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阅读理解     A Japanese student called Mami told me about her ownexperiences in Britain.She spent 10 months
in the UK last year, studying English at a language school.She really enjoyed her first two weeks in the
UK.But soon she started to miss things of her own country.She found it hard to make friends,and got
annoyed(恼火的) about local people"s behaviour.Mami said,"After a few weeks I started to cry a lot.
I felt homesick.I thought the weather was dark and too changeable,and that affected my mood as well."
    To comfort herself Mami began to spend many hours on the Internet chatting with her friends back
home.She spent a couple of weeks in the countryside in Kent.She went to a social club for British
people who were interested in Japan and started to make some friends there.In addition,  she took a
short course in calligraphy(书法)to get an opportunity of mixing with local people.A few months later,
Mami"s impression of the UK had greatly changed.She found that most of the British were friendly,
witty and fun.
      However,once Mami was back in Japan,she experienced "culture shock"again.She said,"I missed
the friends I had made in England.My way of thinking had changed.Sometimes I was annoyed by the
views of people in my country-for example,about the value of money and time.I thought people around
me lived in such a small world."Mami noticed some changes in her behaviour:"I kept the habit of always
carrying an umbrella with me, even on a fine day-my friends  thought I was crazy!"

1. How did Mami feel at the beginning of her stay in Britain?
A. Shocked.  
B. Annoyed.
C. Pleased.  
D. Homesick.

2. The second paragraph tells us ________.
A. how Mami overcame culture shock in Britain
B. how Mami felt as soon as she arrived in Britain
C. what Mami learned in her language school
D. what Mami liked and disliked about Britain

3. The reason why Mami had the habit of carrying an umbrella was that ________.
A. she liked umbrellas very much
B. the umbrella reminded her of her life in the UK
C. she had got used to the changeable weather in Britain
D. it often rained in Japan those days

4. Why did Mami experience culture shock in Japan?
A. She didn"t like Japanese culture any more.
B. The world in Japan was too small for her.
C. The Japanese behaviour had changed a lot.
D. She had got used to British culture and life.
1-4: CACD
试题【阅读理解     A Japanese student called Mami told me about her ownexperiences in Brit】;主要考察你对题材分类等知识点的理解。[详细]
完形填空     In the depths of my memory, many things I did with my father still live.These things have come to
represent,in fact,what I call__1__and love.
      I don"t remember my father ever getting into a swimming pool.But he did__2__the water.Any kind
of __3__ride seemed to give him pleasure.__4__ he loved to fish;sometimes he took me along.
      But I never really liked being on the water, the way my father __5__.I liked being at the water,
moving through it,__6__it all around me.I was not a strong__7__, or one who learned to swim early,
for I had my__8__.But I loved being in the swimming pool close to my father"s office and__9__those
summer days with my father,who  10   come by on a break.I needed him to see what I could do.My
father would stand there in his suit, the  11   person not in swimsuit.
      After swimming, I would go  12   his office and sit on the wooden chair in front of his big desk,
where he let me  13   anything I found in his top desk drawer.Sometimes,if I was left alone at his desk
   14   he worked in the lab, an assistant or a student might come in and tell me perhaps I shouldn"t be
playing with his  15   . But my father always   16   and said easily,"Oh, no, it"s  17   ."Sometimes he
handed me coins and told me to get  18  an ice cream…
      A poet once said,"We look at life once, in childhood; the rest is  19   ."And I think it is not only
what we "look at once, in childhood" that determines our memories,  20   the person who, in that
childhood, looks at us.
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1. A. desire      
(     )2. A. avoid        
(     )3. A. boat        
(     )4. A. But          
(     )5. A. expected    
(     )6. A. having      
(     )7. A. swimmer      
(     )8. A. hopes        
(     )9. A. spending    
(     )10. A. should      
(     )11. A. next        
(     )12. A. away from  
(     )13. A. put up      
(     )14. A. the moment  
(     )15. A. fishing net
(     )16. A. stood up    
(     )17. A. fine        
(     )18. A. the student
(     )19. A. memory      
(     )20. A. as          
B. joy            
B. refuse        
B. bus            
B. Then          
B. desired        
B. to leave      
B. rider          
B. faiths        
B. saving        
B. would          
B. only          
B. out of        
B. break down    
B. the first time
B. office things  
B. set out        
B. strange        
B. the assistant  
B. wealth        
B. but            
C. anger        
C. praise        
C. train        
C. And          
C. wished        
C. make          
C. walker        
C. rights        
C. wasting      
C. had to        
C. other        
C. by            
C. play with    
C. while        
C. wooden chair  
C. showed up    
C. terrible      
C. myself        
C. experience    
C. or            
D. worry        
D. love          
D. bike          
D. Still        
D. did          
D. get          
D. runner        
D. fears        
D. ruining      
D. ought to      
D. last          
D. inside        
D. work out      
D. before        
D. lab equipment
D. turned out    
D. well          
D. himself      
D. practice      
D. and          

     The measure of a man"s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out.
-Thomas Macaulay。
     Some thirty years ago, I was studying in a public school in New York. One day, Mrs Nanette O"Neill
gave an arithmetic__1__to our class. When the papers were__2__,she discovered that twelve boys had
made the same mistakes throughout the test.
     "There is really nothing new about__3__in the exams. Perhaps that was why Mrs O"Neill__4__even
say a word about it. She only asked the twelve boys to__5__after class. I was one of the twelve.
Mrs O"Neill asked__6__questions, and she didn"t__7__us either." She wrote on the blackboard the
__8__words by Thomas Macaulay. She then ordered us to__9__these words into our exercisebooks
one hundred times.
     I don"t__10__about the other eleven boys. Speaking for myself I can say: it was the most important
single__11__of my life. Thirty years after being introduced to Macaulay"s words, they__12__seem to me
the best yardstick(准绳), because they give me a__13__to measure myself rather than others.__14__of us
are asked to make__15__decisions about nations going to war or armies going to battle. But all of us are
called__16__daily to make a great many personal decisions.__17__the wallet, found in the street, be put
into a pocket or turned over to the policeman? Should the__18__change received at the store be forgotten
or__19__? Nobody will know except__20__. But you have to live with yourself, and it is always better to
live with someone you respect。

(     )  1.A. test  
(     )  2.A. examined
(     )  3.A. lying  
(     )  4.A. didn"t  
(     )  5.A. come    
(     )  6.A. no      
(     )  7.A. excuse  
(     )  8.A. above  
(     )  9.A. repeat  
(     )10.A.worry    
(     )11.A. chance  
(     )12.A. even    
(     )13.A. way    
(     )14.A. All    
(     )15.A. quick  
(     )16.A. out    
(     )17.A. Should  
(     )18.A. extra  
(     )19.A. paid    
(     )20.A. me      
B. problem  
B. completed  
B. cheating    
B. did        
B. leave      
B. certain    
B. reject      
B. common      
B. get        
B. know        
B. incident    
B. still      
B. sentence    
B. Few        
B. wise        
B. for        
B. Must        
B. small      
B. remembered  
B. you        
C. paper    
C. marked    
C. guessing  
C. would      
C. remain    
C. many      
C. help      
C. following  
C. put        
C. hear      
C. lesson    
C. always    
C. choice    
C. Some      
C. great      
C. up        
C. Would      
C. some      
C. shared    
C. us        
D. lesson        
D. answered      
D. discussing    
D. wouldn"t      
D. apologize    
D. more          
D. scold        
D. unusual      
D. copy          
D. talk          
D. memory        
D. almost        
D. reason        
D. None          
D. personal      
D. upon          
D. Need          
D. necessary    
D. returned      
D. then          
     As a music teacher, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can__1_all kinds of barriers
to reach students in a very special way.It can be the __2_for each child to find their light. I would like to
__3__a story about it.
     For a few years I was__4_with the opportunity to teach disabled students.One of my most __5_
students was a fiveyearold girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We
__6_sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to__7_ on my lap(大腿). One of her
favorite songs was John the Rabbit.It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the
students__8_twice while singing the repeating phrase, "Oh, yes" Vanessa liked to__9_ her hands
together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and
I clapping together.But she  10  said or sang a word.
     One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around,  11   me in the eye, clapped her tiny
hands twice and said the words,"Oh, yes!"I opened my mouth in  12  and for that moment I was the one
who could not speak.When my heart  13   started beating again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to
find her also   14  . Through music, we had made an awesome connection.
     Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town.She waved with a big  15   on her face and
then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had  16  so many times in our music class.The little
girl,  17    her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever.Every child has the
 18  to learn and grow. It is up to us to 19   the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all
must find each child"s  20  .
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
题型:同步题难度:| 查看答案
(     )1.A. get across    
(     )2.A. means          
(     )3.A. add            
(     )4.A. blessed        
(     )5.A. troublesome    
(     )6.A. hardly        
(     )7.A. stand          
(     )8.A. sang          
(     )9.A. strike        
(     )10.A. ever          
(     )11.A. looked        
(     )12.A. horror        
(     )13.A. immediately  
(     )14.A. happy        
(     )15.A. greeting      
(     )16.A. performed    
(     )17.A. upon          
(     )18.A. standard      
(     )19.A. discover      
(     )20.A. virtue        
B. put away    
B. direction    
B. talk        
B. tired        
B. hardworking  
B. almost      
B. sit          
B. said        
B. put          
B. never        
B. saw          
B. delight      
B. fortunately  
B. grateful    
B. smile        
B. operated    
B. through      
B. ability      
B. invent      
B. dream        
C. take over    
C. process      
C. share        
C. covered      
C. memorable    
C. nearly      
C. lie          
C. followed    
C. give        
C. still        
C. glared      
C. astonishment
C. slowly      
C. speechless  
C. expression  
C. trained      
C. from        
C. plan        
C. test        
C. light        
D. break through    
D. effort            
D. write            
D.  filled            
D.  sensitive        
D. mostly            
D. jump              
D. clapped          
D. shake            
D. even              
D. noticed          
D. embarrassment    
D. finally          
D. hopeless          
D. sign              
D. organized        
D. beyond            
D. necessity        
D. make              
D. rhythm            
     I was off to go back to work one evening when I saw my two children were busy sewing things on the sewing machine. My 11yearold daughter was, in the midst of her project, going to assist her elder brother
in making a little cushion. I left, and after a few hours returned to find a mess in the kitchen and in the front room, and both children sitting in front of the television.
     Having had a long day, I was too tired to greet them and then I noticed the material my daughter had
used. It had been purchased to make a colorcoordinated (颜色协调的) baby blanket, and now had
chunks (块) cut out of almost every piece of fabric. Not stopping to listen, I exploded at the children and
explained how angry I was at what had been done.
     My daughter listened to me sheepishly, not trying to defend herself at all, but the pain could be seen
written across her face. She retreated to her room, and spent some time there alone before she came out
to say good night and once again apologized for the mistake she had made.
     A few hours later, as I was preparing to go to bed, I found that there on my bed lay a beautiful, little
cushion made out of the forbidden fabric, with the words "I LOVE MOM". Alongside it was a note
apologizing again, and the innocence in which she had taken the fabric.
      To this day, I still get tears in my eyes when I think of how I reacted and still feel the pain of my
actions. It was I who then went to her and apologized for my actions. I display with great pride the
cushion on my bed, and constantly use it to remind me that nothing in this world is greater than a child"s

1. The underlined word can be replaced by "________".
A. hopefully came up  
B. hopefully went back
C. quietly came up  
D. quietly went back

2. What did the children do?
A. They cut out the material and made it into a baby blanket.
B. They cut the material into pieces and used them to clean the TV set.
C. They cut the material into pieces on which they wrote apologizing words.
D. They made a cushion with the material to show their love for Mom.

3. What can be inferred from the text?
A. The two children are good at sewing.
B. The two children are introverted (内向的).
C. The mother is often rude to her children.
D. The mother is regretful for what she did.

4. The passage is mainly to tell about________.
A. a mom"s tears  
B. a mom"s love
C. a child"s love  
D. a child"s complaint
     A passenger told an air hostess that he needed a cup of water to take his medicine when the plane
just took off.She told him that she would__1__the water in ten minutes.
     Thirty minutes later, when the passenger"s ring for__2__sounded, the air hostess realized it at once.
She was kept so__3__that she forgot to deliver him the__4__.As a result, the passenger was__5__to
take his medicine.She hurried over to him__6__a cup of water, but to her surprise he__7__it.
     In the following hours on the__8__, each time the air hostess passed by the__9__, she would ask
him with a  10   whether he needed help or not.But the passenger   11   paid attention to her words.
     When he was going to get  12    the plane, the passenger asked the air hostess to   13    him the
passengers" booklet(意见簿). She was very   14   .She knew that he would write down  15    words,
which might result in the loss of her job.  16    with a smile she handed it to him.
     Off the plane, she  17    the booklet and cracked a smile,    18   the passenger put it, "On the flight,
you asked me whether I need help or not for twelve times   19  . How can I refuse your twelve sincere
      That"s  20   ! Who can refuse twelve sincere smiles from a person?
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(     )1. A. take        
(     )2. A. food        
(     )3. A. tired      
(     )4. A. water      
(     )5. A. held on    
(     )6. A. for        
(     )7. A. refused    
(     )8. A. seat        
(     )9. A. customer    
(     )10. A. glance    
(     )11. A. never      
(     )12. A. on        
(     )13. A. hand      
(     )14. A. glad      
(     )15. A. important  
(     )16. A. So        
(     )17. A. hid        
(     )18. A. if        
(     )19. A. in all    
(     )20. A. wrong      
B. bring      
B. drink      
B. silent    
B. help      
B. held up    
B. about      
B. accepted  
B. air        
B. passenger  
B. look      
B. often      
B. to        
B. take      
B. angry      
B. sharp      
B. Because    
B. tore      
B. for        
B. above all  
B. wonderful  
C. carry        
C. service      
C. calm        
C. milk        
C. held out    
C. with        
C. liked        
C. floor        
C. guest        
C. smile        
C. always      
C. off          
C. throw        
C. curious      
C. polite      
C. And          
C. opened      
C. after        
C. or else      
C. impossible  
D. hold        
D. medicine    
D. busy        
D. warning    
D. held down  
D. in          
D. hated      
D. flight      
D. visitor    
D. cry        
D. seldom      
D. from        
D. lend        
D. sad        
D. nice        
D. But        
D. closed      
D. when        
D. or so      
D. right