lot of time and   6   into making those flower beds the  7  of the neighbourhood. As he
began to  8   his voice to his son, Jan walked quickly over to him, put her hand on his shoulder
and said, "David, please remember we are raising children, not  9  !"
    Jan  10   me how important  11   is as a parent to remember our priorities (things that need
attention before others). The window shattered(打碎) by a   12   , a lamp knocked over by a
careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen are already   13   . The flowers are already
dead. We must remember not to   14    to the destruction by breaking a child"s spirit and
deadening his  15   .
    A few weeks ago Mark Michaels, the owner of a store, and I were together   16   parenting.
He told me while his family were out for dinner, his daughter knocked over her water glass.
   17   the water was cleaned up without any blaming remarks from her parents, she looked up
and said, "I    18   want to thank you for not being like other parents. Most of my friends" parents
  19   have shouted at them and given them a lecture about paying more attention. Thanks for not
    20   that!"(     )1.A. teaching
(     )2.A. up
(     )3.A. nearly
(     )4.A. leaving
(     )5.A. hope
(     )6.A. strength
(     )7.A. pride
(     )8.A. rise
(     )9.A. flowers
(     )10.A. called
(     )11.A. this
(     )12.A. mower
(     )13.A.broken
(     )14.A. attend
(     )15.A. happiness
(     )16.A. talking
(     )17.A. Before
(     )18.A. really
(     )19.A. should
(     )20.A. sayingB. helping
B. around
B. even
B. staying
B. control
B. effort
B. respect
B. expand
B. trees
B. reminded
B. that
B. baseball
B. shabby
B. tend
B. liveliness
B. speaking
B. After
B. actually
B. need
B. doingC. looking at
C. down
C. almost
C. remaining
C. mind
C. power
C. envy
C. improve
C. grass
C. warned
C. it
C. chair
C. torn
C. add
C. bravery
C. telling
C. Until
C. eventually
C. would
C. thinkingD. asking    
D. over      
D. right      
D. finding    
D. heart      
D. courage    
D. honor      
D. raise      
D. vegetables
D. told      
D. one        
D. book      
D. worn      
D. see        
D. humor      
D. discussing
D. Since      
D. especially
D. must      
D. Showing    
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